
Redux Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Redux helps manage application states, and it is often used with React."
"Now that you have learned the fundamentals of functional programming, you're ready to learn Redux."
"In Redux, we store our application state inside a single JavaScript object called the store... This object is the single source of truth for our application state."
"We cannot directly modify or mutate the store because Redux is built on top of functional programming principles."
"A reducer is a function that takes the current instance of the store and returns the updated store."
"When the user performs an action... we create an action object and dispatch it."
"This dispatch is like an entry point to our store... we have a central place where we can control what should happen every time the user performs an action."
"Redux is actually a very small and simple library... it has a small API, it has a small footprint."
"Redux Toolkit simplifies the developer experience by providing a standard way to set up stores, reducers, and actions."
"Redux DevTools are integrated right from the get-go, providing powerful tools for debugging and state management."
"Redux makes the experience of using redux significantly better and there are good use cases there."
"How you connect Redux to web components is kind of interesting."
"Now it's displaying, coming from Redux as opposed to just right in that component."
"We're going to learn exactly what redux is, what it solves, and then we're going to learn about the theory of redux and some of the data flow."
"Redux is used to manage the state at the top level of the application, allowing components to read and update the state through actions and reducers."
"An action creator essentially is a function that dispatches an action to the reducer and then the reducer goes ahead interprets that action and then manipulates the store."
"Redux is used for state management, but useContext and local storage can also be used."
"Overall, Redux is a global state manager that allows you to manage your app state in a single place, which can be very useful."
"So now as we have done that integration, now my React components know about the Redux state."
"So now we want our entire React app to access this store."
"So now in Redux toolkit, we have reducers to handle the synchronous task if we have something asynchronous then we have one more option here that is called extra reducers."
"I've been critical of Redux in the past, but I don't want to pass the bad impression that I don't think it is a good library."
"Many companies are stuck with using Redux, and they probably enjoy it. It's not that bad."
"Redux toolkit is the official opinionated batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development."
"Redux toolkit makes the Redux development easy to work with."
"And look at that, guys, so we've now rendered out all of the posts that we retrieved through Redux."
"Using a package like Easy Peasy or some of the alternatives they list here on the site instead of using Redux directly is really a great choice."
"With Redux, you can do this time travel."
"Redux is a data management library, and it takes a lot of the paradigms that Flux created and implements them for itself."
"Redux helps manage bigger projects; believe me, it will help you a lot in the future."
"We have covered a lot in a short amount of time as far as Redux and RTK Query goes."
"It's not just MVC these days, we've now got things like Redux and other members of the flux family that are bidding for our attention."
"Redux tracks all the states that your application has been through and the way that it's transitioned between each of these states."
"The idea of Redux is that it tracks all the states that your application has been through."
"By the way, I am not gonna be using the traditional putting the connect and the map dispatch to props, map state to props, all that stuff. I'm gonna be using the hooks that we have Redux library comes with nowadays."
"Because of Immer, we just do state.push; that would never be able to be allowed in the old way of doing things."
"This was an example of Redux Toolkit side by side comparison with the traditional way of setting up Redux."
"It automatically causes combined reducer function for us."
"Create slice is a function that accepts an initial state, an object full of reducer functions, and a slice name, and automatically generates action creators and action types that correspond to the reducers and state."
"It can be a lot easier for a beginner to learn Redux using the Redux toolkit way instead of the typical way."
"Redux is an implementation of Flux."
"What provider does is it gives our children access to a Redux store."
"Redux is a cycle where you start with something like an action."
"So this is exactly what an asynchronous action creator looks like."
"Make sure to understand what is Redux and how to use it."
"Redux is basically having this global store and you can manipulate it however you want."
"The primary reason Redux is good is that it is proven to work in production at scale."
"We're going to use Redux and RTK Query for this application."
"We'll apply the Redux file structure that you have seen in my previous Redux tutorials."
"This counter is now reading the count from our redux store."
"Feel free to use this as your go-to way of how to set up a Redux project."
"Redux is a state management library so it's going to handle the logic for managing your application state."
"Redux is an open-source JavaScript library used to manage application state."
"Redux is a state management system, working based on flux architecture."
"We'll talk about reducers, and this is a pattern that's familiar if you're familiar with Redux."
"Redux follows three major tenants: a single source of truth, state is read-only, and changes are made with pure functions."
"Redux has made some very specific design choices that make it advantageous."
"You can simply fire off Redux actions as you would for any other part of your application."
"The Elm architecture is basically Redux but for components."
"That right there is how data flows in Redux."
"These functions are called action creators."
"We're going to switch on the action.type."