
Non-judgmental Quotes

There are 882 quotes

"What people really say about you is that you're very good at understanding without judgment."
"I'm not a person to judge people, but I always want to be able to take a situation, extract the lessons that we can learn."
"Dogs are not judgmental. Dogs are, to me, the most honest species on the planet."
"This community rises above the judgmentalness of the internet and we treat people with compassion."
"All people have a right to high-quality, non-judgmental, affordable healthcare."
"The first step is to create a safe, non-judgmental environment for the inner child to be authentic and learn new skills."
"One of the ways that we can be supportive as people on the outside is to be that safe person who is non-judgmental, who is empathic and empowering, and ready to provide whatever level of support someone is looking for."
"I want these young people to walk away not having their faith challenged or having their beliefs challenged. What I want them to walk away with is thinking that there's different ways to live lives and not be judgmental about somebody else's life."
"Be non-judgmental. We all got that friend that's judgmental and non-judgmental. Which one do you like to talk to the most?"
"People definitely love your great sense of humor, your non-judgmental attitude, and the fact that you're truly courageous."
"No judging, the acceptance of all and everyone."
"If all people in general stop judging and live their life for who they are, it makes it better for everyone."
"There's no judgment. Start with consuming vegetables, fruits, and water."
"Just let people be people and let them Express who they are in their own ways without having something negative to say about it."
"Nobody in the world cares whether you're a dropper or a fresher. Nobody will judge you for it."
"I'm not a judge, I'm like the least judgmental person."
"Don't pull down other women or anyone for their opinions."
"Life is too short to worry about what other people are eating or wearing or whatever."
"If you really believe in black people having freedom, then stop shaming people."
"Do not judge Islam by the actions of fallible humans. Islam is perfect; Muslims are imperfect."
"I don't King Shame on my show I don't King Shame whatever people into is what they into."
"Every people got wild Kings a lot of them are not discussed on the broadcast so I don't King Shame."
"I want to live my life the way I think I should live my life without judgment from other people."
"Never judge anyone else's experiences even if you disagree with it."
"Don't go send this family any hate, honestly, I think that they're trying their best."
"We're gonna step away from the judgment just so things don't get to that point."
"I think the most important thing is you have to create an environment where a person feels like they can say anything without being super judged."
"Don't judge me on my past, it doesn't matter, I'm a different person now."
"Approach this from a point of curiosity instead of judgment."
"I'm not against long-term relationships and I'm not against the hookup culture, you do you."
"I have calmed it down, no judgment, this is just my journey."
"Empathetic human connection is trusting somebody to the point that you know they will not be judgmental or critical of you."
"She didn't judge me. She wasn't punishing or accusatory. She was tender and understanding and loving."
"I want people to wear what they want, as long as they're not hurting anybody."
"It's a positive community where everybody is welcome and nobody is judged."
"I am a kind God who does not impose punishments instead of passing judgment or condemning you."
"Different people have different values, wants, and needs. Let's not shame others for having different standards."
"I'll give a [ __ ] if you are doing something that does not hurt anybody else or stop anyone else from doing whatever they want to do, then you do you."
"You're being encouraged to let go of any judgments and expectations."
"Judge not by outward appearance, but by the heart."
"A lot of things can be true at one time, and that's just my overall stance on the Kanye thing. I'm not going to judge him." - Unknown speaker
"You can't judge each other, so just embrace your own body, be proud of your own body."
"You can't throw away your [ __ ] pride for money if she feels that she doesn't need to do it she doesn't need to do it if she felt like she needed to then by all means there's no judgement"
"You don't always make conclusions; you see both sides of a situation."
"Pushing all judgment aside and just really using up what you have to make a meal."
"Maybe you got a bunch of gift cards piling up. We don't judge."
"God is about to do... no judgment. Come on, release."
"Let's celebrate diversity and not judge people based on their physical attributes."
"It's not my place to judge people like the things they like."
"You're allowed to be different, we're not going to judge you for that."
