
Variation Quotes

There are 765 quotes

"This is my classic New York black and white cookie. In the book, I have a little bit of a spin on it; it's my blue and white that are like lemon and blueberry. A great variation, it's a really fun cookie to make. Is it cake, is it a cookie? It doesn't matter."
"Sometimes you'll be reading a manuscript, and the same word will occur three times within a couple of lines, and the scribe will spell the same word three different ways."
"Sometimes you've got to change it up. You can't just fill a city with just like the same build all the time."
"Dead Space 2 never stays on one note for too long, always has something exciting up its sleeve."
"Intelligent exercise selection is important, but don't get distracted by too much variation."
"Variation within the basic fundamentals of compound movements... where sort of the best results can be found."
"But somehow never where you're looking it repeats and repeats and repeats always a little different sometimes long sometimes short yet always fundamentally the same."
"Contrast or perhaps we could call it variation is what makes things interesting."
"Now some of the building has more higher layers, some of the building has smaller layers, just a bit of change but makes this a bit more interesting."
"A great melody will usually repeat a couple of times and then change to either go up or down."
"Non-chord tones are an excellent way for composers and songwriters to decorate their music."
"Evolution is a process in which there's almost infinite variation and then a culling."
"This style is a great variation on the more mayo-based classic, in my opinion, and it's perfect for a grill out where bratwursts are gonna be featured."
"You could probably go crazy and add some nutmeg to this to get a little different holiday flavor."
"It's interesting to think that everyone experiences sensations slightly different at some slightly different degree."
"The less teeth you put on a gear, the more accentuated that tooth form is."
"The template was always people forcing a natural variation into categories."
"Your spider web can totally look different than mine; it can have a different shape."
"I'm sure nobody's gonna sit here; I don't think there are two spider webs alike in this world."
"I think the Spanish is pretty same, but you have two words different than usual."
"Every night is a different performance, even though it is the same music in the same show."
"Every episode does bring something different to the table."
"It does have different textures of brush bristle here."
"It's really important that you have the same item in the same color but in different fabric weights."
"When things are the same, you got no surprises."
"They range in size far far more than do other fofor lineages."
"The differences between people in the population and how tall they are is due in large part, not entirely, but in large part to their genes."
"Autism can have many symptoms and may vary widely from person to person."
"...belly can be turned into many different kinds of bacon... so many different kinds of things."
"Depending on the moment, depending on the day."
"Not only did Donruss include lots of Nolan Ryan in their blood red 1990 set, they also gave us some variations."
"I'm not trying to overuse these anymore than I'm trying to overuse a single sound or a single beat or a single pattern."
"We finally decided that this would be the year we will forgo our traditional Easter pastiera and instead make a few of these different variations"
"It's all the same, it's just different aspects of the unfolding of life."
"...we're just as happy to hear a song and one key as we already hear it in another, so earlier i did happy birthday in the key of c and i did it in the key of a flat and both ways sound perfectly acceptable."
"Less barbells more dumbbells, and my physique just changed by the direction of the type of training."
"Stuffed chicken breast is an easy way to change up flavors you can play around with herbs and other ingredients."
"If you don't have Rotel, you can add a can of stewed tomatoes. It's just as good, y'all."
"Love the music again and again, it just comes back to my point, the difference, the variation in music is just so so clever in this."
"We think variation is awesome but we also think you should milk everything you can out of your variants."
"I try and change around the speed a lot more."
"There's also different degrees of maid cafes."
"We think of summer as bountiful, but even in this season of plenty, slight local variations in climate can massively change."
"If you like steak or shrimp fried rice, just replace the chicken with either of these."
"Not all sales jobs are created equal... some jobs are going to be better than others."
"Try something else, you get remarkably different results."
"There's a difference between a cinnamon roll and just a spoonful of raw cinnamon. There's a range of cinnamon."
"Sometimes you do want that slight variation so for the great singers imitating a crowd is really difficult because they can't sing out of pitch enough."
