
Digital Ownership Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Digital ownership is one of the biggest issues... especially in a landscape where things are constantly being re-edited, retouched, having that original access just means a lot."
"I do not want to live in a world where my children spend money on a book that can be removed from their account at any time."
"Now we have a notion of owning stuff on the internet. That's what tokens are."
"With NFTs, you're able to create something where the community gets to capture the long tail value of that item."
"With NFTs, you can now create, sell, and buy digital items that can be completely unique and whose ownership can be traced back to you."
"The ownership is the disruptive feature. What blockchain fundamentally allows you to do is own digital stuff."
"If paying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing."
"If we bought a game, we should still be able to play it long after the publisher drops support."
"This notion of us getting more comfortable with not owning our games is utterly ridiculous and completely dystopian."
"Virtual land fully belongs to you and you could choose to do whatever you want with it."
"Bitcoin is the most decentralized digital property, owned by everyone and no one."
"He who possesses the private key owns the bitcoin."
"Smart property is physical property that the ownership of which transfers with a Bitcoin transaction."
"Through blockchain technology, LimeWire makes exclusive content and assets ownable and tradable."
"When you buy a DVD, you are endorsing one film and not another... the film is now yours, no company can take it away."
"NFTs are all about ownership, that's their whole point."
"It's just gonna be like, oh you want to buy my house? I'm going to give you this NFT and you prove ownership."
"Owning your games is something that we should be fighting for."
"We know crypto gaming is going to be a thing... and it's the obvious progression of digital ownership for me."
"Owning physical games, in my opinion, is always better than buying these games digitally because you actually own that physical license."
"Players spend 100 billion dollars each year on items that you don't own. This is wrong."
"Downloading a JPEG from the Internet is illegal and what you paid money for was in fact the nft which is not the image itself just the thing that says you own the image."
"Blockchain gaming is a chance to fundamentally own your in-game assets."
"Not your keys, not your wallet, not your crypto."
"Allow players to actually own their in-game items instead of the company owning their account and being able to shut that down at any time."
"DRM introduces an element of ambiguity. You assume the game copy is yours and you were certainly free to play it. So what happens when the always-on DRM servers are down?"
"Blockchain technology will allow users to earn content and own content."
"Web 3 is when you actually own your content too. It's not a centralized entity."
"NFT ownership and collecting and immersive metaverse-like experiences are a match made in heaven."
"You can own these in-game NFTs which represent these Heroes that you can use within the game."
"True ownership over the in-game items you obtain."
"Consumers should always have access to games they've paid for indefinitely."
"Ubisoft wants you to be comfortable not owning games. It's weird how in capitalistic society every company wants us to be comfortable with not having property rights."
"There's an element of ownership that people like to have over content."
"Owning an NFT is like owning one very specific digital image in a world where digital images are screenshoted replicated and shared on the daily."
"It's about feeling comfortable with not owning your game."
"Nowadays we're not buying games, we're renting games, even if we bought them."
"People telling you to buy physical to protect your games are the equivalent of your grandpa telling you to get a summer job to pay off college."
"The metaverse is about digital property rights and NFTs."
"NFTs are the way to attach value to a blockchain and transfer them and to have scarcity and proven ownership."
"It's crazy how I can't play games I bought and own."
"You want to own this thing on the internet where people are spending time because now you want to hope that people are spending their own time watching or reading or listening to your content."
"With blockchain, we can prove ownership of digital assets, moving them from being mere digital items to something we can monetize."
"Blockchain trademarks are crucial for securing ownership in the evolving internet landscape."
"We don't actually own your property, you hold a license to it so long as you agree to their terms of service."
"Stores the information, it can take it away from you. Once you buy it, it is yours. And that information is stored only to you."
"Claiming a crypto domain is a good first step towards web3 ownership."
"You will own what you hold, anything on a computer screen is in jeopardy."
"Crypto assets is that it's going to be hard to replace the feeling of not being thoroughly or completely owned by system and Libra is the pure definition of being owned..."
"The virtual life is going to become so powerful to the point where you're going to own your nfts that are actual like things in the metaverse."
"I don't really own it so that's like yeah yeah but I can't like I can't look at someone's thing and go damn he has the [ __ ]."
"Starting a YouTube channel... you're basically owning a piece of digital real estate."
