
#BlackLivesMatter Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"I have always and will always be an ally and I will always stand up for what is right. #BlackLivesMatter."
"Hours and miles of peaceful protesting yesterday that got little to no coverage. We chanted, people beeped and cheered along. We were passionate, we were loud, we were loving. Cover this too, please. #BlackLivesMatter."
"Black Lives Matter. Black culture matters. Black communities matter."
"The slogan #BlackLivesMatter does not mean other lives don't. It's calling attention to the fact that society clearly thinks black lives don't matter."
"Black Lives Matter is a truly universal claim. It covers all racism."
"The biggest challenge to me is, are people ready to engage with seeing black men as possible victims?"
"All lives can't matter until Black lives matter."
"Black violence makes me sick because black lives matter."
"I am an outspoken advocate of fighting against racial injustice, and Black Lives Matter."
"The Black Lives Matter movement is a direct continuation of what was happening over 50 years ago with the Black Panther Party."
"On June 4th, Felix raised over 100 thousand dollars for Black Lives Matter efforts during a charity livestream."
"Can we become a country that lives up to the truth that Black lives matter?"
"We are not ever going to be able to get the world to understand black lives matter until black lives matter to us."
"I'm not really concerned with Chaz or Chop, I'm concerned with Black Lives Matter. That's what I care about."
"Black Lives Matter. I was one of those dumb people who got mad at Kaepernick about his protest, but what happened throughout last year really galvanized a 180-degree change for me."
"Black Lives Matter as an organization is about peaceful protests and is about bringing awareness."
"The vast vast vast majority of BLM isn't rioting; it's protesting."
"Black Lives Matter. I spent 50 years of my life fighting for civil rights and dignity."
"Black lives matter. With everything going on, I have been irritated, I've been angry, I have been upset."
"I wanted to hop in here real quick before the video gets started and let you know that this video was filmed pre-filmed back in mid-May, but I made the decision to hold off on posting it to give space for the Black Lives Matter movement and to the black voices that we really need to be listening to."
"The first link down there is to a Black Lives Matter kind of directory of a bunch of different petitions, donation outlets, actions you can take, it's a great place to start."
"Black lives matter is obviously a necessity if you look at the racial disparities if you look at just the videos and if you just look at the numbers and the data and all the studies you know it's a necessity something that needs to be here."
"All lives matter, we want our lives to matter just as much as those lives that you're trying to promote in the all lives matter movement, that's what we want with black lives matter, is that so hard to understand?"
"People aren't really outwardly talking about this, but there have been at least 10 to 15 other Black Lives Matter chapters calling out the national BLM."
"Rest in peace to George Floyd, I believe that black lives matter."
"Black lives do matter, those people that march."
"Success for me was just being able to wake up and be happy."
"Black Lives Matter, they've won this one. The failed leadership of Brooklyn Center has caved."
"When we poll on BLM, Latinos are very supportive of that as a concept and as a justice movement."
"Black Lives Matter is for creating resources and uplifting the social status of black people."
"We jump on over to the polling for Black Lives Matter, and let me just say this, my friends, yeah, we're winning."
"Support for Black Lives Matter is dropping to a new low."
"The Black Lives Matter movement is not saying that only black lives matter; it's just saying that at this current moment in time, our voices are not heard enough."
"Every single time, the story that we get from the media and these Black Lives Matter police shootings are verifiably false."
"Net support for Black Lives Matter has been cut in half since the escalation of the riots... They should have disavowed the riots and Black Lives Matter immediately."
"I need to use it to speak out and tell people that black lives matter."
"Stop believing stereotypes that are told about black people in America... numbers don't lie #blacklivesmatter."
"BLM is so irrelevant then why do they keep focusing on on you? That's right, I mean they wouldn't be attacking us or wearing those terrible shirts if black lives matter wasn't moving the needle, wasn't doing important work."
"Black lives matter is built on that black blood, that black spilled blood of Zimmerman Brown all of that, that is murder, it's built on like the murder of black people."
"We're acknowledging the Black Lives Matter movement."
