
Profit Making Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"The key with investing is you should make money on the buy, not necessarily the sell."
"The people that can manage their emotions can make the most money in the stock market."
"The profits could be significant. So maybe you have a T-shirt... However, you profit $10 because you sell it for... whatever you want that profit margin to be."
"You can make money in the forex markets when the market goes up or even when the market goes down."
"Oh my gosh, we just flipped it, hundred thousand dollar profit over double what we paid for the last one."
"What is better than making a thousand dollars or two thousand dollars in a day from the items that you have created?"
"We cashed in, we made big profit, bronze pack method has always proven to make good profit."
"Saving with Honey feels like buying a ton of turnips in Animal Crossing at 80 bells per and then selling them at five times that for a profit."
"The cryptocurrency market ends up suffering because you're so busy trying to make a very quick profit not understanding that the U.S dollar is collapsing right in front of your face."
"We're just here to print money and then run away into the bushes giggling."
"Tesla was able to eke out a 16 million dollar profit."
"Building a brand gives you a platform to launch your product and make money."
"Flipping in my mind is quick. It's the act of buying and selling things for the exact margin that you expect."
"Real estate, you can make money out of thin air. It's legit. You can actually make money out of thin air."
"We managed to do 10 of them directly, we bought them for 260k each and sold them for 480, nearly doubling our money just like that."
"I've found a way to make money: I'm selling bananas for a $1 profit, perfectly balanced!"
"I can make a deal with you, you, you, and make a percentage of something."
"Bossing with melee can earn you a ton of money."
"We're both diamond hands. It's putting profits."
"I think you can want to do good in the world and spark social change and also make money at the same time."
"Stick around when the market is calm, that's when you make the most money."
"That car was the very genesis of it because I bought and sold it for a profit."
"You are simply connecting people with products that they want to spend money on anyways and you get a profit for it."
"Slime minions with corrupt soil make so much freaking money."
"Convert gemstones into pristines and sell them for profit, but watch your margins."
"He's famous the producers are making money off of this guy okay the network is making money off this guy."
"It's not about how much you can sell it for, it's about making your money on the buying side."
"You can actually make some money off of finding the things."
"Money's made on the delta between price and value."
"Damn, let me scan this up right now, bro. That's not a bad idea, bro. It's not a bad... if you got a percentage of the sale. It's like, 'Damn, let me scan two of those off of my boy, and then he makes a little bit of bread, yeah?'"
"It's never been easier to get started in 2024 and make $10,000 a month in profit. It's genuinely that simple."
"As long as you're on the right side of it and you know when to sell, you can end up making money."
"Fortunes are made by buying low and selling too soon."
"You're making off of putting a hundred and seventy dollars."
"The easiest way to make a million dollars is buy something that's $10 million, buy it for eight and you sell to somebody else for ten."
"My original profit is made when you're buying, not when you sell."
"From one penny to $300, let's keep flipping and wheeling and dealing."
"There's no free lunch, but you can totally make a ton of money in crypto."
"Capturing breakouts that lead to large candles making big moves and equaling massive profits."
"That was an insane sale, we just made $500 off of other people's cameras."
"PlayStation announced last year that they are making a profit already on the PS5."
"Wall Street hedge funds made billions betting that big disasters caused by climate change wouldn't happen."
"If you really want to make something of this if you want to make profits and learn how to trade and make money every single day at the same time don't miss out."
"Drop and there it is, that's how we make our money."
"Turning thirty-nine dollars into sixty-one dollars is going to be greater than a fifty percent return or right around that fifty percent return mark in a single week."
"Rules can be bent... rules can be broken... rules can be explored... we can still make money."
"They can make a shitload of money off the movies."
"As long as you maybe shipping the product, you can solve for $20 and you're going to make a $10 profit."
"You know, I'm saying shave off, give me like point one percent of it, and let me make that flip and I guarantee we'll make such a positive happen."
"Investing your money and making profits consistently year-over-year is not normal."
"Money is made when you sell, not when you buy."
"Stocking up on reagents like life root and fire oils could yield a big gold flip."
"Typically it's that, you know, five ten twenty percent of your trades is where you're making eighty percent of your money."
"I am printing money off these Japanese Remix Bout Pokemon cards, man."
"It's always about making money and helping you make money."
"Profit's profit and we'll put it in our pocket and at the end of the day you're just you know whether or not you're catching nickels dimes or dollars at least you're catching something."
"You're allowed to be capitalist, you're allowed to make money."
"I'll be able to turn this $1260 investment into a profit of $3000 to $4000."
"It's about support and resistance, it's about price having to move up and down for short-term traders to make huge amounts of money."
"How can you take this money and use it to make some more money? That's what it is."
"When you're starting an online business, you need to make sure that you understand enough of that business to start turning a profit."
"So I say start out small go for accessories go for things that are cheaper maybe t-shirts be quick with it and you can flip it and make you know 50 hundred dollars"
"Money battle while collecting your profits. Oh, fuck yeah, I like the sound of that."
"It's not about making yourself a millionaire off one pair. It's like making that little bit on every pair but then do it volume like this."
"It's pretty awesome... we're making money by doing this."
"Buy, flip, repeat. Find something you can purchase at one price, then sell it for more to someone willing to pay a premium for it."
"There's the potential here to make so much money."
"You could sell all that. Drop ship it, make a bunch of money that way."
"Running this you should probably expect closer to 60k or subs profit per mount."
"You have to beat that in order to actually make a profit."
"As a smart money, you want to sell it to other people and make money while the stock is going up."
"Their strategy is to have the whole crew running both saws around the clock and to get enough Jade out to make a profit before the snow flies."
"We're going to deposit USDC, then we're going to buy some DAI token, deposit that into the DAI holdings area, and then sell the DAI token for a profit."
"I need to be happy with the profits I've made because it was money I didn't have before that day actually started."
"Investors make money in the market by finding the consensus view that you believe is wrong and betting against it."
"We're not here to be right, we're here to make money."
"If I could buy this cup for five cents and sell it to you for seven cents, that's my passion."
"There's money in a van round; back in the 80s, where this story begins, a good round could net you 200 pounds clear profit a week."
"If you figure out the comps are coming at 2.5 million and you offer them 2.4 million, and you sell it for 2.5, you make a 100,000 profit like that."
"I am a proponent of pricing your items on Etsy enough so that you are making a profit."
"If I on average can make $100 per box, that's 10 grand just like that."
"Profits is profits, like I always say."
"You can never lose by making money."