
Cancellation Quotes

There are 369 quotes

"We all agree on prohibiting insurance companies from arbitrarily canceling insurance policies."
"I think every time I've ever been canceled, it made me grow."
"The only way you actually effectively cancel someone... is when you convince their audience to leave."
"Covington High School had to cancel classes over death threats because of a completely falsified video."
"We are incredibly disappointed to hear about the cancellation of the Smash World Tour."
"The Rage Cage made its debut the exact same week as Mega Man legend 3's cancellation."
"The series was eventually cancelled after five seasons, but they were five wonderfully bizarre and idiosyncratic ones."
"Bad Boy cancelled all plans to release more singles by the group for whatever reason."
"I actually think after talking it through what an idiotic idea it is to cancel Sports. You need Sports."
"The exhibition match is called off immediately."
"It's kind of weird for this to be reported considering this is a cancelled manga from like four years ago now."
"I've been canceled for Ukraine jokes. I've been canceled for some China stuff."
"Can you truly cancel something that there's an audience for it? I don't think you can truly cancel people."
"The world will become a less interesting and fun and eclectic place because this is what cancellation does. This is what censorship does."
"A sequel was planned and set to Star Brainiac and Bizarro as villains, but it was scrapped after the underperformance of Superman Returns."
"The Golden Compass: Due to the movie's underperformance, New Line canceled the remaining two entries of the series."
"We have to stop trying to cancel people and shouting down our allies."
"Don Lemon is getting cancelled at CNN, we love it."
"Canceling Dave Chappelle cancels the opportunity to have a conversation."
"I hope TLC cancels the show. I feel for the kids and stuff but I don't feel like giving Jim Bob any money."
"This is the place where people just get cancelled."
"The latest publicly known Halo project to be canceled would be Halo Online, a free-to-play Halo game announced in March of 2015."
"I was disappointed by Adult Swim canceling Toucan Birdie a second time."
"Nobody is truly canceled unless they consent to it."
"Congratulations to Shane! Most brutal cancellation of 2020."
"That warning has been cancelled, so they're no longer going to have a tornado warning on that."
"An F-Zero title had been in development for the Wii U but was canceled."
"Overall, while the movie never got made, 'Me and My Shadow' ended up becoming not just one of the most talked about canceled projects by DreamWorks Animation, but also one of the most famous lost animated films."
"The real reason for its cancellation was, as it always is, economic."
"Devastated that I do not get to see more Swamp Thing."
"If somebody wants to cancel you, are you just gonna let them cancel you? Hell no!"
"Everybody, I got bad news. We've been canceled."
"Milo Yiannopoulos getting cancelled is like one of the best things to happen to politics in a while."
"Because it would get me trending hello I mean getting cancelled is basically like a quick way to get publicity but not the good kind of publicity."
"Teenage robot was a fun cartoon. It's a shame it didn't last longer."
"It's much easier to just cancel things... than to engage in conversations that might be uncomfortable."
"Unbelievable, somebody posted a meme, heard them, and didn't like it so they canceled them."
"Twitter cancel is you just get cancelled, you didn't do anything but Twitter just wants to cancel you."
"The worst part is also that as the song was being cancelled on radio, Janet Jackson was shooting the video literally."
"It's likely that I'm being canceled for a joke that I told that was funny and people agreed with."
"This truly was the golden era of great adult cartoons that mostly all got canceled."
"Infinity Train's future is in jeopardy, leaving it as another beloved television series that got cancelled way too soon."
"I just wish somehow they would just cancel Christmas this year."
"Thanks for checking out these cancelled animated movies with me. It is a shame, though, that sometimes, years of creativity can end up being not shown to the world at all."
"Holy cancellation, Batman! Studio executives have done what comic villains have tried to do for years."
"It's going to be good to hear from him again because he's been canceled and that's wrong."
"The fact that they canned the entire story for Final Fantasy 10."
"Christmas is cancelled someone writes father Christmas immediately and tell them that Christmas is cancelled because there's two of these in one Beauty a bank calendar."
