
Disorientation Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"People who gaslight, use things like denial, contradiction, misinformation, misdirection, and even true information and facts, in order to destabilize, disorient, and delegitimize a person's sense of reality."
"It is immensely disorienting, in other words, to maintain a close attachment, and at the same time to not be able to make predictions about where that person, animal, or thing is in space and time."
"Success can be just as disorienting as failure can."
"This is weird. This is very weird. Like, I have no idea where I am right now."
"A rare weather event generated infrasound that caused the hikers to suddenly become disoriented and anxious."
"Adam getting dizzy bro I'm getting so dizzy not even close."
"It just feels like a fever dream, otherworldly... like you've just passed out somewhere after smoking too much something."
"It's the type of woods that if you look away for 2 seconds too many, all the people that you came hiking with, they could disappear behind the massive tree trunks."
"You go get those many body's limbs in a row with that amount of attention that we saw Anthony do, I mean, they could definitely disorientate you."
"The fact that it increased the knock-back received from the compression blast resulting in not just more disruption and disorientation but also people trying to constantly go for environmental kills."
"You're lost, I am lost, you are lost in a brush."
"Did I pass out and wake up in a different Universe?"
"My head still feels like it's literally in the clouds."
"This fear, instead, is a dense forest, one where you think you’re only feet from the path and then you turn around and it’s just trunks and underbrush and twisted roots stretching out in every direction."
"I was aware of my surroundings but everything just felt a little off."
"He looks like a lost little boy at an amusement park right now."
"A roll turns the camera on its long axis while maintaining the direction of the lens. A camera roll is disorienting, unsettling our equilibrium."
"It's one of the most disorienting and nightmarish games I've played."
"I literally didn't even know where I was going. I totally forgot."
"I felt sick to my stomach, and the only reason why I didn't run out of this place was because I had no clue where I was."
"All her curls were just falling. She was looking like, 'I don't live over there.' Maybe she kept saying, 'I don't live over there in the basement. Over there, they don't live. I don't live with them.'"
"Oh no, you're dizzy, you haven't even placed your trip."
"His multifaceted attacks never giving his targets a moment to regain their composure."
"You're not in Kansas. Right. We are not in Kansas anymore." - Mark Blyth
"People feel disoriented. People don't know what's true anymore."
"It's very beige, very beige, and even then it's... It's like if you're a bit jet lagged and you wake up and you're a bit groggy."
"Arquip is insane, it makes the team scramble, lose positioning, and sometimes even their train of thought."
"When you have this situation where I'm spatially disoriented, I don't know where I'm going, I don't know what's going on, I don't know which way is up, we have to step back."
"He may be lost and looking for a way to get back on the freeway."
"I feel like I'm driving a dump truck, baby. I feel like I'm driving a... and the wheel just kind of... like, where are we? This is insane."
"Imagine waking up one morning in the backseat of your car, miles away from home with blood in your hair."
"When you can feel so much gratitude for yourself, that's going to be where you're so motivated to take care of yourself."
"It's a truly disorienting experience that takes all of your muscle memory, all of your visual adjustment and throws it out the window."
"That was the most bizarre start to you HD, oh yeah I'm already disoriented."
"What is going on here? My world is upside down."
"Everything is such a blur right now; it's like the world is still moving as normal, but I'm in slow motion."
"For a long time, I'd wake up and I didn't know where I was. I'd talk to people who weren't there... I tried to get back into society, but I couldn't get into the rhythm of it."
"I'm so lost, just walking around with my skis."
"People are feeling increasingly disoriented; they don't know which way to go, they don't know what they should be doing."
"How did I get out here? Did I sleepwalk out here? This was the first time I'd ever gone this far."
"How did I get here? How did we get here?"
"I think I'm not in the reality that I lived in before."
"It's almost like if you're in a movie theater and you hear all the speakers say the same sentence all around the room."
"She wakes up from her dream and finds herself on her bathroom floor."
