
Survival Strategies Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Many of these coping mechanisms - they served us to begin with. They enabled us to continue surviving in an atmosphere where we were challenged with our very survival."
"Survival knows no shame, it will go to any cost and any length in order to win."
"Codependency and narcissism are both complex dysfunctional relationship strategies that people learned and adopted in order to be able to stay safe in their specific family system."
"Homelessness: it's one of America's vast epidemics, sleeping on park benches, drinking gasoline, and committing insurance fraud just to be able to pay the bills. It's not as fun as it sounds."
"The vampire squid from hell does not feed on blood. Surprisingly, this intriguing critter survives by eating plankton and the rotting carcasses of dead fish."
"The game has taught me not just to act like a scavenger but to think like one."
"You do not have to be perfect, you do not have to have all your ducks in a row. Half of us are just surviving. These are just ways to survive a little bit better."
"They picked potatoes for a reason and that's because the best chance of surviving not just on Mars but on planet Earth as a potato."
"Addressing the five short-term survival needs will increase your odds of survival."
"Signaling like I said is going to be one of the most important survival priorities."
"A lack of sleep is deadly in a survival situation."
"These tips, tricks, little secrets, big secrets, methods to help me survive that I call MacGyverisms, have worked for me in some of the harshest environments on the planet."
"Incorporating a little MacGyverism ingenuity becomes an important secret to survival."
"Persecution: what do you do? You flee from one city to the next or you endure. That's basically what you do."
"The leopard an intelligent large cat, known for its strength and formidable combat skills."
"Such jumps confuse predators so much that there were cases when lions stopped following starting gazelles."
"These smaller dragons — or ‘Microdragons’ as I call them – make up for their reduced size with their incredible diversity and ingenious survival strategies."
"There's claims from both sides about wide-scale use of alcohol and drugs in order to try and get these guys to overcome their fears and go forward, even though their chance of survival is very, very low."
"Women realize... there's a survival thing that goes along with men."
"Some of these chains to survive the imminent retail collapse."
"What happens if you fall into the void with unlimited Totems of Undying in Minecraft? Could you theoretically survive?"
"Desperate situations require desperate measures."
"Recreating the original ecosystem might be a necessity for survival."
"Psychology is an important part of staying alive."
"Plants have to have fancier tricks than all sorts of boring animals because plants don't run away."
"Propane has to be the ultimate prepper fuel. If there was one fuel that could rule them all, it would likely be propane..."
"Even in a show as fatal as Game of Thrones, it's almost less about if they will survive and more about how they will survive."
"They decide that this is their way of surviving."
"The only iframe, the individual immunity that if I am in trouble I just press Q and I go into the void when I come out I at least have another chance."
"Food in Elder Scrolls Online is very important. Without food, you are significantly weaker."
"They've had hundreds of millions of years to adapt like this."
"FNAF 3 strikes the best balance yet between tension and control… what needs to be done to survive is generally clear."
"Okay, they know me. I trade with them. Sometimes I deliver lamps from the girls or goods from dark zones that might be infected."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I was at rock bottom."
"This isn't a dangerous situation. Look, it's survival of the furthest. Nice, nice."
"If you're on your next cruise and your ship is sinking... just get in a lifeboat and hope for the best."
"Now scientists are digging up dirt to uncover how these real life monsters were forced to fight for survival."
"Living in your car and getting a gym membership so you can have shower facilities and such is cheaper than paying rent, that's really flipping sad."
"We've gone as long as nine or ten days... off the 54-gallon freshwater tank."
"The sea lamprey: a master of parasitic survival."
"That's the only thing that's going to save us."
"What helps you to survive a mass extinction? If you're able to live on a wide variety of types of environment and ecological niches."
"For resurrect it might seem like a mean but spinning while raising does actually help you stay alive."
"The future of life on earth depends on whether small mammals like the sugar glider can find a way to rebound."
"We've stayed alive this whole playthrough by being smart."
"MLMs are harmful, but also rooted in survival mentality."
"School doesn't teach you important things like how to win in Squid Game."
"The liver slides out and they eat the liver because it's obviously the fattiest most nutritionist part of the animal."
"You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes to survive in this world that can be so cruel."
"The whole point of building a base was to start thriving instead of just barely surviving."
"Elizabeth would have to fight to survive and in a man's world, she would need men to help her do it."
"How do you not only survive but hopefully thrive in this world of out-of-control central banks, big governments, and central bank digital currencies?"
"I give her a B-tier because one, she's living in a harsh environment." - Ygritte
"If you can build yourself kind of like a stretcher that's up raised, that's even better."
