
Complications Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"You need to play an opening where exchanges will not happen, and there is a lot of imbalance and a lot of complications."
"Healthier people generally have fewer serious complications with COVID-19."
"Sometimes when you try to solve problems the wrong way, you actually create even more issues than you sought to fix."
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
"Having friends of the opposite sex in a relationship can be complicated."
"But what you've decided to do above and beyond defying Supreme Court precedents has just created a big ugly mess."
"It's masked convenience; it seems more convenient, but it's just adding more problems, more things that can go wrong."
"Falling in love didn't solve everything, got harder, everything got more complicated."
"Lies just build upon other lies and then it becomes so many lies." - Narrator
"Removing celibacy will not solve the problem, it will simply add more problems to the mix."
"Men love complicating their life and then justifying why they do it."
"Untreated hypothyroidism increases the risk of serious complications like heart attacks."
"The tangled webs we weave when we seek to deceive."
"If you're in a relationship and you're trying to conceal something, then I think that's when it gets dangerous and messy."
"Success was great, and then things kind of got a little fishy."
"It's legally and relationally very difficult to financially play house when you're not married because you get into this argument over the mustard."
"North Korea... will only add to what Russia, China, and Iran have."
"It seems to be that every single possible way they could do something, there's some kind of weird issue taking place."
"It's the little stuff that's going to really mess you up."
"Neutrality, screwing things up, and letting affairs of the heart win."
"The obstacle could be that there's another person involved."
"With all the troubles that it can bring, with all the different ways that one can have feelings towards the other, is it worth it? The end answer for me at least is no."
"It's like trying to ask permission from mom and dad when they're going through a divorce."
"When you introduce a large amount of money and a business partnership into a friendship, small things tend to blow up."
"The tapping of pipelines, stealing of oil, and the emissions from the refining process have added another complication to the region's environmental crisis."
"If the technology isn't a big enough problem, this all is."
"Past medical history is extremely important; sometimes the problem now can be a complication of an existing condition."
"Love finds a way, but it does seem to mess up Theo."
"We all just need to move on but people are not moving on, they're making it even more complicated."
"When something goes wrong, sort of everything goes wrong."
"The best conceivable plans always have something going wrong."
"But there's some added complications this year because Madagascar is shut and has been firmly shut since the very start of COVID."
"Life is easy, we're the ones that complicate issues."
"In relationships, it can get very messy if you allow social media to be involved."
"If kill streaks are on in a large format game mode and lots more people are getting them it could get really bad..."
"People associating sex with love has definitely made things more complicated for me and for a lot of other people."
"Whenever you have a patient with pneumonia, what are some of the features, the complications?"
"Pancreatic pseudocysts can become infected due to hypovolemia, leading to systemic features like increased white blood cell count and fever."
"RA patients with high disease activity have higher rates of hospitalization, emergency room visits, and mortality."
"If your plans involve too many secrets, you might end up in a tangle messier than a plate of spaghetti."
"Infections are very common, unfortunately, in these patients with diabetes."
"Tragically, all was not well in the birthing chamber."
"You're opening up a can of worms."
"Nobody needs more issues than we already have."
"Here are four times simple arrests turn into a complete mess."
"Don't entertain the best friend, it will only make things messier."
"You're leaving me with so many other problems to start with."
"Not everybody needs 400 horsepower, 500 horsepower, 1,000 horsepower. Those levels come with different problems, complications, and may very well make you hate the fact that you did it."
"...the dreaded issues with progression to scar tissue so-called strictures which can happen after surgery and three or four percent of men is rare with the type of radiation that we're recommending with seed implant radiation."
"We're seeing thousands and thousands of these little clots in individuals who've developed long COVID."
"It's really important that we do understand this. It's causing endothelial damage."
"There's a significant risk of cardiovascular and neurovascular disease after COVID infection."
"Heart disease is the most common complication, stroke, kidney disease, eye complications, diabetic neuropathy, and nerve damage."
"I believe a relationship is complicated enough on its own and throwing a big social media presence in on top of that just seems like a recipe for disaster with very little upside."
"If thiamine works out, thiamine would also help reduce the neurological and cardiovascular effects as well."
"We want to avoid excess ventilation. Excessive ventilation can lead to complications such as a reduction of cerebral blood flow."
"Gastrointestinal complications of EDS are common, potentially disabling, vastly underappreciated by clinicians."
"Excessive gas production is problematic because it fills the ostomy pouch up with air instead of effluent, a phenomenon that's called ballooning."
"Early weight bearing tends to have fewer complications after surgery, including fewer re-ruptures."
"Just when you have type 1 diabetes, the grabbing and going for those things can be a little bit more complicated with insulin needs."
"During acute COVID, all the patients had severe microclotting and platelet hyperactivation."
"Diabetes is a serious disease; it causes serious complications to your heart, stroke, eye disease, losing your eyesight, neuropathy, your feet, your kidneys."
"It get real tricky. You got to pay tax, you get caught right here."
"An enlarged prostate can lead to serious medical problems, including urinary tract infections and renal failure."