"my skull thrashed to and fro as my neck became gelatin"
"I woke up alone in the back of an SUV."
"Cuz now you got me thinking 2 plus 2 equals 5 like you've got me all [__] up like my brain is not making sense no."
"Oh gosh like I don't know what just happened man."
"This place is so big you can come with a small group of people and get lost."
"Lights on, but you're not home. Your mind is not your own."
"I tuned out for a second, I am lost."
"Parallel perceptual realities are my nightmare."
"I felt the culture shock and it did kind of make me feel really disoriented."
"She found herself on the floor right in the middle of some Palace."
"This isn't even civilization time. This is just some rock surrounded by weird swirling colors."
"He's just running around, what is This Time Square?"
"I woke up... in the middle of the woods, surrounded by miles of trees."
"I feel like something's like pretending to be something but it's like not actually dude oh my God that just actually shook me up so badly."
"Pain unlike anything I had ever known, dizziness overwhelmed me."
"When I finally landed at LAX, I was completely rattled."
"I feel like I'm falling in space, like in a floating maybe, yeah, but also falling because I don't know where I am but I know exactly where I am."
"I'm so discombobulated by the time I sit down to film I can't even speak."
"In the desert, you can't remember your name."
"It's like they woke up and they don't know how they got where they're at."
"But the snail is over there, man."
"It's called getting in the blender."
"It's supposed to be disorienting, man. It's supposed to kind of be jarring and jumping around all over the place because this is about a woman losing her mind."
"Damn, I got turned around and separated."
"'Stephen, I'm so cold. My mind is falling apart. I can feel bits of myself sloughing away. What are you? I can't see you. Where am I?'"
"I feel like I'm having a fever dream."
"Wow, that was something new. I had never felt so lost."
"It's a vision of war in an exotic, unknowable landscape, where the rules of American life seem to slip away."
"I don't remember going in the house. I don't remember if I ate."
"After collapsing in the snow, Marie finds herself in an unfamiliar place with no idea of how long she's been asleep."
"Small houses, small alleys, all little motorcycles. This way we're lost. It's getting hotter every second."
"doggies I've got no idea where I am"
"What's happening? Where am I? I remember I was in the Shaw's parking lot, and then the last thing I remember is I woke up like this, right?"
"It's crazy to think, with what's happening, how they said it was like complete darkness and it was disorienting to the people that were down here."
"I just don't even know what's happening anymore bro."
"The most disorienting thing is you don't trust yourself anymore."
"For your opponents, it's extremely disorienting and for your allies, it creates openings upon openings upon openings."
"I felt like I've been ripped out of my life, put somewhere else."
"Welcome to the big city. For a while I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever."
"I woke up at 2:30 from my nap and then I was like, what dimension am I in right now?"
"We've been told in some pretty clear language what is ahead of us. And as it begins to happen, it's disconcerting and we almost lose our balance."
"Yeah, what's happening? I'm like, I don't know what's happening either."
"I feel like I've been stuck inside a duvet cover in a washing machine and as we pull in at Cold Spring Station it feels like someone's reached in and yanked me out of the bottom corner of the du."
"I woke up the other day in the middle of the night, I didn't know where I was."
"For the most part, the biggest problem is the complete disorientation that you suffer."
"I was literally like this, I couldn't see anything."
"I'm like disoriented, I can't tell where I'm turning!"
"Time and space are turned upside down. If Ordinary People come here, it is very difficult to get anything."
"The twists are twisting up and down like a tornado swinging you around and you just have no idea where you're at."
"We've been under the influence of a spell that's caused us to do nothing but walk in circles for the last several hours."
"I'm losing my grip on reality. This place is messing with my head, it's infected me somehow."
"Well, he's got to dig into the sidewall, no, I mean, had someone else, oh, I don't know if anyone was over here."
"Was it blood, tears, or snot that was soiling his face? He didn't understand anything anymore."
"Incoming information that is disorienting."
"I'm driving alone so I don't even know what's happening right now"
"I knew that we weren't on Earth anymore."
