
Environmental Strategy Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Big oil has a new playbook... Instead of getting their internet goons to deny climate change, they're getting them to deny something else... the solutions we need to transition to a safer future."
"With all of this gamesmanship behind the scenes and all this exporting of dirty power, and we got clean, so aren't we green? You may be, but you just exported dirty, and so what are you doing for the environment?"
"What's really needed is we really need to embrace human impact done intelligently as a good thing."
"Oil & gas companies spent millions to promote recycling, even though they doubted the practical application and economic viability."
"Recycling was just a clever move to postpone plastic bans and keep selling their fossil fuels."
"It's not the cow; it's the how. If we took these two million of the five million degraded hectares of land around the world and we converted them to regenerative agriculture, we could stop climate change for 20 years."
"For him and his entire generation, that's gonna be their normal and that's gonna be the starting point from where they start having crazy ideas about their future."
"So what if we... make a master plan for the planet?"
"The goal is not to have 1,000 interceptors in the world, but to solve the top 1,000 heaviest polluting rivers."
"Ultimately our best tool for combating climate change will be to decrease our carbon emissions."
"We need everything available to us for climate change mitigation."
"The greatest anti-littering tactic ever created."
"The change requires reframing at the population and systemic level. Hard policy interventions is what they really need here – laws, fiscal measures, subsidies, penalties, trade reconfiguration, and other economic and structural measures."
"What really made us convinced that it would become a big market is the fact that by 2050 we need to be removing 10 billion tons a year and it needs to be a trillion dollar a year market."
"Environmental problems get solved by recognizing a problem... letting free enterprise in competition find the solution."
"You're balancing for your environmental exploits right so like what was winning then isn't necessarily winning now because the environment has shifted drastically."
"It's not morally wrong to invest in carbon capture, but it's not certain it'll solve the problem as claimed."
"Your goal as a writer should be to make sure your audience keeps reading, and that means doing less not more."
"There's no Silver Bullet on the climate side, there's just a lot of things that we have to do at once."
"But perhaps the best solution to our recycling problem is just to make sure that recycling remains the third R: reduce and reuse so that you don't have to recycle."
"Elon Musk's master plan will encourage an acceleration in the adoption of renewables."
"The jungle is not an isolated system, there is always an opportunity cost to every action you take."
"The world needs the equivalent of a pandemic lockdown every two years."
"It's definitely better to take down one tree to plant three more; you're just going to grow three times faster."
"If we can drive these creatures to the brink of extinction in their own subterranean world, they would pose far less of a threat."
"The key to carbon neutrality is the massive electrification of our way of life."
"Small things can have huge effects on the environment, and since small things are usually cheaper and easier to do, they tend to be the preferred approach for geoengineering projects."
"We don't need a silver bullet, we need silver buckshot."
"Find a way to accelerate the good stuff and draw down the bad stuff."
"Extreme conservation and it seems to be working."
"We need drastic cuts in meat consumption and flying, but we're not asking for individual change."
"Fixing methane leaks would do more than any other single measure to stall climate change."
"We’re already experiencing the effects of climate change, so for many places, adaptation strategies are necessary."
"Geoengineering is going to be a very big thing very soon."
"I think it's time for the Beijing consensus. This is the only nation state capable of acting at the kind of scale and extent which is necessary to avoid systems breakdown."
"So many layers there to really, really closing our loops."
"You can carbon credit your way out this crisis or you can somehow design your way out of this crisis."
"We want to fight this on very open ground where the lizards can't get any protection from the hail of arrows."
"Hybridization is a great path for the future."
"You're getting a much better yield of trees by planting acorns."
"A surprising new benefit to look out for with roadhog is his environmental kills."
"Rolls-Royce sets full electrification of their product portfolio by 2030."
"Our goal is to accelerate the advent of sustainable energy."
"A wholesale and dramatic reduction in the use of fossil fuels."
"We can reach net zero emissions... state by state, city by city."
"Government requirements can use capitalism to achieve lowest cost decarbonization."
"I'm investing in renewables for the long term over the next three decades."
"Wood being super renewable, it's really going to be a benefit to us."
"Ultimately, I point out that the obvious solutions for reducing carbon emissions are just to use natural gas instead of coal and to use nuclear power."
"It is possible to cut emissions by half in the global economy across sectors by 2030."
"We need to prevent, halt, and reverse the degradation of ecosystems."
"Chop trees strategically, leaving stumps for more growth."
"If it succeeds, though, it could be the single most important carbon capture solution at a global scale, one that would cost as little as two dollars per ton of captured carbon, making it the cheapest option available in history."
"We think that it's very much achievable by 2030."
"Renewable energy gives a chance for the twin nations to combine once again."
"This is factoring in, an offset is the reduction in emissions of dioxide greenhouse gases."
"If we just paid farmers to grow carbon credits to offset our carbon usage, we'd be reforesting land and the farmers would be earning a very, very good income."
"Use the environment; there's always cool environmental things that can be done."
"By combining efforts to curb human-made emissions and implementing strategies to manage natural methane sources, we can work towards a more balanced and environmentally conscious approach to greenhouse gas reduction."
"That's so brilliant you know in terms of how it's publicly received it's also just very convenient for Bezos to be like let's just we don't have to worry about pollution let's just put it out in space and it's going to be fine."
"My personal opinion is that we have to keep geoengineering on the table. We have to look at it very carefully because we might get desperate enough to want to use it."
"Instead of trying to fool mother nature, we need to go to the opposite direction."
"The answer that I've found is we're going to have to use a lot less energy."
"We should keep all of our low emission players on the field."
"The best we can do now is mitigate, but we can still mitigate the worst."
"It's far easier to stop carbon being added to the atmosphere than it is to take it away once it's there."
"We're not just focused on decarbonizing our own energy supply, but we know that we have to have an economy-wide solution."
"Our future economy needs investment in green industries across the United Kingdom."
"You want to build power plants to earn points and to decrease the amount of CO2 in the air."
"This project is tackling the idea of making carbon production extremely expensive while also allowing nonprofits or companies that actually sequester carbon."
"We absolutely support carbon pricing as one tool in the toolbox and the industrial side needs to be strengthened."
"We had to ask ourselves a different question which is how do we limit global warming by just stopping putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere altogether."
"What is carbon farming all about? What are carbon credits? What are the different types of carbon offsets and incentives that are out there?"
"We see the value in both approaches and having those as part of the mix."
"Rather than one particular approach to carbon forestry, we need a portfolio of carbon forestry options."
"To deal with climate change, we need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels."
"Keeping that carbon storage in place is a relatively low-cost way to mitigate our climate change problem."
"Japan has little to none oil production, so wouldn't it be logical for them to jump on the EV bandwagon?"