"Alright, everybody, welcome back. Now, maybe I would like to start by something else this time."
"Can't believe I only discovered a Spanish latte this year so good I've never had a Spanish latte with almond milk I usually just get with oat milk but let's try something different today."
"Why do some diabetics have mild cases with almost no symptoms and other diabetics have everything?"
"The small differences in the crust or the type of cheese or how you're cooking it really can make a very, very different experience."
"So, a couple of different variations here. Variation one is just to keep your knees slightly bent and look forward. Variation two is you're holding onto the left foot with your right hand and your left arm reaches towards the back of your mat."
"Different types of depression respond to different treatments."
"21s do have a time and place, and you can do them on most movements if you want to."
"Two different versions of Mysterio that came out, one with the more classic comic styling."
"Not every transistor's like that, but some of them are. Just be aware of that when you order these things."
"there had to be literally millions of other even wackier variants in the Deadpool Wars we saw so many other versions of the lovable and vulgar murk with a mouth."
"Every single day is different. Every single day progresses you throughout the phases."
"It's more variation. Because of the low frequencies, it was all these waves in the room. Here, it's more about seeing, hearing into the recording, what happens in front of you."
"It was a blast getting to make each of the costumes look a little bit different."
"Maybe yours ends up being a little bit different than mine."
"Every single trim of the Camry is different... there's only four trims now... and they all have different looks."
"Sometimes they're white, and I like to paint them. Sometimes they're wood, and I paint them."
"Maybe this one turns out a little bit more blue, maybe this one turns out a little bit more magenta."
"Just remember, straight away, it doesn't matter if some of that orange shows through, having that variation is only a good thing."
"I'm going to add a teeny bit of brown."
"It's a completely different story."
"$80 which is $100 less than the Tony Bianco shoe so just to give you some variation in price point this one still definitely works."
"I love having you guys come two years in a row because then you can really kind of see how I change things every year. I like to mix stuff up all the time."
"Some of it is [ __ ] atrocious, yeah, but some of it is fantastic."
"Don't worry about streaks; they add variation."
"The training varies a great deal from pretty well trained to 'you know, just shut up and get on the truck' kind of attitude."
"I could put another layer of trees in there. There's so many different twists and turns you could do with something like this."
"That keeps it interesting and keeps it from being kind of like rote."
"...something a little bit different."
"Let's try something a little different."
"Nothing goes up or down in a straight line."
"...it definitely helps to separate the red."
"...to get the yellow leg and of course the yellow arms I just think that it adds some variation to Devastator."
"I have literally never seen a truck especially these trucks roll in and it be the same from side to side."
"The variation of the queens is really gorgeous. I mean look how dark this one is."
"And where you’re gonna fall in that could be anywhere on either of those extremes, or somewhere closer to the middle."
"Every time I would hit a shot, I would try to vary it."
"There's really no other magical thing that you change. Now, people will argue and say, 'Well yeah, but you could change the voltage.' The voltage could vary, and that is true. That is true. That's not generally what goes on though."
"I hope you guys like what I'm doing, anyway... I just try to sustain quality, I'm not necessarily trying to do the exact same thing over and over again."
"Finding different ways to say the same thing is really important if you want people to hear a message."
"Jesus is teaching us when you go into pray, find a different way to do it every time you do it."
"The TR version does have a slightly different look and that's all going to be centered around the wheels of this vehicle."
"Having a variety of pacing is key."
"It's not like every day is a good day."
"Cooking is not rocket science folks. We're not sending a man on the moon, we're just making a little bit too, so it's okay if it's a tad different every time we make it."
"I do like that there's a new villain, Gaka, who freezes New York under all that ice so it doesn't have to be Gozer all the time."
"Consistency is key. No, no it is sometimes key, but not today."
"Work at a natural pace. That's not very natural. Humans aren't good at that. We need more variation. We need Sprints and rest. We need Seasons."
"The nightmare batsuit: An instant classic."
"Everything on here so far has been held on with a different nut and washer and bolt combo. They're all different size washers, all different size bolts, all different size nuts."