"I lost who I was and I felt like I was sitting in the middle of some crazy movie scene."
"It's like every 5 minutes it hits you and you're just like, it's like we're here, yeah, in Japan."
"I must have drifted off again because when the door opened it wasn't Sienna or Sasha that spoke."
"I felt like a kid lost in the supermarket while his mom suddenly disappeared."
"Like I was taking somewhere else, the burning, a circus on fire."
"I don't even know what month it is anymore."
"It's like you're drunk and you drank two bottles of tequila, everything is just spinning, everything is spinning." - Sergio
"I think the endless parade of them had thrown off my sense of direction."
"David talks about the condition of his soul during this period of time. He was first of all disoriented."
"It feels like you're on another planet."
"Code cannot perceive anything at all, his entire body is discombobulated."
"I'm quickly losing control, I'm floating on air."
"By getting rid of God, it hasn't improved our culture, it's led to widespread disorientation."
"I can't believe we're back at Epcot. I can't believe we're back at Disney World. I'm totally discombobulated straight from the sick bed right out here to the sickest Park of the mall Epcot."
"Rob on the other hand loses his senses."
"My daughter gone, the lightheadedness intensified, and the world went black."
"Bellman rose unsteadily and looked about with eyes that still held a web-like blurring of shadow."
"I was like out of it, just completely out of it."
"I'm just like wriggling like in terms of like the Run pain and I'm just like my eyes are on the back of my head I'm going this is what am I doing like I am in the middle of freaking South Australia."
"You may feel very discombobulated to the point that even your career or things that you love, you're not even loving them anymore."
"I run in my basement and I don't even know what's happening."
"I cannot believe we're falling down this rabbit Hall."
"There was a young gentleman, he was a veteran, he had been killed in action twice in Iraq but brought back. While we were down here with his wife on the tour, he disappears. We find him in the ballroom under a sink, completely disoriented."
"Oh my God, where was I and where am I?"
"It went from like being heavy to that that is we're smashing everything that I knew about duct tape and I'm dizzy I'm really dizzy right now."
"I don't know where that comes from. I don't know how it's there. I don't know where it even came from. I don't even know where those clothes, those are. Let's just get dressed."
"We're not at the beach anymore. How did I get here?"
"How is she gonna find the teaching oh my God so look at here oh oh okay here I don't think it is because it's Long Live look at there no no no no no."
"It feels like I'm in a nursing home, it's like one o'clock in the afternoon, I'm saying sorry like what else do I do? This one, two, three, four, what goes next?"
"She has no clue what's going on, where she is, who I am, or anything else. She's beyond the word lost, she's misplaced."
"Let's face it, Mr. Frodo, we're lost."
"Noah woke from a dreamless sleep in a woozy Haze."
"Panic set in as the familiar landmarks blurred and she realized she was lost."
"The trio stepped onto the ice at 8:11 am and soon lost any idea of where they were."
"As quickly as the vision came, it faded, and I was back at the flea market, disoriented and shaken."
"Some wake up 10 or 20 years later feeling like they jumped from another dimension."
"It's like I sort of walked into a bubble where nothing existed."
"I became blinded by the orange light, blinded by the dancing red that came with it, my mind vacated my body and I felt as if I too were a shell, a husk of my former self."
"It's like stepping into a glitch in reality, a digital Dreamscape that's been warped and skewed to disorient and perplex."
"Nobody quite knows what's going on, who they are. You don't even know what day it is."
"I awoke face down in blood-soaked sand, the world spun around me."
"It's completely sort of beautiful but disorientating."
"the whole damn world seemed to have turned upside down."
"Feels like the world is spinning around you."
"I feel like I'm being thrown down into a kaleidoscopic wormhole."
"I stumbled backward to the ground after looking up."
"Jesus, almost go down, got dizzy when I turned around."
"When those are off, you experience a lot of cognitive dissonance."
"... it's like waking up in the morning and finding out that there's no gravity ..."
