
Absolution Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"The presumption of innocence and the idea of absolution are miraculous constructs of thought."
"Being the victim gives you a sense of absolution and significance."
"Absolution takes away the sins, but there's always the consequence of sin."
"Your sins are forgiven: 'Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered.'"
"Talk, you ain't responsible for your wife's death. You are actually a good guy all along." - Dead wife's manifestation
"It's not what you did or didn't do."
"If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; and if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."
"When you confess your sins sacramentally, they cease to exist."
"He has rendered his verdict, and there is therefore now no condemnation."
"Not only are you absolved but the demons are broken off of you and they have to flee. Once the Absolution takes place so you're also going to feel even lighter because you won't have the those demons clinging to you anymore."
"And then at the end of the day, I said, 'You know what? I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I absolve myself of anything that I did wrong to hurt anyone or anybody else in a relationship or out of a relationship.'"
"There is no sin that is so bad that cannot be absolved save one final impenitence."
"Confession is such a relief. It's a release to go in and articulate it and then hear out loud with your ears the words of absolution."
"None of the offenses they have committed will be remembered against them."
"And tell him all of his sins are forgiven."
"Imagine hearing the voice of the priest saying, 'I absolve you from your sins.' It's the voice of Jesus."
"Behold, your sins are forgiven you."
"You're going there to confess your sins."
"Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them, and whosoever sins you retain, they are retained."
"Mankind is declared innocent. You are innocent."
"If then your soul is burdened, take it to the Lord. He died for you, He will forgive you, and just as there's hardly anything more refreshing than a good bath, so there's nothing spiritually more refreshing than an absolution."
"In that case, Op, you are completely in the clear."
"Your realization and acceptance of [mistakes] is Absolution for the Law of Attraction."
"Come to me, and all will be absolved."
"The number three reason to go to confession is to get peace of conscience."
"People commit sacr in confession if they don't confess all their mortal sins."
"Now you won't have to feel guilty anymore."
"...we can stand before God without guilt, without shame..."
"...the blood of Jesus still speaks, saying not guilty..."
"Confession clears everything away."
"Having that guilt removed is the most liberating and wonderful feeling."
"Why in the world would you leave this building tonight with any guilt or shame upon your heart any longer?"
"You are forgiven, always and completely forgiven."
"To really have one's sins washed away, one must really make a good confession."
"No one can receive absolution unless he firmly resolves to shun occasions of sin."
"Confession wipes away the sin, it wipes away eternal punishment but it doesn't take away temporal punishment."
"It's not your fault and it's unlikely that you can do anything about it."
"What happened to Robin isn't your fault."
"Your fathers were my mistakes, not yours."
"You're not to blame for what Brian has done to himself."
"Forgiveness of all sins, cleansing of all unrighteousness."
"It wasn't your fault," Percy said.
"It wasn't your fault what happened. Events were largely outside your control."
"The case against you is closed, period."
"God has forgiven you, Maria has forgiven you, how can I not forgive you?"
"You're forgiven and you can let it go."
"If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven."
"Whoever comes to me and asks forgiveness, I will forgive."
"You made the right choice by leaving that situation. You should never feel guilty for that."
"The relationship was not your fault."
"May the Almighty and merciful Lord grant you pardon, absolution, and remission of your sins."
"Let's not say anything. It's not your fault, and I just did what I wanted to do."
"You mustn't blame yourself; it's not your fault."
"Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin!"
"I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."
"Whoever sins you forgive, I have forgiven also."
"When you vindicate yourself, you deal so thoroughly with your sin that you can never be accused of it again."
"To vindicate yourself means you have put that sin away; you are done with it; it is gone forever."
"As long as you express yourself, you can be forgiven anything."
"The iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I will pardon them whom I reserve."
"It wasn't your fault what happened to your brother."
"He told me that it wasn't my fault, that none of it was my fault."
"When He says He forgives you, He forgives you, and He forgets it."
"Thou art blessed and art under no condemnation."
"When we call out for you for forgiveness, you forgive us, and then it is done."
"I absolve you from all your sins in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"When you are forgiven, your forgiveness is complete. It's not a process."
"If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."
"Our sins are fully and finally forgiven."
"It doesn't make you a bad person, it's not your fault."
"It's not your fault; we don't choose."
"Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone's sins, their sins are forgiven."
"This is not your fault; this is bigger than you."
"I am forgiven regardless of the details."
"It wasn't your fault. What happened that night wasn't anybody's fault."
"You are forgiven, absolved, go in peace."
"The gatekeeper's gold and silver keys signified Dante's absolution and God's willingness to let him pass."
"You are not to blame; these things happen all the same."
"You're not responsible for what happened."
"You are forgiven and welcome to the reality revolution."
"When I forgive you, your sins shall not be mentioned."
"Happy is the man whose sin Jehovah will by no means take into account."
"Look, so some stupid people did some stupid things in your name. It's not your fault; you make a lot of people happy."
"You did everything you could to take care of her, okay? It's not your fault."
"Only one participant remains alive, he is declared the winner, absolved of all his crimes, becomes a celebrity throughout the galaxy."
"Divine grace cures rage and pestilence, absolves the guilty."
"It's not your fault. I forgive you; forgive yourself."
"You're forgiven. I do not hold anything against you anymore."
"Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained."
"If you are forgiven, then by definition, there's no need for punishment because you are forgiven."
"That wasn't your fault, Marinette."
"Humans want to absolve themselves after they have acted badly, behaved poorly."
"In Him, there is no possibility of condemnation or shame or guilt."
"I don't blame you for what happened."
"It's not your fault; my brother decided to do it out of his free will," the Tengu tells him.
"You are not responsible and neither am I."
"None of what is happening is on you."
"Those that are in union with Christ have no condemnation."
"You are not responsible for what happened."
"Justification is... the act of God declaring men free from guilt and acceptable to him."
"God can legally... declare us not guilty."
"What happened to mom and dad wasn't your fault. It doesn't matter who was driving."
"It's not your fault what happened to you."
"The last blessing brings with it a plenary Indulgence or forgiveness of all the punishment due to sin if the proper dispositions are present."
"Find that forgiveness, find their sins cast to the bottom of the ocean."
"God Himself is the judge who has issued his final verdict over them: 'Not guilty'."
"You have borne your penance and are quite absolved and forgiven."
"The soul valid confession is that which one makes to God who knows the sin before it is committed and who alone can absolve it."
"The third trial is the ultimate mystery to unravel: the mystery of forgiveness."
"If you need forgiveness, I'll give that to you. You're forgiven."
"When you're forgiven, it's over. That's it."
"It is called the sacrament of forgiveness since by the priest's sacramental absolution, God grants the penitent pardon and peace."
"...he absolves them of all wrongdoing, placing any and all responsibility on himself."
"It's not your fault. It is nobody's fault."
"It's not your fault, don't blame yourself."
"You're fully and completely forgiven."
"There is no sin in your life, there is no iniquity in your life, there is no transgression in your life that God cannot forgive."
"You have been set free, and there is therefore now no condemnation for you."
"Your miscarriage wasn't because of something you did or didn't do, it was something that happened to you."
"No need to apply symbolism; it's not like it was your fault."
"It was not your fault; there was nothing that you could have done to change the situation."