
Sharing Experiences Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"You are meant to inspire, you were meant to share these things that you have been through."
"I really appreciate having this space and opportunity to do that with you and to progress my own journey alongside you."
"It's great of you to share that because we all go through it in our own time."
"Good. Those are the best kind. I feel like I have to share the story to redeem some sort of value out of it."
"I'm not trying to push anyone into eating the same way I do. I'm just sharing what has worked for me."
"Build rapport, intimacy... Share something about yourself, share life stories, share your passions."
"Thank you for your bravery, thank you for are willing to share your story."
"You have something really important to share with the world and you have a really important experience to share with the world."
"As soon as you actually get the courage to start talking about something how quickly you realize that you're not alone."
"Write your testimony in the comments section the power is still flowing."
"I've shared mine with you to give you every possible scenario. I wanted you to really know what you're in for, regardless of what your situation is, before you come out here."
"I'm visiting them all and bringing them to you."
"This is the kind of person who will have a lot to share with you."
"But I'm gonna document it all and make y'all feel a part of it. I ain't gonna be stingy with it. I'm gonna show everything."
"Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below because you just don't know who it might help."
"My purpose in doing this is to share my perspective so that anyone who is in a situation like I was a couple of years ago, who is questioning and wondering can have another perspective to lean on."
"I've never had a person tell me that they wish they hadn't talked about what happened to them."
"And even if we don't make too many more videos on the Sakura Sept, I will continue to share my personal progress with you all."
"Normalize things not being perfect 24/7. Share your December disasters below."
"Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences; it's been a wonderful conversation."
"Nothing is more nostalgia-inducing than showing someone you love a ten-year-old game."
"Thank you for all you are doing to create a place for all of us who have had run-ins with sasquatch to share experiences free from judgment and ridicule."
"I want to travel around the world and show you the beautiful places, and I want to share the beautiful moments we see... I'd love to share those kind of moments through my channel with you guys, and you know, make you smile."
"It's way too earth-shattering and way too cool not to share."
"If you have been through cyber bullying or been a victim yourself we really encourage you to share your story because we feel like that is liberating and it's a story that needs to be told."
"For me being able to come here and talk about this with you guys I think is important for me."
"It's okay for friends to try and share their experiences."
"I hope that this experience and me sharing this experience with you guys can just help someone else."
"It's a holy mission of hand-holding to bring the truth of our experience to others in the world."
"I personally get so much joy out of sharing these videos with all of you that it's something that makes me happy."
"Thank you for opening up and sharing all these stories that are really hard to talk about."
"Just go out into the world and share your stories, whatever they are."
"I hope you continue to talk and share because I might not need it again but somebody else will."
"There are many who are in a very similar position that have remarkable experiences and knowledge that want to come forward and share their story in a way where they can walk away feeling empowered."
"Again, I love hearing who you guys watch with because I see father daughter, I see husband wife..."
"How big of a blessing would it be if more people escaped and found a way to share that with us?"
"It's a choice to reflect upon oneself, our actions, where we've been, where we come from, why, and then to share it with someone else."
"I think that's one of the reasons I like the candy so much because the art is destroyed as you do it but you have to enjoy it in the moment you can't save it forever but you can also pass it on."
"As we share with others our testimony, it can help others that might be dealing with the same struggles but feel they are alone."
"I'm putting this out there in hopes that it's going to help someone else out who has similar problematic skin issues as I do."
"It's very important for people to share where they have been because I think it motivates people."
"Thank you so much for sharing the magic with us today."
"I hope that you got to have a little taster of this trip and of this book, and yeah, it was super fun to share it with you."
"For me, the whole point of cars like this is to share them."
"We've had the experience, we've learned from failure, and now we can share that experience with you."
"Sharing personal information about her life so that others might benefit from her mistakes."
"Share your trials as well as your triumphs, your stories benefit you and others in the hearing."
"My primary calling is to share the words of my testimony."
"You are wiser, you are stronger, and there is some gift coming out of all of this that many of you are going to share with the world or you know certain people around you."
"If you have this kind of encounter with something like this it's just not a good idea to bottle it up and not ever tell anybody about it I realized that now."
"There's a lot I've learned, there's a lot I want to share."
"You gotta be honest with people. I gotta share it. So that was a fun experience."
"I just love me and Mommy On the Vlog like I just love to have that for myself and I love sharing that with you guys."
"I managed to do it and I want to show you some stuff I got."
"Yeah, I appreciate you sharing it, man, because it is a terrifying encounter."
"Sharing gives others a chance not only to understand you better but also a chance to see themselves in your experiences."
"I just want to share my story so it makes it like easier for people like us, right?"
"I admire the way I used to unapologetically share the stupid stuff we did."
