
Societal Systems Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Capitalism is the best system that we've got."
"It is just the realities of human nature within any system that we create."
"We want all Americans, all people, to be more willing to explore alternatives to the systems they live in."
"Unequal outcomes are inevitable; in fact, they are the inevitable consequence of a fair system."
"Those systems have provided more health, more prosperity, more freedom than any systems in the history of man."
"As long as you create a system that punishes people who are doing the right thing and glorifies people who do the wrong thing, you will get more people who do the wrong thing."
"All that is required for evil to Triumph is that good men do nothing. Amen. Correct. Good persons do not understand good people can do bad things if they're in bad systems."
"Philosophers have always been the small voices calling large and Powerful systems into question."
"We need to understand money as a social technology."
"Our system was created by human beings for the benefit of human beings. We do not exist to serve markets, just the opposite."
"It's all about material conditions, okay? It's all about material conditions, the forces that he galvanizes people over, the systems that he antagonizes people over."
"Human civilization is an interminable fight... to better refine the systems by which we make our lives better."
"We must improve existing systems and explore new ones."
"What we need to do is to strengthen private mechanisms and use those instead of the compulsory mechanisms of the state."
"We've got drastically reduced reliance on the food grid, the education grid, the medical grid, and the water grid."
"You're going against the system... there's only a few souls out here that are brave enough to go against an entire system."
"When you have a society where there are very high levels of social cohesion virtually any system will work well for a time, but only for a time."
"Ultimately, I respect a system of pluralism that lets these questions move from a zero-sum game of total control to a decentralized system of decision-making."
"Those systems don't matter if the men or women don't respect the institutions."
"He depicted Democratic societies as open self-correcting systems."
"There must be something particularly resilient about such a system and I would argue that this is a system whose virtues we need to rediscover and affirm."
"There is no more middle ground. You either play the game and game the system or you let it control you."
"Nobody is here to question your heart. I'm here to question how systems and institutions work."
"I think the judeo-christian tradition is what has given rise to this unique system that we have."
"We really are seeing a breakdown of a lot of the infrastructure and the systems that have worked for us for the last decades."
"There are a lot of things that work best if you have functioning public institutions."
"What are the systems that encourage the best parts of ourselves... as opposed to light up the most individualistic parts of ourselves?"
"Until we confront the mythology of America, any system that we set up will be tainted by lies."
"Christian men have built worldly systems that turn sinful humans to good ends."
"There is no human system that's been devised at this point that gets around the need for human participation in it."
"Why should we keep on doubling down on this idiotic system that isn't even very old?"
"The way most people set their lives up, the way business and life is set up, I think we don't maybe compute enough who gets screwed the most in that system. The people who get the short end of that stick are children."
"There is a reason why a lot of autistic people struggle with a lot of health issues... because we are taught to operate in a system that is not meant for us."
"I felt compelled to begin wrestling with deeper questions about the nature of our social, political, and economic systems, questions that didn't feel welcome in most legal and policy spaces."
"David Simon's show is a cynical critique of such systems these systems which crush the individual punish agents of change and reduce the most promising of characters to pitiful end."
"That is why Scandinavia is a better place to fulfill the American dream than America itself."
"As a result, something so fundamentally human in creation and expression has now become inaccessible to the vast majority of people and that is not a bug, that is a feature of the system."
"Some of the Nordic countries have got some country one country where this works across the board."
"Until we come out of the interest-based system, we will continually fall into traps."
"It's not a conspiracy theory, it's just capitalism."
"Societies are complex systems with many interacting parts."
"We need economic systems, educational systems, and we need opportunity more than anything."
"It makes me appreciate our system here."
"In Islam, we have a social system, an economic system, a political system."
"Rights are pretty much given by governments, protected and enforced by governments which is a system or whatever society that you're living in."
"Each Leaver people has a system that works well for them because it evolved among them."
"...to challenge consensus narratives and to learn how to think critically about the systems of power shaping our world."
"Logic alone would dictate that the entire country cannot be this clean."
"You are all liberating yourselves from The Matrix, you may still be here living inside The Matrix, but you see beyond it."
"The issue is morality, not economics, not history; this means that the two systems will be defended on the grounds of fundamental moral principles, not on the grounds of economic or historical statistics."
"A single person can control the masses if he learns to use to his own advantage the systems under which they were raised."
"We build political, social, and legal systems that are designed to try to encourage extra cooperation."