"I'm just trying to orientate myself in this sea of chaos"
"We cannot confirm where we are. Both of my compasses are out. Everything is wrong. We can't be sure of any direction. Everything looks strange, even the ocean."
"...I was caught in a Vortex I felt Giddy and sick."
"The Flash continues running through worlds before finally snapping out of it and finding himself on a romantic stroll with Iris."
"Time travel could be a little disorienting, you gotta breathe."
"Cole Custer still doing those donuts. He's pumped, he doesn't even know what planet he's on right now."
"I'd never been there and I don't know where I'm at hardly."
"Oh my gosh, this is very disorientating."
"Hopefully you all are staying safe and I'm kind of joking a little bit but honestly I really don't know what day of the week it is."
"There's a generation that's lost its way."
"Nothing makes sense, like literally nothing."
"Did the world stop spinning or did I?"
"No when I get down to the level of the oil wells take the lights off me the sunlight Hawks take those lights off me and I don't know where I am I can come out of it and he went into the tailspin and lived."
"Honestly, I didn't know if we were New Jersey, New York, like where the hell we were."
"You just really seemed lost, man."
"I feel discombobulated. There's a bloody word I've never used in my life before."
"It's a bit bizarre, it's caught me off guard."
"This is Disney, what the [ __ ] is happening?"
"Strawberry squad, this is freaking crazy. I literally lost everyone, I don't know where the hell we are."
"I don't know like I've been so out of it with DLC."
"I've just got here and seems like the place is closed so I'm kind of confused."
"Are you disoriented now? What just happened?"
"It was surreal. I didn't really know how to feel for the first like 30 minutes of our meeting. It just felt like I was in another world."
"I might come back and get a seaweed one, I feel like so out of it."
"I come to in the closet. Takes a little while for me to get my bearings."
"Things you haven't seen, and you're overwhelmed, you're short-circuiting with all the things you're looking at around you."
"I feel like I'm in a fever dream right now."
"It was as though all sensation had numbed as though nothing were real."
"I felt as if the entire world had changed around me."
"Joe, I feel all turned around, like it's the end of the day instead of the beginning."
"I make heads spin till they dizzy."
"Somewhere you had no knowledge of and your bearings were just gone."
"If you don't catch them they often feel they often mill around here it's almost a bar disorientated."
"The effect of the room's design was almost instantaneous. Within seconds, I felt nauseated and had to resort to crawling to reach the middle of the room."
"Super thrown off today, man. It's weird, it's totally weird, it's super weird today."
"I turned around and tried to backtrack to the area I was familiar with, but turning around and backtracking didn't work. If anything, it made things a lot more difficult for me."
"I've no idea where we are. It's... Sunny! Blue skies and it's warm and it's not windy."
"It was unsettling being in such an absence of light. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face."
"Chase. That's the first way to put it. Find somewhere popular. Oyama, perhaps, or Nishiyazabu. Oh, and trendy, premium night. Special dinner. Ah, I give up. This world is alien to me. How can a Martian be expected to navigate the oceans of Venus?"
"it was like when you see a movie in the theater during the day and when you leave the movie you can't believe that it's still daylight outside"
"I felt like we were living in a different world, and things were a little off."
"This feeling of being lost or out of place is more than just confusion; it's a sign that you're transitioning."
"Well waking up and not seeing Earth, I think it's not a good sign."
"Everything is still the same but for you nothing is the same. Everything feels like it's out of place."
"So that's the Gibraltar Skywalk done, it was a little bit disorientating as you get up the top there but epic views out to sea."
"Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time."
"The brilliance of those moments in those scenes was the very fact that it made me feel the confusion and disorientation as a viewer."
"Trust me when I tell you this, that kind of performance can be disorientating."
"I'm here for you, I know it's very disorienting."
"They finally walked back through that portal from another world and are just now realizing that this is their house and it is not looking like it used to."
"It's dark. Pretty soon I couldn't find my way back."