"The cancellation of Kojima's Silent Hills was a wrench up the butthole for gamers everywhere."
"The game wouldn't have been cancelled if the fans didn't get on the pitch."
"I think the game got cancelled because the protest has been really impactful and hit the worldwide media."
"Nickelodeon was dumb canceling shows and stuff."
"It's the only kind of comedy that can't get cancelled at this point."
"Vanishing point was a great show, will be missed."
"Fairly OddParents has actually been canceled a number of times over the years but it's always been brought back."
"If this is what being canceled is, I love it."
"I remain unfazed. This is the first time in history someone who is canceled became more popular than before."
"I'm really sorry everyone. We won't be using the paper for folding origami."
"The cancellation of live-action Cowboy Bebop reflects a company following the data."
"All we know about this canceled series is that it would have been lighter in tone."
"The cancellation of 'Emily's Reasons Why Not' happened so fast, E Entertainment Magazine ran a cover story about it after it was already pulled from the network."
"We were just gonna have to call off the attack, I'm sorry."
"A game announced to be in development by Rockstar Games in 2007, set during the Cold War. The game was presumably canceled and never finished."
"The billion brick race: a planned third film in the Lego movie franchise that ended up being canceled."
"Trump cancels Pelosi's overseas trip moments before takeoff after fight to delay State of the Union address."
"Thoughts I'd never getting cancelled it was so good oh I know I think it's such a so weird that they would just cancel it like that."
"Kindergarten Cop screening canceled in Oregon, accused of traumatizing children."
"You can say talk your [] nobody can say nothing back to you they try to cancel you nothing no [] you, I cancel you it's like a foreign sense of security."
"Super Mario Spikers: Canceled mix of volleyball and wrestling, featuring violent Mario gameplay."
"She was kind of cancelled in a way... some people were saying that she was kind of pushed out of the way."
"When something gets canceled, that is absolutely devastating to me."
"We're big fans of pirates in general here at Gameranx, and seeing this one get canceled actually hurt us to our core because it looks kinda like 'Fable' meets pirates, which, if you ask us, is a perfect combo."
"Now, down to number one, we have to mention 'Prey 2.' It was one of our most anticipated games ever."
"It's where I found peace after being canceled for the tenth time."
"Marvel Comics scraps new Darth Vader series after Chuck Wendig's controversial exit."
"Despite being canceled twice, this may not be the end of the story."
"Can anyone please explain to me why our vacation is canceled?"
"Things happened, he threatened a bunch of people and he got canceled flash too."
"I think there's a difference between being cancelled and being a criminal."
"The future may have been canceled but other than that it's coming."
"I wonder if this ties into season 1 of Constantine that got canceled."
"Google is canceling multiple projects basically all of the games that it had slated for release beyond 2021."
"Getting banned or canceled was absolutely the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"Troopers, I've received new orders, our superiors say the war is cancelled."
"Vertigear got cancelled not necessarily for being offensive, though I guess to some people it's most certainly offensive, but because they were offensive and also correct."
"Unfortunately, it's true. Venture Brothers has been canceled."
"Many Minecraft players have been waiting for a huge update on the cave system."
"Magnum PI was initially cancelled before it even started."
"The liverpool game getting called off last season is the single most impactful event that has happened."
"A sequel to ninja bread man titled ninja burn man Blades of Fury was announced in 2008 but it was never released."
"I'm not trying to cancel him, he can go have a career, I'm trying to cancel a friendship."
"Mike, we are having to cancel the planned ending to this week's show... unfortunately yes."
"They're canceling all sorts of major events. It's affecting everything from comic-con to stadium tours."
"He canceled the code, means the code's been canceled. We're not under that right, we're not under a system of rule-oriented performance."
"The animation was so bad and jarring for audiences at a test screening that even though the film was almost completed, it was outright cancelled."
"It's hard when you're canceled, man. You got to go to war-torn countries to sell tickets."
"No one can cancel me. That's a word broken people use to feel like they have personal power."
"No one cancels Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry Seinfeld cancels them."
"The slow cancellation of the future... captures not only that sense of termination but the gradual nature of it."