"Everybody is going to have their personal struggles in life but that's why I feel like it's great that we're in a place nowadays where people are able to share their stories for others to hear online."
"Sharing it with you guys, it's gonna be a pleasure and a once in a lifetime experience."
"Some artworks matter more than others. They deserve to be saved and shared instantly with your loved ones."
"By sharing what your trauma is, you give other people gifts that they didn't even realize they had."
"You have done an amazing job at working through it and being strong and sharing it."
"It's been an absolute honor to share this with you today."
"I'm excited to bring you all along that journey with me."
"We need brave people like you to come forward with their experiences. That's what we really need."
"Enjoy these tales and be sure to share your stories with us."
"I'm going to be vulnerable, I am going to share with you my failures."
"If I share this stuff then the benefit of people resonating with it and learning from it outweighs the effects of like the negative comments or the risk of people not liking me because I don't really care about that anyway."
"Share the show with somebody I love, that's correct, that's what you're supposed to do."
"I think there's a lot in me that I want to share back that I think... could be useful for other people."
"I'm happy to have this opportunity to share my experience with all of you."
"It's great to hear people having confidence to come forward and share their experiences." - Chris Mitchell
"I just want to share kind of my experiences, give my advice if I can, and just you know, show what it's like with full transparency and show you know, put everything on the table for you guys."
"It's a beautiful time to be in, and I'm glad I'm able to share..."
"I love creating beautiful things and sharing them with others."
"I just feel like I'm finding my groove a lot more... I'm just generally excited to kind of share what we get up to a bit more."
"I'm only posting now because I want to warn others."
"I'm here to share my journey, share my experiences so that it can be a little easier for you when you go through something similar."
"I really enjoy sharing my experiences to help other people."
"Don't keep your story to yourself. Tell the world what you went through."
"I honestly believe God put me through what he did to share my experiences. There's nothing I would rather be doing."
"For everything that I like to have fun kind of dunking on it's good to be able to share these things that I get genuinely excited about."
"What good is a luxurious home with nobody to share it with?" - "Maybe somebody got lost."
"If I ever overcome this I am gonna share this with other people and change their lives."
"I want to share my thoughts and experiences."
"I was so happy with it I was so happy and I was sending people videos and pictures."
"I am so happy sharing my experience with motherhood, the things that I think have helped and the stuff that Romy likes."
"I share my experiences to hopefully help others...the only way to help others is by being honest."
"I'm hoping to just normalize disorders like this. You can't normalize something unless you talk about it and share your experience. So, this is what I'm going through, and I know that it's weird, but it's what I'm dealing with."
"Hopefully by us sharing our mistakes and by our kind friends sharing their mistakes it will prevent you from doing the same stuff yourself."
"I would love to hear from you as well, were there costs that I missed that you also incur as a result of your mental illness?"
"It has to be about all of us talking back about what we went through."
"We all come from different beautiful places on a beautiful planet. We all have different experiences that we should be, hopefully, we should be open to sharing these experiences with one of. What was your cuisine when you grew up?"
"So that is a ton of the DIY projects that I did for our wedding I hope you guys enjoyed watching it and provided some info if you're planning your wedding for the future."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this if you want to share any experiences you have with security and going through with medical supplies or medical equipment let me know in the comments below but thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys soon."
"I really hope you all enjoyed getting a peek into my school room."
"I wish that there was something I could say or do to make it better but... I hope that maybe this video helped someone just hear somebody else's experience."
"I hope you guys learned something from me, you could think I'm creepy or crazy, and that's totally fine, but this is what I do, it works for me, hopefully something will work for you as well."
"I hope you can take something away from my experiences if you are."
"We should come to a round table, compare, contrast traumas, and compare and contrast real-life situations."
"...if you learn from your mistakes then it's not a total loss. You know, this guy sharing his story and all this stuff, maybe definitely give me any verbal tongue-lashing will, um, maybe help some other guy one day."
"Our goal is to share with you what it's like to live as a nomad."
"Your girl has had a week and I'm gonna fill you in on everything that's been going on."
"Thank you so much for coming along with us on this family vacation. I know it was a little bit piecemeal because of course I didn't have the camera in my hand all the time, but I hope you got a little glimpse into our getaway."
"I remember the first time I told someone that I sat on the end of the bed with a gun in my mouth, and I remember like looking at myself from the outside in, thinking I can't believe I just said that to another human being."
"I really wanted to shed some light on what I experienced and the topic you guys have going on today."
"I want to share my story with you guys."
"One of the things that we can do is to share our stories in ways that, as much as possible, you allow the other person to kind of experience the journey with you."
"Have you guys ever had a bad experience like this before? Let me know in the comments below."
"I'm so excited. I have some clips from this past weekend of us finishing up."
