
Name Significance Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"The name is deeply philosophical and well thought out, with silicon representing the building block of a computer, building block of a brain."
"It didn't take me long to learn to write my own name, but it was years before I could claim to know who it was glued to."
"Names do matter; they can really impact a person's whole life, so you should be kind."
"Nanelle loves her new name so much that she starts crying the moment the first tear Falls."
"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about that name."
"The Free Folk’s value system is right there in their name – they believe in freedom above all."
"Not only does Angels have a history as the name of previous baseball teams in Los Angeles, but Los Angeles literally translates from Spanish to English as 'the Angels,' so quite the fitting name."
"What's in a name potentially a great deal." - University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson.
"BTS stands for Bangtan Sony Korean for Bulletproof Boy Scouts Pangtan meaning to be resistant to bullets."
"I just want to teach her to be compassionate and smart like I named her ocean for many reasons and I just that name holds so much meaning so I always want to encourage people to do their research."
"Sometimes in history you find someone whose very name seems to have pre-destined them for a specific career."
"Name your kids something meaningful. But if it's just for a laugh, you're not ready to be a parent."
"Citizenship was core to the West, a very unique idea."
"Nobody damn it is going to change the name of Jerusalem."
"Remember when Odin called Asgard the real maternal? Well, let's hope these guys were a little more careful with using that word as their name."
"It's like if your last name is Pain, what are you gonna do with your life?"
"Igaro's name is also an anagram for 'gory,' which accurately describes his family history and relates to his physical appearance."
"Spudley is remain and smugly is like it's just my name dude I I love it I honestly love this name that I can tell you that in in the past I had like other names that I went by but I never felt anything close to like the love I feel for spud."
"Somebody said Mary's not really a name yet, but she is definitely becoming a name."
"How can you not be an art historian with a last name like Guggenheim?"
"Battleground: Besides having a really cool name, it's kind of a really cool place to live."
"That's potential future child name right there."
"He gave Octavius the most precious thing he possessed. He gave him his name. Caesar."
"His name is greater than every name you could ever ask."
"Iceland. Its very name suggests a kind of strength."
"One of the mandates on my life is as a conveyor of the gifts of the Spirit; my name means the gifts of God."
"Just because a person is saying this name does not mean that they are speaking of the same Messiah."
"Yes, I am. Nathanson is a fake name. My last name is Presley. I'm a Presley."
"Edge Christmas or Christian? Oh, no, that name's so lazy. Like, I took it seriously."
"Jesus could not have been a more common masculine name in the day in which he lived in Hebrew it was simply Joshua."
"You know him well? Of course, I know him. He's me. And I haven't gone by the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi since... oh, before you were born."
"Identity was often associated with a name."
"You're like, they're called Diversity. What were you expecting? The clue's in the name."
"It's a special place. Boa Rón is a great name."
"The name determined his entire future fate because it means the Lord of luck."
"You're reminded of it day and night, and that he would literally ascribe to grow up and be an honorable man when his name means pain and sorrow is a feat that is worthy of applause all by itself."
"I always know I would love the way you say my name."
"It's actually called the Haiku Garden."
"Maya is lovely because it sounds like magic."
"Isn't it a beautiful name? It means strong and enduring."
"There's so much power in your name."
"You will call his name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sin."
"The Yohei Vavhei is an intimate name for relationship."
"A man whose very name would be intertwined with myth and legend."
"There is power in His name alone."
"Michelangelo Caravaggio, that would be one hell of a big name."
"Your name alone is higher than every other name."
"I love to say your name, Tyrion Lannister. It goes with mine."
"The name you choose, it's like a promise you make."
"Do you let them call you Vicky when your name is Victoria? The name Victoria is so beautiful to me, I couldn't possibly surrender a syllable of it."
"I hope you feel the weight of your name."
"My name is Melody Joy Williams, and that is my actual name."
"If you notice that the name Michael keeps coming up, then your guardian angel might be Michael."
"Having an African-American name increases the lifespan by more than 3 years in Alabama."
"It's like your name is who you are."
"Oh, what's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
"At the sound of your name, everything changes."
"Don't be afraid, Zacharias; for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John."
"Her name soon came to fit her personality very well."
"Maybe it's the name, the name Nissan Quest... that's a quest and I like that."
"Mandalay is a really beautiful sounding and interesting literary name."
"When you forget your name, you've kind of lost your identity."
"Jesus means in Hebrew 'God Saves'."
"Perfect everything, they got it right with Delilah, perfect name, Delilah Fields."
"Morningstar is a Lucifer's name, son in the morning."
"James could be a pretty dope name for a woman."
"I love it, it's a wild coaster, hence why it's called Wildfire."
"Washington is a name slapped all across the United States of America as an ode to their first president."
"Your name is Sritakirti, it's a name of Krishna, it means one whose activities are world famous."
"You must call his name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins."
"I am, well in Galactic standard, my name would be something like Pandora."
"You shall call his name Johannen, and he is going to be the prophet who comes in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the way of Jehovah."
"It sounds like such a small thing, but it's so important."
"Robert Lane named his sons Winner and Loser; Winner Lane became a small-time crook, while Loser Lane became a police detective in New York City."
"Izuku's name would be Thunder God."
"So the name Morningstar is steeped in tradition."
"If your name is Pierce Brosnan, you're gonna be something."