
Recurrence Quotes

There are 299 quotes

"It's always crazy until you remember that we've seen it happen multiple times already in our lifetime."
"Bipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent illness."
"You won't believe that this Karen ended up in front of the same judge just four months later."
"Without accountability, it will happen again."
"90% of recurrence will occur within three years of surgery."
"It's happening over and over again to private citizens."
"It happened in 2012 and it happened again in 2016."
"It's the realization of 'Wait, again? Seriously, I thought we only just got out of the last one.'"
"I remember being on the floor in my apartment and just thinking, how could this happen to me again?"
"Evil hasn't gone away from the world... it's back."
"If you do not have accountability for gross abuses of power at the highest levels of government, you are more likely to see those abuses recur and worsen."
"Well, I hear that train coming around the bend... looks like he's coming back again."
"This person, this wasn't their first time doing something like this."
"She reminds me of the ex-girlfriend that keeps showing up with the same bad ideas."
"I guess technically speaking it's gonna show up again, right?"
"I twisted my ankle again, the same one that I twisted a couple of weeks ago."
"I know that this will probably be here forever now because it just came back with a vengeance."
"You're walking away from something that keeps returning."
"However, the same psychological factors that hurled America into a state of financial chaos before are growing once again only larger beneath the surface."
"So that was the explanation here I mean that's good at least it's not something that's like super recurring."
"So, so this is kind of a recurrence that I have."
"The fact that it just randomly started up in the first place and then stopped suddenly as it began seems to suggest that it's totally possible the same thing could happen again."
"It's happened again and this time it's happened in our neighborhood."
"You may have another Roswell tomorrow. You may have another Hudson Valley the day after. You may have another Rendelsham next week."
"It's like you can't quite ever escape it. It's always there, you think you overcome it and then here it comes again."
"Who would think that after the Great Recession we'd end up having another banking crisis?"
"Everything is like a cycle and keeps you coming back."
"People who were previously diagnosed with COVID-19 are getting it again."
"Every time Jacqueline Hill launches something there always seems to be some kind of mess every time."
"We're the generation that will experience this event once again."
"These events are never just one-offs, often they can happen many times but always at random."
"Evidence suggests this type of climate change has happened before."
"Just asking questions doesn't it feel like we're seeing this again more recently."
"Guess who's back, back, back? Stinky's back, back, back!" (Repeated quote, but it's catchy!)
"It's great to see them up on that podium once again."
"This will happen again. To the good news, it’s going to happen again. Which means that we are going to get through this one this time."
"Let's figure out how we prevent it from reoccurring."
"It is really possible that something like this could happen again."
"I really hope that this doesn't keep happening that's what I'm very concerned about."
"Here she go again, yeah here I go again getting a check."
"Here's my question: Could this happen again?"
"Every single time these crisis periods come back around, they resemble each other."
"Unless we start addressing the 'why' question, we're just going to get Carly 2.0 in a little while."
"Whoever did this, this was absolutely not their first time, and I would argue that it wasn't their last."
"Stay strong my friends... it'll happen again."
"Being betrayed in every lifetime is just too much."
"This type of behavior is going to continue over and over again because it's baked into the system." - Mustafa
"I've definitely had that happen a few times, a few times with me."
"All of this has happened before and it keeps happening."
"If strange things appear again as in those Gates, then everyone will begin to suspect him."
"A lot of you are longing to be out of the situation but they keep coming back."
"These predators, they keep on getting new victims, new younger victims, and more and more."
"Fate often presents us with lessons of irony, showing that even the rarest of events can reoccur."
"Murder is an insidious thing, Watson. Once a man has dipped his fingers in blood, sooner or later he'll feel the urge to kill again."
"Be sure to come back tomorrow for vlogmas day 11, lucky number eleven."
"Black lives have always mattered, it's just people keep remembering this every few years."
"Most single unprovoked seizures do not recur!"
"It's so weird how you have these people that come every couple years or so and they just appear in [__] everywhere."
"It's such a temporary fix, right? Because it's like we want to escape the moment but then the second that it dies down it's like there you go again."
"Sometimes we also have these recurring dreams."
"...it wasn't the first time Huntley had been attacked nor will it be the last."
"Thus died Thor, for the ninth time that could be remembered."
"From the Bible to Journey to the West, death and rebirth are recurring themes."
"Like a bad penny, he kept popping up."
