
Literary Critique Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The meaning should jump out at the reader, not force them to have to figure it out."
"This novel is all about critiquing Western beauty standards that make Pecola feel ugly and she internalizes that ugliness."
"The whole purpose of the show Game of Thrones... all of George RR Martin's works are anti-war in nature."
"Demon Slayer's author treats demons poorly, with only two on cover volumes."
"It is dark and brutal and it's hard to read but I think it's intentional."
"Dan Brown encourages us to contemplate but really doesn't provide any answers."
"Oscar Wilde is probably the best writer of all time; I'm just gonna say it."
"There’s no major parts of the book left completely neglected."
"Even in their criticisms, they acknowledged the Quran's power."
"Honestly, I was loving the structure, the narrative quality, and the writing so much."
"The original version of Peter Pan from Barrie is still remarkably racist for obvious reasons towards Native Americans."
"Any book that you get 80 percent of it will be banal 20 of it will be genius."
"This chapter was refreshing after the repetitive last chapter."
"Blackbeard's way of living is a bastardization of the concept of freedom that Oda has built the series around."
"We will have a special appreciation for Friederick Nietzsche's 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' we will discuss what he meant by the assertion that God is dead..."
"This writing is so awful and there is no excuse for it."
"Volume 10, in my humble opinion, is the peak of Stone Ocean."
"Solzhenitsyn took an axe to the rotting tree of communism."
"Enemies to lovers brings a different Nuance if Done Right."
"The worst part of the Order of the Phoenix is, well, the Order of the Phoenix."
"If you think anyone else could write this book, then question why."
"Tim Drake is easily one of the best Robins, and by Dick's own admission, the best Robin." - Narrator
"There's a lot of backtracking in this chapter."
"Tropes subverted throughout this entire series."
"Holy Sister for me is the best. It's rare to see a fantasy series where the ending is the best because a lot of fantasy authors flub their endings."
"I just wanted something a little shorter, a little fluffier, a little fun, and so far this is definitely delivering."
"This was obviously a five stars... I'm so happy that this one ended up being a winner... if you hate this book it's probably because you didn't see the value in it."
"Good writers, good people can write bad prose."
"Neil Gaiman at least in this book is just so expert at like creating heart strings you didn't know you have and then absolutely just ripping them to shreds but it's fine."
"He's certainly not a hero. There are no heroes in A Clockwork Orange."
"This is the greatest reunion in fiction I think I'm just gonna put it that way."
"I thought this was gorgeously written, it is all about the black body and imperialism, modern masculinity, and so much more."
"I think this feels like it fully leaned into the fast-paced mystery."
"It's very much how you feel reading many dark fairy tales; there's a gloominess to it that's also kind of whimsical."
"It stopped you being concerned with character."
"I actually really liked this book. I gave it three stars."
"It's really good to have a fresh perspective kind of read it and tell you their thoughts on it."
"It was truly devious by Maureen Johnson. I gave it 5 out of 5 stars."
"Ultimately it doesn’t really change anything in the grand scheme of things if Luffy was the chosen one or not, but for the sake of good writing, I think it makes so much more sense for Luffy to be truly free, even free from destiny itself."
"Again, I didn't hate this book, but it was just a three-star read for me."
"E. Lockhart creates such a tense atmosphere and, like, you know there's a twist coming but I was not prepared for how good the twist was."
"Words are imperfect and all great artists know that great writers push words to breaking points."
"Batman is one of the best characters in the history of fiction is he is so multifaceted he has more than one opposite."
"But yeah this is definitely one I would highly recommend."
"David Foster Wallace was brilliant he was also an abuser."
"It felt very cliche but then it's also the type of thing I would definitely read, like there's a love story, love triangle, she's in Paris, it was okay just not my favorite."
"Lucy Foley specifically wrote a group of unlikable characters and she did that with a purpose."
"Pride and Prejudice rises very superior to any novel we have lately met with."
"This man is very careful to make certain that everything he writes is truthful."
"Chapter Rewritten is doing great in the story Department."
"It is a mathematical certainty that no matter where the book lands it will always be closer to you than the Disney movie adaption was to its plot. Science."
"Every great male author I admire inevitably turns out to be awful to women."
"I think that the writing is very atmospheric and nuanced and honestly I kind of feel like this is the level of nuance that the Handmaid's Tale should have been."
"Contained within his works is a devilish skewering of our common conceptions of love that is, despite it all, worth listening to."
"Is it a perfect collection? No. Is it expert pro level flawless technical poetry? No. But for a first collection it's incredible."
"But at the end of the day, this is a very, it's not short anymore actually, now that I think about it, but it is a much tighter, more focused storyline."
"The most I can say is that there are a couple of moments where the prose slips and it gets really funny."
"Honestly, I think I stand by it. I think it's a five stars, like it just felt right in the moment because I was like it's like a 4.75 but the fact that I kept thinking about it typically to me signals that it's a five-star read."
"Comparing Luke Skywalker to Paul Atreides reveals a stark difference in character development."
"The stories are ever shifting and changing, even if there's something a reader absolutely hates."
"I thought it was a strong first book and definitely entertained me."
