
Future Improvement Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"It is not only in remembering that shameful past that we can make amends and repair our nation, but it is in remembering that past that we can build a better present and a better future."
"The past is in the past, and it's like okay, how can we use those experiences to turn our futures into something brighter and better for ourselves and others?"
"By taking action in your own life, you open the door to a better future for all of us."
"I do want to emphasize that SpaceX and Tesla fundamentally intend to improve the quality of the future."
"We could stop now and make the future much better."
"It's not about competing, it's really just about trying to increase the probability that the future will be good, that's all."
"Do you believe it's possible that things could be better and easier in the future?"
"It gives an opportunity to see what unexpected problems there were so that in future years they can plan better."
"What investing sin have you done in the past that you will not do going forward?"
"You have to be the one to ask questions if you don't know all the information about a subject. That means you have something to learn, which is not a bad thing."
"I hope this is something we'll just learn from moving forward."
"This child living in this truck, in a shelter, on the street, wherever, that cannot be this child's future."
"Hopefully we can go back and fix some things and start to fix our things to make it a better future."
"The ultimate moral injunction is to sacrifice yourself in a manner that makes the future better."
"I have contacts, I have reason to believe that it does in fact get better."
"You're gonna be taken care of and you're gonna get a financial blessing very soon."
"Life spans increased and people grew taller and fitter in later decades."
"It's the best opportunity for me to signal boost the things that we love about games and talk about the things that we don't because largely I think that's the best way for us to get better games in the future."
"The overarching objective is to make the future better... hopefully not pave the road to hell with good intentions."
"Most importantly, it argues that by acting wisely, you can help make tomorrow better than today."
"We can't change the past but we can commit today to make the future better."
"People make mistakes, that's fine. You can make mistakes, but it's that in the future not doing them, understanding that you made a mistake, and trying to set yourself up for a better spot in the future."
"I want to challenge you to envision a better America."
"It might not be today, it might not be this week, it might not even be this month, but you will get to that point where things get easier."
"I'm willing to take unpopular stances so that down the road, the world will improve."
"I am hopeful, I want to try to maximize the probability that the future will be better."
"Things are only going to get better from here."
"Most of the projects Bun will pick up will get performance improvements over the next year or so, tightening the gap between them and Bun."
"Nothing is stopping you from making tomorrow better than yesterday but yourself."
"Things are only going to get better for sure for sure."
"Technology one day is going to make our world better."
"Things won't always be this way. God has the ability and desire to restore broken places."
"You think things will be better in like a year or two? God, I hope so."
"We need to look at the mistakes of the last 10 years and make sure we don't do it again."
"All you can do is give a heartfelt expression of your feelings, give them a commitment of how you want to do better in the future."
"There is sudden movement and sudden improvement in the future."
"Hang in there because things are about to get even better."
"It's all there, steeped into the lore of Star Wars... Palpatine coming back here makes a lot of sense."
"Population growth is really good, and again, that's gonna get significantly better later."
"There will be a day in the future where these streams will run smoothly once again."
"Everybody's journey ain't gonna be the same, but I want your journey to be the one that gets you better next year than you are this year."
"We're going to be back stronger and better for the next game."
"If finances have kept you guys apart, there will be more income coming in."
"Hope in the future, things will be better and indeed, yeah."
"I hope that you consider better action in future endeavors."
"With age, it will be even better."
"Just wait it out, it's gonna get better."
"Justice demands that the fool takes responsibility for his past actions so he can make amends and ensure a more honest course for the future."
"You're creating safety, you're admitting your fault, and you're also providing an invitation that it's going to be better in the future."
"We understand the importance of learning from the past so that we can do better in the future."
"I am what I am and I can accept myself for what I am now and try and change and be better in the future."
"We can't change anything that happened in the past, but we can also say that was bad and we probably shouldn't do it again to anyone else in the future."
"I'm not asking you to fix your past, we're just asking to be a better person in the future."
"What can you learn from this situation, how would it benefit you to do things differently in future?"
"It’s still not a super great relationship, but there’s still juuuuust enough there to make us wonder if there’s a chance of it improving in the future."
"It's okay, learn from your mistakes, right? Be better in the future."
"Win or learn, and next time we'll go multiple choice."
"Being well at the moment now can help my people to believe that they might be able to get better for a time in the future."
"Learn what you can because if you learn from your failures, maybe you won't do it as much in the future."
"Self-discovering computers can fundamentally improve our way of life by solving hard problems we have been struggling with for decades."