"Play Animal Crossing how you want to play it. I'm not here to judge you."
"Old souls then do their best to live by it and not to harm or judge others. There is a strong urge to be impeccable and to maintain personal integrity in all transactions."
"I refuse to judge you based on the color of your skin. Period. End of story."
"I think humans can be very evil yeah but at the same time I feel like I'm so not judgmental to people like I want people to come on and share their story I think it's interesting and I think it's cool."
"I don't care, I don't judge you. Woke up tired? Ate ass for breakfast? Does it matter to me?"
"You're always welcome here, judgment-free zone."
"You've definitely evolved... caused you to be less judgmental."
"It's my job to feed people, not judge them. Anything beyond that gets too complicated."
"Freaknik was about freedom. It was about just doing you and not being judged at all."
"Your ASMR's not cringe, you've actually given me so much inspiration."
"You can never hurt somebody for thinking big and trying to become great."
"I'm not here to judge you for doing whatever you feel is right for you, your family, and your community."
"Manhunt never rubs the player's nose in their own actions." - Reviewer
"If you watch the films, we're not judging anyone or judging anything, we just wanted to share the truth." - Kip Anderson
"People don't need to put judgments on this, I mean everyone should back you."
"We offer no judgments here. Not everyone gets off on being tortured. But you want to know who does? Please don't kink shame."
"Different strokes for different folks, and I don't want to offend anybody watching this. At the end of the day, the way that you choose to go through that process is very personal and it's up to you, right? It's not for me to say."
"As long as you're not hurting anybody, I don't really care. But at the same time, I am definitely like you have a birth playlist."
"Once you stop judging others, you stop judging yourself."
"I refuse to be judged. If you won't judge me, then we can be friends forever."
"It's not my place to judge what anybody else does. They're full-grown adults, they can make a decision for themselves."
"Do what you think is right, 'cause I'm not your judge or nothing."
"You can't consistently influence somebody for a greater good while you're judging them. Love can get through almost any barrier."
"But the prince didn't care about that at all because his love for Cinderella was real. That's what I keep telling you; you may judge someone by their coveralls at first, but you fall in love because of their great inner qualities."
"Supporting each other's ideas is key - stop the judging."
"It's so important, not to judge or compare abilities and experiences."
"Mind your own business and worry about yourself. Stop judging others, as only God will divide the wheat from the tares in the end time."
"Let people do what they want, you know? I'm not sitting here trying to tell anybody what they should or shouldn't do."
"You deserve nothing but the best. All right, so weigh your options, no judgment."
"He did not come speaking of Christ the Messiah the first time to declare Vengeance on people."
"None of these people are hurting anybody. They're collecting figurines, toys, action figures, whatever you wanna call them because it makes them happy."
"Don't assess them from a physical perspective because your judgment and assessment will be erroneous."
"There's no sense of class, they didn't judge me."
"Acknowledging that being overweight is unhealthy is not a moral judgment on anyone."
"She never judged me, that's the most important thing."
"There's this part of you that's like Shiva, like I will hold you in all of it, I will not shame you for any aspect of yourself."
"Modern interpretation of love: Ignore what you do, don't chastise, don't criticize."
"It's a good thing to be loving to everybody, to be non-judgmental."
"In a free will universe, there really is no way to be. There is, of course, places that will keep you with integrity, but a free will universe really is a non-judgmental one."
"Free speech has no conditions. Defend for your right, and I'm not gonna judge."
"Everyone has a past, put the [ __ ] behind you, don't judge them based on that."
"As long as you're not doing it in a way that's harmful to your overall budget, then what do I care?"
"Don't judge, you know, we just need to help each other out."
"You can't judge somebody by what you see, and you know I'm glad God doesn't do that. He looks at the heart."
"Abortion is not an issue we should be judging."
"If you beat a game using codes or rewind features, more power to you. That really doesn't bother me in the least and it shouldn't bother you either."
"She lets me talk about things without judging."
"I'm a sexual being, and I'm not being judged. It's okay."
