
Government Criticism Quotes

There are 420 quotes

"Speaking out generally against the government or protesting against corporate activity... is absolutely open and free speech."
"I love my country because I was born there... It's Perfectly Normal to love your country but not like your government."
"I don't gauge my patriotism by paying a higher tax rate. I'm not more patriotic now than I was five years ago; I'm just getting screwed by the government harder."
"You cannot find a more core First Amendment violation ever. That is the government banning speech it doesn't like."
"Never trust a group of unelected bureaucrats to tell you what your money's going to be worth."
"Any country or government that doesn't make every possible effort to rescue its own people is not a country that deserves to be."
"I think you've got no idea what disinformation is, and I don't think the government's capable of it. Do you know who the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world is? The U.S. government."
"Popular anger and increasingly bold resistance to government authorities is being fueled by forced land acquisitions, arbitrary land grabs... and environmental degradation."
"The government is not your friend, but you know who else isn't your friend? Billionaires who use the government to hurt you for them."
"As you watch this film, it is important to always distinguish clearly between the good and hard-working people of China and their repressive communist government now victimizing both American and Chinese citizens alike."
"Democracy, as currently practiced, is the greatest form of government and anyone who denies this commits blasphemy – or so we are taught."
"They don't like competition. The government is here to squelch every piece of competition. They can spy on you, they can speed in their cruisers, they can steal your wealth, but as soon as you start doing what they do, they're gonna count you as a criminal."
"Government is too big, too bossy, too nosy, and way too intrusive, and worst of all, it hurts those it tries to help." - Dr. Joe Jorgensen
"It has absolutely gotten out of control we need to nullify property tax we need to let people get out of the system we need to allow the private sector to work"
"Our message to the government is simple it's time to meet peaceful people alone if you believe the government is so damn essential we have to go"
"We must resist government run amuck taking advantage of a crisis. This is how your Liberty dies. Stand up, America, and resist!"
"She's the fourth Tory prime minister in six years. The face at the top may change, but the story remains the same."
"Europe is in economic decline, and at heart, you have a problem of governments being too big, taxation too high, and regulation omnipresent."
"They've done some irreparable damage to people's belief in government, authority, and families."
"They seek to kill and steal and destroy human beings."
"Even though it may sound silly to some, this is turning into a serious problem for the future of China's economy and the communist government."
"The only war I'm going to wage is the war on our deep State here at home."
"The biggest terrorists are not in the street; they're in government."
"The First Amendment offers its broadest protection in free speech regarding government affairs."
"The closest thing to eternal life is a government program."
"Whether you trust, support, or like the government, you can't deny they've done some sketchy stuff."
"Governments will do everything they can to f things up."
"Every community in the United States is now a border community due to an abject failure by this Administration to control and stem the tide of illegal entry."
"United we stand, divided we fall. This is how every nation gets conquered, and it seems that by our own government, we are being conquered, ladies and gentlemen."
"If you said one bad thing about the party or the government, you were taken away."
"The natural human instinct is to say, 'Why doesn't the government do something?' What government usually does is make the problem worse. Why don't we ever learn?"
"Putin says he's doing Ukrainians a favor by trying to get rid of their Nazi fascist government."
"The good news is this that surveillance States can't operate without incredibly gifted, incredibly imaginative, incredibly smart people like Edward Snowden."
"Government interventionism is generally a giant fail."
"Holy moly, indeed. The depths of government intrusion are shocking."
"Let's get stuck in and start the program with some quality trade ideas."
"Our founding fathers didn't fight for tyrants just for us to give the government undying loyalty while the police hurt people, that is facts."
"People should be free, the government's too big, dropping bombs on poor people in other countries is bad."
"The TSA is bad at its job... there's no evidence that has ever accomplished the one single thing it was formed in order to accomplish."
"It turns out that it is very expensive to run your state like an idiot."
"The American people deserve better, much better from what this Administration is providing for them."
"I do see it happening and I think it's a very, very hopeful change in the midst of the darkness of our government's corruption."
"Billions of dollars have been grafted into the pockets of corrupt Ukrainian government officials."
"If a government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to throw it off."
"We don't like it when government gets too invasive, we don't like it when it has too much control."
"Chinese people are not your enemy, it's the Chinese government."
"It's tyranny from the government coming from the government it's just too severe if it's coming from a mob especially the government that's designed to protect you from tyranny doesn't step and help you it's still tyranny."
