
Unseen Forces Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"The forces that really make the world tick are actually invisible to our eyes and to our senses."
"The photograph invites us to contemplate the possibility of unseen forces at play in our everyday lives."
"There's a lot in the ether you don't know about; it's working behind the scenes."
"Be careful when we're entertaining strangers because we might be entertaining angels unaware."
"For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in the dark world, and against evil spirits in heavenly places."
"God is gonna fight what you can see by sending what you can't see."
"Acceptance...accept it because there's something else going on that you can't see."
"This life we live, whether you want to accept it or not, is affected by the spiritual realm you can't see."
"The most powerful forces are unseen, but you can feel it, you can test it, and you can develop your sensitivity."
"Parallel to you is an invisible realm that is feeding your realm."
"Miracles prove that things were working behind the scenes for you."
"The universe knows things that you don't know, sees things that you don't see, heard conversations that you didn't hear."
"Trust what you cannot yet see with your eyes."
"Self-confidence is loyalty to the unseen reality."
"Trust your intuition because hidden forces are at play."
"Jesus is watching out for you, even if you can't see it."
"Just because you can't see something doesn't mean that there's not something happening beyond what you can observe."
"Things behind the scenes are getting brought up to the surface."
"Miracles are happening behind the scenes; have faith in the universe's plan for you."
"Realize that there's more at play than you can see and just trust in your hard work."
"Sometimes the scariest paranormal entities are those that can't be seen at all."
"The cosmic battle most of us are unaware is going on around us."
"Everything you see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see."
"Keep on manifesting, know that just because you can't see it doesn't mean that it's not happening."
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for and it's the evidence or proof of things not seen. Only God can come up with something like that."
"Legitimacy is like the dark matter of the universe, directing our lives."
"There's much more there than we commonly spot that says not only is there life but there are authorities and powers that we're bumping up against in our experience of life on Earth."
"The strongest pieces are those not on the board."
"I can't help but shake the feeling that something greater or worse is at work here."
"You have powerful allies on the other side, mighty forces are really helping you right now."
"I felt like I were in the presence of residents I hadn't had the chance to meet."
"The invisible things... reflect themselves in the physical realm."
"Resting in God is an Act of Faith, believing He is at work even when unseen."
"The renewed mind brokers the unseen realities of God into this world."
"Stand firm because you have an enemy. An enemy that wants you to think that just because he is invisible, he is also fictional."
"Fear and faith ask the same of you: to believe in something unseen."
"Air is there to remind us that there's so much more to this existence than we can see."
"You break the ground with a belief, sometimes you don't see things but you believe in them."
"Ultimately, I believe there is some kind of force or entity controlling the timelines."
"We believe in what we cannot see, in what we don't understand."
"Sometimes we just have to have faith that there's more than what we see."
"There is more going on in the realm of the spirit than you think."
"Energy can't be seen with the naked eye, but it's real. Energy is all around us."
"Trust in life, trust in the unseen, even when things haven't manifested yet, know that blessings are on their way."
"This is exactly why you're being asked to have faith in the unseen... the lesson right now: unwavering faith."
"Success in life hinges upon being able to apprehend the invisible and spiritual."
"The impact of this invisible crater cannot be overstated."
"It's like moving us around but we can't see it."
"Sometimes, what we could perceive as something... is a spiritual attack."
"We need to be animated by things that we can't see in the here and now in order to strive towards something better."
"You better hope they hell you're right because if you're wrong and you made a miscalculation and this world is inhabited by powers that are unseen you better find out if that's true."
"The incessant attacks have to do with an unseen energy."
"There's something out there that is pulling the strings."
"Remember, you don't have to be able to see something in order for it to exist or for it to affect you."
"You have to make sure that you have faith even in what you can't see."
"You need to trust the unseen and trust your intuition."
"I look at this COVID like faith, something unseen."
"Trust in the unseen forces that are at work, the magic that is going on behind the scenes."
"Always know that things are working out behind the scenes for a reason."
"Sometimes God is actually working behind the scenes."
"The magic is unseen and it is coming towards you."
"There's an invisible world just as real as the visible world. Bacteria, viruses, electricity—things we can't see, yet they profoundly affect us."
"There is more to life than the physical things we see. There are powers in the spirit realm that want to be a part of our lives."
"The spiritual world is the blueprint to our natural world. So everything that transpires takes place here physically as it relates to our five senses. Then the conception or initiation of that began in a world that we cannot see, right?"
"A great hand reaches out from the unseen and regulates the affairs of man."
"Reflect on how you've been helped by unseen forces in your life."
"True power exists not in physical might, but in the Unseen."
"I have a scar because I was chased out of an abandoned hotel by something I couldn't see."
"Trust that more is happening than what you can see."
"If you really take time to analyze in your needle chart where is early degrees of Scorpio and are there any planets either conjuncting or aspecting that particular point you will realize that there is a lot of unseen force that is pulling on many aspects of your life."
"Unseen influences creating some very tangible outcomes."
"Divinely supported connection. Even if you can't quite see it."
"The invisible world... unseen forces have a direct relationship to outer events."
"He was a vehicle for various unseen forces that really changed the course of human history."
"You believe in things you can't see, like gravity."
"Change is happening even though we don't see it, it's really there."
"Even when I can't believe it, even when I can't see it, even when I can't feel it, things are always working out for me."
"Frequency is a wave of energy we cannot see."
"When we talk about Buddhist cosmology, it's going beyond that, going to this much deeper fundamental level that we can't always see."