"You have to have something that takes care of your life that takes care of you because when you're working under the pressures of how am I going to eat today."
"I mean at the end of the day you know survival of the fittest means the survival of the most adaptable."
"If you're going to attempt this new survival beta mode, I strongly recommend that you start out with your intelligence at least at six."
"A few simple steps here could have ensured the survival of every non-zombie member of this group."
"Values of the relative values of the resources in particular triangles are what keep you alive."
"The way to survival whether you're the victim or the rescuer is through the path of methodical caution, a calming of the spirit and mind, and careful planning of your every move."
"How can you make sure that you survive and thrive this economic storm that is likely coming our way?"
"We still have all the little platoons... all that free association which made the English-speaking countries what they are still exists."
"Okay, wait till we see him. Don't light it yet. Just because we hear him doesn't mean anything at this point."
"Survival is still about adapting and using whatever means you can."
"The upshot here? In a global zombie pandemic, study up on your fungi."
"The fatigue length was not enough time to let survivors make the maneuvers that we want to see them do."
"Survival instincts can see the bigger picture."
"So people started looking at new ways to survive."
"Make sure that you always have your flight to get out of sticky situations and you're landing on high grounds to set up off angles to poke people from multiple sides of the map."
"Sometimes the best way to survive a gunfight is to look back on it."
"Stop thinking about a to-do list and start thinking about a win list."
"The people who had already begun to take measures to increase the probability of survival were the ones who were able to seek places of refuge."
"Bunny hopping makes you harder to hit and is valuable for evading enemies."
"There's no denying the abundance of these insects due to their incredibly powerful strategies."
"I really don't want to have to eat berries forever."
"Prepping now for an economic collapse can put the odds of surviving in your favor."
"Let me know how you would survive Blackbeard's crew."
"Multiculturalism is a powerful tool for survival."
"There's nothing to me that stands out for [the ranger]... they've got less options for surviving on the front line than the cleric does."
"There is no such thing as the one best survival strategy. There are millions of unique survival strategies."
"Part of growing up is finding healthier survival strategies."
"As a community, we need to agree on healthy survival strategies."
"Hard decisions have been forced to have been made for the survival and the success of this quest."
"School of fish: Safety in numbers, confusion for predators."
"Alligators: Masters of disguise, patience, and intimidation."
"He did what he had to do to survive the onslaught of demonization."
"Why are you just storing them and waiting to use them? I mean, well, you know, if you cook it, it kinda kills some of the germs, okay, this just—no, no, it's called survival, Amy."
"What is survival mode for you? What is that all about?"
"I think rather than being dependent on this basic ration, it's up to us now to find fresh stuff."
"Your chances of survival increase the more people are around you to take the blows."
"Running all these perks that are gonna keep you alive longer is going to help you maintain on your streak and it's super super important."
"You gotta think like the American pioneers that you gotta start canning salting drying all these things that you do to preserve food because you've got to survive the winter and make it to the next spring harvest."
"Vigilance Wing: every downed teammate buffs movement speed and health regeneration."
"It makes evolution evolutionary sense to do it."
"You can either run, freeze, or press in and fight."
"When an animal possesses an unpleasant attribute, it is often to its advantage to advertise the fact as publicly as possible."
"Happiness serves a function to our survival."
"Different people have different ideas on how to survive."
"Anytime rescue is potentially imminent, create as much contrast and movement as humanly possible."
"The trade-off in these characters is between empathizing and survival."
"Top tier traps are the best traps, believable, survivable, and effective both emotionally and physically."
"Neanderthals were vicious Predators who assaulted and devoured every animal they found including us but they were also resilient so resilient they're with us still."
"The only way you're guaranteed to survive it is to just not participate."
"Killing may not be the order of the day now. I think survival and holding objectives is the answer."
"You did the best that you could and that food at one point in your life was something that you felt like you needed to use to survive."
"Our goal is always to be getting closer to that survival fantasy, to giving you the tools in your toolbox to go put your own plan together and go execute it and see how good you really are."
"Are we just doing things to basically survive and win the game?"
"Starfield throws a multitude of options at Players like customizations for your suits and weapons, outpost unlocks, general consumables, and medication crafting."
"Most survivors of narcissistic relationships have trained themselves to subsist on emotional breadcrumbs for a long time."
"This scenery has come about by accident as people have struggled to get what they needed to survive."
"Spiritual preparedness... those who had a strong spiritual foundation were far more likely to survive."