"No judgment on people who eat meat, I feel like everybody has their own journey and own path and you know they may or may not quit meat that's fine."
"You truly accept people for exactly who they are and you are so non-judgmental."
"Sometimes it's important to just enjoy yourself without being judged."
"If a few people do well with these diets, I think we should be kind of careful about vilifying them."
"People make whatever deal they make. As long as both adults are happy with the transaction, I have no right to judge."
"There is nothing wrong with having an OnlyFans account. There is nothing wrong with being any way you want to be."
"I'm personally very open about my sex life. I don't see any shame in it. It's something that I enjoy."
"I want to see every street [__] make it like they can feed their family, I don't hate on you."
"Pure love needs, requires, expects, and demands nothing in return. Out goes judgment, condemnation, and punishment."
"Laziness is not a moral deficiency; you're having a biological experience."
"Life is complicated, people grow, they change, they grow apart. It is what it is so just stop being judgmental about other people."
"Remember there's nothing actually wrong with using these Pokemon if you simply like them."
"They're very non-judgmental... a really soft, gentle person."
"Numbers on a scale does not define you."
"There is nothing wrong with being a virgin at any age."
"The children are our future and you shouldn't label people because of what circumstances and environments they put themselves in."
"I've never heard you criticize anyone, you keep your love on for people."
"Our aim is not to be condemning or unkind, it's to love people."
"Don't just judge people based on their education and social standing."
"I'm happy to like everybody. I'm trying to get past politics. I don't judge anybody by the politics, man. That's why we live here, that's what this country is all about."
"Nine winged ones can make good therapists, counselors, ministers because they can be non-judgmental."
"Do whatever you want to do, I'm not judging you."
"Work wherever you can, doesn't matter what. There's no such thing as good work or bad work, there's only work."
"I'm not judging you; I'm just curious."
"Become non-judgmental... simply refuse to judge."
"The brilliant thing about his work is it never vilifies its subjects."
"She doesn't judge people by their profession and cares about people."
"It's an amazing listener. It's like the most nonjudgmental person you could ever meet."
"I want to make sure that this channel is open and free and we could talk about anything without us getting judged."
"He's not judgmental, he's all-inclusive."
"You made them feel very safe around you because you guys are very non-judgmental."
"We're not here to judge you or condemn you. We're here to love on you guys."
"Chris asserts that he doesn't look down on anybody."
"He does not judge people at first go."
"...seeing those who do dress modestly do it in such a beautiful way, in a nonjudgmental way."
"I'm not judging you on your past, but yes, we want to figure out what's going on."
"She never acted like she was judging you and she never gossiped about people."
"You guys have a peacefulness to you and a non-judgmentalness about you."
"Try not to judge yourself too harshly."
"Whoever the young person is is embraced with no judgement whatsoever."
"They tend to listen non-judgmentally."
"This energy of someone who's incredibly insightful and non-judgmental whatsoever, like they accept people and love people from all walks of life."
"This person is so non-judgmental, it's gonna be really fun. Like, you can actually be you, you can actually feel and be so safe."
"Some people come and get facials just because it's cheaper and I'm like a therapist, they can tell me anything and I won't judge them."
"Judge not. If you see someone who is very different from you in physical appearance or an age or an economic status, use your mind to send them love rather than a judgmental thought."
"Just go for it and know that every other adult in there with you is just doing it for fun so there's no judgment."
"Cats are adaptable to the situation and non-judgmental."
"I feel like you have a very non-judgmental quality to you, almost like someone could tell you anything and you would find a way to accept it."
"Be kind to yourself and nonjudgmental."
"I actually don't know much about you. You know what I like about you, Joe? I never feel like you're judging me."
"It felt like having a personal tutor. I love how AI bots will answer questions without ego and without judgment."
"This person feels like they can talk to you about anything, no judgment."
"Your garden doesn't judge you. Your garden doesn't look at you and go you look a bit strange."