"It is not us humans who can heal, it is not us humans who can cleanse; it's us humans who can serve as a conduit to whoever has that capacity that we can't see but sometimes we feel, we can hear, but sometimes we sense."
"Just on the other side of our apportioned field of vision of what we're allowed to see, there's this infrastructure."
"This is a power of the Unseen World."
"Everything in life, seen and unseen, visible as well as invisible, is governed by laws, it's governed by principles."
"The natural world is here, but there is an unseen aspect to it which is often referred to as a helping spirit."
"We are not fighting against human beings; we're fighting against spiritual forces and powers of darkness in the unseen spiritual world."
"It's like gravity, like you don't see it, but you know it's there."
"Little did you know that you were being set up; something behind the scenes was working in your favor."
"The sucker of optimism comes from faith and faith in that which cannot be seen."
"God says I have power that this world knows nothing of."
"Ceremony is a way to connect with that unseen energy that is a part of the energetic experience as it starts to move and shape."
"Call me superstitious, but I've always believed in something out there in the vastness of the world, unseen forces if you will."
"Through it all, his skeletons continue to march, unspoken, unflagging."
"I've always been super fascinated with the spiritual realm of just like, there's things that we don't see."
"This often yields an alarming glimpse of the unseen forces that battle to change the destiny of the human race."
"The universe is already working behind the scenes."
"Trust the plan, trust what they can't see."
"There's something working behind the scenes all the time, a higher knowledge."
"I was pushed into my closet and dragged to the back by someone or something I could not see."
"I have faith in the unseen; everything in the unseen is working out in my favor."
"I feel like the Sasquatch have had my back, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time."
"True spirituality is tracking the spiritual realm that is unseen and manipulating the forces to bring about results in the physical."
"Something magical is happening below the surface or behind the scenes that you may not be fully aware of."
"A spiritual covenant is more binding than the physical one because there are other entities involved that you cannot see."
"There's been Divine orchestrations happening that you didn't know what's going on."
"The spiritual fact is pulling the strings from the unseen world."
"That's the fascinating part of sociology and that's where we start today's class because that's the stuff that we don't see and we don't comprehend."
"Trust that more is happening than what you can see; many forces are at work in your favor, allow them to help you."
"Something somewhere is happening on your behalf."
"There is a wonderful orchestra, a system that is taking place behind the scenes that we are scarcely aware of."
"There's hidden magic that you can't really hear."
"There's a lot going on behind the scenes that the universe is doing."
"Everything we see came out of things we can't see."
"These people in Salem believe that witches exist, that the unnatural -- how do you say in English -- exist, that there are things that we cannot see but that we feel."
"Whoever is protecting you, there's a very big force behind you protecting you."
"You've never seen gravity... we're seeing its effects just like we don't see God directly; we're seeing the effects."
"He's hidden but his power is still emitted, his aura is still there."
"Politics and history are happening in ways that we can't see."
"Your ancestors have been working behind the scenes."
"You're being guided by unseen forces. Have faith, all is well."
"God's working; you can't see it, but God's working."
"You've never seen love. You've never seen gravity. But we can see its effects, right?"
"The tricky part is that reciting the vow no matter how casually activates the Eternal and unseen forces of the world."
"There's more to this existence than we can see with our naked eye. There's a power that we can't begin to understand."
"The most important part of the magnet is the part that no one sees, the part that no one realizes, the part that no one talks about."
"Gravity is a force we haven't seen, we observe the effect of the force."
"You are being rewarded at this time, there are things going in your favor behind the scenes."
"That experience taught me the importance of respecting the forces that we cannot see or comprehend."
"Things are working out in your favor, whether you see it or not."
"He is working behind the scenes in ways that you cannot see or understand."
"There is a presence beyond our senses that is definitely interacting and helping us, guiding us in our lives."
"Trust your intuition, there are hidden forces at work here."
"The universe works behind the scenes like a movie producer."
"What is happening beneath the surface is so much more powerful than whatever your physical relationship looks like."
"You are being guided by unseen forces, have faith, all is well."
"You may feel like you're the only one standing there, showing up, but you have this whole invisible team behind you helping you out."
"There's Justice happening here, even when you don't see it."
"Everything in the background is working in your favor."
"We believe in wind even though we can't see it."
"You are about to see some supernatural happenings for you because of what's going on behind the scenes."
"The invisible world is the most important world, the one that we cannot see."
"The universe is moving behind the scenes to show us new possibilities."
"Don't rush. There is something behind the scene that you're not aware of."
"Charge forward confidently, the situations seen or unseen are in your favor."
"Divine timing is at play, meaning that things are happening behind the scenes you might not see."
"Your life is about to have an upgrade; there are things going on behind the scenes, things are happening that you cannot see."
"Things are working out in the background for you."
"This person, whether they realize it or not, has a team of helpers around them that are helping guide them."
"There's something you may not see physically, but there's a specific plan for your life."
"Trust in the unknown and the unseen."
"Don't give up, persevere my friend, hidden forces are at work here."
"Everything is at work for you right now in this moment, even if you don't feel it, hear it, or see it."
"Even when it feels like there's nothing really happening, you're always being watched over."
"Trust that even if you can't see it, you're actually bringing it into fruition, into creation."
"Have faith, miracles are working behind the scenes."
"Everything is working out in your favor, it may not feel like that right now, but behind the scenes, things are working in your favor."
"Trust, have faith in the unseen right now."