"If we do not want the government to be authoritarian, we have to take personal responsibility and act like grown-ups."
"A lot of these issues... are a sad reminder of a failed government."
"Some of these lists are ongoing and some claim to be complete but there is absolutely no way any list of corrupt activities perpetrated by the liberal government can ever be complete until we get a national anti-corruption commission with teeth."
"Every day this government finds a new way to wrought the Australian people."
"Flood relief: They pork-barreled flood relief even the New South Wales Liberal Premier Dominic Perite publicly dressed them down for it."
"Centralized government is not the answer here."
"It's a writ large attempt to criminalize and deter questioning any official government narrative."
"The media can't stop talking about gridlock in Washington as if a handful of stubborn Republicans are the only thing standing between us and a fully functional democracy."
"The biggest enemy of big government is somebody who tells the truth."
"The government does what is best for the government."
"We have the power to do this and send the middle finger to the Chinese government and any government that thinks that they can destroy our financial freedom and crypto. We will not allow it to happen."
"We need to send an overwhelming message to this administration that the American people will not comply."
"We have a government problem. They've got to stop taking our money, stop spending our money, stop helping us enforce the law."
"A real Patriot speaks truth to power and speaks truth to his government."
"But beyond all that the thing that really chaps my ass is the fact that our government has enabled Scientology to grow into the colossus it's now become."
"There's an alliance between Russia and China and you know the Biden Administration has led us down to this road of Ruin."
"Fauci is a great example of what happens when government gets too big."
"The American people decide that there's a lot of shortcomings in the way our government is set up and that we should assume more responsibility along with more liberty."
"The first amendment exists to protect citizens from the government, not to protect the government and here we mean public school teachers from citizens."
"Patriotism is about telling your government when they're wrong."
"Government is not the solution to our problems, but government is the problem itself."
"The government is always trying to make things impossibly difficult."
"People could rebel against a government when it didn't protect their rights."
"If this is true then our country is in a lot of trouble."
"As an American I have not been supportive of what my government has done... we want to keep our freedoms and we do our best to help people around the world if we can."
"And the idea that the Confederate States of America had in any sense a libertarian form of government is frankly laughable."
"A President who disqualified himself from taking the oath gets sworn in again because the courts punted, we end up with Project 2025: Lawless Trump loyalists running government." - Jessica Denson
"And I mean, here we are almost a year into this pandemic and the most response that we've seen from our government in this year about the pandemic has been in response to demonstrators upset about the murder of George Floyd."
"It's the people's veto; the whole government can come out and say, this person's bad, and we can all say get bent."
"He is literally useless because the only thing that we expect of our attorney general is to hold people accountable."
"This is an inept, one of the most pathetic administrations we have ever seen."
"Instead of trying to reinvent 2,000 years of human government, let's just instead open up the free market."
"Government doesn't create jobs, they stifle, they over-regulate." - Coy Griffin
"I thought that was an inappropriate action by a government official let alone the White House."
"He was waking people up to all the things that the government was putting the people to sleep about."
"The Department of Justice is not there to gather evidence but to hide it."
"It had successfully turned the conscience of America against its own government."
"Our government has been taken over by a bunch of monsters like from The Hunger Games."
"Getting in trouble for speaking the truth because it differs from the government's official stance is straight up Orwellian."
"As much as the government hates that we keep and bear arms, that's the only thing that keeps us free at this point." - Spawndog
"Government uprisings are now a daily occurrence in our world. People in just about every nation are protesting, rioting, and demanding their governments do a better job taking care of the people."
"I think the war on drugs has been a colossal waste of money and a terrible disaster."
"I'm hoping that in 20 years time they're looking back on these two years and going those governments were absolutely mental."
"Falling in love hits different when you know they're a paid actor sent by the CIA to distract you from dedicating your life to dismantling the government."
"When you have the disparity between the desire of the people and the actions of the government, something's broken."
"It is unacceptable that Leon County violated Florida law, infringed on current and former employees' medical privacy, and fired loyal public servants because of their personal health decisions." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"Is this government unwittingly radicalizing the public against itself?"
"The government has failed to listen to the people."
"Cryptocurrency solves a lot of these problems, instead of just the government printing free money all the time."
"Conscientious public servants cannot stay silent wrote former Department of Homeland Security Secretary jeh Johnson."
"The more you start stifling not just like one side but just anyone that doesn't agree with the government we are going to get to a dark place very quickly"
"The complete failure of our governmental apparatus to deliver us both quality information and tests capable of telling us... is inexcusable."