"Stagnation is a fate arguably worse than cancellation for a show like Doctor Who."
"One family cancels their account and it's 800 people."
"I remember getting a call that I was culturally cancelled."
"who would have guessed that the nazis would be so transphobic such a shocker the nazis are canceled"
"Stella Ursula has officially called off the wedding."
"Franchises never go back, so 2020 movie Scoob director screaming that's right it's been canceled sorry everyone no I think it's still coming out oh sorry everyone maybe it's great who knows."
"SpongeBob has been here the whole time, no cancellations."
"Cancellation to me is you literally have no platform on any form of social media anymore."
"Honestly, I would like to see storyline ideas about what happened after the black Fleet arrived in Dark Matter before it was canned by Sci-Fi."
"Take one tablet by mouth as needed to alleviate symptoms caused by being cancelled. It's anti-cancellation medicine."
"Sometimes though the company will attempt to bring in a new brand of Premium Live Events only to cancel it after just one showing."
"A solely on the word of an embittered ex trying to bypass due process and have me quote unquote canceled."
"I really don't think people are trying to cancel you, people are trying to make fun that you spent 50k."
"The Robbie E Invitational is officially canceled."
"But I can't condone his actions to be honest, this spoke, he's got to be canceled immediately, right?"
"What a beautiful day to get canceled."
"Kanye gets comfortable every year. If you cancel Kanye, he will sing to you out individually."
"I don't even think good or bad. I'm like, I don't think, 'Oh my God, I'm canceled.' I don't. I really don't think that."
"African-American women have a harder time on dating apps than white women do, and it was just, he was just showing the numbers and was totally canceled, lost his tenure, was kicked out for saying something that was actually true."
"Kanye, who's been borderline cancel for I mean multiple times, but why is Kanye 'uncancelled'? Because he hasn't been fake."
"If that means I get cancelled, then I get cancelled."
"I love that wow you're timeless to me shut up we're I'm canceling the show."
"He's complaining about being canceled, meanwhile he got some huge development deals."
"Cancel my flight to South Dakota."
"No one is glad that they were canceled. You might be, like, 'No, I'm not,' but no one is happy about that."
"Guess the future is cancelled. Wow!"
"The wedding is officially off. I know a lot of you out there were team #CancelTheWedding so this should warm your soul."
"It was so weird how it got canceled too."
"The city is revoking all permits to the project site. It's over."
"After spending a reported 50 million dollars on the project, Walt Disney Pictures cancelled it due to a creative and scheduling standpoint."
"After cancellation set in Another Universe."
"There's a thing called debate isn't there, it's not about you said something I disagree with you must die, it's like oh you think that well I don't think that let me try and persuade you and let's have debate rather than just canceling people."
"As I was doing research about the cancellation I stumbled across a YouTube."
"Google were like, 'What the hell are we doing?' They canceled the project."
"Just because a show is cancelled doesn't mean it goes away forever. It can live on through reruns, syndications."
"Let them talk. That's the thing when you cancel them it doesn't work."
"The cancellation left fans disappointed."
"The film was distributed throughout Japan, successfully passing as an authentic production, it was eventually canceled due to its similarities with other movies."
"The planned music video for 'This is England' got cancelled because no one showed up to be in it."
"Every plan of the enemy placed upon your life is canceled in the name of Jesus."
"It's definitely an interesting entry considering we don't get to see very many cancelled Asylum movies."
"Cancel those unused memberships... if you're not using it, cancel it... it's not worth it."
"Well, we've called off our engagement."
"On the cross, Jesus was the one that's canceled, he fulfilled the law and he was the one that was abolished."
"Rain check is just a another really good way of getting going off plans that you don't want to do anymore."
"Eventually, this got scrapped since the second movie was in production."
"Cancel court? We'll be right back."
"How can you want to cancel? It's too entertaining watching her implode."
"I explained that I had to go on a sudden one-month business trip to the US and apologized for canceling our weekend date."
"Some cancellations are justified."
"Despite the cancellation, the lvy project left a lasting impact."
"Cancel me, I do not care. I exist outside of the matrix."
