
Economic Perspective Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"It's not the money that gives you the wealth; it's the goods and services."
"Now a cold-hearted economist will tell you we don't have an affordability crisis, we have an affordable rental crisis."
"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."
"If you're buying a business... the real question is, has the ten-year or 20-year outlook for American businesses changed in the last 24 hours or 48 hours?"
"It means that if you have 50k in the bank, in 10 years it's going to be 50k still, but the equivalent worth of 25k."
"It's not just materials stuff. I mean, with a lot of larger income and wealth, we can do a lot of things."
"This is clearly not a story of money. We're richer than the French. We can't use our economic muscle to buy our way out of this problem."
"Sure, inflation has hit a 40-year high in the US, but inflation has happened globally."
"You'd have more liquid cash than most billionaires."
"The majority of influencers are not like considered the one percenters that are multi-millionaires."
"I am more optimistic than I'm bearish but I'm also cautiously optimistic."
"We gotta all stop comparing where the market is now to where it was a couple of years ago when it was like you could have missed that."
"We all have a different standard but money is a reality."
"The growth is healthy because the alternative to growth is no growth."
"The return on investment for this country will be colossal."
"Slavery is bad, forget the moral argument, it's money!"
"If you really believe six hundred dollars is gonna change your life you're an idiot."
"All you had to do was let us write your security policies because we saw the world differently it wasn't about economics for us it was about security."
"Young people have a profoundly different experience of the economy."
"I remember looking in my wallet seeing like 200 bills, I'd be like I can almost buy two video games."
"You only need $1,400 to be richer than the average millennial."
"Provide the value, money is nothing but a byproduct of value creation."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it can help you focus on those things."
"I don't know much, but three and a half trillion dollars seems like a whole lot of money."
"There really is no economic reason for it but it is purely a sentimental or intangible reason that exists."
"I want people to take control. I want you to stop worrying about the price of an extra appetizer that's irrelevant in the grand scheme."
"That's not the end of the world that's a world that's much much better but slightly less better than it otherwise could have been."
"Now is the time more than ever. It's not about getting wealthy."
"Well, we're buying things that people have to use."
"Money is mostly arbitrary, representing time and labor."
"In the long term, [productivity] is almost everything."
"Recessions are opportunities to free our families of financial slavery."
"The value of things is measured in terms of the sacrifices you have to make to get it."
"It takes you now basically until maybe your early to mid-30s to kind of start to feel financially secure."
"The chaos of the last year has shown that some things have been overvalued some things have been undervalued."
"Intel actually... let me put some of this pricing into perspective for you guys."
"War is just a racket, conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses."
"Learning to CS effectively is so important, it's so much money. If you want to put in perspective, 15 CS is about the same amount of gold as getting a kill."
"We don't want to crush this. This is a good economy." - Kevin
"The debt today is a million times bigger than it was in 2007."
"The accumulation of great wealth has actually enriched America, all of us."
"Donald Trump because he builds jobs he builds the economy it is just absolutely a merry."
"From a consumer standpoint, currently there won't likely be a huge impact."
"There is no shortage of money at all on the planet. When things go badly for some, they're actually going well for others."
"You can't be out here flipping patties and think that you are a person of value because you get paid in proportion to the value that you provide."
"Money can buy happiness. Coming from poverty, being born and raised in the projects in the Philippines, it's depressing."
"No rent means not throwing money out the window."
"Ancient Rome: powerful yet not as wealthy as assumed."
"All we can really do in the meantime is enjoy the ride."
"The long-term trend of crypto is upward, despite short-term volatility."
"You don't need $40,000 bucks. That's correct."
"You know what, this isn't some overheated market."
"Gold is money, silver too. Therefore, it's not a gold price, it's a gold dollar exchange ratio."
"Eventually, all fiat currencies return to their true intrinsic value, which is zero."
"Investing in crypto and tech is the only way to prepare for the death of the American dream."
"We're gonna use satoshis to calculate the value of everything."
"Money fixes a lot of problems. It lubricates the machinery."
"We have to see this as not giveaways but investment."
"A recession is not always catastrophically damaging and it doesn't always leave you with nothing left over by the time we've recovered."
"Money can buy happiness, it's true. Money buys happiness, you're not happy unless you have a filthy millionaire rich friend with a triple-decker bus."
