
Legal Concerns Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"How does it know what my password is? That's crazy; that has to be illegal."
"This is an unbelievable amount of risk to operate in New York City."
"When the TOS is vague then I do have a problem with it because it just leads to a system where it's highly interpretable."
"This is a problem. They've weaponized the justice system and they're going after everybody, and the message is if you oppose us in any way we're going to come after you. I don't like it."
"Academic freedom is a special concern of the First Amendment."
"According to Monroe once the chaos surrounding Diddy subsides Jay-Z might find himself embroiled in a similar legal battle"
"Businesses are calling with their legal questions regarding COVID19."
"Katie Telford thinks it gives us cover in the business community and the legal community and that it would allow the Prime Minister to say we were doing something."
"We're really concerned that a government statement is going to now kind of subvert the ability of a parent to have a shot at kind of making their case."
"I'm troubled by the lack of rule of law in this country."
"People in New York should be worried if we're saying that the Attorney General can now leap and dive into private businesses, private Enterprise."
"I am not a lawyer. I do not even pretend to be one on TV. But I do have questions about the law, about the United States Supreme Court putting us back in the days of abortion being illegal in this country."
"Whether Donald Trump violated the gag order with his threats directed at my co-host, which I think is a clear violation of the gag order."
"Conservatorships are a huge concern not just for celebrities but for everyone."
"It's like, imagine if a store was like, you can't come in here because your legs are broken, you know, we don't want to risk the lawsuit if you fall and get hurt."
"That causes me great concern about the integrity of the court overall."
"I was concerned that a person who was not me was going to be contacted to be a witness in this lawsuit."
"The idea of indicting a former president in the United States is deeply troubling."
"When Rogue prosecutors start indicting the leader of the opposition party, that starts to look a lot like a threat to democracy."
"There is simply no indication that Duggar will ever take the steps necessary to change this pattern of behavior."
"The state's crusade against this Christian school is chilling if they can get away with this there's little to stop them from targeting other Christian schools on a purely ideological basis."
"I have zero concerns about Ashton Kutcher suing me."
"There's a wealth of legal opinion out there outlining the risks posed by IHRA in terms of clamping down on legitimate protected freedom of speech."
"Problematic is an understatement in terms of what it displays in terms of giving some, I don't know, hope or boost to what is and should be illegal activity."
"The more I find out about Bam's case, the more concerned I become."
"There's good cause for a whole bunch of people to be concerned... crimes have been committed."
"I think these platforms have a moral responsibility to filter out content like that... without fearing increased legal liability."
"I completely believe her, and here's why: you can't even get consent from a passed out drunk person."
"This kind of scheme to nullify the constitution of the United States is one that all Americans should fear."
"If immunity is not recognized every future president will be forced to grapple with the prospect of being criminally prosecuted after leaving office."
"Every single word you could throw at it, it should be criminal."
"It's worrying that the United States government is willing to tear up the entire post-war International legal settlement for the sake of Benjamin Netanyahu and Co." - Franchesca Alban
"The end of the rule of law... far more important."
"Anyone could come to Malawi and quickly arrange for an adoption that may have grave consequences on the very children that the law seeks to protect."
"It is depressing, potentially unlawful on an international scale."
"If we lose, then essentially the way I would view that would almost be it's illegal to be a Christian."
"If Assange's publishing of classified information runs afoul of the law, so does the work of just about every single serious press outlet." - Chris Hayes
"Serious concerns that someone in the FBI or DOJ colluded with news organizations."
"Tech monopolies... threaten those First Amendment rights."
"I just can't believe it's stuff they're not doing is Criminal, you know what I'm saying?"
"AI is just eviscerating not only the economic landscape but aspects of our legal rights and remedies."
"I do start to worry though when the statute of limitations gets extended to such a point where evidence starts to disappear."
"I want to move towards clean energy... I don't want to be trapped into... I don't want to get sued by another country."
"Women can change their mind about consent during sex, and Australian clients are just terrified."
"I have doubts about the accusations and the motivation for those accusations."