"There are more disturbing than the government's attempts are the people who are going along to support it."
"Governments are the greatest instigators of murder in human history."
"Internet stay vigilant stay educated and don't fall for some ridiculously oppressive governments weird pizza propaganda."
"It's a bad look for the world government. It might convince countries that the world government isn't an entity that they should be a part of."
"Can we get term limits please? I'm sick of having these people in positions of power for 50 unchallenged years."
"All I know is I have a status hearing coming up and if the government wants to take this lie this complete sham to trial I'm just gonna have to let the facts speak for themselves."
"It is dangerous to be right when your government is wrong."
"Ask yourself why are you so gullible to believe the same government that has lied to you about foreign relations for decades."
"Government is like this vestigial organ of social violence soon to be amputated and cast aside as the useless horrid pus-filled leech that it is."
"Life is already a god-darned dystopian nightmare. Nobody cares in the government, nobody cares about people."
"I think the government bureaucracy in Washington DC... is the real threat to Liberty in this country."
"Our goal with this show is to empower you financially, make you global citizens aware of this. How the government rips you off and how media lies to you."
"I'm gonna sock it to the World Government. I've had enough of their crap, you know what I mean?"
"The government thinks you're stupid. They really think you're stupid."
"It erodes the bedrock legitimacy of the government as being of the people for the people by the people. Absolutely it does."
"Even when the government gets something kind of right, they screw it up because what are they doing? They're not saying, 'Hey, we've recognized that there's some problems with the way that this sort of process is going within Agriculture.'"
"The Conservatives lack a clear plan for addressing the country's problems."
"You think giving the government more money and more power over billionaires is gonna somehow help you?"
"They're trying to take away inheritance tax, they're trying to take away... They're stealing people's money and funneling it to the government."
"This government has failed you and it's failing American families."
"People should be pissed, people should be angry that the government tried to bamboozle them for a month just for a better rating, just for a better outcome when it came to the midterm elections. That's just disgusting."
"They don't care about their own citizens, dude. It's all about what they can gain right now."
"Compelled action is tyranny. Period. There cannot be any 'but's. Public health? No. Screw the public. The public derives its rights from my individual rights. Always and forever."
"Chinese people are running out of hope, they're resorting to kneeling in front of the God of Justice himself, crying out of injustice caused by the government."
"It's love of our country, not idolatry of the government. I love my country, government makes me upset sometimes."
"The greatest threat facing mankind is government, not climate change."
"This situation will expose the Chinese Communist Party for what it really is."
"This isn't about people not being able to budget properly. This isn't about people making bad decisions. This is about the government just tanking everything."
"The government's job is not to spoon-feed you BS like your 5-year-old child."
"Arrests for use of the middle finger in the presence of a police officer undermine the Supreme Court's steadfast recognition that the right to criticize the government lies at the core of the First Amendment."
"This is a Band-Aid and our government is supposed to help the people but they're making more profit from this."
"This is genuinely the best we can fucking do. Have you considered the government isn't this perfect little thing because everyone has disagreeing opinions on what the government should even be?"
"The federal government is a leviathan, it means to encroach and destroy the value of the citizenship of everybody in this nation."
"The damage to both human liberty and to the economy have been huge and probably permanent."
"Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the end has already started, think higher education is a waste of time, and that the government is part of Satan’s wicked system of things."
"The masses will start standing up against the ANC government."
"To me, it sounds like the weaponization of the DOJ and a precursor to civil war or a cold civil war."
"We are governed by a very unserious set of people."
"Congress won't limit their own power, but they'll limit your rights."
"It's nuts that they made it illegal on social media to question the government."
"The government forcing you to stay home is stupid."
"Let's have a real conversation about government overreach, First Amendment, and our rights with regard to social media."
"Is the government just starting to get real sloppy?"
"The very nature of elected government is an informed public capable of criticizing things they don't understand."
"The reality today in Britain is that our political class are no longer fit for purpose."
"It's sad when we live in a country where we can't trust our government, our rulers, or even the media."
"Judicial Watch is front and center, standing in the gap, conducting the basic oversight that Congress refuses to do, the media doesn't want to do, and government obviously doesn't want done at all."
"I'm not anti-government. It's just a reminder that sometimes we do need to push back against our government."
"Change one thing and that one thing is where your money goes first."
