
Archeology Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Archeologists in Morocco recently discovered 1.3 million-year-old stone tools, almost doubling the previous start date for the dawn of the stone-tool era in north Africa."
"The Nazca lines have been called the largest work of art on Earth."
"Every continent displays the same implementation of the same kind of system...mainstream archeology has no answer for."
"This is a really exciting find, and a brilliant result for this sort of experimental archeology."
"There's definitely something suspicious here. We need to get the mummy out so we can have a good look."
"All signs point toward the caves being carved out on purpose by some ancient civilization."
"The ancient Hebrew was found etched onto a curse tablet."
"It felt old, ancient even, but he would wait to contact his archaeologist friend before getting his hopes up too much."
"We can all argue over how the megalithic walls of Saxe Juan were made, but we can't argue with the science."
"The famous terracotta army was revealed to be guarding the tomb of the first emperor of the Qin dynasty."
"The scientific data overwhelmingly suggests that the Sphinx is at least double the age of what we were taught in school."
"We find its enigmatic shape, construction technique, and indeed seemingly identical stone characteristics linking it to the other ruins of tremendous antiquity each located thousands of miles apart highly compelling."
"Situations like this prove that the most valuable unexpected discoveries are not artifacts... but living human beings."
"There are over 200 known sunken cities in the Mediterranean."
"The almost identical cyclopean megalithic ruins found in those regions both onshore and now submerged support and confirmed Plato's account."
"An ancient Roman arm guard has been reconstructed like a jigsaw puzzle from over 100 fragments."
"Silverdale horde: A significant historical discovery."
"The urns found in a crypt beneath the Sun Temple were believed to have been used to manufacture rubber balls for the game."
"The remains of a man and a woman were found in the House of the Craftsman in Pompeii in 1914."
"These footprints range in size up to a few meters in length indicating that humans at some point in the distant past may have been even larger than many dinosaur species."
"After figuring out the dimensions of this object, they discovered it was almost exactly the size of the Temple of Poseidon that Plato described."
"Sometimes finding evidence of our ancient ancestors is no more complicated than taking a wander into a cave and finding out what's hiding there in the dark."
"The mysterious desert lines are actually ancient animal traps."
"The lost golden city is located near Luxor and it was around during the reigns of some of the most famous Egyptian kings ever."
"The Bosnian pyramids are one of the biggest scientific discoveries ever."
"To find this symbol displayed on an ossuary here in the necropolis of Dominus Flevit directly connects it to what is believed to be some of the earliest evidence of Christianity."
"Even though I'm standing right by something they built, the only things that we've found that have got anything to do with the people are these tiny bits of beetle."
"Ancient sites such as Giza Machu Picchu among many others still contain very confusing artifacts anomalous evidence."
"Not just one Advanced now Lost Civilization once called this place home but that the site was once home to more than one extremely ancient yet extremely well-preserved legacies."
"Hopefully as the evidence and knowledge regarding said sites grows we will hopefully one day fully decipher the mysteries of not only Cappadocia but our own past as a whole."
"You have a fossil which has nothing to do with food, it came from a very long distance, and it has pigment on it, those three things, if that was in a homo sapiens sight you wouldn't look, I should just be like yep okay, that is something symbolic."
"The graveyard constitutes one of the largest burials from its time period ever found in Scotland."
"The mummified penguins were found inside of rocky mounds which they had used hundreds of years ago as nests."
"It is not a natural formation, the top portion of it appears to be a man-made structure."
"Somehow the bones just went missing about 50-60 years ago. We've never seen them since."
"This is hard archeological and historical fact, the evidence is there."
"What is most significant historically is perhaps not what stands on top of the earth, but what lies beneath it."
"That's absolutely fantastic. It's absolutely astounding. We've got the three ranges and possibly a gatehouse. Gardens in the middle. Corridors and rooms up here. Everything's so, so clear."
"By now, the archaeologists are pretty sure they can tell what sort of people lived in it."
"Discovering their settlement is so important."
"I think it's very likely...that this structure was present in the ancient city Mr. Cabot was exploring."
"The new curse is all the attention the tomb gets."
"It's the largest known child sacrifice ever found."
"It really is amazing to think that these stones were cut out of the rock and carved with images using only flint tools."
"The legendary city of Troy, immortalized in Homer's epic The Iliad, rediscovered at the site of Hisarlik."
"This wall is a chronicle of centuries of human activity."
"Imagine seeing the preserved remains of someone who lived in your community a staggering 2,200 years ago."
"The Terracotta Army isn't without its mystery."
"We found possibly silver and an old rusted lock. These are great finds."
"Every find tells a story, a glimpse into forgotten lives."