"There's no fun in reading the same kind of thing over and over again."
"It will give you an emotional response and that book the crow by james obar remains a singular vision of one creator that hasn't been interfered or watered down by other people. It will make you feel something as all good art does."
"I loved the resolution of this romance, even though the build-up of it was lower on my list."
"I feel like Daphne as a character really represents this anxiety and this feeling of like lack of control in our lives and I just think this was brilliant."
"Mothflight's treatment of her kits doesn't just feel out of character, it feels like it comes out of nowhere."
"Ready Player One is probably a better and a more complete story."
"Think about author intention as well as your subjective response to the author's work."
"This is a real beast of a book, and many consider it to be unadaptable to film, cursed almost."
"Your voice really comes through in the book."
"This book has like the perfect amount of spice in it."
"If you want an example of excellent characterization look no further."
"This is one of the most violent, depraved, and psychotic pieces of fiction ever produced, and it's one of the greatest books ever written."
"Who is able to pull it off? Because it's not a funny book. It is a deeply disturbing piece of art."
"The writing style is very beautiful... it's really strong in how it builds up this world and how it depicts a really vibrant setting."
"Both versions of 'IT' also have a weakness to love."
"Molly Harper is definitely a talented writer, in my opinion. She's creative; conjures good imagery; conveys emotion; and creates likeable, relateable, three-dimensional-feeling characters."
"All those moral lessons that you think are so important for kids to learn that you apparently didn't learn yourself because you can't tell one book from another are still available."
"His downfall came at the hands of four different girls: the love from Lucy Gray, the sculpting from Dr. Gaul, the manipulating from President Coin, and being outplayed by Katniss Everdeen."
"There's no doubt that it's one of History's Greatest works of literary fiction."
"What about Neville? I mean, honestly, I would have rathered Neville than Harry."
"Give me Crabbe, give me literally anything else."
"The film Romeo plus Juliet should instead have been named, minus Romeo minus Juliet."
"I am of the opinion that CS Lewis peaked very heavily at The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe and no subsequent book in the series came close to recapturing its magic."
"One of Shakespeare's better tragedies. I agree."
"I did not hate the book, but I definitely felt like some things fell."
"The first half of this was Flawless amazing stunning."
"This book could have been cooler... It didn't need to be a love story but like again overall I freaking love this book I think it's a masterpiece."
"A discussion of Larson's critically acclaimed book."
"City of Glass is by far, even if you didn't like the first two, it's like, it's worth it to read those for City of Glass because this is a masterpiece."
"I love the way that it played with science fiction ideas. It was kind of like mocking them, but at the same time you could tell he really got it."
"It's one of the best comics by far that I've read in a long time."
"I love Shallan, I know a lot of people have said that they felt like she's gotten more annoying ever since the first book."
"Children of Dune manages to cut through the noise and finds the heart of Dune."
"Good writing, I do like the character development."
"We need to talk about Kevin very, very well written, really fantastic book I highly, highly recommend that one."
"Brave New World is both the better dystopia and the less popular because its regime is highly specific."
"I think that the second half of this book really pulled it back into the realm of Agatha Christie that I had been really enjoying."
"It's when Pierce Brown is allowing himself to be kind of bombastic and over the top is when the series really lands for me."
"It has its flaws. It definitely has its flaws. But what it brings to the table, it brings so well."
"This book is so uneven, but at the same time, I liked so much of it."
"I think it's Agatha Christie at her absolute best."
"This book made more space for character development, and I can dig that."
"It's pretty impressive, J.K. Rowling often times just doesn't dedicate very much time to her endings of her books, and yet I still feel pretty good about them most of the time."
"It is the best one-on-one fight that has been written in the story to this point."
"I have complicated feelings about Colleen Hoover's writing, but I think that I have a lot of respect for her as an author."
"I don't want to talk about mediocre books, I don't want to do that, so I'm going to talk about really, really excellent books that I have read thus far."
"This is by far the most learned and the most demanding lyric poem that Milton writes."
"I'm hoping that these mysteries will actually be stronger."
"I feel like Stephen King might almost be better at writing short stories than full-length novels."
"Part 7 definitely had the best pacing, some of the best minor antagonists, some of the coolest Stands, the best Joe Bro, the best main protagonist, and the best main antagonist."
"I think whatever American publishing needs to do is we get the fourteen best writers and they can go over the manuscript and then they can be the ones to judge whether this is literary or worthy of publication."
"I didn't love the ending, however, I enjoyed the book as a whole."
"I felt bad for these girls. It's like, you guys, you know, you messed up a lot, but you also achieved some things."
"The book is tinged with a little bit of melancholy, and I feel that that also is part of what makes it a perfect read for the start of autumn."
"I think it's really interesting to see how this book already firmly establishes the dominant themes of the entire Earthsea cycle."
"It is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men."
"I have never liked Alice Feeney's work... but this book, Daisy Darker, I ended up loving it, four stars."
"This book is actually good training in writing because he's creating this picture that is interesting, whether it's true or not."
"I felt like it lacked a lot of the things that you love in a heist."
"I wish there had been little clues, breadcrumbs, mystery pieces throughout the entire story."