
Sainthood Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"You cannot become a saint by any human means; you become a saint by what Jesus Christ has done for you."
"Let's walk in the footsteps of the saints, strive to be holy, and put heaven as our ultimate goal."
"God loves us, he wants us to become saints. He'll send us whatever graces we need to deal with the particular circumstances."
"The church through the canonization process... declares that somebody is in heaven... and then that means they're safe to pray to."
"Every saint is a new manifestation of the mercy and grace of Christ in a sinful world."
"In death, she was canonised as St. Olga, with the epithet: 'equal to the Apostles'."
"For his victory, Alexander Nevsky earned immortality, known by all future generations of East Slavs as a saint who saved the Orthodox Christianity."
"Saints are simply sinners that keep on trying."
"We're all called to be great saints. Don't miss the opportunity!"
"You are called by God created by God to be a saint."
"It is rare indeed when a person has the good fortune to meet a saint."
"Padre Pio has been called a second Saint Francis for our troubled current times."
"Italian Catholic nun Saint Francis Cabrini was made a saint for the help she gave Italian immigrants and orphans as well as the miracles attributed to her."
"The greatest Saints believe themselves to be the greatest Sinners anyway."
"Saints are persons who lived heroically virtuous lives, offered their life for others, or were martyred for their faith and who are worthy of veneration or imitation."
"All saints day... is when we honor all the other saints in heaven."
"She introduced me to the idea of becoming a saint that we should all aspire to be."
"Why not be a saint? Why not be a great saint that sense of like why settle for mediocrity in anything but especially when it comes to following the Lord and saying yes to the vocation, the call that he has on your life, yeah be a saint."
"Heroic virtue needs to be cultivated; becoming Saints is our best way to overcome these errors."
"God can make saints out of people who aren't healed."
"We're called to be saints. We're called literally called to be saints."
"Every saint has been a sinner and any sinner can become a saint."
"The girl who was watching all this decided that the guy was a saint."
"How do we become saints? By loving God in every moment."
"God gives us grace sufficient to flourish, grace sufficient to become saints."
"It's actually easier to be a saint in a time of trial than it is in a time of comfort."
"Strive to be a saint the church will always be renewed by its Saints not by resorting to of the the strategies and weapons of the world."
"A saint is someone who has all of his or her s**t open to the merciful love of God."
"Their legends echoing through the ages, shaping heroines who ascend to sainthood."
"As far as I'm concerned her husband should be nominated for Saint Hood."
"Now I understand why there are so few saints; it is because so few souls are deeply humble."
"He became the patron saint of children."
"We are all called to be great Saints. Don't miss the opportunity."
"We could all be saints if it weren't for other people."
"The saints are still alive because they are in heaven, and so anyway, that is what I'm gonna say about that. I could go on and on about the saints because I love their living example."
"Like her son, she is not known as Saint Helena for nothing."
"This gives God glory, not that you go to hell, He doesn't like that, it gives God glory when you become the saint you were designed to be from all eternity, amen."
"God's calling you. All you need is a desire to become a saint and the will to follow through."
"Yes, be a virtuous man, be disciplined, have skills, learn how to provide for your family, but then go beyond that. Be a saint."
"Miguel had taken his place among the saints of heaven and would be forever remembered as one of the greatest men who ever lived."
"Upholding the glorious slain paragons of their order as Saints."
"A true saint, the mark of true sainthood."
"But no one can say where for certain but found himself being a reverend circa of the 7th century to become the patron saint of Ireland."
"She was a saint and she had to go heal people."
"True transformations in the world and in the church continue to come about only through the interventions of men and women on fire, that is, through the saints."
"Here is the repentance of the saint: Job was a saint but he sinned."
"So if it takes three miracles to become a saint, well let's check it off."
"The only thing he wants from us is to become Saints."
"It is the Saints who are fully alive."
"How do these saints stay loving and stay present? That's why they're saints."
"She was made a saint because of her charity... it was her magnanimous heart and all the ways that she always sought to serve that made her a saint."
"The Saints and martyrs are physically present in this place where their bodies lie as well as in heaven."
"Here's the patience and the faith of the saints."
"We have great sinners in our past and our history that became great saints—so can you."
"If we are faithful to God in this life, we will live with Jesus, Mary, and the saints forever."
