
Health Care Quality Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"We ought to reward doctors for doing quality, not quantity."
"Over in Japan, though, their hospital menus couldn't look tastier if they tried."
"Our analysis found that the VA health care system generally provides care that is higher in quality than what is offered elsewhere in communities across the nation."
"If they're asking about your childhood trauma and whether you filter your water and how much sleep you're getting at night... I'd be like, heck yes, this person is clued in."
"It's not where I get care, but the care I get matters."
"Now, generally speaking, a developed country will tend to have a lower death rate than the average because it has a better health system, it has a better standard of living."
"Yeah, I think we want actual quality health care for people. Yeah, I think we want quality health care that focuses on preventive care, that gives people a reasonable path to getting better when they do get sick."
"The criticism that most often falls on Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity has to do with the quality of care they provided."
"We pay much more than anybody, double or triple what people pay per capita in Europe or Canada, and our healthcare outcomes are 79th in the world."
"Every patient at every hospital deserves to be cared for by a compassionate experience team in a comfortable and safe environment."
"It's not just about curing cancer it's about the quality of life for the long run."
"Nothing can replace being in a room with the patient, talking about things that are roadblocks in their life."
"Women are getting inferior care... women are getting inferior care as a result." - Dr. Cheryl Hamlin
"Through my own experience, the NHS service is fantastic but the support given towards mental health is not acceptable."
"There are genuinely good mental health facilities and programs out there."
"Our health care system, while not perfect, produces the best doctors, medicine, research anywhere in the world."
"Intraoperative awareness is exceedingly rare."
"Check this out cannot be overstated enough the importance of getting a high quality doctor as well."
"The vast majority of actual real medical personnel are good people... you're still better off with that."
"I know this: we have the best testing in the world."
"Public healthcare treatment is better; it avoids unnecessary treatments and medications for profit."
"Patients want proper care, Professional Care, affordability, and timeliness."
"Damn, we're actually, actually kind of a good hospital."
"City's exceptional health care system is convincing new families to settle in."
"Patients deserve access to the best treatment and at the very least they should deserve informed consent."
"You had someone you had a doctor who you could talk to and how they could talk you through it."
"There is nothing more important to us than serving our community Through high quality, trusted Healthcare."
"We finished third in the Bundesliga with a skeleton squad."
"Quality improvement in healthcare involves continuously monitoring data and interventions to ensure positive outcomes."
"Having cancer in Canada is just the same as having it in the U.S. The healthcare you receive is top-notch, it's good if you get it."
"That is integrative medicine. It's not either or. It's just offering the best."
"The UK finally pulls one back when it comes to the healthcare index ranking as having the 15th best healthcare system in the world compared to Canada which sits in 26th place."
"Having good quality health care absolutely depends on what health professionals do."
"Many studies have looked at how clinical decision support at the point of the clinical encounter and at the time of clinical decision making can influence the physician to do more of the right thing and less of the wrong thing."
"Clinical decision support tools in the form of alerts, reminders and infobuttons, have been used to improve the quality and safety of healthcare."
"In general, starting from France and working Northern, you tend to get the best Health Care Systems."
"Ultimately, high-quality patient care should focus on procedures proven useful in improving patient outcomes."
"We are dedicated to ensuring the quality of patient care."
"Great results are easy with great patients."
"Patients would choose which hospital their floor nurses has four versus eight every time."
"The same treatment I would want to give to my family is the same treatment that we give here at UCLA."
"It's about quality and it's about improvement and it's about providers themselves understanding and having that sense of what good quality care looks like."
"Communication is the essence of making sure that you are providing good care to your patients."
"Doing early mobility is a sign of a quality intensive care unit."
"Both men and women had a lower 30-day mortality and readmission rates if their doctors were female."
"Ultimately, you've got to be able to get the best care based on what the doctor says."
"The health care is great, and it's debatable that it is probably the best health care that you can find in the LTL industry."
"Quality of patient care is always going to be priority."
"Malta ranks among the top five countries in the world in terms of the quality of public health services."
"I'm determined to use some of this energy and time in a productive way to change and really improve the quality of the care that we deliver in the NHS."
"We always talk about quality and patient experience and democratization, and these days we talk some about equity, which is great."
"We're going to appoint a board of our very best doctors and nurses and we'll have them review these cases."
"We have the highest survival rate for prostate cancer."