
Land Rights Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Farmers here in Hanoi literally kidnapped like 20 police officers... demanding that they keep their land... they ended up winning that whole situation."
"America freed the slaves in 1863 through the emancipation proclamation of Abraham Lincoln. But gave the slaves no land or nothing in reality and as a matter of fact to get started on. At the same time, America was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the Midwest. Which meant that that was a willingness to give the white peasants from Europe an economic base. And yet it refused to give its black peasants from Africa, who came here involuntarily in chains, and had worked free for 244 years, any kind of economic base."
"Try to convince me that Israelis have more right in this land more than the Palestinians without using religion."
"We need to drop this paternalistic idea that they need to be protected from themselves and give them the ability to do whatever they want with their own land."
"If we don't deserve anything else, we deserve land, we deserve money, we deserve education."
"It's straightforward, a theft of land. So many non-native Americans, when they come to Mount Rushmore, they see the best of their democracy reflected back to them."
"Indigenous people have the right to maintain, strengthen their distinctive spiritual, cultural, and material relationship with their lands, territories, and resources."
"So now everybody's going whose land is this really well technically it was ours back in the 1800s."
"Our lives are in the hands of the Great Spirit. We are determined to defend our lands, and if it be his will, we wish to leave our bones upon them."
"We can't have that, you know what I mean, coming here and settling on lands where you're not welcome. That's colonization."
"The Diggers emerged aiming for a free Commonwealth and equitable land distribution."
"If they're going to take away our land, we will defend it."
"It really goes to show you and everyone's screaming about this is about land it's about land it's about land but you were Lebanese citizens you were an ethnic religious minority in Lebanon but other than being Jewish it had nothing to do with land."
"The land in which you were born belongs to you and your body. It belongs to you, period."
"The left goes in and says the land was the Indians' anyway that we got it was illegitimate." - Michael Knowles
"Christiania was saved, the residents kinda sorta owned the land but not really..."
"Land ownership was the central tenet of black freedom." - A profound insight into the importance of land to marginalized communities.
"The notion that people who conquered and settled other people's land should get to retain it all for themselves is obviously problematic."
"Even the ancestral lands of South Africans are being given away to these false pastors."
"I'm totally in favor of land back as long as you don't have to do an ethnic cleansing to accomplish it."
"We get the land back, we have the minerals back."
"The forcible seizure of native land none of this has anything to do with capital is the very opposite of capital you're saying is the United States of America was not a capitalist country until 1865 and that's the day it."
"The land of the Palestinians was taken... through violence and force."
"The Keystone XL Pipeline Protests, a defining moment in the evolution of the land back movement."
"If you're gonna try to take our animals, if you're gonna try to push us off the land, push us into smart cities, and force us to do this slowly right incrementally, the only way we could stop this is through speaking out, is through pushing back."
"You cannot come in and seize the economy of another man's land."
"I am on my land and I'm doing the right thing and I'm not afraid."
"I think we should be giving land back because not only the 40 acres of the mill."
"God says no no no no I promise to remember the word forever. That this is your land and so if you ever leave I'm looking at it as but that's still yours and you need to come back to it."
"This is Temple land they are not supposed to touch these things they have no Locust Stand Here We Go."
"If you give the land back to the Native Americans, I'll live under their rule."
"Land was stolen under apartheid, it still hasn't been given back."
"The white supremacist came over and said, 'Hey, this is ours.' That's not founded, that's called colonizing, that's subjugating the people."
"It's wrong to kick people off their land; it's wrong to kill innocent people; it's wrong to invade countries that don't belong to you."
"Just because we were not actively using our family land does not mean that it still didn't belong to us."
"It's political control over the land. At the moment, we Hawaiians don't have political control over the land. That's what we're seeking."
"We do further declare it to be our Royal will and pleasure that no Governor or commander-in-chief in any of our colonies do presume upon any pretense whatever to Grant warrants of survey or pass any patents for Lands Beyond the bounds of their respective governments."
"Every free man had the right to his inherited land, no matter what. No king, no foreigner, no family member, or anyone else had the right to come and take your ancestral or inherited lands from you."
"Our land is not for sale. Is that clear?"
