
Left-wing Politics Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"I don't think a lot of people understand how much I care about the left space succeeding broadly."
"The common denominator on the left is egalitarianism, not the government."
"Fascism arises from a reaction to and a despising of the left."
"The resurgence of left media is real, it's modern, its appealing, and its timely."
"You can make a very strong left-wing case for freedom of speech."
"It's good that the left is playing their hand as hard as they can, because this gets it out in the open."
"The backlash is coming and I am pleased to see that backlash coming because nothing could be more timely than a massive backlash against the wild leftist overreach we are currently seeing."
"He split the left by his own rightward turn and in turn has bolstered the concept of ownership politics that has inadvertently swung all the momentum to France's political right."
"We need new words to describe what the left is. Authoritarian, identitarian, communist."
"There's been a normalization of left-wing bigotry which is going to alienate not just much of the sort of white British mainstream but I think many traditional-minded ethnic minority people find it hugely problematic."
"Both of them realize that indeed the left can and has gone too far."
"I'm left-wing, I fucking hate the far left as much as I hate the far right."
"If this is the country that the left wants, this is the country they're going to get."
"Bernie is the most popular office holder in the country."
"The left rejects these progressive policies. It's strong evidence."
"The left decided we're constrained, snip the cord and jump so far left everyone else is left standing there watching them."
"This is how all of this works: an attempt by the left to suppress narratives they do not like."
"The entire left-wing position rests on the complete dehumanization of a pre-born child."
"Once you understand the core ideology of why the left's doing what they're doing... you'll never ask questions like why is it they throw gays off buildings in Iran."
"We need to do a much better job of stigmatizing left-wing views."
"Transformational change always requires a hook for the left. COVID was the best hook they've ever seen, and they will not let it go ever." - Ben Shapiro
"I think we're thinking we're only at the very earliest stages of that. I think the left from the days of London has basically died and in its wake has left a great deal of quite destructive cultural intellectual and political baggage."
"Something changed when people like AOC started winning when this wave of weird authoritarian leftism and wokeness started emerging and the Democrats started embracing it."
"American families are hurting, my Democrat colleagues and their liberal elite mouthpieces in the media claim to be champions of the poor and the working class..."
"Even people on the left... beginning to turn."
"It's actually not that hard to get support from the left. Just give us the things that we want. That's it." - Claire Sandberg
"The left's transcendence is unmoored, untethered confusion and insanity."
"I fundamentally don't believe the left benefits from isolation, deplatforming, and a refusal to engage."
"So Labour have big problems, and I think what's perhaps most important is that people be on the left are recognizing this."
"The left is really good, they're like parasites, they're good at taking over things. We're much better at starting things."
"If it is good for the left, they are for it. If it is bad for the left, they are against it."
"The overwhelming weight of political correctness, cancel culture, phenomenon is coming from the left."
"The more the left does this, the more they are going to move the overton window for decent normal and good people to reject the radical left."
"Just because you have advanced far beyond and moved into further and further areas of the left doesn't mean that like those people aren't incredibly important in mobilizing people."
"They know quite clearly that while the left has a voice, it wins."
"When a left-wing dictator takes over and wants to do good things for people, we do everything we can to undercut them."
"Let's start the divisive NDP and left-wing politics and vow to destroy racism together."
"The left started embracing collectivist and communist ideas."
"Larry Elder has been fighting the pernicious racism of the left."
"Some of the socialist or socialist-aligned victories... the biggest bright spot at least for the left."
"The greatest sin of the left is that they've cheapened evil."
"The left is going to do this every day of the week and twice on Sunday."
"Politics is not a dirty word, and the more we pretend that it is, the more politics will be absolutely dominated by the left."
"The Legacy Media, of course, is already running cover for them, they're already spreading lies and promoting this far-left, frankly unhinged ideology."
"I think for the most part, as we've often seen, the left has been particularly irrational."
"The left has form and substance in their politics, and it's really dangerous but very effective."
"The left is so wrapped up in their feelings."
"This is demonstrative of a massive double standard on the left."
"Biden is running to the left of just about every candidacy I can think of."
"How can the left confront this? Link international redistributionist politics to domestic redistributionist politics."
"The person who has been under the most sustained attack from a viciously right-wing press but managed to retain a large degree of popularity in the United States is Bernie Sanders."
"These are unified left-wing mobilizations of enormous self-confidence and effectivity."
"It helps me actually have compassion for people who exhibit some of the toxic tendencies of the left."
"The left is in a fundamentally stronger position this time to politicize the facts."
"Trump had that effect. He made it very difficult for anyone on the left to actually take these problems seriously."
"It's been a cavalcade of defeats for the left in general."
"I'm sorry, but I think that you're kind of worthless to the left if you can't even engage."
"I see more and more that the left has gone off the rails."
"It's a massive setback for us in our movement and you know we have to keep barreling forward."
"Half the left isn't actually there to divide people."
"There's a way in the United States where the left eats itself on these issues."
"There's a very anti-working-class sentiment on the left."
"I don't think the answers to how to solve that are on the left."
"The only way for the left to ever win on anything is ruthless solidarity."
"Very bad thing, but we did just have a whole year of political violence from the left, didn't we?"
"The left doesn't much care about the Constitution."
"The system is broken that is exactly right and either the left is going to figure it out or the left is going to suffer the political consequences."
"We need to engage the battle of ideas if we're on the left."
"The identitarianism of the left is going insane."
"We're gonna have to have those conversations on the left."
"The left, by being so spineless, is essentially removing itself from the political configurations."
"So, from our side, he'll be very, very sort of missed but hopefully, you can, I'm sure you will, on the American left, take his legacy forward."
"Even left-wing MPs are calling her out on this."
"The left tends to fetishize the multiplicity in every way."
"The left is always associated in support of gay rights, of all races and all genders."
"The US left is heavily shaped by foundations, dominated by nonprofits, and heavily dependent on foundations and they receive much of their culture and instructions from these foundations."
"It's this purity and ego that breeds the sectarianism that keeps large parts of the left more concerned over minor grievances when they agree over 98% rather than major grievances with people that want all of the left dead."
"It's appalling to see the left support this, because in principle, the left is the voice of the underclass."
"Emma Goldman represents the dedication and love aspect of the left-wing political movement that really speaks to me."
"I have criticized the left in the same broad language... I always try to clarify like, 'Oh, this is a minority of people. This is not a hashtag not all like stuff.'"