"We're all doing this differently and it is all subjective for the most part."
"Things are going to be done a little bit differently tonight. Not only do we have our main menu, but they also handed us our dessert menu as well."
"This is another side to bodybuilding."
"When it comes to shape, I think that there are so many possibilities."
"For shoulder exercises, you gotta have some variation of a lateral raise."
"With a single large family, you have enough variation to create hierarchy while keeping a minimal design."
"Pretty much all of my and obviously this will this will vary because some people are so fair that they burn probably no matter what they do."
"But when you don't have that, you know, that constant changing of exercises is like... That's still mental stress on them."
"Variation works in the same way... making small changes can be all you need to stay on track with your goals."
"You can start to find the things that you always do and rotate them start in one direction or the other and get something new that's the same relationship but gives you a whole new palette of colors to work with."
"I just have to mix it up a bit, and voila!"
"Because stuffed cabbage is essentially some grain and some other filling wrapped in a leaf and then braised, I've always thought that there could be a million variations of it."
"The reason I'm having you hold something in your hands to boost your workout today is simply because this work is doing something different for your body."
"Two different sizes while I'm nursing. They're at least two different sizes usually depending on where the baby last fed."
"Every baby is different your baby might be bigger or smaller or grow faster or some of these tips that I give you you might be like what my baby has acid reflux I need way more things than that."
"There is something different though every single time."
"This concludes my night routine I hope you guys enjoyed seeing what today's night looked like again it changes every single time because it just depends on what I'm doing after school."
"Even if you are making the same kind of video over and over again just make it feel a little bit different."
"Instead of building environments for every new scene, take one environment and do One two five or even 10 different looks."
"Nobody tells the same story the exact same way twice."
"Some areas are windier than others."
"There are going to be some differences compared to other trim levels."
"It just reminds me so much of it but just not such a powerful version of it."
"This is kind of different from my usual videos but it was very fun to film."
"This is like 10 years of different variations."
"History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes. Everything is so close to exactly as it was in 2000, but it's just a little different."
"I wanted each snowman to have a different face."
"It's always exciting. There's always something happening. There's always something new. No two days are the same."
"You know, I like the look of this, I like the fact that we've got a lot of variation with it, it's grown over the time."
"This brings us to the second Carnotaurus variation seen in Fallen Kingdom, primarily black with reddish colors adorning its face and back. It has a deep scar across its muzzle and is shown to have broken off one of its horns in a previous skirmish."
"Adding layers of varying textures to your salads is gonna make them a lot more interesting to eat."
"The human experience: your life is always oscillating."
"In Digimon, there was a recolored version of Jasmine all in red."
"To summarize all of this, as the song was going through the different chord changes, you had the E chord, you had your B7 chord, you had your A chord, I was playing the same scale, same seven notes, and it was sounding different because the chords underneath it were changing."
"From the moment I turned on Baldur's Gate 3 to now 50 hours in not even done yet I was constantly coming up with these small differences."
"No two Spider-Man are exactly alike."
"My days vary wildly! There is sort of a standard morning routine, up until the point where I am, you know, fed and watered, but beyond that it can vary incredibly a lot."
"... every battery is not the same."
"Every season has an entirely new theme"
"You don't have to have them all the same length."
"Every single car wash has been a different price."
"It's quite exciting because if we do everything life could be very dull."
"It's amazing the difference in manufacturers."
"It was a ton of fun to do. I got to draw my characters in new ways and see them in different environments."
"Don't feel ever especially when doing like an autumn leaf type of display that it has to be one solid color it looks much better when it's not one solid color it'll look way more organic in nature."
"You cannot beat that. I love me some mood but sometimes mood is like seven days for me, ten days, you know?"
"So your amount of chains might be different than mine based on the size that you made yours."
"You could use a vertical paint stroke, you could use a horizontal paint stroke, you could use a circular paint stroke. It almost doesn't matter."
"There's always a twist in these, always a twist."
