
Audience Preferences Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Some people might not be that interested in sources or whatever, and I find that on my main channel, you know, I've got to be careful not to do too many cooking and preserving type videos."
"These are the types of male characters audiences want to see at the moment."
"Nowadays, people don't want to be watching on TV straight up exactly what they are going through. We want escapism."
"It's almost like this is what audiences have been saying for years that it feels like there's this huge disconnect in what the studios and the streaming services are producing and what people actually want to watch."
"It's not about what we want; it's about what the viewers at home want."
"The 90s were irony poisoned, but audiences were starving for deeply sincere emotional content."
"If there's an audience for it and yes, it might be slowly degrading the intellectual artistic community, but just don't go watch it." - Jay
"You can't assume that when you're doing big characters... that somebody's walking down the aisle going oh I like walking dead but I don't like Rick Grimes."
"Top grossing is about what the audience is interested in seeing."
"The people that are making these movies know what we want to see."
"YouTube audiences don't want to be challenged anymore. They just want to get doped up on some polished sparkly inoffensive content."
"Critics don't like something the audience might like."
"Just because critics don't like it doesn't mean the audiences won't like it."
"The videos that are mostly jokes do better than me just playing hockey."
"Sometimes you guys want to see something different. And that's fine."
"Let me know which one you guys like the best so far which one catches your interest which what are you most excited for."
"This is so stupid, but back then people hated dark auditoriums."
"Audiences want to hear things that confirm what they already believe."
"The people that prefer old Star Trek are not a niche audience."
"Instead of worrying about what the algorithm 'likes', it's better to focus on what your audience likes."
"I know some people don't always want to hear the cursing, which is fine. It's a lot."
"Some people might enjoy that, some people might not even like rap, but they love to see people juggling."
"The people who go on these shows and the people who watch them don't really want to see ghosts debunked."
"Not every video is gonna be for every person, and that's totally okay."
"What audiences today want, to see we want to see something with a meaningful story made accessible with well-executed jokes and a good sense of humor."
"Content is content and it just depends on who out there enjoys it."
"If you're too original, people might stray away from that because people like familiarity too."
"We would love to see more of these types of characters at the parks."
"Will the crowd that's super into Valorant want... 20 minute pre shows at the championship thing... or will they just be like... just play the thing."
"YouTube likes definitely a slower, more mature, you know, it's a more mature audience so they want like a slower pace, more story."
"It was like character redemption, it was like, we'll just do the character again but closer to what people liked about that character."
"WWE does things people want to see but bad people like and want to see older guys just not at the expense of younger talent."
"I look forward to more comments... if you like this sort of stuff that's absolutely fine... if you hate what I would like in FIFA that's also absolutely fine... not everything is for everyone."
"Hey keep it simple stupid let's give people what they want. Let's give them a story that is simple and fun and is like back to the basics of what would made wow good we don't need to go fight an Intergalactic holy war."
"Not many people care; they just care if you make good content or not."
"They just care if you make good content or not."
"I'm kind of not thinking of it in those terms. I'm thinking a bit more in the terms of we're back to theaters around the world."
"Anybody who likes science fiction, fantasy, horror, action genre films, whatever, I don't think they really care if there's a black man in the lead or a woman in the lead or anybody in the lead, as long as they get a kick-ass movie."
"Everybody feels like their parts got to be funny... people like to just watch art, you know."
"More adults are tuned to the Cartoon Network in the evening than to CNN."
"But then obviously the next most popular is the sex and relationship stuff and then the least amount of people wanted the work and productivity, behind the scenes chat. Oh well, oh well."
"Y'all control what you see. Content creators sometimes want to do positive things to show you, but when they post something positive sometimes it's not watched."
"No one wants the infomercial. There's one clear message on youtube from an audience is they don't want an infomercial."
"I love the rematches, who doesn't like seeing a rematch?"
"The 'what we eat in a week' videos, you guys tend to like those so I hope this is no exception."
"If you guys do like this video, If you guys like TikTok hacks, don't like TikTok, if you guys like the gays."
"What's your favorite part of the weekly vlog? Like do you like when I show you my routines? Do you like when we go out and hang out and do things and have conversations? Do you like mom? Do you like Gabriel content? Do you like Reefy content?"
"...I think the average person just likes to be entertained they love a comeback story they love a redemption story and they love to see humility..."
"Something I've always thought was really funny is how movies made for young boys are always really gross... stuff made for girls is all cute in bows and puppies... but girls are actually into stories about horrendous murders and pimple-popping videos."
"Why lie? Because test audiences don't like musicals."
"Honestly, like, some of you guys sometimes hate when I play with the Ouija board, so we're gonna cut it there."
"If you can spare the time to comment below and answer those, I would really appreciate it and it would be really helpful to know what the preferences of my audience are."
"So let me know what you guys want to see because you know I like to know what people want to watch here."
"People don't care to really hear it. They want it to be what it is, you know? It's fun, it's a lot more fun than it's very, very entertaining."
"Drawing like what fans and editors want to see is only to your advantage."
"It's helpful for us to know what you like."
"People like more real, raw content on TikTok; they like more aesthetic, cute content on Instagram."
"I like to try to think of it in terms of what do people generally want or look for, and then try to shape my posts based on that."
"I don't think that the vast majority of people who enjoy reality TV also enjoy watching people be exploited or abused."
"It's entertainment, isn't it? You want to see an aesthetic."
"We just want to find out what everyone enjoys and what everyone loves to watch, also what we love to do."
"Do you think that the audience is looking for something else to see in the movies now besides just big budget superhero movies?"