
Legal Responsibility Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"All the states parties to the Genocide Convention thus have a common interest to ensure the prevention, suppression, and punishment of genocide."
"The provisions of this section shall not relieve the driver from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons."
"She absolutely knew it was wrong, and she absolutely caused the death of this 18-year-old boy."
"The big problem for them is that the judge says he's going to follow the law and that he has no agenda."
"The trustee alleges that at all relevant times the CFS defendants knew or should have known."
"We have a responsibility to fight back and defend the constitutional system."
"This would be gross negligence, I think it verges on depraved indifference given that we're talking about a life or death situation for vulnerable people who get this disease."
"Ricky Simon senior was directly responsible for Jaime's abduction and probable murder."
"No one is above the law. We have a constitutional responsibility and we need to meet it." - Elizabeth Warren
"State is 100% responsible for Brianna Taylor's death unequivocally."
"Ms. Heard cannot run away from her own allegations."
"Companies and individuals who manufacture or market cosmetics have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of their products."
"Trump is going to have to pay that money. He's not going to be able to wiggle out of this one."
"If you overserve somebody and they drive home, you're liable."
"The way you get that duty we're going to discuss that too. You don't have automatically, you don't have a special duty to protect."
"If the facts say that a prosecution is correct, not prosecuting is a cop-out and it's cowardly."
"It is our duty to get the constitution right."
"He is literally useless because the only thing that we expect of our attorney general is to hold people accountable."
"If you've ever had power of attorney over someone's entire world, what is that? That means life insurance, everything. Yeah, I had to pull the plug."
"The responsible thing to do is to contact authorities. Jim Bob did not contact CPS or police."
"You are an attorney general who is using wielding power, the power of your office to protect your constituents and to protect the people of Texas. This seems like an important practice."
"It's hard not to feel like the state holds some of the responsibility here in the crimes that Cleotha was given the opportunity to commit."
"Ultimately, you got to hold him fully accountable."
"Anything right judge? We're assuming responsibility to follow the notice of appeal."
"They're all jointly and severally liable... they're strong men and their flesh and blood."
"That was the first admission that he had made that he was responsible for committing that crime."
"Post-war congress sought to hold Britain responsible for the destruction caused by the Alabama."
"In weighing the evidence, give every piece of evidence and testimony the way you think it is due, hold us to our burden."
"Your responsibility is to make sure... he can't come out free."
"The fact that he waited until after he was a legal adult to destroy it is enough of a problem."
"You can't just say a defamatory statement and say this person said it. I'm liable for it unless a reasonable person could find it to be true."
"A party to a civil suit cannot be liable for the intentional wrongful conduct of his attorney unless the client is implicated in some way other than merely having entrusted legal representation to the attorney."
"The entire burden to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt is on the prosecution. The defense does not have to prove anything in this case." - Sarah Azari
"You as the YouTube creator are legally responsible for the content you upload."
"This case is not a whodunit. This is not about what happened. Nate Holden is the one who is responsible for the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor."
"Ignorance does not negate that you are responsible for the consequences of breaking the law."
"Lindsay was an adult woman beating the [ __ ] out of a three-year-old girl."
"The burden of proof: they have to prove to you."
"You should never lie to get out of jury duty."
"Obligation to prevent and punish the crime of genocide... the role of the Court... is pivotal."
"Germany is not legally responsible for The Inferno that has engulfed Gaza or rather it is only responsible through its own breaches of its own International obligations linked to this horrific situation."
"If it didn't go through their testing and so I was able to get into a situation to kill five people then that's North Dakota's fault."
"They really try to follow the law and do what's in the best interest of the kid."
"I can't imagine anybody would be charged with anything."
"Who is responsible when an autonomous car kills someone?"
"You must tell the truth while you testify. This is not your show."
"You unfairly shifted the burden of proof to the President."
"Legislation that would hold statements and representations made by a company using AI that are a total lie should not be considered immune from lawsuit."
"If there's a crime, if I've committed a crime, I have to. Okay? When it's suspicious, this is not something that you cannot be somebody."
"In any Rico conspiracy you are as guilty as the next person."
"Impeachment is a heavy hitter... it's not just the right but the duty of our lawmakers to investigate."
