
Power Distribution Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"We can build a nation that's not about empires and sequestration of power and wealth and resources, but about co-creation."
"The founders were very wary of power being misused; they wanted to spread it thinly over a society, they wanted no one to have too much power or to be able to hang on to it for too long."
"Decentralization is a good thing because it removes power from the central elite and big banks. It's permissionless."
"The right architecture for a digital society should not concentrate power but distribute it, avoiding digital serfdom."
"Socialism is not driven by a hatred of the rich; we hate a system which allows a small group of people to hold a wildly disproportionate amount of power."
"Freedom consists of the distribution of power, and despotism in its concentration."
"The number one problem is there's too much power in too few hands."
"No one kid should control two water cannons. That's a little too much power for one person."
"If too much power and too much data, and data now is deemed the raw material of power, is concentrated in few places, either in a few corporations or a few governments or a few countries, we need to, as much as possible, disperse power and data to more locations."
"Federalism is the sharing of power between national government and state government."
"Power should never be concentrated in too few hands."
"It's ultimately about storage of information, transmission of information, and power, and that being decentralized."
"Democracies and republics have taken the power from the king given it to the people."
"True power in our nation is not found in government or hallways or anywhere, it's found in our people."
"SH-AWD can send 70 percent of power to the rear axle, giving it a rear-wheel drive feel."
"All of this is going through again the ZF 8-speed automatic gearbox and the power split normally under like basically regular load is 40 60 so 40 of the power is always going to the front sixty percent of the total power is going to the rear."
"My purpose in politics is not to take power but to give it back, to have a small government with big citizens."
"It corners well, it performs well, it puts power down unbelievably well."
"What we need to put on our banners is more democracy, deeper democracy."
"Taxes are not a fun topic but they play a critical role in distributing power and resources through our economy."
"The only safe repository for power in the United States of America is in the hands of its people."
"Not all of our power is in the branches; it exists in media, education, NGOs, and the deep state."
"Inclusive political institutions create a more equal distribution of power."
"The justice of the situation demands that power goes to the southeast... it's simply a matter of equity."
"No one man should have all that power. Everyone should have it."
"Like all their modern Subaru all-wheel drive systems, current WRXs also have VDC to shuffle power and improve handling."
"Exactly how the system shuffles power is what makes this system so special."
"Government abuses of power do not solely rest with the executive branch."
"In a republic, the power lies with the people through our elected representatives and the rule of law."
"We're coming into a more decentralized social media, a more decentralized world where power isn't going to accumulate in the same way as it did before."
"Our founders wanted that power and control they didn't want the king to have that power and control they wanted the people to."
"All-wheel drive getting that power to the ground."
"Ford claims that this will send up to 70% of its power to the rear when needed."
"The structure of a government is a protection of our civil rights because power cannot reside in one government or one branch of that government or one person in that branch of that government."
"Focus on the concept of distribution of power."
"Power is distributed in an erratically unequal fashion."
"The best shot at freedom from domination is giving everybody roughly equivalent amounts of political and economic power."
"Ymir's Powers became the powers of the nine Titans; she has created every single Titan that exists."
"There's pros and cons to both... it's about distribution of power."
"That's the only purpose God has endowed any of us with any power, money, wealth: to figure out how to share that power with others so they can come up."
"We have rear wheel lockers... both rear wheels have equal power to spin."
"The judiciary serves as an important check on the aggrandizement of power by the political branches."
"I think ultimately, MEV is basically about what is the power distribution in your system, how is information propagated, and who profits off that."
"...it figures out which wheel needs which amount of power and then it shoots it out to each wheel as necessary."
"All the power has to be transferred to all four tires."
"Love that you can have traction off like this and while I've enjoyed the handling balance of a 50 50 power split let's see if we can't make things a bit more interesting by sending a hundred percent of the power to the rear tires."
"What really makes this little generator super efficient is the fact that it's generating DC and distributing it to the power stations via special thick cables."
"Honestly, my biggest Pro by far is how well this track distributes power."
"Seeing just how well this stuff disperses power throughout the layout, that's a big turn on for me."
"Checks and balances is simply another way to describe the dispersion of power."
"With Subaru's symmetrical four-wheel drive system, you have a simple, balanced, permanent distribution of power to all wheels at the same time."
"Colonial space making is ultimately about the distribution of social and political goods along axes of power and hierarchical relations."
"It's a great way to distribute power to the various components in your camper electrical system."
"The 21st century will be a multi-polar century, there will not be a single superpower."
"Maximizing grip on loose or slippery surfaces is all about directing power to the wheels which can best use it."
"We'll actually be able to hook up and put power down to all four wheels when we're taking off."
"It feels extremely good with the power coming to the front wheels and not the rear wheels."
"It could send most of the power to the rear and really make this behave like a rear-wheel drive vehicle."
"We have a diffraction grating that diffracts to thousands of modes and we are simultaneously controlling how much power goes into each of those."
"When you have more power on the rear wheels, it kind of helps you swinging out of the corner."
"It's about not only more power but distributing it smarter and more efficiently of where it needs to go."
"Good government limits power given to any one individual."
"Federalism is really just a combination of national, state, and local powers."
"Virtual resistance based droop control achieves power sharing among the converters."
"Every generator has a participation factor, generically it's usually based on the megawatt capability of the unit in the injection groups."