
Corporate Impact Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"These free market countries have been looted and destroyed by international corporations, whereas countries that have central planning have raised people out of poverty."
"Amazon wants a future where you can order anything you want on a device and get it that day without thinking of the toll that would take on local businesses, and of course their employees."
"Climate change has become a defining factor in companies' long-term prospects."
"We're not going to be able to steer ourselves off this course environmentally without the change of people who are much bigger and much higher up than we are."
"Just 100 companies are responsible for 70% of emissions, and you at home must not pay the price of the transition to a NetZero economy."
"More than any other company in Canada's history, Nortel had exposed just how many holes there were in Canada’s social safety nets."
"It's kind of sad to think that something that's been going on for thousands of years could come to an end soon due to corporate greed."
"Not only is it costing you business, not only is it costing you profit, it's hurting everybody in your company if you yourself don't figure out the proper way of self-promoting."
"Regardless of your thoughts or feelings on Apple as a company today, there's no denying the impact Steve Jobs has had on the modern world."
"I think AWS is maybe top five business move in the history of the world."
"I think that if GM does end up dumping Nikola, I think this stock plummets like you have not seen before."
"Review bombing is a consequence of the decisions made by the companies. People have a right to express their opinions, whether positive or negative."
"There's enough people standing up now, looking at what happened to Anheuser-Busch."
"Agencies can be bad and good, I am anti bad corporations."
"Tesla could die tomorrow. They could run out of money, they could close up and disappoint all of their investors tomorrow, and they would still have been a force for good on the planet because of all these legacy companies that they pushed."
"I would call him a visionary CEO who is doing something in a world that really matters."
"Jeff Bezos not only killed Sears, and Barnes & Noble, and Toys 'R' Us, he also killed the name Alexa. And that's messed up."
"Banning people made things worse. You've now lost CrossFit. CrossFit's huge, it's a multi-billion dollar enterprise."
"Constant innovation in an industry that was almost asleep before companies like SpaceX entered it."
"Corporate losses would be in the vicinity of in the US about four trillion dollars globally probably about 12 trillion... yes trillion with the tea."
"Why is that any different from the genesis of coca-cola or General Motors or Philip Morris? General Motors kill their customers... this guy is just an entrepreneur."
"Corporate mergers mean harsh realities... what never was discussed was the harsh reality of what corporate mergers mean."
"Boycotts work because that's what hits any kind of business where it hurts."
"We want people to know how this company affects their lives, how it affects their children, how it affects them, and how it affects their future."
"Either Musk impacts the company in a positive way and we have free speech, or we learn that all the BS about shareholder activism was actually fake in the first place."
"This boycott matters. It does. It matters because it's obviously not just about one beer company. It's about making a statement."
"Nepotism has resulted in bias in decision making, unfair treatment, and losses to companies' performance in the long term."
"Channel Fireball has done irreputable, massive damage to distribution."
"I think Kevin Tsujihara could be fired tomorrow and I don't think it's gonna affect the DCEU much moving forward either."
"That absolutely means the game is good. 100% if you have a game that's making people ruin their life over it then instantaneously that's a great game."
"That's the big question—is how does the recession impact company earnings?"
"He cares deeply about our world and Twitter's role in it."
"A disproportionate number of the corporate mascots in existence today exist primarily to sell junk food to children, provoking a growing backlash in these health conscious times."
"It's not going to depend on whether we like or don't like a tweet comes out of the CEO. How upsetting must it be to an individual like Elon Musk who's working his butt off to try to change the world?"
"It has to get to the point where it's affecting them negatively enough to notice money wise for them to care."
"If the American dream... is being destroyed by these companies, then perhaps you do have to do something."
"Nortel had helped to rebrand Canada as more than the place where you got lumber, dairy, and maple syrup."
"When our corporations fail, it hurts us all. Yet when they succeed, we do not get compensated for our risks."
"Ultimately, the whole thing came at the cost of 800 job losses, which is so many."
"The destruction of the stock at Anheuser-Busch affects millions of people."
"The amount of AD dollars and advertisers who have left in just a short amount of time is staggering."
"It's not an anti-rape thing although we can go and classify it as that and by the way I believe Gillette lost like some somewhere in their range of like eight billion dollars as a result of this."
"We're putting Netflix out of business right now."
"Disney is such a firm and foundational corporation to much of our childhoods."