"Enforcing federal law is an independent obligation of the chief executive."
"I am a mandated reporter... If I see a child in imminent danger being harmed by mental, emotional, physical abuse, or neglect and I failed to either intervene or report that then I am guilty of committing a crime."
"We would need to report any evidence of criminal activity over to the FBI and the DOJ."
"This case will hinge on his knowledge and intent. It looks like once he was aware of this, he did what I hope everyone would do, which was get the documents back to the government, cooperate in every meaningful way." - Eric Swalwell
"I agreed to become a special prosecutor because what Mr. Smollett did in this city should be aired in front of a public trial."
"We need some press accountability. We need people to be held legally liable for knowingly publishing false, distorting information."
"I believe Attorney General Barr has absolutely obliterated his responsibilities as the Attorney General."
"He even justifies his killings as a necessary measure against the Islamist infiltration of Norway. The most important question: Can he be held fully responsible for his actions?"
"Why shouldn't the judge make him pay? He made the conscious decision to have intimacy knowing a baby could be born out of it."
"I can't make a decision on criminal matters."
"Recognizing stalking as a serious crime and holding offenders accountable."
"The time has now come when the great burden of reaching a just, fair, and conscientious decision in this case will be placed solely with you jurors."
"I'm not about to sentence a man who's pled guilty that isn't guilty. It's not gonna happen in my courtroom."
"His very response is the biggest argument to say that he should be disbarred because he did such a terrible job in responding to it."
"Remember when you physically harm someone or when you even kill someone, it doesn't have to be intentional for it to be criminal."
"Am I the [__] for refusing to drop charges against a 16 year old?"
"The critical Act of contributory infringement is actually having the part where you contribute to it."
"You do not own the fossil, you become the custodian of the fossil because by law all fossils belong to all Albertans."
"Perhaps more than any other, not only has the state welcomed that burden, we have met that burden."
"Ultimate responsibility for fire safety duties lies with the responsible person, but they can be passed on to competent persons that have received enough training."
"It's not your obligation to check their background and you can do that uh you don't even have to do that the law does not even require you to do that."
"We have a responsibility to adhere to the law and we have responsibility to be transparent about when things are shown and why they're shown."
"Judges who will follow the law and we want to be compassionate people, we certainly want to be aware of the effects of our decisions."
"The core premise of tort law is that we have to look for those parties that are best situated to prevent injuries and incentivize them to do so."
"Police have as much responsibility protecting the rights of those that have committed or accused of committing a crime as we do law-abiding people who are just the victims of crime."
"Satisfaction element is an important element in state responsibility."
"Each of the defendant's gross negligence has caused unimaginable suffering to hundreds of others."
"Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally."
"The state believes that when you hear that evidence... you're going to be able to recognize that Miss Sydney Pal is responsible for the murder of her mother."
"The stunningly cavalier attitude with respect to their discovery obligations is what led to the default in the first place."
"I have no regret about it. I had a duty to do that. The last thing I want to do is waive issues on appeal, particularly in a case like this."
"You have a legal and human rights obligation to do something about it."
"The lawyer does have an obligation to maintain the continuity of the representation to make the transition smooth."
"Publishers are legally liable for any comments written by anyone underneath their posts on social media."
"The removal and wreckage represents a legal argument that was used to make the ship's owners responsible for its running aground."
"In the eyes of the law, when someone does you wrong, they are responsible for those damages that are predictable."
"Not only does the law hold the perpetrator responsible, but also anyone else who knows of the abuse or neglect and fails to protect the children."
"When an agent commits a tort while acting within the scope of his authority, the principal is liable."
"Maintaining confidentiality is a legal and ethical obligation."
"We live in a society; it doesn't matter who is to blame, but it does matter who is legally responsible."
"...my role is to assure that the defendant's constitutional right to a fair trial are honored and upheld."
"A sales organization represents a selling unit as a legal entity, responsible for product liability and can divide markets into regions."
"The burden of proof is always on the Commonwealth to prove that the defendant is guilty."
"It is against the law to abuse, neglect, harm inmates when you're running this facility."
"I'm a huge proponent of lawful, responsible gun ownership and carrying."
"HIPAA is very important for your privacy whether someone is talking in the hallway or exposing your patient."