"World War II ended 75 years ago but to this day lots of military artifacts remain in the ground and water."
"As he dug, Schliemann uncovered not one city, but nine different settlements."
"This is what we're left with, not much to show for two days of hard work but pure iron nonetheless."
"What's intriguing about this newly discovered enclosure is that it and what's inside it appear to be earlier than the medieval."
"300,000-year-old nanotechnology found in Russia."
"An amazingly well-preserved 18,000-year-old puppy found in Siberia."
"Could this be evidence then that perhaps the pyramids and the Sphinx... could actually more accurately come from the efforts of human beings from before this catastrophic event?"
"Otherwise it would be an awful big coincidence that so many treasures from so many different civilizations ended up on a random island off the coast of Canada."
"Pictish man: Buried in a cave that may represent an entrance to the underworld, the largely built man is not believed to have fought in battles or to have performed labor-intensive work."
"It just feels like this place that people have lived in and... there we go there are some of the jars themselves."
"There was much more going on in these places... likely in times before the Inca even ever emerged as a culture."
"We're dealing with the largest and most mysterious ancient civilization on earth that no one's paid any attention to until now."
"But this, our friends, is by far the most important discovery, I believe."
"I guess what was found while digging up the ground for laying the foundation: a human skeleton."
"The carving predates other similar artifacts in the region by at least 8,500 years."
"These skeletons are more than a grizzly reminder of death and disaster. Like so much else in Herculaneum, they give us a vivid and sharply focused picture of people's lives."
"Each one contains in its fragile form a glimpse into a lost past, the distant world its owner once inhabited."
"The royal tombs of Ur revealed Mesopotamia's golden splendor."
"Johnson believes the lines are coded messages revealing the secrets of hidden water sources under the desert and that quest for water was at the heart of the Nazcans' religious beliefs."
"Scientists have no idea how stones of this size were transported to the site and then manipulated into place because the stone isn't local."
"While we're talking about things that happened five thousand years ago, that's also about the same time that a so-called graveyard of the giants was laid down in China."
"Thonis-Heracleion: the lost city found off the Egyptian coastline."
"We found this body... over 5000 years old... we found all the tools he was carrying with him... they realized it was over 5000 years old."
"If these were the treasures of an insignificant king, what would the tomb of a really important king have been like?"
"The most interesting part of this draft was the consideration of the graves."
"The best recorded excavation effort we couldn't move anywhere do anything there were television councils it was a tourist site from day one."
"With the entire world watching their every move they began their dig without any preparations."
"Is there, in fact, a secret chamber behind these chevrons?"
"Thanks to the discovery of Gobekli Tepe the idea that the Sphinx is older than we thought is starting to be thought about more often."
"Gobekli Tepe completely disrupts our conventional understanding of the storyline of Homo sapiens."
"This site stands alone as just jaw-dropping proof that something well beyond our understanding was happening and it was happening deep in antiquity."
"Deep underground in a dark mysterious cave, he came across Egyptian statues and other relics from A Lost Civilization."
"Around 1200 BC, hundreds of soldiers fought at what's considered Europe's oldest battlefield along the Tollense River in northern Germany."
"Israeli authorities have identified a rare well-preserved 2000-year-old Jewish ritual bath hidden under the floorboards of a home in Jerusalem."
"One of the most remote locations on Earth... over 800 moai statues... the greater mystery is how were they transported..."
"There's evidence of at least two civilizations at work here, perhaps more."
"If they uncover a mill dating back to 1086, it'll be a major discovery because of the 6,000 water mills recorded by the Normans in the Doomsday Bull, only a handful have ever been traced."
"Ship burials are always really, really fascinating."
"This is the first and to date only physical record of Pilate's existence..."
"Pavlo Petrie: one of the oldest sunken cities in the Mediterranean, discovered in 1967 with well-preserved ruins."
"We're now starting to look for evidence of Anglo-Saxon settlement."
"Surrounded by the biggest discovery. That buried discoveries only count if other people know it existed. If I die here, no one discovered it, and I died. You become the discovery. It's amazing."
"Portuguese researchers claimed that they had found an underwater pyramid located in the Azores of Portugal."
"It's a black monolith 10 feet high and 5 wide, perfectly sharp-edged, completely black, made of an unknown material, seemingly indestructible, and according to dating systems, at least three million years old."
"Archeology is literally uncovering history, putting together the lore of real life."
"Pottery plays a huge role in helping historians learn about the lives and beliefs of ancient civilizations."
"Fragments of pottery are often the best and only view that we get into the day-to-day lives of long-gone ancient, forgotten peoples."
"Different sets designated to different biomes and ruins, showing different societies and clans."
"This is where we see the fall of these once great civilizations."
