
Metaphysical Quotes

There are 401 quotes

"It's something like adopting a form of metaphysical courage that's transcendent."
"When you die... I think I died last night. I physically, my body was fine, but I think I went back into the void we come from."
"Light and heat are manifested by vibrations of a far lower intensity than those of thought, for the difference is solely in the rate of vibration."
"I think I'm in the in-between, the place that exists between heaven and hell. I'm in their world now."
"When a person gets branded, they are actually metaphysically teleported to a rift between worlds."
"Streets that have seen a thousand souls passing, streets where devils dance and angels fear to tread."
"I am projecting my consciousness to you. I'm broadcasting into the matrix from my soul, which is outside the matrix."
"We live in a sea of energy and vibrations just like fish live in water."
"The world is manipulated by a web... at the center of the web you got the spider. That spider is the non-human force."
"I do feel dissatisfied with the idea that the physical world is all we have."
"Bridge between the mortal and spirit worlds."
"Anything I present gonna be high on the metaphysical level."
"The back rooms exist outside of reality. That means their laws, their physics, their space are completely different."
"Thank you to your guides, angels, and higher self for these messages."
"The truth about this world: a place where Gods experiment with human beings."
"Ascension is nothing more than just an expansion and shift in consciousness."
"You humans need to get out of the third dimension, bypass the fourth, you need to get to the fifth."
"The soul is real, it has to be. What you're really speaking to is my soul, okay? My body is just like a vessel, it's just a meat vessel."
"We wrestle against principalities and powers."
"We are beings of light and dark, we use that fiery power to be able to evolve even faster."
"Your spirit guides really have been communicating with you."
"See beyond the physical, there's more to this life than what you see physically."
"They can and may for some of you come towards you and it will be quite a strong energy."
"People have this fire within them, but they can't touch it, like the beauty of life itself."
"The devil is simply a lower frequency lovers card."
"Reality is fundamentally on our side, forward into the light."
"Between light and darkness, there can be no compromise."
"The Christ is not just a light that illuminates, it's a fire which annihilates the darkness completely."
"There is an increase in contact with the spiritual world."
"When you leave the body, your soul ascends the stairway to heaven."
"Your being here is the product of an empowered choice that you made before incarnation."
"Let your transcendent love speak for you. This is you assuming a Galactic role, this is you assuming the love that comes from the higher self, the kind of love that penetrates the veil, the kind of love that travels through eternity."
"This is not a war of flesh, this is spiritual warfare."
"Most importantly, you've been paying attention to the energy."
"If your eye be single, your whole body will be full of light."
"Nail it: enhancing the most important part of our body, our pineal gland, our doorway to the spirit world."
"Dreams afford a separation of soul and body."
"Ask for assistance from your spiritual team."
"The akashic records: a vast database of information imprinted on a subtle energy field, containing the collective wisdom and history of all souls."
"You guys were constantly channels for messages from the divine, from multi-dimensional light beings, ancestors, ascended masters."
"Coins - when you're finding loose change on the ground, they're pulling your energy towards it."
"Sometimes we have memories of things we did not experience in this Avatar."
"Beautiful ideas float through the universe in pathways of light, waiting for the perfect moment to be born."
"Remote viewing is like cheating from this present location to see what's already taking place."
"When you pray in the spirit, you're praying into the realm of the spirit."
"This connection is definitely beyond this world, it's limitless."
"This level is immortal, before space and time come into existence."
"Now I, the perfect forethought of all, transformed myself into my offspring."
"A brand new soul that was never part of Death’s design."
"All of you are already quantum beings of light."
"This week is constructed like a karmic lightning bolt."
"He's holding your very fabric of your body together."
"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow is cast. Always remember that."
"If you were a spirit in a physical body and another spirit was contacting you, it's not contacting your physical body, it's contacting your spirit."
"The universe and your intuition come to you through whispers."
"The real X's body would have been destroyed, but as the 0 series reminds us, it is not your body that matters but your soul."
"This person gained wings, they're going to have access to the kingdom after this awakening."
"Fixing the broken record—that's what my guides are showing me."
"Shouldn't your dense form of self, your physical body, be able to go back to the source it was created from?"
"A recovered note by S.R. Cunningham expresses his belief that the Poolrooms are not a physical place at all, but rather are a construct of one's own mind."
"We are innocent, pure, and good, and we have the mind of the Father and an ineffable mystery."
"Maybe it is on another level red pill or blue pill but it could also be in your, you know, do you want to just go through that death Channel leaving leaving the earth now?"
"I was never actually a baby. I was just here, born from nothing."
"Time and space in your reality are becoming more malleable, more flexible, more plastic, more slippery."