"It's like every 10 years there's a countdown timer to reset the next layer of revenge: 10-year revenge, 20-year revenge. See you again in another 10 years."
"I feel like you've had that happen more than once."
"Know that this is not something that will repeat if you don't want it to."
"Every five, maybe 10, 12 years, we have these major world events, and then there seems to be a major shift."
"If we cannot get rid of this, then everything will come back and you will be in the same place in 2 years."
"This is not the first time we've had these conversations and she agreed and understood."
"This will definitely be a repeat."
"Once you've had a sensation, relapses are common."
"Here we go again, we're back in the booth at the bomb hole."
"That was not the last time I heard the howling."
"Adele couldn't let it happen again."
"It's all happening again, Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights."
"This ends up being the same scenario."
"We've been here before. Back to nothing. Back to life."
"It's happened before, and it can happen again."
"But for him it seemed like it was becoming an issue over and over again."
"When something's meant for you, it will keep coming back around again and again and again."
"I feel like it's been on actually every single one of our live action show polls."
"But I do think it's more common than that, that if someone cheats, they most likely will do it again."
"Towns across Britain were hit by plague again."
"Harry is back and plans on coming back more and more,"
"The fact that he literally addresses his wife while coming over shows it's probably not the first time it's happening."
"Ultimately, the goal becomes preventing recurrence."
"...it just seemed like a strange nightmare the one who experienced it woke up shaken and Afraid hoping to shake the images from their mind but they couldn't every night the nightmare would return they'd see the images the Red Sky the dead and enslaved."
"I felt myself falling back into the old nightmare."
"Can you believe it's been six months? I used to do these monthly, these used to be a monthly occurrence. Should we bring it back?"
"One thing is for certain and that is that we'll be back at the same time next week."
"It's not strange, I mean, that belief creeps up over and over and over again."
"All I know is that I have this gut feeling that this time wasn't my last time visiting them or that place."
"Some of you guys may have something going on with this person and you may have to stop, but I feel like it quickly will pop up again."
"It definitely wasn't the last time that I had to deal with something like that."
"That was very odd from the master recurrence of that."
"Unfortunately, this would not be the last time I saw him."
"It won't happen again on the best TV news bloopers of all time."
"Eventually they always come back."
"They all come back. They always come back."
"Initiation does not change; we find it again and again and always the same through all the ages."
"It's like sticking a plaster over a hole, isn't it? And then the plaster comes off, it's the same problem again."
"History doesn't repeat itself. Have we ever had another 2008 crash before? No."
"...because apparently this stuff recurs and we should learn from how we handled it in the past."
"It's like it came back full circle."
"Thanksgiving is everything a Thursday it's everyday a Thursday once Thanksgiving always on Thursday."
"The only thing that even brought me back to the mats was that apparently when you get it once it's it's like you don't get it again."
"An event that I can't wait to continue to see what it brings every single year."
"Brooke will be back for the next Wellness Wednesday."
"How would you feel if I told you that this same scenario was occurring over 20 years ago?"
"It appeared that drama from 2019 2.0 was over but is it or is it going to rear a head again?"
"I think it's a great idea truthfully because I feel like didn't we go through about a rash of this rich and DJ about four or five years ago."
"It seems rather bizarre that all of these things are reoccurring in Spain nearly sort of 20 years later at a time where everything else is going in the opposite direction throughout Europe."
"Whenever we are selecting the recurrence trigger we need to set the frequency as daily and then we need to set the interval of 1."
"I'm determined that that's not gonna happen again."
"It's probably been caught five or six times."
"Your response to something, is it the same thing as building something, so I, I just wonder what's going to happen when this stuff dies down, is everything just going to keep happening again?"
"We're coming back every year to do the same thing with Eugene."
"The danger is this could be a repeat of that incident."
"I feel like I say that about pretty much every season."
"...the politics will always keep coming back... no matter how many times the series says 'no'."
"Forgiveness is a journey, it's not a one-time occurrence."
"Everyone always keeps falling in love again."
"Here we go again, awesome, so good to be back."
"Then it would start all over again."
"And it continued to make... to reappear, um, all of these times until, I would say, definitively."
"If you don't find a solution for this, now this problem will keep coming back."
"Here we go Andrew sneaking back into things."
"Don't call out a ghoster if you think this is gonna bring him back in your life and he's gonna love you and everything's gonna be patch up. Girl, if he ghosted once he is going to ghost again. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but he will."
