
Conditional Love Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Your dad's love was conditional, and your mom's love was unconditional."
"If you can't be yourself at work, in a relationship with your friends, or around your family, it speaks more to them and their conditional love than you."
"You need a very stark assessment of how conditional your love is."
"You shut your [__] trap, Lisa Breitman. You take what you get when love is conditional growing up."
"She doesn't love you, she loves how you make her feel."
"I want to marry you someday, but that doesn't mean I'm going to."
"If you can't handle me at the worst, then you don't deserve me at my best."
"What would it be like if Jesus on the cross said, 'I love you, but not that much?'"
"Relationships are conditional, and I think that's actually as they should be."
"I ain't gonna love you till you go man damn so when you when [] be talking about give me my flowers now and all that [] even if they give you flowers that don't mean they love you."
"Perhaps one of the saddest things of all is that those who claim to offer unconditional love often tell others they're defective for who they choose to love."
"If he cared about you then he'd be the best dad ever"
"I think the better solution here is to talk about these issues."
"Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something."
"If you don't listen to me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."
"When we give love in order to receive it back, it's not real authentic love, it's love with an agenda."
"Love is not conditional... It shouldn't be about, you know, 'I love you, but...'"
"Love is inherently conditional. There is no such thing as unconditional love."
"In Scientology, there is no such thing as unconditional love, just does not exist."
"I could not feel happy for her because my definition of love was that I needed to be the one that made her happy."
"That's not growth anymore, that's not love, that's not unconditional love anymore."
"Love that's shown by people in this religion is always going to be conditional."
"Love needs to be free to be true. If given under duress or obligation, is it really love?"
"For Ozai, love is conditional, and is only worth earning when his children earn it by being perfect heirs and doing everything he tells them."
"Unless you love less that list, you'll by no means be my disciple."
"If my missus said she didn't love me I'd leave straight away my club said they don't love me I'm chasing that towel around forever brother."
"There's no such thing as unconditional love there is always a condition to love."
"Would they have genuinely loved you when you had nothing?"
"When I realized how conditional the love is... the love is very much gone."
"There's nothing wrong with offering to help, but there is something potentially dysfunctional about withdrawing your help if the child doesn't do what you want them to do."
"If Jesus loves everybody, why is His love so conditional?"
"The love was conditional based off of me playing this role... that if I ever just expressed that part of me... I wouldn't be loved."
"Some people will only love you for your yes."
"Your affection, their love, is conditional."
"I've always loved this brother but it was not... it was a very conditional kind of thing."
"When you grow up in a society of conditional love... you end up very needful for love."
"Narcissists do love, but they only love what you do for them."
"Love is always conditional; treat someone like dirt, they will stop loving you."
"I had a lot of time to think and I'm starting to realize that everything about that love felt conditional."
"If my child will only love me if I give them what they want, then that's not really love."
"Unconditional love is for women, children, and dogs, and men are only loved under the condition that they provide something."
"It's easy to love me now, would you love me if I was down?"
"Love is not unconditional... always have conditions to it because someone has to respect you and they have to actually love you."
"If your love depends on me not having paper plates, what a fragile foundation that our love is on."
"Why would I want a heavenly parent whose love is conditional? Not me, hard pass, bye."
"He says he loves us. If he loved you, he'd set you free."
"If you can't accept me at my worst, you should not be able to have me at my best."
"Love based on performance can leave your children with a misunderstanding of their heavenly father."
"They don't love you for you; they love you for what they want you to be."
"If your love depends on anything material, on anything specific, on any cause at all, it's not going to last."
"People don't love people unconditionally, they just love you to a certain extent."
"I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you because you can't love nothing unless there's something in it for you."
"I can love you but I don't have to like what you're doing."
"Love, but don't allow them to abuse your heart."