
Crisis Impact Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Crises like this bring out the best and worst in humanity."
"Our sense of perspective has been changed in this crisis...we're neglecting all the other important issues we have to deal with as a society."
"The magnitude of this is a tragedy, an absolute tragedy, but the magnitude is something that no matter who you were, no matter where you come from, nobody ever thought a thing like this could happen."
"It's forcing us to actually rethink what are the things that are really important."
"If things are going really well that's a mask for all the bad things happening in American society if things are going really poorly then that is exposing all of the bad things that are happening in American society"
"How long does it take them to figure this out how many people had to die how many people had to lose their business how many people had to be in a situation where they couldn't connect anymore with their family."
"No system will work if the entire economy is closed down."
"How fragile society is...this could turn into a tribal thing"
"It's a series of collapses... it will affect one large group of people... then those people will migrate."
"A crisis can bring out the best and the worst in people, and this pandemic is no exception."
"You only tend to get the revolutionary changes at the time of absolute collapse."
"How a company responds to a breach can reinforce or erode consumer confidence in the company."
"The real character and potential of a person shines in a crisis."
"This is actually a big effin deal, a huge huge issue with the real potential to deal some big damage to an economy that's already weakened." - Paul US
"We've been living in a divided society, and then a crisis comes along and it shows it for being a certain amount of hot air."
"Once something really bad like that happens, you realize what really matters in life."
"You take away people's food, you take away people's fuel, and this is exactly what happens."
"Donate whatever you can. This is going to affect everybody."
"If we don't do this, if we don't do this, this virus is capable of killing half a million Americans and costing us trillions of dollars."
"It is worse than war and worse than a pandemic."
"There's no way in hell America is going to be coming out of this one hurt or not hurt."
"The more work we do to put human faces to the crisis we're facing, the more impact we will have."
"This is actually probably one of the most severe mental health crisis that we've ever really witnessed."
"A crisis is beneficial to corporate interests."
"Italy suffers the highest daily death toll of anywhere in the world."
"Celebrities are the foundation of our society and they're some of the hardest hit by this crisis because now they just have to be like regular people."
"Little things that you would never give a second thought to made all the difference, literally between life and death."
"Listen, a historic pandemic is a bad situation; a historic pandemic with a fairly inept group of federal leaders is an even worse situation."
"Decades of cuts to New York's health care services, many of them championed by Cuomo, have contributed to the present crisis."
"Every society is three missed meals away from chaos."
"Sometimes it takes something like drastic to happen in your life for you to realize."
"It is immoral and it's inhumane... it'll be a tragedy not just for Canada but for the United States as well." - Mayor Jim Watson
"Events like this bring the worst and best out of people."
"The great tribulation might be the greatest time for souls to be saved."
"New nighttime satellite pictures from NASA show how the lights have gone out all across Ukraine."
"Unfortunately, this crisis has revealed the fault lines along race and socioeconomic status." - Tish James
"The crisis continues to undermine Putin's Authority."
"The mental health component of this time is enormous."
"The real problem is not the virus; the real problem is the psychological discontent and misery the society was in before the crisis."
"The pandemic let us have early basically the only positive outcome for our suffering."
"Suddenly, ATM machines don't work. Many cell phones don't work. Pay at the pump no longer works."
"Sometimes disasters are required... to change us."
"The economic impact if it's not over tomorrow or next week is going to be and I hate to say that it's going to be devastating."
"The turmoil chaos continues to spread worldwide."
"Now, after living through the 2008 great financial crash, getting smashed like millions of other Americans and others around the world, it was really my wake-up call."
"Facing a life-and-death situation was just what Diego needed to sure up his love for Lully too."
"When really bad things are happening, it opens up a renaissance for really great things."
"The people who are dying here are not Democrats or Republicans. They're Americans."
"But here again, with the crisis how it's shining a bright light on how unacceptable that is. Because, yet again, when you have a situation like the coronavirus, they are suffering disproportionately."
"Desperation finds traction in times of despair."
"Being alone in something like that is a pretty startling and unsettling experience."
"The silver lining of all this is that it brings people closer together."
"A crisis, if prolonged enough, can have a big impact on changing minds."
"Letting the global economy slow to a halt puts lives at risk."
"The worst part here is you're not going to get a lot out of Ukraine because you're using old slow open registry ships."
"Crisis situations might happen, but they're going to transform your life in a very beneficial way."
"The great financial crisis was great for investors in the respect that it made everybody a little more scared of problems that could come and arise from anywhere."
"Every crisis seems to centralize the economy and especially the financial system more and more."
"Imagine a blackout lasting not days but weeks or months, your life will be frozen."
"The worsening crisis has a great impact on the Muslim nations of Asia."
"We always start looking at the billionaires differently during pandemics or times of struggle."
"The crisis has also reopened geopolitical risks that could derail the return to growth."