
Energy Production Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"The safest way is to produce our own energy in the European Union because that's the energy of freedom."
"The way to lower prices is to unleash American Energy."
"Methylene blue is a fantastic way to support energy production... you don't have the side effects."
"Nuclear waste... is some of the safest energy production related waste there is."
"Toilets that can convert [ __ ] into energy."
"Apparently I'm so good at the stock market now all my generators produce more energy because reasons."
"Find ways to generate electricity and you can sell it to the grid."
"Hydrogen fuel cells produce plenty of electric power while emitting pure water as waste exhaust."
"We are now the number one energy producer in the world... I'm not gonna lose that wealth."
"Chernobyl as a power station was created to fuel and energize this location."
"The long arc of the human endeavor is we grind out more primary energy every year, not less."
"Our goal is to strive towards a thousand gigawatt hours a year of annualized production in the United States alone."
"The ability for your liver to produce energy is amazing."
"They actually produced more than they needed."
"Fusion is about bringing things together. When those Fusion reactions occur, a new particle is created and energy is also released."
"We want to take those protons and push them together to make them combine and release energy."
"A fusion plant could basically be the plasma core coming in setting it in place and driving your thermal system to make electricity."
"This is about making grand changes in how we produce energy."
"Scientists pretty quickly realized we can also use this to create a lot of energy for civil use."
"These areas will generate 3.7 gigawatts of power."
"China's new coal production has exceeded the mining capacity of all of western europe in a single year."
"Fusion reactors would produce four million times more energy than burning coal or gas."
"What's really important too is we want to be able to continue to innovate... what are the best ways to preserve our water, how can we produce energy in different ways?"
"Our goal is to compress and heat the fusion fuel right till it begins to ignite and then turn it off, expand it, get that electricity out of the system, put in new fuel, and repeat the process."
"What is metabolism fundamentally? Metabolism is the way that we produce energy in the body."
"Nuclear fusion is the same process that powers our sun and every other star in the universe."
"With this radiation, I made a decay generator which turns radiation into power."
"We can take that waste, put it into our reactors, and produce enough electricity to power the entire world for 72 years."
"Methylene blue works at the molecular level in mitochondria, improving energy production."
"We need to be producing so much renewable energy now."
"It is statistically the safest form of reliable power production we have today."
"Europe must be more sensitive to supply chains and energy production."
"Nuclear is not only absolutely necessary for global energy production, but it is also the absolute best possible solution by a huge margin compared to every alternative."
"The first stage of the Dyson Sphere is now online, and already we are now actually in positive when it comes to energy."
"Turning waste into ethanol: a solution to both environmental and energy challenges."
"If you remove all of the leaves, the orchid will not be able to produce enough energy."
"And while I'm president America will remain the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world and Ohio workers will continue leading the way."
"In order for Humanity to have a good future of the century, we have to figure out a way to sustainably produce and consume energy."
"Fermentation is a type of anaerobic respiration where microorganisms feed on organic compounds, often sugars, to get the energy they need."
"So it is a mind-boggling idea that the Sun is producing in ten billion years, the lifetime of the Sun... It is producing less energy than what happens during a stellar collapse to a neutron star."
"Texas produces the most wind energy and has the highest migration rate."
"Understanding the energy balance between glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation is crucial for grasping cellular metabolism."
"From glucose to pyruvate to acetyl CoA, each step involves intricate processes of decarboxylation and dehydrogenation, crucial for energy production."
"Fission is taking heavy elements like uranium and breaking them up, releasing energy."
"Despite all the dire prophecies of economists, gas prices have fallen as the U.S. produces more oil than any country in history, including Saudi Arabia."
"Currently in the UK the cheapest way of generating electricity is land-based wind."
"Creatine creates a buffer for that system so creatine you put a phosphate onto it's called phosphocreatine and it's used to recycle ATP so it's kind of like the short-term energy buffer."
"Magnesium is essential to make ATP, the form of energy that's made in mitochondria."
"Nuclear is actually one of the safest and most reliable ways to produce electricity."
"We do need to change the way we generate electricity, very primarily the way we transport ourselves."
"Bacteria of all levels of complexity must generate at least a hundred thousand ATP molecules per second per micron squared."
"We're the number one producer of energy now in the world."
"Tesla's about to announce... a roadmap to a terawatt of energy production... we're looking at a thirty times increase in revenue."
"Your man's generating energy like it's seven hamsters on a wheel, man, it's coming through in buckets."
"We're generating power using a nuclear reactor and filling our resonant energy cell with it. We're having a net gain over a few seconds, so every five seconds we're gaining 80,000 RF instead of losing."
"It burns up to 27,000 tons of coal a day, powering more than 2 million homes and businesses across three states."
"We're now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere on earth."
"It is the mitochondrial electron transport chain that is the engine of the cell."
"The engine of our cells is the electron transport chain that is sitting in the mitochondria."
"...when you convert from glucose to lactate for example, there is a certain amount of energy or jewels that is released in this process."
"There's no way it's pretty, it's produced that much energy."
"The Arabelle steam turbine is set to be the largest ever manufactured, capable of producing 1770 megawatts of CO2 free electricity."
"That electrochemical potential is then used to fuel a motor that by coupling the flowing of those proteins back into the mitochondrial matrix with the synthesis of ATP."
"We could do that, but people may not want to look at that many turbines."
"Nuclear fusion can only take place under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure."
"Alpha lipoic acid plays a role in how your body generates energy in your mitochondria."
"Offshoring fossil fuel production doesn't solve the problem; it just shifts it."
"When the cells have access to oxygen, this process is very efficient with a lot of energy produced."
