
Global Governance Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"The worldwide consultation process around the 75th anniversary of the United Nations has made clear that people want a global governance system that delivers for them."
"China represents...a third way of global governance...but that friendship only goes so far."
"We need some form of government that can deal with broader global problems."
"We need a one world government because the Galactic Federation is not going to allow Earth to join so long as we are not unified under one governing authority."
"Politically, you see that through the United Nations, through world federalism, through global governance...it is viewed that that is our salvation, that is man's best hope."
"If the current global financial system collapses, we need to ensure that the global citizenry has a seat at the table in determining the new system, rather than leaving it to be decided in backroom deals."
"We're institutions of freedom have lain dormant, the United Nations can offer them new life."
"The seemingly magical process that made the world economy do this wasn't actually thanks to technology, it was thanks to humans' most amazing invention: policy words on a page that establish rules that countries promise to obey."
"It's becoming a kind of... an elected world government that the people never asked for and don't want."
"There is a democratic deficit at the global level."
"Freedom is not the right to do as you please, it's the right to do as you ought."
"We're rapidly approaching that point in history where global governance is going to have the upper hand."
"The goal is to take control of the world's governance with a corporation and then the censoring the speech is a byproduct of that or is a step on the way towards that."
"The corporate takeover of our societies, the political system, the International System of governance...barely any part of our society now is not run in the interests of Corporations."
"It's all there to put us into this new world order, this one-world government."
"Being a global citizen means that there must be some form of global government."
"It is instead a financial system run by the United States, the European Union, and Britain to some extent."
"We have to act. Global governance, in other words." - Al Gore
"We have to act. Global governance, in other words." - John Kerry
"It is impossible to consider either the pandemic treaty or the amendments to the international Health regulations in isolation."
"A unified world would not go well because that means man has ultimate control."
"You need to respect China. Doesn't mean that you need to like their system, doesn't mean that you need to agree with it, but they deserve a seat at the table."
"A move towards multi-stakeholder model of global governance."
"Everyone running the world government today."
"New World Order is the theory that there will eventually be one all-encompassing tyrannical government that will enslave the human race."
"We need a world that operates under two major Charters: the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." - Jeffrey Sachs
"The goal of the New World Order is one-world government, no religion except theirs, no borders, and no presidents."
"If you wanted to have a global governance system, wouldn't you have to have some kind of a global government ID system in place first?"
"We shall have World Government whether or not we like it; the only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
"I just don't see a one-world government as being a positive experience for people."
"If they want to create a One World Government, this is exactly how it will operate... lie, cheat, steal, and burn it all to the ground to empower and enrich themselves."
"We need a rules-based international order, fair to all countries big or small, and fair to current and future generations."
"Order out of chaos or ordered chaos as he called it is reportedly the axle of their plan to reengineer society into a world government."
"Tesla re-started the electric vehicle revolution."
"Push a New World Order and global government."
"The world does need a civilized coordinator in international relations, and in settling global problems."
"That's a huge chunk of money that we're just given away to this new world order force."
"There is going to be a world order. There is such a thing as a liberal world order. We are living under it."
"Central banks are the One World Government we have all been warned about forever."
"The reason this is happening is that the people who run the show understand that if the world gets back control of its money, it's going to be really hard to put a global regime over humanity."
"You gotta continue to feed your audience. They come to you because they want to be fed."
"As governments continue to head towards the direction of one centralized worldwide government, we're going to continue seeing Tremors in the financial system."
"Forces are waving the banner of sovereignty against these transnational, unelected, anti-democratic billionaires."
"One world government could be a singleton if it unified enough of humanity."
"There's a reason that they're international treaties."
"The decline of the United States... it's no longer the reliable governor of the world system it was for a while."
"Victory is ours in love governing this planet."
"The endgame is a world government...the new world order."
"Central banks are the One World Government we've all been warned about, everything else is a sideshow."
"The creation of a world religion is happening before our eyes. We're watching before our eyes a creation of a world government with the climate change narrative."
"The World Economic Forum is increasingly becoming an unelected world government that the people never asked for and don't want."
"The goal is to have global control, so a one-world government. And there's one way to do that and that is if there is indeed a threat from the outside."
"The UFO coverup is... a key part of our world today, just as the movement toward a one world government is."
"There will be no such thing as world government... instead there will be world consciousness agreement."
"A new world order as well as how he reveals in this report that the entire agenda21 movement the entire environmental movement was only put into place to convince people of a new world order of a global government."
"Our aim: a government of the world in which all men can live at peace."
"They're all oriented towards the same goal: global governance."
"All of Earth's significant countries are in the loop," the general said, "we're well on the road to Galactic government integration."
"There needs to be a new world order."
"We have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders."
"Singapore will always work to fortify the multilateral system and contribute actively to shaping new norms to govern the global Commons."
"We must ensure that our multilateral institutions can deliver the aspirations on which they were founded."
"The idea of a law of world citizenship is no high-flown or exaggerated notion."
"It is time for the Security Council to shoulder its responsibility and address the real threat to international peace and security."
"We are honored to listen to a papal message to governments of the world from His Holiness Pope Francis."
"The only answer to this divided world must be a truly United Nations."
"Consensus means whatever happens in the governance system reform, we should cooperate worldwide."
"The process of governance Global governance is the most efficient way to enhance communication and improve cooperation."
"Global coordination, global regulation, and oversight learning from the history of other industries is important."
"The global governance system must also reform if it is to be relevant and effective."
"Globally then, this is when your international treaties come into play."
"We must modernize Global governance because it is now a truism that developing countries and Emerging Market countries are contributing more than 50% to Global growth."
"The covenant was the living law by which the nations wanted to conduct their affairs."
"If the institutional design problem can be solved within states, why not at higher levels, including the global level?"
"There is something that rules above all the nations which is essentially the internet."
"He was the first non-European Secretary-General of the United Nations."
"We cannot allow geopolitics to paralyze global governance; now more than ever, we need to continue to build bridges and to forge consensus towards decisive multilateral solutions."