"Complications may include shivering, diuresis, bleeding, compromised immune system, arrhythmias, and skin compromise."
"Refeeding syndrome: a risk during nutrient replenishment, causing hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, and electrolyte imbalances."
"One of the great things about Pulse Field is myocardial tissue selectivity, and we hope that's going to translate into low complication rates."
"Sometimes things just get a little complicated. A lot of couples go through this, and what happens is that they don't have it on the front page of the newspaper, right?"
"The infamous scaphoid fracture - physical exam positive for tenderness over the anatomical snuff box. Complications include avascular necrosis and non-union."
"The major long-term complications from diabetes are primarily due to the effects of chronic hyperglycemia on the endothelial cells."
"Yeah, it's a good guy. Weird day man, sorry we got all kinds of weird complications."
"If left untreated, hyperglycemia can lead to more serious conditions like diabetic ketoacidosis, otherwise known as DKA, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, otherwise known as HHS, or a diabetic coma which can be fatal."
"The mesh-related issues historically have been pain and discomfort."
"The complications are the story, and it's much more interesting when you have the complications included."
"Preeclampsia can cause seizures and HELLP syndrome in pregnant women."
"So, uh, hernia and bulging, thankfully pretty uncommon with deep flap surgery."
"It is creating problems by trying to solve problems that don't exist."
"Acting on such desires often ends up complicating his life far more than the occasion itself is worth."
"Whenever there is neovascularization, the diabetic retinopathy is now called as proliferative diabetic retinopathy."
"Fluid collections can cause Mass Effect, leading to abdominal pain and early satiety... in rare cases, abdominal compartment syndrome which is a surgical emergency."
"...these patients can develop these large walled-off solid collections..."
"Oscillations caused two problems: increasing descent rate and increasing chance of being injured on landing."
"The lower you go, the more likely you're going to prevent complications."
"If you solve problems you don't have, you are definitely making new problems."
"We're going to go a little bit over labor delivery, the stages of pregnancy, and then some complications of labor that are super high yield."
"The term acute decompensation has been used to characterize ascites, GI bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy, and infections."
"You learn the most by seeing serious complications like this and both to prevent them and know what to do if this happens."
"Endocarditis is infection of the inner layer of the heart, the primary consequence of which is seeding and destruction of the valves."
"In some tragic cases, women suffer emergency complications that may continue their pregnancy a grave threat to their lives or their health."
"If you haven't experienced love and you don't understand it, and you don't have the tools to move forward, then you're going to have complications. Period."
"Cardiac gating is a very important concept because it can cause a lot of issues with images."
"Prosthetic joints improve quality of life but may fail due to aseptic loosening, infection, dislocation, prosthesis or bone fracture."
"I think that people sometimes forget that it's not just you live or you die of this virus, there are a lot of really severe complications."
"Any patient that has surgery, we are concerned about bleeding, infection, DVT/PE."
"I think all the stress causes all my complications."
"Baby was sunny-side up, baby was not facing the right way."
"Simplify your life, take the complications out."
"When romance comes into both of their pictures, it becomes a little bit complicated."
"The baby she was carrying was an innocent angel who didn't ask to be part of the mess four birth parents created."
"Stroke, cerebrovascular accidents, myocardial infarction, cardiac failure, and renal failure are more common in hypertensive patients."
"It's one of those stories that's so intriguing because so many things went wrong."
"Malignant hyperthermia is a possible complication, but usually the effect of anesthesia is hypothermia and hypotension."
"It makes a great travel watch because of the complications."
"Atrial fibrillation is the most common dysrhythmia that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related complications."
"Think of a nice fishing line, nice and long, you got a perfect cast into the water. What happens when you get a big massive fishing line and you got to spend hours unraveling that? That's pretty much what can happen to our fascia."
"Even when you lie with the best of intentions, it's still more hassle than it's worth."
"I'm proud that this baby has hung on through all of these complications."
"A pancreatic pseudocyst is one of the most common complications of acute and chronic pancreatitis."
"The fact that it's a friend may make it worse, not better."
"Eclampsia is definitely a severe complication to pregnancy and sometimes those things can be life-altering."
"Systemic complications of acute pancreatitis can include ARDS and kidney damage."
"No matter how skilled you are, no matter how many hundreds of thousands of operations you've done, you will always have complications."
"Early recognition is key in this to preventing that life-threatening complication."
"It can also cause severe problems such as strokes or even death when the sickle-shaped cells get stuck in small capillaries and cause blockage."
"Mitral valve prolapse in Marfan syndrome can lead to regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, and in extreme cases, can lead to congestive heart failure."
"Life-threatening complications include aortic aneurysm."
"Diabetes can cause tremendous health complications and comorbidities."
"Rejection is the primary and prominent complication that may arise after receiving the kidney transplant."
"The apparent solution for the problem made the situation even worse."
"I hate when money is involved in friendships, relationships, whatever ships, because it gets messy."
"Lack of sleep, it's not healthy and it just aids in complications down the road."
"We had some complications today, but it's okay."
"Nomos has developed a now broad offering of in-house calibers, including some intriguing complications."
"Great expectations lead to complications."