
Psychological Abuse Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"To Gaslight someone is to sow seeds of doubt in their mind that make them question their own sense of personal truth and reality."
"Domestic violence isn't always physical. It can be mental and emotional as well."
"Conversion therapy is not only an abuse of power, but also spiritual abuse."
"It explains everything that happens inside of narcissistically abusive relationships."
"The only goal of narcissistic abuse is for you to cease to exist."
"Be an ally to somebody who's being gaslighted."
"Gaslighting is perhaps one of the most psychologically abusive ways you can hurt a person."
"Gaslighting: how an abuser gets to rewrite your reality."
"The gaslighter is only as good as their victim is impaired."
"Gaslighting creates a narrative that the victim is inherently bad and broken."
"Gaslighters make the victim believe they can't survive without them."
"Narcissistic abuse is when someone hurries you endlessly and when you finally stand up for yourself they tell you you're having a breakdown."
"Any form of physical or psychological or mental or verbal abuse can be enough to say that that is domestic abuse... she was telling the truth."
"You don't have to be physical with someone to be abusive."
"Abusers have contempt and disdain for their victims."
"Gaslighting for those who don't know essentially is trying to make you question your own thoughts, your own perceptions, what you're seeing."
"One of the most dangerous things about covert narcissism is that the abuse is so often subtle and that makes it difficult to detect but it still has an effect on you in your emotional well-being especially when it's drawn out over time."
"Many cults, enclosed groups use programming methods that don't lead to DID. Starvation, limited interaction, sleep deprivation, love bombing, and isolation are some of the methods used."
"Don't call it narcissistic abuse, that term throws people."
"A narcissist is not in it just to win. They are in it to make you miserable."
"Gaslighting is a very highly manipulative technique of psychological abuse where they try to make you think that you're crazy."
"Narcissistic abuse wants to kill you in the sense that he wants to take away your Independence, your personal autonomy, your agency."
"Scientology's manipulation level is so high, they don't actually need to use physical threat and violence."
"The purpose of the hole was to humiliate them, dominate them, and make them feel small and worthless."
"Narcissists are capable of convincing you of literally almost anything and making you doubt your own memory, gaslighting, blame-shifting, cognitive dissonance anyone?"
"The narcissist needs his intimate partner to emulate his original mother because he needs to time travel to the period where he has failed to separate from Mommy."
"Narcissistic abuse is self-punitive, in the sense that the narcissist seeks to punish himself via the agency of his intimate partner."
"Much of Onision's way of controlling people is deeply rooted in shame, mental distortion and emotional exploitation."
"Isolation is a powerful component of control, leaving victims vulnerable and reliant solely on their abusers."
"They were just quite literally gaslighting everyone."
"Gaslighting is a process of psychological abuse and manipulation."
"It's a systematic process, a grooming process."
"I think it's just insane amounts of gaslighting and manipulation."
"Abuse is telling people that they're wrong all the time and that they're seeing things. That's abuse, what people have been doing to us."
"Narcissistic abuse is very similar whether you've got a mother, a father, a lover, a spouse, a brother, or sister."
"Gaslighting is a devastating psychological tactic combining elements of manipulation, control, and exploitation of trust."
"Gaslighting: They want you to feel uncertain about what you believe and what You observe and how you interpret things."
"Gaslighting is akin to a mental game where the manipulator attempts to sow doubts in the victim's mind about their memory, perception, or sanity."
"Gaslighting is a tactic to make the victim question their reality and sanity."
"Shunning is abuse and you do it to control someone to get them to do something your way as a form of manipulation."
"Gaslighting is the act of making someone believe something didn't happen when you know it did."
"Emotional manipulation is one of the most common tactics used by abusers."
"Gaslighting and manipulation, it's a toxic cycle."
"Subjugation in a narcissistic relationship is the idea that a person becomes overtaken by the narcissistic or antagonistic or abusive person."
"A trauma bond is where a person resets your personal standard by intentionally inflicting so much abuse, misuse, and disrespect."
"Narcissistic abuse is the number one trauma... it exceeds the trauma of losing a child."
"The narcissist creates a toxic environment which invades every mental cell you have."
"The more diminished you are, the more the narcissist feels empowered."
"There will be a synchronization of brainwaves, literally physical brain waves, so your brain would become a replica of the abuser's brain."
"He's tearing up your self-esteem. You feel horrible all the time, but you continue to choose to do so."
"Having someone psychologically abuse you is no joke."
"...gaslighting. This is psychological manipulation where the narcissist makes you question your perception of reality."
"It's a form of psychological abuse, it's really a form of medical neglect."
"Most patriarchal fathers in our nation use various techniques of psychological terrorism, the primary one being the practice of shaming."
"Gaslighting is knowing that something is true and intentionally making the other person think that the fact that they think it's true is [__] and that it's all in their head."
"The signature pattern of narcissistic abuse is no longer being able to trust your own decisions, your own opinions, your own thoughts."
"Gaslighting. Good old gaslighting, crazy-making."
"They will psychologically abuse you, they will emotionally abuse you, that is what they do."