
Oil Industry Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Big oil has a new playbook... Instead of getting their internet goons to deny climate change, they're getting them to deny something else... the solutions we need to transition to a safer future."
"The future is in renewables and EV because the oil industry is likely going to collapse."
"People who work in or are familiar with the oil industry in Venezuela describe a sector that is a shadow of what it once was."
"Venezuela was never able to replace the thousands of highly trained oil engineers, executives, and workers who were purged from the state oil company or fled into exile."
"Venezuela's oil industry is in intensive therapy."
"Big oil has a new playbook, but we're on to it. More than ever before, we see climate disasters happening all around us. The climate crisis is now undeniable."
"The concept of your personal carbon footprint was popularized by the oil producer BP in a 2005 ad campaign."
"The oil and gas industry has spent billions lobbying against regulations and supporting organizations that question climate science."
"Saudi Aramco, the state-owned oil company, reported an insane $161 billion in profit."
"It is not a stretch to say that the oil companies are responsible for the price of gas."
"Ogle's innovation seemed poised to revolutionize the automotive industry and threatened the very foundations of the oil economy."
"The electric car faced numerous setbacks, innovators and manufacturers who saw the potential for an automobile powered by electricity were frequently undercut by the established oil industry."
"We went from being oil independent to on the brink of absolute petroleum deconstruction in the United States."
"Since the discovery of oil, tens of thousands of acres of Louisiana marshland is gone. Every 14 minutes, another acre disappears underwater."
"Saudi Arabia’s Finance Minister, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, shocked the world when he said his country was open to doing oil deals in other currencies besides the dollar."
"In 1973, the government bought a 25% interest in Aramco."
"We've done it, this is a five-star import-based oil industry and we're making lots of money."
"The U.S. became a net exporter of oil... Breaking nearly 75 continuous years of dependence on foreign oil."
"We got the oil down so low, I had to save the oil companies."
"There's so much oil it's a tribute in a way but what happened is there was a lot to start off with and then you had the virus and it knocked the hell out of the market it in terms of demand."
"Oil field workers operate in a profession among the most dangerous in the world."
"I would stop giving federal subsidies to the oil industry."
"I used to work as a geologist on oil exploration rigs... we now enjoy."
"Oil is the product that has the biggest single influence on the success of Russia's economy."
"The fact is that would be just 1.4 of the world's total oil demand... oil investors aren't losing sleep over it yet."
"The API put out this strongly worded statement condemning Russia for the attack and casually noting that they'll probably have to sell a whole bunch of oil and gas for the good of the world."
"Deepwater Horizon was a monument to human engineering."
"The United States has an interest in preserving the freedom of economics and the freedom of flow of things like oil."
"Oil demand globally probably peaked in 2019."
"There's never been anything like this, a glut of oil like nobody's ever seen before."
"Fiona, when you hear the signal, activate the EMP."
"Oil released a lengthy statement... addressing the current state of affairs and issued a direct apology to the community."
"Exxon breaks even when oil is at forty dollars a barrel."
"Exxon made 19.7 billion dollars in profit last quarter alone."
"The last thing that Russia wants to do at the moment is to reduce its output."
"If we stop cambo this sets the precedent for every single oil field around the world to be ended."
"For decades, Saudi Arabia ruled the oil market with 266 billion barrels of low-cost reserves."
"U.S. oil supplies are tightening according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration."
"Our objective that time is that they cannot collect our oil without making our place okay for us."
"The tapping of pipelines, stealing of oil, and the emissions from the refining process have added another complication to the region's environmental crisis."
"Our sacred forests, our homes have to give way to oil wells and no one gets much benefit."
"The attacks on the oil facilities were anticipated, I am sure to intensify the pressure on the Russians."
"Rockefeller felt entitled to control all of the oil; he was outraged, saying, 'Why, it is nothing less than piracy!'"
"The single biggest product that Russia exports is oil."
"Without sanctions, Venezuela's oil production would have recovered with the recovery in global oil prices."
"The certainty of return in the oil business with the relative risks to reward, I don't see a better business in the world."
"The reason that Russia is cutting back in its production is to bring prices back up." - President Putin
"You got to clear away all the debris away from the wellhead and protect that wellhead at all times, 'cause that's what you want to work on."
"It's very interesting we also had come out today that Texas is about to surpass or have surpassed Iraq and Iran as the second well as the third largest oil producer in the world."
"If Russia adds the Arctic area to Russian territory, they will have their hand on roughly 16 percent of the world's untapped oil."
"The oil industry led by Exxon and Koch Industries lied, cheated, and did everything they could."
"Alberta went from being only a minor oil producer throughout the first half of the 20th century to being the fourth largest oil producer in the world today."
"Let's start taking measures to reduce the amount of subsidies oil companies get to zero."
"So if you think crude is all about the pump, well, think again."
"In a world wrestling with the impact of oil, innovation and invention are also secrets that should not be easily forgotten."
"She wants to bankrupt and starve the oil and gas industry... It's to save the climate, obviously."
"For the long-term investor, this is a great opportunity in Big Oil. It's not a great trading call but it's a great investment call for sure."
"Cash return to shareholders is really the bull argument for owning an oil stock."
"Structural long-term demand of oil is looking weaker than ever."
"If oil prices are above that break-even price then the company is profitable." - Narrator
"The report offered 106 recommendations to North Sea oil operations."
"This president's administration is the best thing that ever happened to big oil."
"If Mr. Biden wanted to see gasoline prices lower, he could help the oil industry permit a new refinery."
"Some people are not worth talking to; it's just not worth talking to them."
"Imagine the amount of money floating around Texas. It's a thing. I think we're 40, where we contribute 46% of America's oil consumption taxes. Okay, that's a lot."