"There's kind of like a line to where like you can deal with like human Spirits."
"Yo I bet I always like that tarot card [ __ ] though I think that [ __ ] is like I think it's cool to kind of get that reading."
"Our consciousness goes beyond this body, our consciousness is much bigger than we realize."
"Drawing down, channeling a higher reality, a higher truth."
"The beating heart of universal love echoes throughout all of creation."
"We are in a war over consciousness that requires we master the psycho-spiritual warfare being directed toward humanity."
"It's like a soul or a spark of a soul controlling it, like a body suit."
"The being is beyond the intellect, beyond the emotions, beyond it all."
"You're a child of the cosmos and you're actually here to play."
"I believe in reincarnation... your spirit kind of continues to linger around."
"We are literally a living geometric field animating a human form."
"You have some sort of invisible cloak of protection from your ancestors."
"Your DNA is an antenna receiving information from somewhere."
"Your birth date isn't just a number, it's a cosmic fingerprint carrying vibes that shape not only the world around you but also the essence of your being."
"Something ended, a transformation 'cause you've transformed. This is your Justice."
"Love is a fountain of eternal youth from which we can all drink."
"Spiritual things can only be discerned by the spiritual."
"Some people have spirits that block their view of the resurrected one."
"Out-of-body experiences, and I know there has a beggar."
"The invisible things... reflect themselves in the physical realm."
"You can see beyond the physical. All-seeing eye, bird's eye view."
"In the higher levels of reality, the war has already been won by the light."
"The reset is occurring very soon. The collaborations are happening, and the time of the twins uniting sets changes in motion. It's a frequency reset."
"How high can we reach in life? Can we kiss the sky? Can we marry Heaven and Earth?"
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end."
"It's like our bodies make us feel separate, but without the body, we're not separate, we're all one."
"You must have the blood of the Sun in the consciousness of the cosmos."
"Time travel all the time happens constantly."
"It's almost like we are leaving a straight jacket behind when we slip out of our body. It's almost as if you leave a really heavy garment behind and now for the first time we see our potential."
"Ed's encounters: a recurring presence at the Gate of Truth."
"They transcend us by drinking this plant and they get to see like all these different universes."
"She wraps you in waves of love, light, and consciousness."
"Each and every single thing in the world is energy, vibrating at a certain frequency."
"Your guides are literally working to destroy this thing and remove it from you."
"I feel like you recognize each other at the soul level."
"There is no end to the information you can explore about yourself and your relationships with others when working in the Akashic Records."
"Our consciousness literally helps to create reality."
"The idea is reality, the shadow it casts is our physical realm."
"Purified ones they are who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the flame that spiritual principle in man."
"Memory is not contained within the brain; it's available to all."
"We're like light beings created in perfection."
"Believe in the impossible. I just heard a soul time."
"Every single thing that you carry and make as a weapon is a part of the world itself."
"Synchronicities will happen when you are aligned with them."
"We're moving beyond matter. I just can't imagine what... can you try to talk a little bit more about that?"
"Ultimately, I believe there is some kind of force or entity controlling the timelines."
"Uranus is associated with the awakening, the opening of the third eye."
"Each one of us is a quantum hologram of consciousness."
"His life-force cannot be destroyed and can persist even without a body to contain it."
"We are energy beings having a physical experience."
"Be the bridge, expand your Consciousness to behold Both Worlds."
"Souls will painlessly leave our bodies, you will feel it, live and very well."
"We are spiritual energy beings in these physical suits having human experiences."
"If you want to tap in to the 99% of what you're not hearing and what you're not seeing then you really do want to open your third eye."
"Father Sky, the king of swords, is trying to give you advice."
"The old earth was the 5D matrix, the primordial matrix from God."
"Neptune becomes stationary direct...reminding us there is a more perfect reality that we can choose."
"I'm going to keep you from all of these from the very time itself."
"It's a metaphysical metric. It has no relation to reality."
"Love never dies, even though they are not here with you in this physical world."
"We are multi-dimensional light beings; increasingly, we are going to know that that's what we are."
"It's all vibration. Everything's vibration and frequency."
"It's very metaphysical but beyond what normal metaphysical even does it has its own logic."
"The law of attraction is the force that brings it to you."
"It models the developmental process of the mind and the developmental structure of the universe."
"The Echo allows you to pass through the walls of a man's soul."
"Gold is a side effect of our presence on Earth."
"I am the owner of your soul, the creator of your spirit."
"It's a powerful tool for exploring beyond the body."
"I instantly went out of my body and into the back seat of the car."
"The light only sees one path but the void season many"
"Imagine a kind of love that is the power of intention, the very energy that is the cause behind all of creation."