"When people tell me cryptocurrencies are replacing gold, I look at it in this light and I simply say I've got a 14 and a half trillion dollar market and that's a two trillion dollar market. This is different, this is real, this is substantial."
"Four million five million dollars in the 90s was a [] ton of money was [] 200 and 300 we talking about people that are worth half a billion dollars."
"He said basically $600, then giving $600 right now is like the most insulting thing in the history of the earth."
"Welcome to the club, Bernie Sanders. I'm so glad that you've decided to come around to the free market perspective."
"The market is the truth and the market went up on it and that's what we trade we don't trade the underlying but underlying it's a lot of this PPP extension."
"Ten extra dollars is like actually worth nothing right now."
"Growth doesn't count... you don't actually need growth."
"Being rich doesn't mean that you don't want to make more money."
"Individually we might be poor but collectively we are rich."
"I feel like the thing you guys need to focus on when it comes to building is houses, is keeping in mind that even the poor are not necessarily broke."
"I'm a middle-class guy from New Jersey, like when I look at the price of something, I'm like, 'twenty thousand dollars for a couch? No, it ain't, bro.'"
"It's not a recession for everyone, it's your recession."
"Money is a tool, and the left makes it extremely difficult for a lot of us. That's why we need support."
"We've got a miniature science, gotta manage our security, make sure nothing gets out, and then also manage... think money makes the world go round, but they're wrong. Contracts make the world go around."
"The economy is never perfect... It's about the emotion and less about the numbers."
"Thirteen thousand dollars is $13,000. This money is going down in value, this is going up in value over time."
"We need to stop approaching games as simple hours of content per dollar calculations."
"In the long term, that's going to be seen as a bargain."
"Black people are individually poor but collectively we represent one of the largest economies in the world."
"It's a transition, not a recession. It's necessary and appropriate."
"Having cash on hand gives you power in the markets and it lets you view days like today as opportunities and not so much as fear."
"500 billion dollars might be like 20 billion dollars today."
"If you're willing to pay $10 for that really unique piece of pottery that was handmade and designed on the bottom then it's valuable to you but for someone else it might not be."
"Inflation does wonders for you part of that."
"This is one of the most interesting times to be alive in financial history."
"Debt is not necessarily a bad thing in any economy, it just depends on how that debt is acquired essentially."
"Cost is not an optional thing for most people, it is a necessary thing."
"As tested, it's a little under fifty-four thousand dollars, which is definitely an eye-watering amount of money."
"Most celebrities earn more in a day than most people will see in their lifetimes."
"I think in economic terms what America has done has been great."
"Inflation isn't bad inflation's a byproduct of a rapidly growing economy"
"Taking too little risk, you lose out on opportunity. Diminishing returns cost and stay poor."
"Everything that you're working so hard for and spending all of your money on, it's all just a big rental anyway."
"Growth is not required for its own sake, but it's really important."
"Once we get them looking and thinking and hopefully laughing... then I can start to say, and by the way, that welder covered in crap, he's making 130 grand a year." - Mike Rowe
"Silver and gold will have a huge role, like having real money to track."
"Community is the best hope for people who believe in individual freedom and sound money."
"The pursuit of money is equated to the pursuit of happiness."
"There's just a lot of what if's going on and this is why I believe you should be your own central bank."
"It's not prices going up, it's your dollar going down."
"Price doesn't dictate a whole lot, by the way. Sometimes there's a little bit of nonsense in that."
"You're not some bad luck charm. Markets go up, markets go down. Overall, long term, take a look."
"I think renewable energy will actually be the cheapest form of energy in the long term."
"There's nothing pure about capitalism." - Michael Moore
"I hope you guys are started and started excited to revisit see Mario 3D World with us guys."
"Wow, $500, that's like five dollars in today's money."
"The exchange rate is massive between Baht and most European American currencies so the kids would always be like, 'It's only a few hundred quid in our money or whatever.'"
"I think people are over woke culture, over PC culture, they're over-covered. People are starting to see the state of the economy right now."
"Our current emphasis on corporate profits isn't working for the vast majority of Americans."
"When they go up these rungs and they start to see... tax increase in Washington of 40 up to 40 and they start to do the math... I'm paying 53 percent of my salary."
