
Investment Philosophy Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"I think it's more important to have just sound investment philosophy from the very beginning than try to do the most profitable things at all times."
"Investing is not about getting rich quick. We're talking about a decade of growth and patience."
"If you don't believe in the American economy, then you shouldn't be buying stocks."
"Having a percentage of something is better than having a hundred percent of nothing."
"I am a very long-term investor, which, in my opinion, is the actual only kind of investor. Everything else is gambling."
"Not everybody is built to invest based on value. You've got to pick an investment philosophy that best fits you."
"Believe in what you're investing in, and that is the way to win at the game of crypto."
"Gold is money. Stocks are something else. Gold is a store of value. It's the ultimate form of money."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Consistent investing pays off."
"Diversification preserves wealth, but concentration builds wealth."
"Treat stocks as what they really are: little ownership pieces of a business."
"When you feel pain is when you should be investing."
"Gold and silver are protecting, not necessarily speculating."
"Gold and silver are protecting, they're not necessarily speculating."
"Diversification preserves wealth, concentration grows it."
"Hiding under a rock and never investing has never resulted in financial success."
"I would create a 1/16 scale horse so that all of my action figures could ride."
"You gotta lose money to win money, so they say."
"You shouldn't fear a crash instead embrace it."
"When you truly empower somebody to become a partner as opposed to someone that you must sponsor, a partner is someone where you're not giving charity anymore, you're making an investment."
"The difference between Bitcoin and magic and I think art is a really great example."
"The perfect example of this, of a long term investor, is actually Warren Buffett."
"If you wouldn't hold something for 10 years you probably shouldn't hold it for 10 minutes."
"Wood keeps investing based on her mantra of disruptive innovation that creates new economies or changes old ones."
"We never do investing for the short term. That's not investing, that's speculating."
"You always want the lion's share of your wealth in an undervalued asset."
"Invest because I believe that money will work harder than I ever will."
"I love gold, silver, and crypto because we have an enemy in common: the Federal Reserve." - Robert Kiyosaki
"Our job... is to try to buy companies that will literally never want to sell."
"It's not about investments, it's about access."
"You have to spend money to make money. You have to invest in yourself, right? When you invest in college you don't make that bread back right away."
"The stock market is there not to instruct me, it's there to serve me."
"Patience is key, it is the most important trait, nothing else comes even close."
"Investing is not about making money, it's about not losing it."
"When it comes to collecting or investing, especially in this arena, buy what you love. It won't matter what happens next."
"Markets are a vehicle by which the impatient give their money to the patient."
"Wealthy people earn money to invest it, not to spend it."
"Don't play with money that you might need in the next five years."
"Our strategy is acquire and hold bitcoin, it's just that simple."
"The only way to create real wealth is to invest, is not to work hard." - Grant Cardone
"Buy and Hold really works better than messing around with it."
"When you invest your money, you're using your money to be a producer, not just a consumer."
"Long-term investors get separated from people who think they're long-term investors."
"If you aren't willing to own a stock for 10 years, don't even think about owning it for 10 minutes."
"When you invest in something, you're not buying a number that's going up to another number, you're investing in a company."
"It's worth more as a seed than it is for us as a sale because it's worth a hundred times when you sow it."
"Time in the market is more valuable than timing the market. Invest in experiences and relationships that blossom over time."
"Remember, you're in the space to invest, not to speculate."
"I am far more interested in the long-term weighing machine of the stock market than the short-term noise that everyone plays up and down."
"Bitcoin forces you to think through so many different possibilities. Bitcoin is unique in that it changes your life in many different ways."
"Remember, it's not so much about short-term price highs or lows. If you believe in something, invest in it long-term." - Lex Friedman
"Life-changing amounts of money are built on long-lasting systems."
"Never ever ever buy into resistance. That's the worst way to ever approach the markets."
"You're not buying a stock, you're buying a business."
"A big part of my own portfolio is just made up of those forever stocks that I'll hold until the day I die."
"If your whole view is to buy something immediately make money on it don't listen to me because I'm a long-term investor I'm not day trading."
"The great thing about value investing is it helps you sleep better at night."
"We aren't speculators in the price movement of shares... we own businesses."
