
Book Writing Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It's time to discuss two meals a day. All right, we've been at this now for 12 years, cranking hard, cranking out books, and every time we finish a book, we say there's really nothing more we can say about healthy eating and supportive lifestyle habits, but there always seems to be something more to say."
"By the time something appears in the books or in one of my talks, I've interacted with this story so many times, in so many different ways."
"I wrote my book to remember what I've forgotten."
"I wanted to write a book about what I'm for."
"I went through, as you know, really, it's if you want to keep sanity, I can't recommend ever writing a book."
"The first line of a new book sets the entire tone."
"Clowning around: a new book we're writing now."
"Imagine spending all this time writing a book only to have Tucker Carlson fired and you basically have to start over and rewrite this whole book."
"I really believe in a personalized approach, so I thought how the hell do I write a book for the general population that personalizes it."
"I'm trying to write this book for everybody."
"I'm currently in the process of completing a book about this nightmare that gives me the avenue to send and to share my message with each and every individual that chooses to go into the field of criminal justice."
"I'm writing a book, 'How to Design a Logo.' Every little secret I have, especially this process."
"I was so desperate to work on this book and to finish it."
"If God is telling you to write a book, it's not about you."
"I just want to finish my second book and have a great time with my life."
"I knew Scott was writing a book and I was like, well, my book can't be anything like that... what do I have that's unique to me that could be helpful to other people?"
"That inspired me to write my book, Flip Your Future."
"I'm really proud of this book. I've been writing it for the past year and a half, and it's more than just a cookbook."
"I love every word of this book, I picked it shows it wrote it rewrote it edited and I have pages of stuff that didn't make the cut that is in my next book and it's going to be a deeper dive into the weird ass stuff that we talk."
"I'm so proud of this book... I worked so hard and so long on this book."
"The last time I wrote a book... it got on the New York Times number one best selling list, which was mind-boggling and so cool."
"If you're gonna be self-publishing a book this year, then this video will be right up your alley."
"Find all the questions your audience is asking and start putting them in your book."
"I do have a book about my side hustle journey called From Side Hustle to Main Hustle to Millionaire."
"I didn't tell anybody like that's you know so but i i mean i i wrote this book with the hope that it would help people um and i really you know i don't care if you buy it i just hope people read it."
"So I guess you could say that by writing this book I'm once again screwing one of the most famous actors in Show Business."
"...a book that's designed to both communicate experience or reality I talk about my own journey in this and my own experience with it as well as that of others."
"Should I write a book? Fiction or non-fiction?"
"I have kind of toyed with this idea for years as you can imagine. It's a lot of work, but I do think I'm going to be signing a contract to write a book in the next year."
"I think the plan will be to reflect back in this period of time in a few years and see if there's anything new to say. And if there isn't, there won't be a book. If there is, there will be."
"This was a guy who went to work every day, hard-working guy, yep. Company's not easy to do, and he had a book on the side."
"You can literally have your first book ready to publish by the end of this tutorial."
"I think when I was writing the book, that was kind of the vision I always saw this as a film, right? You know, because it was just... you couldn't believe that it actually happened."
"Writing this book was an incredible experience of learning."
"I was presented with probably the biggest challenge in my life. Book writing is arguably the highest art form, definitely the most tricky."
"I wanted to write a book about the people who fall through the cracks."
"I've been writing a book called Atomic Habits."
"The impetus for this book really came from my own clinical practice as a psychotherapist."
"I'm spending time alone, not being distracted, and developing ideas for the book."
"Plan out your book because it makes it much more likely that you are going to start and finish your book this year."
"I decided that in order to write an intelligent book about teenagers, I had to live their life and examine their world from the inside."
"I'm really interested in writing books now and I want to do that and novels, things like that."
"She's actually writing a book because it's an incredible story."