"Dead Sea Scrolls... regarded as a Cornerstone in the history of archeology."
"The discovery took place in the so-called Valley of the Kings beneath the pyramid-shaped mountain."
"These stone tools may not look much, but when you think how incredibly old they are."
"King David's name uncovered in a 2900 year old stone slab."
"Time and time again, archeology confirms the Bible."
"Egypt in particular still gives us new mysteries with a large number of new finds."
"With so many of the other Old Kingdom sites of ancient Egypt, a close look around my doom will reveal some astonishing evidence for ancient high technology."
"The whole world is littered with these ruins, they tell a story that feels incredibly lived in before you even arrive."
"And after over 100 years since the mummy’s discovery, scientists have managed to give King Tut’s father a face."
"Until concrete evidence is produced, one can always use their own head, opening their minds at the wondrous spectacle that is the Easter Island heads."
"We've all heard of King Tutankhamun's tomb and the curse set upon anyone who dares enter it."
"An iron hammer was discovered encrusted in rock."
"The actual collapse probably took generations with sites being abandoned over a period of decades before the way of life finally came to an end."
"I feel as though from all human life is here absolutely this is a rubbish tip of the site potentially maybe the rubbish tip but it's telling us all about how they lived."
"One thing you learn once you start digging into these walls is they have fascinated people for a very long time."
"The evidence of alien visitation is just compelling and almost overwhelming when you look at various anomalous objects and sites around the world."
"Valuable artifacts sometimes have a habit of getting lost which makes it all the more exciting when they're discovered again."
"Ancient humans walked across the mud flats long before it was ever a beach, and their indentations in the muck were then baked in the scorching sun."
"This tunnel in Cornwall is 2,000 years old and up above them is someone's back garden."
"Why they're buried in pairs with buckets we'll for the time being have to remain an enigma."
"Certifications also help in career advancement."
"He's discovered lost civilizations and uncovered ancient secrets."
"Sinful sarcophagus holds another way to find the tomb of Ahmet."
"Over 10 years ago, scientists found an underground cave full of remarkably preserved human bones in the Saudi Arabian desert."
"Deeper in the tomb, Stephen and Layla find mummified Hakka priests."
"Evidence of ancient dwellings has been discovered."
"Super mainstreams is hoping for a baseline today. Yeah, we found one base so far today. It was a pretty good find, it was a 10-year-old base, so it was a very interesting thing to find."
"The mound was about the size of a small person, maybe even child-size."
"Even after so many years underwater, the edge scroll work on the upper surfaces of the chalice is still visible."
"Seeing these little physical traces of people's lives, it brings it alive. It literally brings it alive to me. That's why I love archeology."
"Everything we've discovered at gold cliff shows that Stone Age life wasn't a cliche of savages living on the verge of starvation."
"This is the burial laying in that trench."
"...I'm a big Indiana Jones fan so when I was a kid I was a little obsessed with archeology..."
"In many ways then the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is the beginning of modern biblical archeology for the simple reason that they have revolutionized our understanding of the biblical world."
"I think that was related to the introduction of masters courses on training people how to record data from human remains and interpret it within context."
"...archeology is a sub-science of anthropology, so anthropology is the study of human behavior, human ways, and archeology is human material remains."
"...our goal is not to prove the Bible; it doesn't have to be proven, but in the process of doing scientific archeology, it certainly establishes the veracity of a text."
"...I've often thought that archeology is almost another subcategory of evidence, you know, you've got properly interpreted, you have another historical record in the archaeological material that bears record of God's existence."
"...it's a slow process, I mean we spent 21 years excavating at Kirbyville Market Theater which is 10 miles north of Jerusalem, biblical Ai or Ai of Joshua 7 and 8."
"The discovery of an entire ancient city hidden for centuries under the Euphrates has the potential to rewrite history books."
"The real Excalibur sword found in Bosnia River."
"Ashurbanipal's library ought to be in the minds of everybody who walks about on the surface of the globe, because it is one of the major triumphs of archeology, and in terms of the history of the humanities you can hardly, possibly, over exaggerate its importance."
"Nothing like a destruction in the archeological record for the archeologists to correlate with the text."
"Join me, as I explore one of the most spectacular archeological sites on Earth—Petra."
"A place so steeped in history that if you scratch the surface, it bleeds archeology."
"It seems that, for now, the Mystery of Roanoke has been saved by good old archeology!"
"The architectural consistency observed across the Longyou caves is truly remarkable."
"Offering a window into the minds of those who built them and a reminder of humanity's eternal fascination with the stars."
"It may be categorically stated that no archeological find has ever controverted a single Bible reference."
"So it looks like we have found the jawbone, a fossilized jawbone of some creature from the past."