
Baldness Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Mangrove tree extract could help tackle baldness, study finds."
"Every character that's evil is [ __ ] bald basically."
"Every character that's evil is [ __ ] bald basically so like the Jailer that is I'm not even kidding you right the strongest argument that he's evil."
"I do think this is definitely better than being bald."
"If you stay ready, you don't gotta get ready. Period."
"I feel like it implies I look bad because I don't have hair."
"There's nothing wrong with hair loss or being bald... bald men can be super hot."
"Male pattern baldness is inevitable. It's a genetic condition that's passed down."
"Wow, feels good, feels good. I mean, now I see bald guys on the street and it's like a show of respect, you get the head nod."
"Feels good, man. Don't have to do my hair in the morning, wake up looking the same. I never really had any good hair days but I definitely don't have any bad hair days now 'cause I just don't have hair."
"Keeps is redefining how we tackle male pattern baldness."
"I personally think bald men are attractive."
"Nothing wrong with being bald, shout out to all the people out there that are bald or don't have hair, it's perfectly normal!"
"Honestly, I've come to really love being bald for a few different reasons."
"I've never felt so free, so anyone who's dealing with balding issues just shave that [__] off, you'll feel like a [__] rock star."
"Bold as beautiful," says the bald man.
"Thanks to science, baldness is now optional."
"I like being bald man, I love it, I'll be like man, the freedom."
"He's never been bald. He's always had hair."
"Some of the most masculine men in history have gone bald."
"I think a lot of people would rather be bald on the knees than their head."
"If you're one of the many males watching this video, there's a chance that two out of every three of you might experience some form of male pattern baldness before you turn 35."
"Men that shaved their head were coming off as more attractive."
"His conclusion: that scalp hairs are donor dominant, that our scalp environments do not influence baldness, that pattern hair loss is probably a process that is genetically determined within each hair follicle itself."
"I used to be bald-headed back in the day."
"My name is Dean, I'm bald, and today we have a guest."
"Baldness is a water-saving strategy I don't necessarily recommend."
"There's so much for Agent, they just say he trust bald headed rest, he missed that one."
"The similarity is astonishing... highest tension areas go bald first."
"it's quite interesting I read an article in New Scientist magazine apparently men go bald because of too much male hormone"
"I love this. I love that she's just gone with her bald head. I love the colors. I love the style of the dress. I think she looks fabulous. I give it a toot. Me too, toot."
"Male pattern baldness is hard to miss."
"Real men are also bald. For example, Lex Luthor is a masculine man that doesn't have hair by his own choice."
"Two out of three men are going to experience some form of male pattern balding in their lifetime."
"Two out of three guys will experience some sort of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35."
"You just solved male pattern baldness, it's that easy guys."
"We're all about helping as many guys as we can get through balding bravely, positively, just moving past it and putting it behind them."
"It's badass being bald; like it's almost a trend these days."
"Two out of three males will experience some sort of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35."
"I think bald dudes, people that shave their heads, there's something about it where it's like, that guy, he's been around."
"Our Lord and Savior Bruce Willis has told us that bald is great."
"I want to be bald too now, oh you want to be bald? Yeah, join the B."
"God made so many perfect heads and the rest he covered with hair."
"Two out of three dudes will experience some sort of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35."
"We've got that unspoken bond that all bald guys have."
"Oh my god, she's so bald and beautiful."
"I have completely accepted the fact that I'm bald."
"Being bald is definitely part of my identity now."
"I am all in favor of bald people finding means to cope with their condition."
"Embrace the baldness, and that's the bottom line."
"Research shows that men who are bald-headed get 40% more play than men with hair because women like bald-headed men and they like rubbing them."