
Skill Transfer Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"You guys are great at optimizing... You guys are good at min-maxing. You're going to be good at other stuff in the real world too."
"Anyone who can get out is getting out, and they're taking their skills with them."
"Sasuke taught Boruto basically everything he knew."
"The most important thing that I have experienced in my life in terms of true training that I feel like that I could transport to other people as a suggestion a hundred percent has been the pasta meditations that I've done."
"If you're good at online strategy games like Starcraft, you're gonna be good at poker because poker is a strategy game."
"We were doing something to where I was kind of absorbing Matt's powers."
"The skills that I learned to sell music are the same exact skills I use to sell burgers in terms of promotion and marketing."
"The best techniques are passed on by the survivors." - Gaiden Shinji
"What made you successful as a racketeer is the same thing that's going to make you successful doing this."
"Anything you see me do on my long arm you can do on a domestic machine."
"If you are great in one thing, you could be great in something else."
"When I applied the same skills that CIA had taught me in a corporate context... I had this incredible advantage over all the people around me."
"That's going to translate into your other activities."
"I started playing poker in 2007 when one of my video game buddies said, 'You're so good at this game... you should be playing poker where you can actually make some money.'"
"If you can figure out how to sell $31 million, guarantee you can transition to hot tubs."
"They've been documented to learn these skills through social interaction, observing, and then passing on the newly learned skills to others."
"For people who study physics actually it's very easy for physicists to change to do something else."
"If you can quilt, you can paint. If you can scrapbook, you can paint. If you can fix a car in your garage, you can paint."
"Same work ethic I applied to my craft in football, I put into acting."
"Chances are you got a lot of great experience and you learned a lot of skills that you can end up using in other areas of your life or other professions as well."
"It's not every day that you hear a 75 year old tell you that you're giving good advice, so I will take that to heart."
"Because it's getting what it's on but disgusting transfer that skill to nails and you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"If you practice the skill of asking the right questions enough, it can actually bleed into real life too."
"Once you know Linux, you can easily pivot over to Mac OS or vice versa."
"Look at these skills that made you a successful sniper. If you take those same skills and apply those over to any job, over to your family, over to your own home, over to your community, you know, these are all applicable skills."
"The skills required in a sustained study in the arts teaches students how to transfer those skills into academic arenas as well."
"Once you've learned the tool for one type of map a lot of that carries over for the other types of maps."
"Taking your own bike to the track is a great way to really learn the ins and outs of your machines, and then carrying that back with you to take those new-found skills to the street."
"Many of the skills transfer to other types of bags."
"We want to make it as easy as possible to transfer these skills that they learn while practicing onto the job."
"It's amazing how three cushion helps with one pocket when it comes to banking a ball."
"Once you have that confidence, then it carries over the skills into other points of their life."
"Leatherworking is so versatile and so cool, and the skills transfer."
"When you work strongly on one area, it can convert to the rest."
"You can always find this business analysis experience in whatever you've done before."
"The techniques that you use with traditional really kind of go over to the digital side."
"The works of art that we're looking at, those skills transfer directly over to what they're doing."
"I realized that all my newspaper writing skills and all my journalism skills were somewhat weirdly applicable to video editing."
"Learning a second language is kind of like, if you understand the principles and how one language works, your skills should be fairly transferable."
"It's pretty great that you can work on new tricks over there and then just transfer it to the mountain."
"I was able to transfer the skills I learned working with electric vehicles into where I'm working now at a robotics startup."
"The skills you learn here will transfer to many modern tools like Unity."
"That's what you really want to see, I love it when they switch over their skills like that."
"It spreads to every single part of your game."
"All the concepts that apply to getting good at football, basketball, even tennis, you could bring back. They're going to apply as a concept maybe not specifically but as a concept you can apply to jiu-jitsu."
"All these skills are cross-transferable, and this is the wonderful thing about car body repair."
"My Jiu Jitsu helped me with wrestling, so that's how it kind of got me further."
"All of these skills are transferable."
"We want you to learn once and use twice."
"In 2022, JavaScript is one of the best languages you can learn because it can be transferred to other disciplines or specializations should you ever wish to try."
"Skill is not easily transferred even to very similar domains."
"If you can fly a quad, you can fly a plane; if you can fly a plane, you can fly a helicopter."
"When you've got a skill, it's transferable. You can go anywhere in the world, and you've got that skill."
"And my hope is that what you learn here in this tutorial you can take on with you to knit other sweaters."
"When you practice this, you gain a lot of other skills too that help in other areas."
"Once you learn to use one tool, you can take those skills and just apply them to any other tool out there."
"Honestly, what surprised me most were my abilities and how my balancing from doing circus acrobatics and trapeze really transferred over to skateboarding."
"I think the athleticism translates from the NBA to the NFL."
"I learned how to do all this stuff in R and then a lot of the data manipulation tasks just carried over to Python."
"If you can ride a motorcycle, you could drive a car."
"Every single drill that you should do, whether it's a warm-up driller or whether it's a full speed route running drill, should be able to translate to a live game setting."
"Once you get a design like this down, you can transfer all that skill into other bags and it just keeps getting easier and easier."
"I can apply the skills that I have to something else."
"He took his expertise and made it my expertise without me even knowing that I could."