"There are saints walking the globe, but not as humans."
"Ascension is nothing more than just an expansion and a shift in consciousness."
"Introduce yourself to your new psychic abilities; they're going to be absolutely enhanced."
"Problems are illusions of the material world; solutions are attributes of your immersion in the world of spirit."
"Objects just are collections of actual and possible experiences."
"Death is not finality, death is the transition of energy."
"Stardust does not worry... it simply sparkles."
"Reality is a Divine mind, not a material reality."
"The age of light is realizing that you are an aspect of light that creates reality."
"It's the end of a world but there's like a whole different world."
"Believe what you want is coming before your physical world gives you any evidence of the reality. This is the most powerful way to manifest anything."
"The eye above the pyramid is the third eye that sees into the dimensionless universe of thought and light."
"Reality is nothing to a god; the main function of the new self is to devalue reality."
"He's been made aware of the spiritual nature of this connection and he's ready to embrace it."
"A place only Gods can know. You are safe now."
"If we choose to stay change states of being and consciousness, we become a particle existent in a different world, almost in a higher dimension of ourselves."
"As believers, we are not wrestling against flesh and blood."
"You're not always fighting against flesh, sometimes you're fighting against spirits and principalities, and you have to understand that."
"Awakening is the most extraordinary [__] thing that there could possibly exist."
"Perception, seeing beyond the veil of illusion."
"We are on the infinite. We don't need the internet. Our souls are linked to the Sun."
"Lightworkers and starseeds raised the planet's consciousness, aiding ascension."
"We're not just physical, we're metaphysical. We're more than what meets the eye."
"I believe that we can communicate with those who've passed on."
"They are certainly evidence that consciousness continues on after the physical body dies."
"Faith is the key that unlocks the Treasuries of God in the celestial world."
"Life is a continuous change, a dance of everything."
"As we continue rising in frequency...eventually going to be interacting with the ETS."
"It's all about energy and frequency, it really is everything."
"Planes that exist as reflections of the material plane—you could find yourself lost in by simply walking into a shadow."
"We are portals, we bring through God's Army through our bodies."
"Everything is energy and we are affected by that."
"One of our biggest mistakes as humans is we want to jump. You know, when we talk about the Ascension process, we want to jump. We want to go straight from 3D to 5D, and it doesn't work that way."
"It's like an airport terminal in that they come on the ship in their soul form."
"There's more than just the body, there's more than just the thoughts, there's more than just the feelings."
"My spirit can be interacting with the physical."
"Love is perhaps the most powerful metaphysical force that exists in the universe."
"You feel like you can shift between dimensions or timelines with this person."
"It's not about being done with this realm, it's about making a decision about what timeline you're going to choose."
"The spiritual realm is real, we battle not against flesh and blood but wickedness and principalities and high places."
"Satan's defeated that he's he's whipped he's been beaten we said why is he he seems pretty active yes he is the game's not over yet but the score has already been announced he's running around like he's going to win but he knows he's not."
"Non-existence is impossible, you are an eternal being."
"Death is not an end, it's a transition from one state of consciousness to another."
"Each in this dwelling place has one oversoul, but due to harmonious interactions, there may be further harmonious interaction between the entities' higher selves."
"Perception is everything, you can't always see with these eyes some eyes you see with the eye in your chest."
"We are finalizing the clearing of all remaining dark portals and vortexes, artificial wormholes, masonic and dark lodges."
"We hold the collective realities and can collapse and co-create them from within."
"The Emerald Tablet is supposedly made of solid emerald and is inscribed with the very secrets of the universe."
"Each time you reincarnate back here on Earth you are more major than the last time."
"We are the angels or angles of light everything in physical reality is nothing more than a picture everything is sound."
"Love transcends time and space because truly unconditional love and love is an energy."
"We are in the age of the convergence or the blurring of the realms."
"The true purpose of the harbinger experiment was to find proof of the metaphysical, a world we could not see."
"Astral projection is where you have the sense that a part of you can detach from the physical body and travel other places, see people on this realm and in other realms."
"She herself was a kind of bridge between Heaven and Earth."
"The magnetic pull between twin flames is a phenomenon that transcends physical presence."
"Our world is so much more than just the tangible."
"Reality is beyond both existence and non-existence."
"You just had this inclination or interest in the more mystical, metaphysical type of things."
"The celestial Realms, the Crystal Palace, the spirit world, whatever you want to refer to it as, is as light as anything."
"You guys had a connection on the astral realm."
"You will want a certain sense of depth between your partners, to know all about the metaphysical."
"Our bodies might be connected somehow, even though I'm here and your body is over there."
"It's a story that blends the metaphysical with the very physical."