"Your government doesn't work for you and trickle-down economics doesn't work for you and in times of emergency that will become candid and Stark."
"When people start trying to shut it down in the government, that's when my ears prick up."
"The government should execute themselves for dealing drugs."
"The American culture of freedom and anti-government is what made it great but it is also the reason it's responded to the virus poorly."
"I'm not saying that we do not need some kind of National Intelligence but we need it to actually be intelligent."
"We have to be able to speak now... one of the main points of free speech is that you can challenge, petition your government for a redress of grievances."
"They don't have economic relief... especially when you see people driving Nissan patrols costing like 50 rack and you're using government money."
"It really is the question not of partisanship but of the people versus the state."
"The question is whether speech that goes to the very heart of government should be limited to certain preferred corporations, namely media corporations."
"What an attack in an outrage on our body politic, a vindication for the president but a condemnation of the way our government was run by the deep state."
"What do you call it here at the White House when 10,000 people illegally cross the border in a single day? Does that sound compassionate to you?"
"Being able to tell your government to [ __ ] off is the sign of a free man. If you can do this, you are not a citizen; you're a serf."
"That's not really the point, the point is the federal government is effectively stealing kids away from their parents."
"Bitcoin is the way to grow wealth because the government's what they can do is they can just keep printing more and more money."
"The reason people die at open sea is not because they have been duped by smugglers but because governments like ours deny safe routes for people to seek a better life."
"If you make those routes unviable, if you crack down on roots of entry, the only thing you do is push people directly into the hands of people smugglers."
"I do very harshly criticize the response of the American government to this virus. I think they've really dropped the ball."
"The coronavirus pandemic itself and the government's response have turned out to have been the single most destructive event to take place in the United States in our lifetime."
"It's just par for the course, government is just largely incompetent and sometimes downright evil." - Narrator
"We have a shortage of life-preserving equipment and you're putting out a call-out on gumtree. I thought we were supposed to be a leading economy. This is insane."
"Hammer the government for leadership, hammer the government for better measures because right now they're making it up as they go along."
"It's the weaponization of the federal government against the American people."
"What's dangerous is suggesting that American citizens don't have a right to criticize powerful government officials."
"You don't want to invest in your people who make the economy go; you want a desperate and easily manipulated and controlled population."
"America is not the best country in the world... if America wants to actually be the best country in the world we need to stop propping up oligarchy-run governments and start propping up the people."
"Our United States government lied... there's a war underneath there and I'm talking dead serious."
"The comparisons between the Oscars and the joint session, very, very profound, and I think it gets to the acting, the theater that we're all seeing play out in front of us in terms of our government."
"The incompetence, corruption, and cronyism of this government goes right to the top."
"The truth is the government can construct no prison worse than to betray my own conscience and my principles."
"He has great physical attributes and they helped him... But at the same time, the other part of the story is he is a rapid improver."
"There's nothing good you can say about that government."
"My heart goes out to the people of rural China and to all the Chinese people out there who cannot speak out against this tyrannical government."
"People need to hear that you don't have to just be a blood-sucking government statist for the rest of your life."
"This is beyond the vaccine debate. This is a 'why is our government and media insulting people's intelligence' debate."
"I don't think China's government's perfect. I don't think that there is a perfect government in the world."
"We are homesteaders. We grow our food. We care about government overreach."
"Government ain't gonna save your ass... only people that are gonna do it are you."
"Maybe it's going to be an overbearing Federal bureaucracy."
"Freedom of speech is very important. It's our only protection against a tyrannical government."
"If our government is conducted this way and the system of justice is politicized and criminalized for politics your rights are in jeopardy and your children's."
"Trump just threatened to suspend Congress. I will grab a picket sign and I will be marching down to DC."
"The government kills more people than the terrorists do."
"The government kills more people than terrorists do."
"But there's no shade of grey in the way that Russia is promoted and presented in the global media by global governments because all governments are ruthless our governments manipulate but the global perception of Russia has been way way out."
"Our government is just throwing its own citizens to the money wolves, because they don't want to deal with the thing we literally hired them to do."
"Enough! Shock out of China! Zero tolerance shall turn on the government as people rise up."
"It's not quite as clear and dried as the state would have you to believe."
"I think people should vote. How can you possibly complain about the government if you don't vote?"
"This is about asking the government to get on with the job, and they're not doing it." - Climate activist
"Alter or abolish when the governments become destructive to the rights of the people."
"Wasted precious hours on an evidence-free impeachment hearing."