"The only source of new variation is mutations."
"He never really liked to do the same match in the town if we were there last month."
"If everything is so predictable and boring and everybody's honest with each other, that's just like eating food with no salt in it every day, the same thing."
"With that slightly different display sizes as well."
"You listen to any record that wasn't cut to a click track and if you try to grid it, you'll find that they all speed up and slow down."
"He does a really great job having a variety of small, medium, and large shapes."
"In exiles, these characters are unique variations from the main Marvel Universe, so death does have meaning."
"It's absolutely possible the structures, the vocabulary, the grammar of all languages are significantly different."
"This season we're switching things up a little bit."
"So if you're experimenting with different types of paper, if you do the same process on different types of paper, you will get very different results."
"I think those mosaics are much better than everything exactly the same."
"You will still find moments to spice it up or to still let this be something exciting."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but a little variation doesn't hurt."
"Pilots always have different meals... try not to both of you eat the fish."
"Just by adding those additional long stem roses to the bouquet, it creates variation and I think it makes them even more beautiful."
"Variation in practice, learning different things, leads to better results."
"So other than the shape, the materials, the colors, you know every single version is going to be different no matter what."
"...everything is slightly different than everything else, even within one species of plant like clover..."
"Even Pearl Jam never played the same setlist twice."
"Some classes are bigger than others."
"Success comes in all shapes and sizes."
"As iconic as this coloration is, it is the variations in palage that make the red fox one of the most impressive species."
"Another super cool way that you can make longer hair is a different color for example a longer hair might start getting brighter in color."
"If we were all the same, it would be so boring, right?"
"The numbers as far as hours that my babies are sleeping every night is totally different for every single child. What is consistent is between the weeks of six and eight weeks, they're giving me those six and up seven-hour stretches."
"They always give you what they call a different package."
"This workout is going to be exactly what you make it, high impact, low impact, I'll show you the variance for each exercise and then for 90 seconds we'll go for it."
"Repeating one Melody three times in a row and then on the fourth time you switch it up to resolve the pattern... can make stuff a lot more catchy and repetitive."
"Vary up the surface in a random fashion."
"It's always fun to change it up and have it at the end."
"I love that variation, so subtle but there's such great variety in it."
"It kind of keeps it fresh and interesting for people who have already watched the anime who maybe don't just want to see it complete verbatim."
"It's very important for me to break up my pattern of avocado toast nearly every day, so the hummus has to step in occasionally."
"We're really just using it for variation in color and texture."
"Every move won't be exact but it's fun to assimilate cardio and a sport together."
"Every day is not an identical model of the day before."
"All deposits aren't created equal"
"You probably have a different scope than me."
"Everything's the same, only different."
"So, just, it's never, almost never an even five and five. It's almost always a five and a three or a six and a two or, you know."
"Every day on the water is not going to be the same."
"That's the beautiful part about training... it's all similar movements but there's so many different variations of how you can execute these movements."
"...Naruto has actually learned the Chidori as well... this version of Naruto is a lot different than our usual canon Naruto."
"I do appreciate how they're always kind of changing the route a little bit and bringing in new things and swapping them around."
"There's so many variations now and it just makes it very uneasy and traveling is supposed to be fun, right? You don't want it to be stressful, that's for sure."
"My experience with the XL has been perfectly fine and I just want to point out that there is a bit of variation in how one person's experiences versus anothers."
"Consistency is a good idea, but you don't want every page to look the same. You do want some variation."
"Well I can tell you anytime I get up to make biscuits I do probably different every time"
"I know that prices can really fluctuate a lot depending on where you live what's in season things like that what grocery stores you have access to."
"Not all whole body vibration is created equal."
"Working out will become more fun because you're going to be really good at the basics and you can do little wrinkles or little adjustments off the basics that can pretty much change any exercise."
"I'm actually going to go with a little bit of a spread tonight."
"Maybe we'll just have jam on our waffles instead of maple syrup."
"You didn't win the same way every year. Your last one was different than your first one."