"No, I ain't judging the [__] that she choose to deal with. I'm going to help her out, bro. You're tripping."
"She was completely non-judgmental and could see the good in anyone."
"I would just say, just stop being judgmental. Be yourself, be who y'all are."
"Being on anuti's set is like a warm hug, you're just like oh yeah comfortable and you don't feel any judgment from anyone."
"Ponyboy represents the spirit of Youth in the film and reminds us of the importance of seeing the world through a non-judgmental lens."
"Nobody in Key West is going to judge you."
"As women, let's support each other and just be there for each other instead of, you know, being judgey."
"I feel literally just no judgment about how someone else chooses to parent."
"That's sometimes what we mean about being non-judgmental. It's amazing what you can do when you don't project into the future."
"...you are very accepting person that you're not judgmental at all so they feel like they could truly be themselves."
"Maintaining a non-judgmental stance is foundational and integrating that element into a counseling style is productive and useful for the client, for the counselor, and for the therapeutic alliance."
"I don't judge. I don't have any room to judge."
"Billy Jack and Anne are two of the most selfless, non-judgmental, whatever word you can think of is what Billy Jack and Anne are."
"I've been on hundreds of blind dates and interstate, and I know how it can be. Don't be intimidated by me because like I said, I don't judge people. Absolutely don't. You know, I want to know who someone is like on the inside, you know? I don't worry about material things."
"This is a no judgment zone over here."
"You might have very good reasons for doing so, so I don't wanna be judgey."
"You're either family or great there could be something a little wrong with you but hey we don't judge not here not today not ever."
"I'm not here to judge anyone, put anyone down. I'm just showing you guys my experiences."
"I don't judge anybody. So, if you want to do something, do it."
"She didn't judge people, she was just hugely aspirational."
"I'm a furry so judging is not in my repertoire. I am the bomb cuddles."
"No one can judge me, this is a judge-free Zone."
"You are very down to earth person too and very non-judgmental."
"We need to not judge people, we can always be kind."
"Don't judge others easily; learn to say, 'I don't condemn you.'"
"I'm an individualist and I'm not going to judge anyone for what they do with their time and money as long as it's not illegal."
"I am happy to be corrected with kindness, but I don't want there to be any judgment here. I don't want there to be any, um, yeah, no judgment."
"I'm not here to judge anyone. No, it's not a judgment. I'm making a truth. That's the truth to me. Respect."
"Sometimes you'll hear a story and you know that it's just a story. Yeah, and you have to be non-judgmental and you have to be polite about it and you just listen to their story and just acknowledge and take the information."
"Just being honest with them and non-judgmental, yeah, no matter how cool you are."
"You're curious about people, not judgmental."
"Welcome to our judgment-free, drama-free, stress-free zone."
"I perceive but never judge. I am gentle and loving towards myself and those around me."
"This needs to be a no judgment zone, okay? Because all of my stuff is very, very messy."
"'Instead of judging them, maybe just focus on yourself.'"
"Some of you guys are going through some really terrible, painful stuff and, um, so yeah, far be it from me to judge anybody on any of that."
"Love and care and curiosity without a sense of condemning."
"You can give so much to another person by just not judging them."
"If you approach specifically the STI conversation with curiosity... implies that you can't be judgmental about it."
"I wouldn’t care if you were out there pole dancing all night, as long as you did it with a little integrity."
"Wow, there's a pattern of behavior I'm doing right here. I'm not going to judge yet. I'm self-aware, detached, and compassionate."
"We seek to understand and not to judge."
"If you see me on a scene with you, I am not there monitoring you, judging you, or grading you."
"Judging customers by their looks is not the way to go."
"Understanding that there's a kind of joy in human life and interaction there that he wasn't going to demonize."
"Don't be judgmental... we've all made mistakes."
"He didn't judge people, he was at peace with the world."
"Therapy is a fact-finding mission, not a fault-finding mission."
"Mindfulness is just one definition of it is purposely paying attention to experiences in the present moment in a non-judgmental way."