"It's rare indeed when a person has the good fortune to meet a saint."
"We are striving to be Saints, but we won't be Saints unless we strengthen our hearts, we firm our knees, and we realize that the Lord is near."
"Let's pray for the grace that we will become the Saints that God is calling us to be."
"If I ever become a saint, I will surely be one of darkness."
"A real saint is someone that's just grateful for everything."
"We just pray for all of you who are listening, that you will embrace this great gift, that your life will be transformed through it all, and you become that great saint that God desires you to be."
"The kingdom we are building is a kingdom of saints, not of structures."
"The salvation of a soul is the miracle of a moment; the manufacture of a saint is the task of a lifetime."
"The greatest saints are those who receive the greatest crosses."
"The title of Saint is given to people after they die, once their deeds while they were alive are assessed for their tribute to God."
"The solution is to turn our hearts towards God, to become Saints."
"As church music is a way to sing to God, he wishes to be a sort of hero for the music world or a patron saint."
"They were creating humanity, and I think they are really saints in the sense of persons who are the image of God."
"He dedicates his life to that and he dies for it."
"He's probably the most celebrated saint, beyond the apostles."
"She is a saint in the world of queerness."
"This fearlessness in confronting who he is and how he is has created a monumental Saint."
"To be a saint is not an option; it's an imperative because only saints get to Heaven."
"You, O Blessed Mother, are the holiest of all the saints in heaven; you are queen of All Saints."
"A saint that doesn't have human characteristics, a saint that doesn't annoy some people, a saint that isn't at times difficult to live with, is not a saint."
"I only wanted two things: I wanted to be numbered with Saints and have a happy family."
"A saint is a sinner that never gave up."
"It was not the outer which made them saints; it was their inner attainment."
"To seek the holy blissful martyr quick to give his help to them when they were sick."
"In our family, there were two saints: my aunt and my grandmother, but their lives were different."
"This is one of the reasons why we need the example of a saintly life."
"You have to find out not if the saint made mistakes... Saints make mistakes because human beings make mistakes, and Saints are human beings."
"How are you doing with this because you're my brother or you're my sister in the Lord, and God has a plan for you, and that plan is to be a saint."
"We have come into this world with a latent desire for sainthood, a desire to become deeply pervaded by love and goodness."
"Saint Lawrence was a third-century early Christian deacon, saint, and martyr."
"Joan of Arc, being just a teenager, she's considered today as one of the nine secondary patron saints of France."
"Vladimir through his act of becoming Christian became a saint and also became a major cultural icon throughout many countries in Eastern Europe."
"Cuthbert is regarded as the patron saint of northern England."
"He is all things to all men, the perfect saint, the perfect monk, the perfect Bishop."
"Brother Andre became the first male Canadian-born saint."
"Mother Teresa was recognized by the church as a saint, or canonized, on September 4th, 2016."
"It is supremely important that we should know the lives of the saints."
"Eucharistic adoration will change your life; it'll make you a saint."
"Your greatest title will be that of being a saint."
"To endure, to be patient in the midst of affliction, in the midst of being misunderstood and in the midst of suffering, that is sainthood."
"The saints were nothing but the sinners who kept trying."
"He's remembered as a holy man, praised for his charity and for forging a peace with Dorne."
"He was known as Nicholas the Wonder Worker."
"Do you know what you are? You're a saint, that's what you are."
"She was a true example of a saint."
"Please give us again, Lord, more great Saints in our church in the present day who will love, cherish, and preach your gospel."
"Oh if man only really knew himself, he would become a saint for his own sake."
"Saints always look to the reward."
"For there the Saints are perfect Saints, and holy ones indeed, From all the sin that dwelt within their mortal bodies freed: Made Kings and Priests to God through Christs dear loves transcendency, There to remain, and there to reign with him Eternally."
"St. Martin of Tours was a Roman soldier of Illyrian origin."
"I really feel that a lot of the people who built this parish deserve the title of sainthood because of what they've given to us."
"What does a radicalized Catholic do? They become St. Padre Pio or Saint Mother Teresa."
"Canonization means this man's soul is in heaven, period."
"The only thing you can do is become a saint, to become just in the world, to be an anchor for people around you."