"Mitochondria are your cellular power plants, producing the primary energy source ATP. They also regulate metabolism and are involved in cell division, growth, and death."
"Each form of power generation carries its own risks for making a big mess of the environment."
"ATP is the molecule that provides most of our energy needs. It's fascinating how our body converts the energy stored in nutrients into ATP through processes like cellular respiration and oxidative phosphorylation."
"Water is admitted through the intake structure into the penstock through which it is conducted to the turbine, producing electric energy."
"Ethanol is produced from crude oil, a non-renewable resource, through hydration of ethene, an industrial process requiring high temperatures and pressures."
"The total amount of waste we're talking about here really isn't all that much at least not compared to the amount of energy we've gotten out of nuclear power plant operations."
"Now it takes energy to produce energy and what matters most is what's the net profit on that."
"Joe Ste: 'We're actually creating more power than we're consuming.'"
"In a reactor, we try to keep a chain reaction going at an even rather than increasing rate to give us a steady and controlled release of power."
"By perfecting the fuel breeding process, we make available an almost inexhaustible supply of energy, more than two thousand times the energy contained in all our remaining fossil fuels."
"Reactor's able to breed new fuel as they burn the old, while turning out their enormous floods of power, could supply our major energy needs for centuries to come."
"The mitochondria... it's the powerhouse of the cell because it makes energy."
"Mitochondria are known as the power plant of the cell."
"The mitochondria is the energy powerhouse of the cell."
"The way it works is you just drill down into the hotter parts of the earth, the upper mantle, and it heats up steam which turns a turbine and generates electricity."
"Batteries can be expensive and not reliable. They also require a lot of energy to be manufactured and can pollute the environment if they are improperly disposed of."
"The building produces about 230,000 kWh but only consumes approximately 100,000 kWh."
"The question of how we produce energy marks the beginning and the end of all climate change."
"North will give you the most energy over a year."
"It's really about matching the 24-hour energy cycle with all the peaks and demand and production."
"In anaerobic respiration, we only produce 2 ATP, whereas in aerobic respiration, we produce around 34."
"We've got a running generator now that's producing power."
"Because they can make tons of acetyl-CoA, that's more than enough to be able to fuel the body."
"If you could burn matter at the rate of one kilogram per hour, you would have about one and a half times the total power output of the world."
"Is it a good thing that we're now not exporting all of our waste or putting it into landfill? We're now turning it into energy to supply all those homes."
"For about a month, this singular supernova was producing more electromagnetic energy than our entire galaxy."
"I want to take that scrap and turn it into a very usable wind turbine that will generate some serious power."
"Wherever man finds fuel and water together and in good supply, he has the materials for generating electric power at low cost with steam."
"All stars are unique but they have one thing in common: they produce energy and light."
"If we generate too little, we risk a blackout; if we generate too much, then we're wasting our precious resources."
"The net gain for glycolysis is therefore: glucose is oxidized to two pyruvate and two waters, four ATP are formed but two were used, so two net ATP, two NADH molecules."
"Mitochondria... produce a load of energy for various cells in our body."
"This is the Rebel Stoke hydroelectric Dam in British Columbia, Canada. 2.8 gigawatts capacity; over a year, it produces 7,800 gigawatt hours. That's enough for 8 million homes in North America."
"Waste can be incinerated or burned to reduce the volume and turn waste into electricity."
"It's thanks to this plant that Magnox's nuclear power stations could keep burning their fuel, generating electricity for homes, offices, hospitals, and schools across the country."
"It's possible that each house could produce as much energy as it consumes."
"The spinning of ATP synthase helps create ATP, which is a form of usable energy for the cell."
"Energy comes from the breakdown of food and this is called metabolism."
"This is a project that is fundamentally both growth and degrowth at the same time; it can produce more energy, it can produce more prosperity, but it's doing so without the environmental impact."
"Mitochondria, they're the energy producer of the cell."
"In a sequence of reaction steps, the pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme complex generates fuel for aerobic respiration reactions of the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain."
"Cellular respiration is the process of using glucose to create energy."
"These solar panels churn out around 15 KW of energy, plenty to cover a whole bunch of needs."
"The way we make electricity was a bigger single cause of climate change."
"The main purpose of respiration is to produce energy."
"The more that you exercise, the more your body will actually start to make more energy."
"Stress is the body's inability to make energy for the mind to perceive its environment."
"First net energy production through nuclear fusion."
"It's not just about what goes up the chimney; it's about the whole life environmental footprint from construction of that coal through to its burning."
"We're producing a 1,000 megawatt Surplus."
"If we run a simulation, we see it produces about 37 million kilowatt hours."
"They make about half of our electricity."
"In the combustion, we ended up with how heat energy being used to generate electricity by generating sufficient amount of steam from water."
"Some of these plants can be considered flexible... their power output can be adjusted within some limits."
"You're actually able to simulate your array and see the production that is designed."
"Not only energy production should be our last goal, you have to think how to store that energy."
"Operation reliability is quite high in nuclear power plants."
"Oxidative phosphorylation happens in the mitochondria and is where we generate the bulk of our ATP."
"The benefit of nuclear power is that it has no greenhouse gas emissions and can produce large quantities of energy in a single power plant."
"The citric acid cycle provides us with NADH and FADH2, which are great sources of energy for making ATP."
"Glucose is the key to creating ATP, and that helps during high intensity training."
"With the help of the incredible workers in this room, the United States is now the number-one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world, anywhere on the planet."
"Let's deal with pollution of other forms and let's produce energy."
"You may be asked to think of environmental solutions in terms of energy production. Perhaps you already have. And when that happens, you might be willing to think, or ask, is that part of the solution or part of the problem?"