"Even with all the unions throwing all their might against Tesla... it didn't really have much of an effect." - Tesla Time News
"Amazon as a lens onto the country showing the role that the big tech giant like that is playing in exacerbating these inequalities."
"Nintendo is a company that, despite its failings, is undeniably a huge part of the foundation of the current gaming landscape."
"I'm actually shocked. It needs to stop immediately like tonight. It's measurably hurting the company."
"Disney's SJW mainstream media fueled the COVID hysteria, and now they're being devoured by the beast."
"Disney execs are gonna be taking substantial pay cuts for as long as the company is impacted."
"I want to... give those companies money to help them change the world... actually investing in the future you believe in."
"Show me a company where their products are so good... that's a company I want to put capital into."
"Sometimes there's a such thing as being too transparent right you're being too transparent to the point where again you know you bought negative press to your company they fired you probably because of that."
"Yellow Tail has put more black individuals inside of the tech industry."
"What's at stake for Elon Musk's lawsuit? It is six billion dollars of potential costs for Tesla."
"Get woke, go broke: Walmart's struggles in Portland and other cities."
"You're stealing from people every single time you steal from a company."
"Show us that you fucking care it's right now the fuck it all attitude that Vince McMahon has is actually hurting the company more than it is helping."
"You have the power, just like PayPal struggled when everyone started canceling, they lost six billion dollars."
"Climate change is about to upend the corporate world like never before."
"This is not a relaunch that fizzled. This is a relaunch that exploded on the runway and absolutely took out half of the airport."
"The reason I'm not selling is, you know, who is the next corporate domino to fall?"
"The corporate tax cuts that have been implemented by the administration at the moment in the US have been far-reaching."
"Disney's reaping what they've sown. They've spent the last four or five years being very political."
"America would have done fine without Berkshire. The reverse is not true."
"Just because you ban people doesn't mean they cease to exist. Just because you shut down companies doesn't mean people will give up."
"EA just lost three billion dollars in stock."
"But there's a raid, there's a magic number, there is a reading in the dollar that will shock the stock market and bring it back into its senses and that could happen as soon as tomorrow."
"What is the fundamental good of a company like Tesla? If it accelerates the advent of sustainable energy by a decade, that would be quite a good thing to occur."
"The Obama economy was all predicated on the sugar high of the Federal Reserve dropping interest rates so incredibly low... and GE was no exception because the money was almost free."
"What is the difference between allowing Walmart to go out of business passively and actively harming their bottom line?"
"One person who is backed by millions of people influenced a 16 billion dollar company to continue redefining what symbols are socially acceptable... that's soft power."
"Brandenburg sees Tesla as a driving force behind economic growth."
"Strikes are all about making a company feel pain. These corporations will only ever act in their own profit-making interest so you got to hit them where it hurts the bottom line."
"Armstrong's nonprofit, the Livestrong Foundation, lost many corporate sponsorships after his doping scandal."
"I hope the thought of knowing you were inclusive helps you sleep at night as your profits and the Very people who depended on the work your company generates burns to ashes."
"The Blizzard soul is practically dead at this point thanks to Activision."
"Under corporate ownership, a lot of these things that you love, they're gonna change."
"If the president of the United States mentions your company and in the same few sentences the word boycott is thrown in there, it's not good." - Bobby Eberly
"Amazon has really upgraded the quality of life in many different ways."
"Tesla has already changed the world because they've created a global movement of more companies wanting to get into the space and Tesla will continue to change the world."
"Maybe you'll be privileged to be part of a company that actually builds an ecosystem."
"It's good to see the impact these larger corporations have beyond skateboarding, you know, like to look back and be like, 'Oh, I worked at Adidas for five years and like that's one of the biggest shoe brands in the entire globe.'"
"You know, Alabama power, the Southern Company, they provided our family with a wonderful, wonderful life."
"When a CEO changes, the company tends to change a lot, both in terms of firm behavior and in terms of firm performance."
"This company for 18 years made the change of life of all these people."
"The reality is that Amazon has done more for consumers in the past decade than just about any other company."
"It was no longer this niche shady firm; it was a firm that was making a massive impact on the world."
"The trust customers put in us every day has allowed Amazon to create more jobs in the United States over the past decade than any other company."
"Sustainability actions as a whole... how your company impacts the environment and society."
"It's totally unfair to put it on individuals to fix pollution when the reality is large corporations are the ones that are causing the bulk of the problem."
"We could also publish some really interesting findings in relation to the impact of women in the corporate world."
"It's something that fundamentally shook the core of our company."