"Their chances to survive would be greater if they stayed with him and complete the mission together."
"Maybe that's part of my disguise if you watch like the nature channel like you know some of the most uh some of the species that have lived the longest is because they they know how to survive by blending in."
"Our survival priorities have remained constant, but exactly how we have met them has changed throughout history."
"In the turbulent Waters of the cable news World CNN is desperately trying to stay afloat."
"Approach energy as a primary prep, figure out what your bare bones minimum would be after a disaster."
"Survival or subservience. I want it to be night and day so that the choice is clear."
"Pretending nothing is happening isn't a viable strategy for survival when faced with a change in the environment."
"It's about survival and you know that was the only way I actually got to survive with John Wall because of that, you know, I had to think fast."
"Once your HP drops below half, you're probably not planning on living that much longer anyway."
"A special mix is required to survive and thrive despite the social structure."
"To understand the narcissist deeply thoroughly and truly is a survival strategy."
"It's a rough place, so I said you should learn rap music, learn slang, invent a backstory for yourself where you were Sam B from Oakland."
"Concealment is protection from enemy view, cover is protection from enemy fire."
"There’s a moth that gets most of the nutrients it needs to survive by drinking bird tears!"
"It's much much easier to survive a sea battle - if you're on one of the six original frigates."
"Get ready for you and your family talk about how you're going to build that uh those mechanisms of survival and preparedness with your children with your mothers and fathers with your spouse whoever it might be."
"Living with intricate tunnel systems known as the metros will be the only option for long-term survival."
"Every tip and trick I know about how to survive as a free-to-play player in Star Wars The Old Republic."
"People helped each other, that's the way they survive here."
"Sophia and John are just faster saving your best chance of escaping alive."
"The reality of prepping is that your chances of surviving if you completely go to loan Lone Wolf as they say are very narrow."
"Elephants are rapidly domesticating to survive."
"Survival determines if a thing can thrive or will grow extinct. Strategy is crucial for survival."
"Fairy circles are circular patches of Baron plantless land measuring between 7 and 49 feet in diameter - one of the more favorable theories is that plants organize themselves to access the very little water available."
"In order to survive over long periods of time, you better adopt a different strategy."
"When you're desperate, you're going to figure out a way to survive."
"Fred, this has been an incredible knowledge talk or dialogue that we had and I think people are going to really use this data to survive better."
"Many small businesses are trying to stay afloat during the pandemic."
"If you look at every single period in human history there's been a group of people who did well because they adjusted, they adapted, and they got ready and prepared for what was coming."
"Understanding the value of both bug in and bug out plans."
"She presented herself as a victim. That's survival."
"Everybody right now is just trying to figure out how do we survive in this environment."
"We're all on the same page we all have to survive on this planet."
"But very rarely do people talk about long-term survival."
"He could choose to work them till they dropped then ask the SS for replacements, or he could start feeding them out of his own money."
"In survival, there's the concept of the rule of threes."
"Evaluate your preps and your plan. Do they include a way to live a little bit more primitively?"
"Dealing with the hostile mobs, I used my last remaining torches to spawn proof underneath."
"The Folk Nation: From Urban Exodus to Nomadic Brotherhood, rewriting the rules of survival."
"To solve all of your problems in winter, just make a thermal stone."
"Good thing your bees are so tough. What the heck even was that thing?"
"Humanity's always in crisis. You know what our superpower is? Our claws are crap, our teeth are crap. They're amazingly strong, you can't jump very high, compared to other animals. We're super adaptable."
"Crafting bullets—imagine doing this in Battle Royale!"
"Raiding societies inevitably have high mortality rates. In order to sustain your population, kidnapping your rivals' children becomes a viable option."
"You need money to survive in Canada and then with this inflation there's been a lot of layoffs as well exactly and some Industries like for example The Tech Industries so people are even getting jobless and how do you expect them to survive when there's no money yeah."
"Plants, however, are not so innocent; they defend themselves in a variety of ways."
"Bigfoot's behavior patterns, including nocturnal activity, stealth movement, and choosing remote and dense forest areas as habitats, are actually survival strategies developed in response to the presence of humans."
"Blue death feigning beetles are superbly adapted for life in the desert."
"Create large geometric shapes made of bright materials to immediately grab the attention of a helicopter or passing rescue vehicle."
"Mega Threats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future and How to Survive Them."
"Raise the young to continue the colony, locate and retrieve food to sustain the members, protect the queen so she can continue laying eggs. Simple but logical."
"Zooplankton have evolved many different strategies in order to eat and survive."