"In the future world where you own the tokens, you are an owner of the network and therefore you have a voice in the development of the network."
"The digital age has already got us asking questions about what it means to own a game, how long a digital collection can exist, what might happen to a game when it’s not properly preserved in its original state."
"NFTs: Providing true ownership of digital assets?"
"Shares representing ownership over a $3.68 million Picasso painting will be tokenized and issued via blockchain technology."
"Someday I want to control real estate on a virtual server and now I feel like I do."
"When you buy a Ubisoft game, you don't actually own the game or the product itself. You buy the license to be allowed to play it, and Ubisoft can at any point revoke that license."
"They're trying to remove that middleman by just having these games live in the cloud so you never own anything."
"There's no logical reason not to wanna own digital property."
"Empower you to truly own your in-game assets, protect and control their functionality, and have a voice in the future of the games you love."
"You can get it for free and keep it forever."
"The NFT's potential reaches far beyond art, encompassing ownership exclusive asset access functions and features."
"Web 3 is about the shift from creating content to owning content."
"Traditionally um items that you purchase from an in-game store are bound to your game account digits take things a step further by giving you more control than ever while they are first and foremost playable items."
"Epic Games joins GOG in the goal to deliver universal ownership of digital goods."
"NFTs are letting people truly own experiences and build stories they can claim."
"Power back to the players." - Describing the essence of blockchain gaming and ownership of in-game assets.
"Digital asset ownership deepens connection to favorite games."
"There is no bigger scale of an opportunity than owning things on the internet."
"Immutable: If it's not your keys, it is not your crypto."
"NFTs allow internet users to own images, memes, gifs, and other virtual media."
"Allowing these kids to really retain ownership over the content that they push out across various digital spaces."
"Centralized social media platforms lend you your identity, with Speakeasy you actually own it."
"NFTs make it possible for gamers to have digital property rights."
"It is something to consider when you do buy a game: will I still have access to this if it's a digital purchase 10, 15 years from now?"
"Why when I buy a game is it locked in my library forever? And I can't ever refund it?"
"If you control the keys, it's your bit point."
"Nothing's ever free. The only way you're ever really going to make sure that you own all your stuff and other people can't exploit your stuff, they still can exploit it, but really you have more control if you have your own website."
"The decentralized aspect of the database means you can theoretically own a digital asset in one ecosystem and then carry it into another."
"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it. You'll own these digital goods, you'll own the things that you're not interested in."
"The practice of removing the ability to play a game that someone paid for is not only unethical, it's basically lying because that's not purchasing. That's called renting."
"Digital ownership is really one of the only credible counterweights."
"I paid two thousand dollars for an NFT, so what's it do? Well, you're doing it."
"This is a bigger issue about digital ownership that needs laws and regulations."
"We all need to play our part in pushing it forward because it is so important for us to own our lives in this digital world. We don't want to be slaves to giant corporations."
"Ownership means that people are going to be more aware of their own content."
"Crypto art is basically a way to buy digital art using the blockchain to verify that the piece of art you have is a one-of-a-kind item."
"No company can pull a thread and take them back from you, they can't break them, you own them, they're on your machine, you can use them."
"Blockchains... enabled digital ownership and let us build a new way of Internet services."
"Your ID is on Ethereum, can't be taken away from you or anything."
"Not your keys, not your crypto, and on Lens, we say not your keys, not your profile."
"People are underestimating what digital ownership means."
"Why everyone's going to want to own something digitally."
"There's no fakes in NFT land, it's incredibly powerful, and providences understood and who owned it, and the transparency matters."
"NFTs are history makers in the DAO space, granting access to DAOs and allowing collections to be owned by a DAO."
"NFTs are like the ultimate way to do that."
"We need to make sure that people have data ownership, just as a core right."
"Owning an NFT is very briefly like owning an item on the blockchain."
"NFTs are like if you bought the rights to an image but didn't actually buy the image."
"The idea of asset ownership, that's here to stay, man."
"We can give the internet ownership over assets and data and identity."
"NFTs are not just art, it's a proof of ownership."
"Digital ownership is extremely important to them, given that physical ownership is out of reach for a lot of them."
"Non-fungible tokens represent a digital contract in the blockchain that shows to people that you own this item and this item is authentic."
"Play to earn and real world ownership of your in-game assets is such a game changer."