"The economy is meant to be our servant, not our Master."
"Recessions aren't always bad. If you have cash and aren't over-leveraged, they can be a very good thing."
"Even that worst-case scenario from an economic perspective is better for the UK than where we currently are."
"Homelessness is both morally reprehensible and fiscally irresponsible."
"It's not about fairness, it's about capitalism."
"Bear markets are actually good for one thing really building there is no hype you can focus on building products that customers actually want."
"I don't think we'll ever get more money than this."
"Money does talk and as they say money doesn't make the world go around."
"Gold is practically worthless, and you shouldn't waste your time trying to stockpile it like Scrooge McDuck."
"It doesn't matter what the economy looks like, the economy is what's between your head. That's what the economy is, that's exactly what it is."
"The economy is what it is, it doesn't matter what we call it."
"There's this interesting sort of divergence between how people perceive themselves and their position in all of this in this Fitness crisis and how they perceive the economy which is much much poorer."
"The real equation of money isn't money equals job, but rather money equals solving problems."
"You just have to understand that the dollar has lost more than 85 percent of its purchasing power in my lifetime."
"We can't every person every god that's exactly right why we geta for it because the economy is good we can afford we're the richest country in the world the face of the earth to Sanford see we can afford right."
"25 percent, that's still a vast larger than a lot of people in this country."
"Cryptocurrency is not a fraud, all these large companies don't see it as a fraud."
"The whole reason why investing in these things is that way you can have more money, right? You're trying to grow the pie."
"There's no money in renewed, the money is in the new."
"It's easier for a person to have never had money than it is for a person to have had money and lost it."
"Our debts are assets, a source of profit and power for other people."
"Inflation was never happening, but now it is happening, but it's good because it increases wages."
"If you talk to people in this market they are very, very upset... They're just angry about it." - Charles Trinka
"The real fight going on every day in our society isn't between rich and poor."
"What if Bitcoin is not a get rich quick scheme or an opportunity? What if Bitcoin is actually the solution?"
"If you've got time on your side then a recession could be the greatest opportunity of your life."
"The American dream is still alive but it is dying by the day."
"From the British perspective, American colonists were taxed 1 shilling for every 26 paid by a homeland Briton, and that seemed like a pretty good deal."
"Bitcoin doesn't seem as crazy when you understand how unstable the dollar is."
"Money doesn't matter to the next generation."
"Once it dawns on you, you start to see the value of things like gold and bitcoin real damn fast."
"I don't believe America can afford that now."
"Youtubers make a lot of money for what I can tell you firsthand is not a particularly labor-intensive job."
"They've literally given us a life with smartphones and we don't even know what it's like to not be able to afford a meal in the United States."
"This is going to be one of the greatest... capitalism."
"Betting on the American economy is the best thing you can do because in the event the American economy collapses and you live inside of it, who cares, right?"
"86 billion dollars. It takes a thousand million to get to one billion and then he's got 85 more."
"I don't think the dollar is going down forever."
"500 back then was like that's a lot of money that's at least a summer job but y'all just doing shit work but all of a sudden became worthwhile because you get that taste of it and it's like wow I've been listening to crap"
"I think those things are valuable. I think they're worth what we pay for them."
"Gold and silver lives just as well at the bottom of a hole as it does in a vault or in a safe."
"Certainly it's great that we're going into a capitalist environment... making money is a good thing."
"What's money to the Chinese government...to Black Rock...don't talk to me about money...we're building towards simplifying...to provide a happier life for people."
"My mindset completely changed on how I view the world from the economic standpoint."
"Fighting climate change for the Conservatives is a cost, we think it's part of having a modern effective inclusive economy."
"There's a tendency to think in nominal rather than real terms."
"Generally good news for the economy is being viewed as bad news."
"We shouldn't consider holidays only for their short-term economic value."
"People who have never taken economics argue that no one should be able to buy the right to pollute."
"In a monetary economy, you see everything in terms of sums of money and you lose sight of the fact that behind those sums of money there is a distribution of the working population."
"I always look at the economics of a situation."
"It's pretty much like the only place in my opinion that's remained affordable in a world that's unaffordable."
"It's not stealing, it's reintroducing lost valuable commodities back into the economy."