
Insulin Sensitivity Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"IL6 plays a key role in exercise's ability to induce insulin sensitivity."
"Anything a person can do to maintain insulin sensitivity or improve insulin sensitivity is going to be an effective strategy."
"My insulin sensitivity improved by over 600%."
"Weight loss and improving insulin sensitivity would very much go hand in hand."
"A ratio under 1.9 is considered optimal for insulin sensitivity."
"High-intensity interval training drastically improves insulin sensitivity."
"I'm simply going to give you ways that you can improve your insulin sensitivity and decrease your insulin resistance."
"So when you're insulin resistant and carb intolerant, that you would restrict carbs."
"Research has shown that berberine is equally as effective as metformin for improving insulin sensitivity."
"Estrogen in particular can be very helpful for insulin sensitivity."
"We have a wide spectrum of genetics. There is an insulin-sensitive population and there's an insulin-resistant population."
"Resistant starch has profound effects on improving insulin sensitivity."
"Swap out saturated fats for polyunsaturated fats for improved insulin sensitivity."
"Benefits of intermittent fasting include: Improved insulin sensitivity, which will help with the fat loss."
"You become much more insulin sensitive on a ketogenic diet."
"You're extremely insulin sensitive, this means that you are utilizing your insulin very well, your tissues are responsive to insulin, your body doesn't need to produce that much insulin to keep your blood sugars at bay."
"The low-fat vegan diet reduced the participants' need of insulin by 28% and actually increased their insulin sensitivity by 127%."
"Exercise is very important at improving insulin sensitivity... when you exercise, insulin is antithetical to what the body's trying to do metabolically."
"More muscle means greater insulin sensitivity, usually."
"Giving yourself at least a 12-hour overnight fast will help improve your insulin sensitivity."
"I'm actually insulin sensitive instead of insulin resistant."
"The more insulin sensitive we are, the more we flatline that sugar."
"...lower the triglyceride as much as possible and the triglyceride being low is an enormous proxy for insulin sensitivity."
"If your insulin levels are high and you're inhibiting lipolysis, but if you can start to increase that insulin sensitivity a little bit more, then perhaps you can bring those insulin levels down."
"Fat cells had become eight times more sensitive to insulin."
"Metformin improves insulin sensitivity."
"If all your issue is insulin sensitivity... you need something that helps you with that sensitivity part of the equation as well."
"The insulin sensitivity, I think is the biggest one because it's like, it gives you the buffer. I think that's a big one. The insulin sensitivity, I think is the biggest one because it's like, it gives you the buffer."
"The more muscle you have, the more glucose you can tolerate with less insulin."
"You just don't have enough fat cells subcutaneous to become an insulin sensitive obese person."
"Sleep is Mission critical for insulin sensitivity."
"Adequate intake of magnesium is associated with a decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and can improve insulin sensitivity."
"The more muscle you contract, the more glucose gateways you open up, making you more sensitive to insulin. Resistance training can be body weight, weights, or any form of resistance."
"If we can preserve that a little bit by increasing insulin sensitivity, we improve once again the energy."
"The more insulin sensitive you are, the less complications you are going to have long term from those blood sugar issues."
"The more insulin sensitive you are, the less insulin resistant you are."
"Even low-level exercise increases insulin sensitivity."
"So step number one is lower the triglyceride as much as possible and the triglyceride being low is an enormous proxy for insulin sensitivity."
"Green tea aids in managing diabetes and improving insulin sensitivity."
"Apple cider vinegar... technically it has a few calories in it so it does break a fast but it has such a wonderful effect on the body in terms of improving things like insulin sensitivity."
"Once you become fat adapted, two meals a day is great because just less moments throughout the day of spiking insulin is going to make you more insulin sensitive."
"We'd likely encourage you to experiment with an oil free diet so that you can see if that makes a positive difference in regard to your overall health and your insulin sensitivity."
"Following the protocol showed improved fasting glucose and insulin sensitivity."
"Lifting weights builds muscle, improves insulin sensitivity, and then as a result helps with our symptoms."
"...the muscles sensitivity to insulin is heightened over the next day to two days."
"Aerobic exercise is the number one best exercise for increasing your sensitivity to insulin."
"The hallmark of a healthy centenarian is that they have a high insulin sensitivity and low insulin resistance."
"Every time you move, you increase your muscle size and you're making yourself more insulin sensitive."
"Building muscle is a very effective way to make yourself more insulin sensitive."
"Muscle is good for preventing insulin resistance."
"Independent of weight loss, a low-fat plant-based diet improves insulin sensitivity."
"Broccoli contains something called sulforaphane... very powerful when it comes down to insulin sensitivity."
"It improves your body's sensitivity to insulin."
"Monounsaturated fats found in olive oil are known to have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity."
"If you want insulin sensitivity... make it strength training."
"The liver fat had fallen substantially, and the insulin resistance of the liver had gone back to zero in seven days."
"Eating fewer carbohydrates equals reduced blood glucose, which equals reduced blood insulin, which equals improved insulin sensitivity."
"You can see evidence of improved insulin sensitivity immediately, literally within 24 to 48 hours."
"Insulin sensitivity is the inverse, the opposite of insulin resistance."
"Eating a high carbohydrate, low-fat, plant-based diet is your best chance at achieving maximal insulin sensitivity."
"It's learning from what's happened over the last week... what your body's sensitivity or resistance is to insulin."
"Berberine absolutely works. It improves insulin sensitivity by activating this little enzyme called AMPK."
"By fasting, you improve your body sensitivity to insulin."
"Cinnamon enhances insulin sensitivity of your muscle cells."
"Matsi can improve insulin sensitivity on skeletal muscle and improve glucose homeostasis in the bloodstream."
"Building muscle will improve your insulin sensitivity better than almost anything else."
"It improves insulin sensitivity during the daytime."
"TZDs also raise adiponectin synthesis, and adiponectin is insulin sensitizing as well as anti-atherogenic."
"A single bout of exercise is going to increase your insulin sensitivity and help with the process of bringing that glucose into the cell."
"Carbohydrates are best utilized at the two times of day when the body is most insulin sensitive."
"Fasting improves insulin sensitivity, allowing you to tolerate carbohydrates better."
"Insulin sensitivity is the highest... the insulin is going to push those carbohydrates into the muscle when we need it."
"Doing your cardio is guaranteed to improve your insulin sensitivity because you're just going to be able to have much better nutrient partitioning."