"I'm not [ __ ] kidding me, we're not gonna do the whole thing, we'll cancel the whole [ __ ] show."
"This game was never released. No information about this mysterious game has since come out. It's completely unknown why this game got canceled."
"Eda just got the news that the show's getting canceled."
"Canceling plans is like heroin. When someone cancels plans on you, you're like, 'Oh, thank God.'"
"I don't believe people should be [ __ ] cancelled over saying [ __ ] on Twitter."
"Norway used to have Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, and it got canceled because everybody won."
"I'm not scared of being canceled. You can't cancel breathing."
"Most tributes expressed their dissatisfaction with the government and disagree with the games, wishing they would be canceled."
"Imagine someone just goes on a mission to find it just to cancel the both of you."
"All future sailings were canceled, and the company went bust."
"It felt like I was cancelled before cancelling was invented."
"The show is going to be canceled after three seasons."
"Dreams of former high schools, dreams of exams, you are canceled in Jesus name."
"I think it is so pretty. I'm glad I picked this up because it's different and it's going to be fun for the summer."
"The culture of censorship and cancellation is not something which has been created or imposed or designed by this."
"I've never been canceled I've never been thrown in jail like that so I can only listen and try my best."
"It's honestly a shame that season 3 was where the show got cancelled."
"Getting canceled might be the best thing for you at this point though I don't think Sue can be canceled."
"I think you get canceled that's like what the movie's about you know what I mean maybe."
"Yeah, I think Warner Brothers is really smart to cancel [__] everything."
"I'm gonna have to cancel out on the fishing trip."
"This big sum right here just cancels all the way down to zero."
"Hey, if this doesn't cancel me, I don't know what will."
"If I get canceled over a 'in yourself' joke or a 'boost' joke then you know what there are worse things in the world to get canceled over."
"The chaos got so nuts that co-headliners The Grateful Dead cancelled their performance."
"That's how you get things cancelled."
"Do the show you want to do because in the end they're gonna cancel you anyway."
"The TSR2 project was canceled because it was massively over budget... so kind of fair enough."
"canceling the Spy ninja tour if that's what you ask boss is what I shall do"
"CBS abruptly cancelled the series without allowing for a proper series finale."
"All the king's horses and all the king's men agreed they would never air Clone High again."
"I decree and declare any plan of the enemy, as I speak now, it is canceled, canceled, canceled, deleted in the name of Jesus."
"I feel like sometimes people end up spreading more hate by trying to cancel out hate."
"I'm so sick of being canceled I really am it's a heavy burden."
"The worst thing to have come about as a result of this cancellation attempt was someone creating a burner account to create a long string of fake allegations."
"Being bold and saying, 'No, this is my perspective, this is who I am. You can't cancel me because really, people get canceled on Twitter every day. That's just the truth. Like, literally every day, right? They get canceled."
"Not even a cancellation on Twitter can stop him."
"I want to be able to show myself more. I feel like I do hold back cuz I'm scared to be cancelled, but then I'm now I'm thinking like man, I don't give a [__], when you get cancelled is when you know you've made it."
"...most of the activities are based for the outdoors... if it is raining then pretty much all the activities would be canceled."
"You can't cancel Gunsmoke. I adore that show."
"This movie cannot be done today. Cancel culture would be rampant."
"Oh my God he's canceled for sure now like ew to bre of all people too I was just like that's crazy that's wild."
"Charlie's Angels was canceled. The girls are thinking of going in a new direction, acting."
"I remember it was very strange, Dick Van Dyke had been canceled and I've been canceled, we've got Emmy and every show had been canceled."
"I use the term canceled sort of sarcastically because I really wasn't canceled. It's kind of impossible to cancel me in general because I have four different fan bases and they all hate each other and me."
"Congratulations to ice adolescence for being the only anime movie to have been cancelled after being announced seven freaking years ago."
"Ice adolescence cancellation gets to take the number one spot for top 10 anime betrayals."
"RIP ice adolescence, April 2017 to April 2024, you deserved better."
"This person is known on social media and they do get canceled."