"Fracking is harmful to the environment, despite claims of safety from the oil industry."
"The plan is intended to add enough Supply to prevent oil prices spikes that could hurt consumers and businesses."
"We're essentially being held hostage by the oil cartels, forced to purchase oil-based fuels and many other products by the very corporations who created the framework which forces us to perpetually consume their products."
"It's not just about the low price of oil blowing out the shale industry; it's also about how that oil makes it much harder for countries like Colombia to service all of this dollar-denominated debt."
"Peak oil is perhaps the master resource because it is liquid at room temperature, incredibly energy dense, storable, transportable, versatile."
"Without petrol and oil fuel supplied by the Shell organization, the Allies could not have beaten the Germans."
"I'm an old New Mexico cowboy who spent years in the oil patch."
"We've subsidized oil companies for a century; that's long enough."
"We and the rest of the world have been helping the cartel by doing everything we can to prevent people from having an incentive to discover and produce more oil."
"Intangible drilling costs in oil and gas give massive tax deductions."
"A shrewd and ruthless oil man whose ability to seize opportunity was both admirable and ominous."
"Liberal democracies like Norway are protected at the outset from the worst outcomes of oil."
"Norway is government makes sure that corruption and stuff doesn't happen from the oil."
"Alberta, the oil and gas touches every facet of every community in one way or another."
"It's obvious that Big Oil was the beneficiary of the Iraq war as it was intended to be."
"The kind of oil that they run on is really cheap and it's a very low margin business, and they don't have a whole lot of incentives to change besides what is coming down regulatory."
"Known as the 20th Century's oil capital of the US."
"Oil is a political commodity. It is quite intertwined with not only economy but also environmental issues, geopolitical issues, and that complexity creates a lot of pressure on the industry."
"Probably going to add a million to a million and a half barrels of fresh production this year."
"Oil is an ever-diminishing return. So day one, that well is kicking out let's call it 200 barrels a day. Now if that's day one, maybe day 30, it's kicking out 250 because it's still cleaning up a lot of things downhole."
"I am talking about oil-- black gold, Texas tea, Saudi sauce, Cheney lotion-- oil."
"As an oil company, Shell has continuously been at the center of fears about environmental degradation, pollution, and climate change."
"So that's pretty much all for our pump so I can get it out of the way and we can now concentrate on the IPR."
"...if the other oil and gas companies around the world adapt what Aramco is doing I think we'll be reducing the emission by huge percentages."
"The oil industry is an extremely lucrative one but it's also been known to be riddled with controversy."
"When oil was struck on the Osage Indian reservation in Oklahoma in the 1800s, it set into motion a series of events that would bring about the demise of an entire family."
"If you ever need an example of how corporations in general, but oil companies in particular, don't control US foreign policy..."
"The early 1860s saw not only oil tunnels but the first oil wells drilled in the state."
"High prices are the cure for high prices, right? So if oil gets really expensive, new oil wells come online, and that creates new supply."
"Spindletop was the first major oil discovery in the entire state of Texas."
"Spindletop may be dry, but its impact lives on."
"Working on these rigs will give you Blood Sweat and Tears."
"I work on an oil rig; my job is to run an excavator."
"Part of my payback is to try to educate, especially young people, about what we do in the oil and gas industry."
"It's quite a small oil-producing city in Russia."
"As goes Saudi Arabia, there goes the oil business."
"And up through the ground come a bubbling crude: oil that is, black gold, Texas tea."
"Because of my exploration and my help in his country's economic development, the Sultan of Oman gave me such huge oil rights that I now am the largest individual oil concession holder in the world."
"OPEC Plus accounts for around 40 percent of the world's crude oil and its decisions can have a major impact on oil prices."
"Most of the profits from the oil industry are secured into a wealth fund which is now worth 1 trillion dollars."
"The people who work often for weeks or months at a time on rigs like Mellin are known as roughnecks."
"Norway used its oil sector to build an enormous stock of collectively owned capital, which then goes to fund social spending."
"As our reliance upon oil declines, so does the power of OPEC nations."
"ExxonMobil has overcome many challenges... it became the world's most valuable company in 2012."
"American oil and gas companies should not exploit this moment to hike their prices to raise profits."
"Saudi Arabia's economy is driven by oil and associated industries."
"John D. Rockefeller was the oil tycoon of Standard Oil and still one of the wealthiest people to ever walk the face of the planet."
"A colossal oil field dwarfing any previous discovery on the North American continent."
"Oil coming from the Strait of Hormuz to Houston might change ownership hundreds of times."
"It's an oil town, so the women probably aren't working; they're just staying hot."
"He spent more than 30 years building his own huge oil empire, almost monopolizing the oil production and sales of Texas entirely."
"Been drilling for oil eight years, if you're not lazy and like time off, get on a rig."
"If you think that all oils are alike, think about something: at Mobil, we've been changing oil for over a hundred and twenty-five years."
"There's a lot of oil money over there, woo baby, there's a lot of money in Dubai."
"The oil business is as depressed as the unemployment lines are long."
"Welcome to Aberdeen, Scotland, a place known for its oil, but where the local population is also very fond of their sport."
"Blowout preventers are critical to the safety of the crew, rig, and environment."
"All the big oil companies are here, and Baku is booming."
"Oil at $70 is very profitable for most producers to pump."
"I think being a company driver in the oil field is probably the way to go."
"We're the real gentlemen, we want to help you discover and develop the oilfields."
"The US has no national oil policy; it has hundreds of private companies that manage oil resources according to commercial incentives, market incentives."
"Oil is famously a very expensive industry to get into."
"This was the birth of the petrodollar."
"This is the best tanker market in 25 years, and everybody's talking about it."
"It's the century of oil, and whoever controls oil eventually says rule."