"Correct. I think bringing this out makes it less likely to recur."
"Tend to go and they come back around."
"Until next time, because there's always a next time."
"It will happen again. That's how it works."
"Don't think that this is just about Jamal. Today, tomorrow, next week, you'll see someone else doing the exact same thing or saying the exact same thing."
"It's exciting to see certain characters in certain places being brought back multiple times."
"...this just happens over and over again."
"The eternal recurrence just raises the stakes and puts things in perspective."
"Your boy as always here back in the same venue as last year."
"We're looking at changes in the breast tissue itself because there have been several changes that support recurrence."
"As much as I hate to say it, this is not going to be the last time it happens."
"Will it happen again? I sure hope not."
"...this is gonna be like that kind of thing again."
"Everything comes back to the moon eventually."
"The Players Championship stands alone, a tradition you return to the same place every year."
"And we said, yeah, where have we heard that before?"
"We can come back to him again and again."
"History repeats itself, Wilson. Tides of peril always bring great men to the fore: Wellington, Churchill, Al Jolson."
"As long as people needed saving, he would always be back."
"Let's make it an annual tradition."
"It had been a while, it had been a while."
"Every time you find yourself here, it's because you chose to come back."
"How many times have we seen that Brad? In our life? It happens."
"...a bit of a recurring problem this weekend."
"Your husband comes to you saying 'I didn't mean to do it but I got mad, it'll never happen again,' and you want so desperately to believe that it will never happen again that you say 'All right' and then you go on until the next time."
"It's that damn book again ever since I came."
"But earlier start will prevent earlier recurrences."
"This pops back up again. I love that."
"She said it had the same shape and was the same thing she saw just weeks earlier."
"That's when it creeps up and goes, 'Hey, how you doing, buddy? I'm back.'"
"This wasn't the first time that something like this happened and it certainly wasn't the last."
"It's so good, I dig it out every year."
"...I still have frequent nightmares about the same creature."
"We've talked about this before on the show."
"We are facing our fears once again."
"There's something about the past coming back around."
"The numerical significance of 7, 30, and 12... is particularly intriguing... recurring within our narratives."
"We've had a whole series of magnitude 9 earthquakes happen repeatedly at this same place involving these same two plates."
"Who's being too polite to say what? Who knows what? What did I do? Why? And most hauntingly, when will it happen again?"
"The girl with blue hair came out again."
"What do you do when the very mess that you just got out of is the same mess that you are about to go into?"
"Every five or six years I go out there to do another farewell appearance."
"The ultimate test of this mode of existence is found in your answer to the demon who asks you: Do you want this moment to return forever and ever?"
"If ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: 'You please me, happiness; instant; moment,' then you wanted everything to return."
"Every 27 years, Pennywise comes back."
"Anyone who drinks this water will become thirsty again."
"If it happened once, it can happen again."
"Dear God, aren't we ever to be free of him? He's turned up again, George, what can we do?"
"Over 80 percent of patients still have their cancer come back and we think that it's really in this upfront setting if we add new drugs to perhaps not just use chemotherapy but add the immune system component to it, we can help to completely eradicate these cancers."
"Why do you have recurrent training? It's so that you don't have recurrent problems."
"All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again."
"Time is a flat circle; everything that happened will come to be once again."
"Last year they said that was a hundred-year flood, but here we are again already."
"This is about to be interesting yet again."
"That's the beauty of knowing about these special right triangles; they come up all the time."
"Day after day it reappears, night after night my heartbeat shows the fear."
"Then once again the glow returns, again the phantom city burns."
"The idea of channeling the surplus into something magnificent has always cropped up over and over again."
"If you don't freaking fix it now, it will happen again and again."
"Whatever you feel, you will feel again."
"Deja vu, we have been here before."
"If it has happened before, it could happen again."
"How many times will you reappear, same person, different face?"
"Hello friends, it's that time again."
"You should get help, and all of those problems that we just talked about are going to crop up again."
"I really do thank you for joining me once again."
"If we're not vigilant, it may occur again."
"I know it's just a dream, but the entire time we lived in that house, I had this recurring nightmare."
"Countries that once eradicated the dreadful effects of malnutrition are witnessing a recurrence of high poverty rates."
"By 1351, the Black Death was largely over, although recurrent outbreaks of the plague in isolated areas would continue on and off for centuries."
"Migraines are frequently recurrent and they often have very specific predisposing factors or triggers."