"The establishment of this board will significantly impact Americans' free speech and rights."
"I'm embarrassed for the voters, I'm embarrassed for Arizona, and I'm ashamed that anybody would file a civil action with these sorts of allegations."
"What type of legal ramifications are there for the companies who benefited more than anybody else during this pandemic?"
"Everyone has sensitive information that is potentially accessible with basically no due process."
"Being prosecuted for memes five years later. That scares the ever living hell out of me."
"Why is it that the state can basically say due to the density of crime you are not afforded due process?"
"Every press freedom group in the West condemns this prosecution."
"This is definitely an additional punishment on top of what they've already been sentenced to."
"I gotta protect my son. She's gone. I gotta protect my son. I can't have him going to prison for the rest of his life for an accident."
"This goes beyond Hunter Biden they've already allowed critical to expire now for Hunter Biden this is obviously a chilling moment."
"This is nothing less than the weaponization of the penal code to stifle dissent."
"Red flag laws make victims, ignore due process, and infringe on the Second Amendment. It's dangerous and irresponsible."
"These are not anything to be taken lightly there are some pretty insane and crazy things that have been alleged against him here."
"Passing speech laws to silence dissent is messed up."
"Do you believe Diddy is a dangerous person? Yes, I do. Why? I mean look at his rap sheet."
"This isn't okay stuff, guys. Britney's family are criminals."
"The confession of Marty bothers me because it doesn't fit."
"All the altcoins are in danger. If this does not go well for Ripple and XRP holders, the whole asset class is in trouble in the United States."
"If this goes on now, we can see former Democrat presidents being indicted by local prosecutors all over the country." - Mark Ruskin
"If this prosecution goes forward and ends in conviction, it will be a very dark day for press freedom in the United States." - Ben Weisner
"Wexner gave Epstein power of attorney, which is very strange and very unusual."
"This baby looks sharp enough to chop through wood and bone alike. So, I paid with cash and headed back home. Was this cookery illegal to carry? Most likely. But I still had no easy access to firearms nor did I know how to fire one."
"The more you find out about the kind of things that go on in this conservatorship, the more it's obvious that it is completely unacceptable."
"We didn't want another Lisa. We didn't want students turning around and suing us, did we?"
"Was she threatened in any way? Yes. Was she threatened physical harm? Yes."
"I think if it's red pill at all, it's because guys don't want to be on the sharp end of a paternity suit."
"It's not just my rights that are at stake, it's the public safety of the Commonwealth."
"It sounds a bit like money laundering to me and to many others in the U.S Congress."
"There's a reason CEOs save this kind of news for scheduled investor calls, they don't want to get investigated for securities fraud."
"I have grave concerns for my clients that a specific group of them were targeted for a very short deadline."
"The toxic waste nuclear sludge chew bars contained elevated levels of lead in them... that's illegal!"
"From a legal perspective, I'm uncomfortable with that precedent."
"Britney did kind of confront some of these conspiracies she posted on her Instagram account and wrote it makes me sick to my stomach that it's even legal for people to make up stories that I almost died."
"I do not want you to proceed. I do not want to be arrested, Miss Claire."
"You can take risks with your patients and not have to feel like you're suddenly going to find yourself in court."
"You shouldn't have to do that as a Creator, right? Like, I shouldn't have to go through... I shouldn't have to even think about, like, 'Yeah, I need a shell Corp for my house just because I want to protect it from DMCA claims or from getting doxed or whatever.'"
"Marriage is still dumb. Smart men don't marry because they don't want the state to decide what happens to their wealth and access to their kids."
"Post office was concerned that the Horizon trial could become an investigation of his role in this and other criminal cases."
"Why be so concerned about arrests its consciousness of accusation."
"If I were anybody who received a subpoena, I would be concerned."
"This court shares the concerns expressed by other federal courts about the misuse of the judicial system to baselessly cast doubt on the electoral process."
"We just want to make videos and not get thrown in jail, please."
"Movements like Me Too and Black Lives Matter may not have been able to catch on if platforms were worried that they could be sued."