"Black lives matter, yes I believe they do, and I support what they are trying to accomplish."
"I think if it's for the right cause, you know, I think the Black Lives Matter stuff was severe and immediate enough that it warranted those protests."
"People couldn't find a way out of lockdown. So part of me was sympathetic to... the Black Lives Matter uprising from the point of view that we needed a way out of lockdown."
"Ongoing democratic black lives matter uprisings."
"When you mentioned Black Lives Matter, you're talking about all black people."
"Black lives do matter, that's not a conspiracy."
"Protesters poured into the streets of Berlin chanting 'Black Lives Matter' and 'I can't breathe'."
"OJ's opportunistic use of race as a shield to foil criminal justice is the real spark to Black lives matter."
"Black Lives Matter is non-partisan and non-political and everyone should believe in black lives."
"Black lives do matter. See, we're both black if you didn't know. It's just that I don't need a slogan to know my life matters."
"If Black Lives Matter stood for what they should be standing for, what's really impacting the black community, then hell yeah."
"Black lives matter emerged because clearly black lives don't matter."
"Black Lives Matter fights disinformation to keep the movement strong."
"If black lives matter, then your goal is to preserve black life right? Obviously. Because you don't want black people to die. Why? Because black lives matter."
"Black lives matter. Why would it not include all black lives?"
"If Black lives matter, then we must do all we can to fight for our lives."
"Black lives matter they have always mattered and they always will matter."
"Black lives matter and there is much to be done to drive real and meaningful change."
"If black lives matter, all black lives have to matter."
"Author Angie Thomas was inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement."
"Your lineage is the jet fuel for this entire Black Lives Matter movement."
"Black Lives Matter is splitting the country. It's completely counterproductive for the cause of anti-racism in the first place."
"Black Lives Matter is openly Marxist. This isn't something that you and I invented here. It's not conspiracy theory, it's the reality."
"93 percent of Black Lives Matter protests have been peaceful."
"The civil rights movement... they had the right solution because they had the right premise... black lives matter, they're right to be thinking that there's an injustice against black people in the world, but there are no facts that prove that."
"I think it's twofold, right? Like I feel like the George Floyd protests definitely propelled grassroots movement and also consolidated these movements under the banner of Black Lives Matter."
"This movement is about black lives, and the focus needs to remain on black lives." - Gregory McKelvey
"Black lives matter is not and has never just been about policing. It has been about how black people and our lives are represented in every sector of our society."
"One of the biggest issues we face today is the distortion of truth by Black Lives Matter."
"The players will take a knee before kick-off to show their continued support for the Black Lives Matter movement."
"BLM was like a very watershed moment for obvious reasons and we saw the world stand up in a way that I feel I have never seen in my lifetime."
"The claim of the black lives matter is that African-Americans are sort of kind of targeted. They get more killed. We want them to matter."
"The black lives matter what made me overjoyed."
"All lives matter when black lives matter because that would include all black lives."
"Black lives really do matter, but the problem is institutional racism in America."
"Black lives matter has been hijacked by people on Twitter who literally read a headline, they screenshot it, they repost it, and everybody goes around believing it."
"Black lives have always mattered, it's just people keep remembering this every few years."
"If you want to become part of holding Black Lives Matter accountable, please go into the description box, hit the link for the petition, sign it, share it, and contribute to it."
"All lives cannot matter until black lives matter."
"What Black person doesn't believe that their life matters?... It's the system." - Bell Hooks
"So because I criticize a black person or I criticize the Black Lives Matter movement, that doesn't mean that I am anti-black."
"Black lives matter is a lament, black lives matter is also an affirmation of the Imago Dei and people of African descent to say we too are made in the image and likeness of God and black is beautiful."
"Black lives matter doesn't mean only black lives matter, black lives matter means black lives matter too as well as in addition to all lives."
"The only reason why George Floyd got justice is because Black Lives Matter was out there pushing this."
"I support black lives mattering. That's what that is. It has only been created because of the justice system not giving those justices out to people who have taken black lives."