"Day-to-day events should not dictate your long-term investing strategy." - Warren Buffett
"Go with what you know, oh man, straight up. That's Warren Buffet's philosophy. Cheers, you know what, Warren Buffet, third richest man in the world, second top ten. He made all his money from stocks and investing."
"I always invest in humans, that's far better than any other thing out there."
"If you're not prepared to own a stock for at least 10 years then you shouldn't think about owning it for even 10 minutes."
"Buying shares is a wonderful thing... don't necessarily care to own."
"If a business is on discount, I should want to own more of it."
"The smartest investors invest in things that are going to change the world and then hold those tokens."
"Invest in that's going to change the world and then just give it enough time to actually do its thing that's exactly our investment philosophy here."
"That's the way that investing has worked throughout all of history. That's the way that it's always been."
"Everyone has a long-term perspective until they have short-term losses."
"I'm all about zero attachment, so I'm not attached to this or attached to that. I just love cryptocurrency."
"For me, long-term investing is absolutely vital."
"Diversification may preserve wealth, but concentration builds wealth." - Warren Buffett
"The bigger the base, the higher into space." - William Noble
"As an investor you do not have to invest in the sexiest stock always."
"Every investment you make buys back some of your time."
"In the long term, I just hold and see. Permanently positive, permanently realistic."
"Time in the market beats money in the market."
"You will not find any major wealthy investor that is living their whole life thinking a crash is coming because you won't make any money that way."
"I like investing in things that support where I want our future to go."
"It's a philosophy that in the long run wins in the numbers big time."
"Investing is not about gambling which is what short-term Traders and Penny Stock Chasers do no investing is about owning quality businesses for the rest of your life acquiring them ideally when they're on sale."
"Every trade is either good or bad, regardless of whether it worked or not."
"Buying and holding onto companies that you believe in wins out every time."
"Let the coin breathe, let the coin fulfill its potential and be like Bitcoin."
"We buy tokens that we think are going to change the world and hold them forever."
"We try very hard to be investors in the value of businesses, as opposed to speculators in the price of shares."
"My intention is always to buy and hold something forever."
"Our investment philosophy really starts with the founder and when we look at Founders we judge them on the magnitude of their strengths not the lack of their weaknesses."
"Michael Lee Chin's investment philosophy is based on finding undervalued companies with strong fundamentals and long-term growth potential."
"...the answer is not three years five year ten years the answer is really forever you should never be selling your securities because over time they're going to always appreciate in normal Economic Times."
"I feel like the Bankless listener is now an all-weather investor."
"I'm not a big proponent of cutting the flowers and watering the weeds."
"If you're a buy and hold investor, you don't care [about market volatility]."
"Great investing is a marathon, not a sprint."
"He's been recognised by the economist group for demonstrating how to change the way we invest as individuals, institutions and societies."
"Value investors judge an investment based on the fundamental and intrinsic value improvements or declines, not the market trading."
"At SV Angel, we invest in the people first."
"Real investors think in decades, not quarters."
"You've got to consider investing as a risk management process."
"Warren Buffett does not invest this way... He buys already profitable companies, companies with a lot of discipline with good cost structure."
"Cycles have to happen and people have to get to where they are now where they say value investing is dead."
"My philosophy about investing is hope for the best but prepare for the worst."
"Investing is not for me at least only about the numbers."
"The power of being the market rather than beating the market."
"I'm a fundamentalist at heart; I don't care about what the market does in the short term."
"You get paid for your opportunity, you do not get paid in the market for your time."
"Buy something and hold it forever."
"This is the magic of dividend growth investing; this is not feast or famine, this is not boom or bust, this is dividend growth investing."
"The right philosophy for you as an investor is the one that best fits you."
"Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas."
"It's not his natural inclination to sell a stock, and he does think that the best investment is one that you can hold on to forever."
"The core and satellite is a common sense investment approach."
"You have to think differently to do well in investing."
"Being a passive investor means that you're accepting whatever return the market ultimately delivers."
"That to me is the absolute key difference between gambling and investing."
"The essence of investing is you believe that there's a better way, a better way of doing these things, and eventually the price will reflect the value."
"My mentality with buying this boat has been that it's like purchasing an education."
"I've never understood that and you know there's a lot of real estate people that disagree with that but an investment to me is something that pays you residual or passive income coming in."