"No saint was ever canonized for what he knew; saints are canonized for what they do."
"The quickest, easiest, surest, and most perfect way to become a saint."
"Do you want to go to heaven? Do you want to be a saint?"
"Fernando III, King of Leon-Castile, led the most extensive crusading effort in history and was later canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church."
"He appears as a lamb in his condescending, mild, and sweet treatment of his saints."
"We're all called to be Saints; we're all called to be holy."
"A saint is someone who hears the Word of God and acts upon it."
"Christianity is in trouble not because its beliefs are dead, but because it does not offer its ideal of heroic sainthood as an immediate personal one to be lived by believers."
"A relic is a piece, usually a bone fragment, of a saint."
"The mark of a saint is not perfection but consecration."
"The only tragedy in life is not to become a saint."
"The goal of all of this is to become a saint."
"One day November 1st will not just be their feast day; one day November 1st will be your feast day."
"The Saints are not Saints because they were perfect; the Saints are not Saints because they didn't have flaws."
"The greatest saints are able to give ceaselessly, tirelessly."
"It's easier than ever before to become a saint."
"All Christians are Saints and priests, part of a royal priesthood."
"God atoned both for these first Saints who justified the righteous and condemned the wicked, and all the saints who come after them who follow the law as interpreted by the teaching of the ancestors."
"Monica, Augustine's mother, prayed for Augustine and has been canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church."
"All the saints passed through fire and water, through various temptations and afflictions, and they glorified God with their patience and received crowns of eternal glory."
"I always dreamed of sainthood, chances are small but never zero."
"The striving effort of the Saints throughout history has been to see all things as the will of God and to accept them likewise."
"John Paul II calls St. Gregor Palus a very holy man."
"We asked 100 people to name a saint many children are named after."
"Edward would be venerated as a saint after his death, even though during his life he was described as being known for extreme violence."
"The idea of the liturgy is that they're not the dead but they live; the saints live to God."
"The Saints of modern times will surpass the Saints of old as much as the Cedars of Lebanon surpassed the shrubs."
"Saints become martyrs before they get to be heroes."
"The saints who are greatest before God are those who consider themselves the least."
"In order to achieve sainthood we just need the kindness and the purity of heart."
"Saint Charbel is best known for his miracles obviously during his life and still now after his death."
"Something saintly has just happened, and you must take hold of this now; you can become a saint."
"I mean he was a great sinner who became a great saint."
"Becoming a saint is about abandoning all of your plans, including your plans on how to become a saint."
"I'd like to see us all become Saints."
"The relics, the body of Saint Leontius, one of the early bishops here, is actually buried here."
"This doesn't disqualify you from being a saint."
"For his patriotic actions and wise diplomacy, he was made a saint by the Russian version of the Greek Orthodox Church."
"To be a saint, you've got to work at it."
"The saints are not dead; they are alive to God."
"Saint Gregory Palamas is recognized as a saint in the Eastern Catholic churches."
"Born in 1181, Saint Francis was a martyr for Christian charity."
"Saints are still Sinners; they still committed sin. There's nobody sinless."
"We're all called to become Saints."
"It's really important to contrast the Orthodox expression of what a saint is, which is a unified expression and experience that does not differ."
"He is the world's most popular non-biblical Saint."
"What makes a person a saint is not perfect theology; it's was he in the bosom of the church and did he submit."
"She's the first Native American canonized Saint."
"Everybody who believes in Christ are saints."
"All he cares about is like helping others; he's like a saint."
"Why not be a saint? Why not be a great saint?"
"The saints that overcome the world will not always be the strongest or the most popular; they're going to be the ones that endured."
"We're saints; we gotta represent God right."
"Those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, they're Saints."
"He has loved the sinner till he has made him a saint."
"I always feel the same audacious confidence that I will one day be a saint."
"God makes saints from among devout believers."
"All of us, I feel like, have been given the makings to be a saint."
"Beloved of God, called to be Saints."
"The perseverance of the saints reminds us forcefully that only those who persevere to the end are truly saints."
"The greatest Saints are not those who have fasted the most or those who know the most... but rather those who have learned the beautiful death of attentiveness and surrender to God."
"You were made for this and with God by your side and a constant striving for virtue within your vocation, you too can be a saint."