
Moral Imperative Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I have strong opinions that I've cultivated my whole life, and I consider advocating for those things to be a kind of moral imperative."
"If you see something wrong, you better do something."
"Providing funding for our troops and ensuring Israel has the resources to defend itself from the onslaught of unprovoked terrorist-backed attacks is not political or partisan; it is a moral imperative."
"It is a moral imperative that we spread life beyond Earth."
"Do not destroy the means of error correction. That's the moral imperative."
"We ought to love one another as we love ourselves."
"We owe it to the staff and residents who lost their lives to get to the bottom of this, underscoring the moral imperative behind the call for accountability."
"Should the U.S and its strategic Partners intervene to stop this? Hopefully, there's a moral imperative among all of you watching that tells you to say yes."
"We need to choose life, and whether it's popular or not, in a time of crisis, when somebody's headed down a route... you speak up."
"I think everybody kind of owes it. I think it's like morally you have an imperative to explore those special gifts you have in the biggest way possible."
"If you're familiar with Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative, we haven't entered morality until we're doing good for the sake of good."
"Righteousness must Prevail, righteousness is what has to Prevail."
"Thou shalt not kill regardless of the circumstances you're in."
"God's law demands that you protect and preserve human life."
"Remember the only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."
"Do the right thing do the right thing do the right thing."
"Evil needs to be stopped no matter what others think."
"If God is going to lay out his Ten Commandments, the top ten, I would think at the very close to the top of that would be something to the effect of thou shalt not own another human being as property."
"The cross of Christ is an offense because it sets forth an imperative ideal of life... Christ demands that when you come to the cross, you take up your own cross and follow Him."
"Genocide binds all of us and all of us should be compelled to stop it."
"We'll do whatever it takes to save them from extermination."
"Life begins at conception... It's not enough to say abortion is wrong, we must provide a way for women to choose life for their unborn child."
"Land back is a moral imperative, restoring balance to a relationship that has been one-sided for far too long."
"The only way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
"If you love someone, you will tell them the truth, and the light or the gospel is the truth."
"Justice is not optional for the believer... Injustice equals sin."
"A threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
"If love is not the core of what you're saying, you ain't doing no good."
"Just because the truth hurts doesn't mean we shouldn't say anything."
"And we need to pass this legislation because in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, it is simply not morally acceptable that so many good people are struggling economically to provide for their families."
"Love of God is obviously important for Spinoza but from the point of view of the stability of society, it's the command to love your neighbor as yourself that's really central."
"We have a moral imperative to develop that archetypal lover in us so that we can have that kind of consciousness."
"Any faith that doesn't lead us to go into action with good deeds is worthless, it's dead and useless."
"Let's do the right thing, the time is now to do the right thing."
"It's almost like a flash of lightning across your conscience that you need to do something."
"But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct."
"You must protect the environment not because you should, but you must, because your whole heart understands what it is."
"We are commanded to speak truth, but the caveat is to speak truth in love."
"Every word we speak should be true."
"If we don't scale the Golden Rule, we're in for a real problem."
"To grow, to create abundance is unequivocally a great thing to do and to me, it feels like a moral imperative."
"Forgiving others their offense is not optional, it's a command."
"It's a moral imperative to be pushing towards the Bitcoin standard."
"You must absolutely and forever relinquish the idea that you know who should live and who should die on this planet."
"You really have to reach out to these other folks because not only does it help them, there's a moral imperative, but it's actually selfish; it will make our world safer all around."
"We are squandering the future of the succeeding generations, and we have a moral imperative of revolt."
"If you do not tell the truth, the very stones will cry out."
"We have no choice but to love thy neighbor as we love thyself."
"Thou shalt not kill. Love thy neighbor."