"So make sure you go to the description on the YouTube channel, and the information will be in the YouTube channel. Let's step up. If we really truly believe that black lives matter, then hey, this is what it's about right here."
"Even in the fog of the weirdness of July for me personally, I have been continuing to think about Black Lives Matter."
"Black lives have mattered, matter will continue to matter and are still under siege."
"I think that if it was like extreme that I would know about it, just like how they found out about Black Lives Matter."
"we went black lives matter and white people took it over."
"I saw this story last week about the Giants pitcher, Sam Coonrod. He refused to kneel, all the other players on his team, including the coach kneeled and honored of Black Lives Matter."
"Black lives matter, and police showing up to peaceful protests with full-on riot gear only demonstrates just how necessary those protests are."
"Black lives matter not to the white man, unless you're buying or selling."
"I support Black Lives Matter and I don't know who those people are, but they founded Black Lives Matter."
"I think God is in support of the message of Black Lives Matter and doing something about the unjust police."
"I am in full support of the black lives matter movement and I really encourage all of my viewers to go online and educate yourselves about the black lives matter movement."
"Black Lives Matter is a kind of inverted utilitarian, trying to create the greatest good for a small percentage of society."
"This movement isn't just one or two people, it's thousands and thousands and thousands of people standing for something that is amazing and everybody should believe in that black lives matter."
"Black lives will always matter, it doesn't matter if it's a trend or not."
"But thousands of viewers had a problem with the issues Diversity raised in their performance as they addressed the Black Lives Matter movement."
"I support all that, having black lives raised to the priority of other lives."
"We believe that prisons, police, and all their institutions on Black people must be abolished and replaced by institutions that value and affirm the flourishing of Black lives."
"It is, um, what is going on with the Black Lives Matter movement. That's exactly what it is, like, I hate that it's controversial, but it is controversial because the problem is that there is police brutality that exists."
"Before we start, I would like to have a moment of silence for protestors, organizers, and all those in support of the Black Lives Matter movement."
"The Black Lives Matter initiative is not a trend but an everyday initiative; it never goes out of fashion. In our world, Black lives matter and Black businesses matter."
"The Black Lives Matter movement... was good insofar as it put its finger on another real problem in American life, which is the malfeasance of police authorities."
"Black Lives Matter movement... echoes the struggles of people of color regarding police brutality and systemic unfairness towards them."
"If you can't get with at least Black Lives Matter, we don't agree on a lot of things."
"Black lives matter is about saying hey black lives matter too."
"We want justice. It was Black Lives Matter, and these ideals are an enormous positive social force for change."
"When we started Black Lives Matter... it would resound deeply with folks across the country, especially black people and black people across the globe."
"Saying 'black lives matter' was incredibly radical."
"It's not just about Black Lives Matter. It's about what does that actually mean."
"When a black life is lost, we get no justice. That is why we say black lives matter."
"This is a time that we should be educating ourselves on the Black Lives Matter movement and listening to black people and their experiences."
"The Black Lives Matter movement is comparable to the likes of the civil rights movement."
"Every person in the ground all the players took a knee at the start of the game in support for the Black Lives Matters movement."
"Black Lives Matter is a stance against police brutality."
"This cycle of young black boys and men being killed, innocent people being so atrociously killed on our streets, and that there's that resonance of black lives matter, or do they?"
"It's so frustrating to watch this group of black women use Black Lives Matter as a storyline and then can't seem to understand the basic understandings of what Black Lives Matter is teaching."
"Please make sure to check out the links below regarding the Black Lives Matter movement and see what you can do to help out at the moment."
"Saying 'Black Lives Matter' doesn't mean white lives don't matter."
"I've stood for Black Lives Matter, I fought to stop Asian hate."
"It's really important that the first topic we cover today is the Black Lives Matter movement."
"Black Lives Matter is just a human rights organization that's trying to improve the welfare and living conditions of an oppressed minority in the United States."
"I've always believed that Black lives matter. That's never been a question."
"We understand that black lives across the globe, across the diaspora, matter."