"They should at least get some sovereignty over their own land"
"When people say to us your demands are too much, repeat the words of Connolly: our demands most moderate, ah, we only want the earth."
"You must stop your ears whenever you're asked to sign a treaty to sell your home."
"They're going to start going on to Cherokee land illegally."
"This land used to belong to our ancestors, but people have come in, they've changed the names, they've colonized the land."
"You can use water reasonably with your land, but if you divert it somewhere else off-track, or you take it out of a watershed, you can't do it if it diminishes a wetland, a stream, or a lake."
"My people once owned what is now Central and Southern Texas. Our land was taken from us by the white men."
"They want to evict them out of their land because of what? They want to lease the land to a UAE-based company for them to create a wildlife corridor for trophy hunting and elite tourism."
"Tell that railroad I'm here for good, dead or alive."
"The land belongs to God, and an Igbo traditionally does not have the right to sell the land."
"You think you are doing a great deal for us by giving us all the good you could give, but we prefer our own life to live as we have done. You have given us presents and then take our lands; that provokes war."
"I ain't want a whole lot of problems after I'm gone about who got rights to this land," she paused a moment, then added, "That happened sometimes, you know."
"If the people have their land, they can become rich or at least improve their condition of wealth."
"...calling for freedom from servitude a pardon for all Rebels freedom to trade and the right to own land at fixed prices."
"It is now perhaps high time for ethnic people to use a give and take policy to resolve their competing claims over land holdings to obtain a political solution."
"...suddenly it wasn't his land anymore, and it had been decided that it was the council's, and then being forced off the very place that you'd established your lineage felt incredibly resonant to me..."
"This was a turning point for the Mohawk people: no more land taking."
"Your right to the land does not supersede my right to the land."
"This idea of Commons erases indigenous nationhood, erases our self-determination, our sovereignty, and our land rights."
"Land has never really been a part of the Canadian reconciliation discourse and this is a critical problem because indigenous peoples will not survive as indigenous peoples without homelands."
"The white man made me a lot of promises, but they only kept one; they promised to take my land, and they took it."
"The Great Spirit made us the Indians and gave us this land we live in."
"If you found a piece of land and over a period of time you maintained it and actually made it better for the community, you were able to stake claim to that property and it now became yours."
"The British, for all of their faults, certainly sought to guarantee some sort of land rights to the First Nation groups."
"Both parties can claim that they have a right to the land, and I don't think that one supersedes the other."
"Their land, no matter what a piece of broken treaty paper might say."
"That land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river was given to the nation of Israel 4,000 years ago, and God never goes back on His word."
"We recognize and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs, and relationship with the land."
"They can't take whatever they want. This is our land."
"They just lose heart," Tetlan continued. "A tribe loses its land, and its appetite for life goes with it."
"There's literally nothing stopping universities and people from giving their land back to the native peoples."
"Years later, about 8,000 people of African descent who intermarried with and became formal members of native tribes were granted land allotments in what was to become Oklahoma."
"Over the last thousand years, the Lelands have fought dozens of wars with squatters like you trying to steal our land."
"The Homestead Act became a kind of sanctioned land theft."
"The public land that we enjoy today became public through theft, broken treaties, and the forced removal of native people."
"Should we not therefore run all risks and incur all consequences rather than to submit to the further loss of our country?"
"...the people should be allowed to go back to the land as quickly as possible that yeah there will be suffering but he would even question the degree to that suffering."
"Not for land we have taken, nor have we seized the property of others, but only our ancestral heritage, which for a time had been unjustly held by our enemies. Now that we have the opportunity, we are holding on to the heritage of our ancestors."
"It's essentially about the rights of Native Americans to control their resources and land."
"Land ownership goes against their ancient tradition."
"You want to fight for your land back? You need your right-hand man back."
"Those who occupy the land must return the land to the people."
"When indigenous people hold the title to their ancestral lands, they are able to protect their forests."
"The entire US North American continent was Native American land at one time."
"The right to self-determination includes but is not limited to the right to control their own land and natural resources."
"This is our land, this belongs to us."
"This land was given to my people and to those other gentiles whom God would bring and to none else."
"Isn't that just a fantastic thing, so the Maasai, their ancestral people, this is Maasai land."