"I'm here to tell you what happened yesterday, okay because yesterday was very terrible."
"In the comment section on this video, I want you to share your miracles, share your blessings, tell something great that God has done in your life."
"I enjoy talking about my experience with an eating disorder because I wish that I would have had someone that I could have related to or looked up to."
"Anything you think if I can share any of my experience, you know, any of my strengths, any of my hope, I'm happy to do it."
"Sharing about it, talking about it, helping others, being of service to others is a huge one for me."
"If the Lord has set you free from something, talk about it."
"But that little twinge of sadness is always offset by the knowledge that soon I will be going through the video clips reliving the adventure as I put together the final video that I'll get to share with all of you."
"I love being able to share Cerro Gordo with you."
"We have this bond and we want to share this bond with you."
"We hope to entertain and share some things about our needlework journey that maybe you'll find interesting."
"We hope you've enjoyed this video as much as we've enjoyed brewing today."
"It's just so beautifully incredible and I feel so thankful to be showing you guys all this."
"I'm really excited to take you guys with me."
"We need to take the reader with us and share that. It's so important."
"I'm thankful that I can share with everyone what the experience is truly like."
"You want to communicate some of these things and say, 'Look what I saw or look what I've learned.'"
"It has been such a journey and I'm really excited to continue to share with you my real and raw journey as an esthetician."
"It's empowering for people to know that they can talk about their own experiences too, or like that it's okay."
"Share your experiences, share your love, share your strategy to overcoming your darkness."
"I'm definitely going back to every single one of these places, I can't wait to like show friends around."
"I'm simply sharing my personal experiences, what I've learned over the years."
"Whenever I share my story, I'm just sharing my experience, strength, and hope."
"This is really usable footage, especially if you're just trying to share your experiences."
"It's so fun to own it and be able to share it."
"It's a great honor for you to share your personal stories of struggle."
"That sounds fun as hell, please report back and let us know how it goes."
"Please share your experiences in the comments but please refrain from passing incredible judgment on people who live a different life to you."
"I feel a huge weight lifted, and I was actually really happy to talk to y'all."
"If you share your experiences, especially bad experiences, that can be really helpful to people."
"I don't do it for money; I do it because I enjoy doing it and I enjoy sharing the experience with everybody."
"They exchange stories for the first time."
"They are experiences that we talk or write about because we think they might entertain or inform other people."
"I really want to just have the best of the best and I want to share it with you guys."
"Most things in life, the real appreciation is in sharing things, experiences."
"Once you kind of break the seal on that and you start talking about it, you realize you're not alone."
"I'm happy to be sharing it with you because it's really cool."
"I want to share my stories in order to help other people."
"Chronicle the journey and share it with others."
"The miracle and the message wasn't just simply meant to be enjoyed by you and remembered by you but for you to pass it on."
"It's one of those things in life when you experience something just really cool, you just want to share it."
"I'm not bringing you here to try to sell you something, I just want to share the fishing trip with you."
"Capturing this whole different perspective that I would otherwise miss, to be able to share with you guys, is such a nice moment."
"I was eager to show my friends and family all of the gorgeous wildlife and views that I'd seen."
"It was all about the entrepreneurship and just overcoming obstacles and then being able to share that with people."
"An adventure it certainly was, one I really enjoyed and one I really loved sharing with all of you."
"They share it with people that they can trust and people who are not going to judge them."
"Every night at dinner at home, we do our peak and our pit, so I figured that we could do it for our day today."
"I learn from Nick, hopefully I can bring some things that people can learn hopefully from just maybe an experience that I've had that's different than theirs."
"I realized like, okay, if I share my experiences, that's how people can learn."
"I'm only gonna get married once. I feel like I should do everything and also share everything."
"The biggest thing you want to do is to share that with people."
"We all have our stories, so I love to hear about yours."
"It's so important to share the journey, to share the ups, the downs, the good, the bad, the ugly, the in-between, the everything."
"We vacation a lot and it's something that we love that we wanted to share with you guys."
"Being able to share the journey of my garden with you guys... has completely enriched my life as a gardener."
"The more you come out and the more you get it out of your system, the more you tell your story and let everybody know, it's like this big weight that has been lifted off your shoulders."
"Thank you for speaking about your experience and sharing that with us and all of our viewers."
"It's important that I share the small victories, the big victories, but also the downfalls."
"Thank you for taking the time and feeling comfortable enough to come on and share."
"This is my life, and I love sharing it with you guys."
"We're still sewing projects and quilts, and we don't have everything to show, but we have lots to share."
"I'm really excited; I'll bring you guys along for that."
"I hope to be able to share it with you."
"We're super excited to have these new baby goats on our property and share them with you guys."
"We like to record things and share it with you guys."