
Energy Work Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"You are a channel through which healing energies reach the world."
"Heart resonance and heart energy are going to be your lighthouses this month."
"I used to believe that success in life was about pushing, was about your brain power, was about hard work. But now, I believe that's only 40%; 60% is the way you work with energy."
"This beautiful manifestation is something that you have sown energetically that you wanted to happen."
"This is a journey of empowerment by learning how to work with subtle energy patterns known to ancient traditions."
"If I close a circle, which means everything will be within this circle. But if you open yourself, your aura can increase, can change."
"It was amazing because what I knew it was my energy moving that pen."
"The essence of true spiritual teachings: you have a responsibility to reach a state where you are clear, open, filled with good energy, so you can do your best in any moment."
"Purify your energy and manifest from the template level."
"Every story is rewritable when you change your energy when you alter your perception every timeline is changeable every timeline."
"Casting a circle keeps out any negative energy or spirits."
"Closing the circle is just as important as opening it."
"Each of you, by your very nature, is a crystal that receives, transmits, and transmutes energy."
"You have the ability to heal people's energies."
"Be it now and be here now, and be the energies of the new Earth's wealth now, and be the energies of the new light codes now. This is who you are. You are loved, dear ones. You are loved."
"Just get some gold in your body, in your system, to amplify that energy within you."
"Working with the gold light within meditation, so also working with gold light and meditation and stuff of that nature."
"Consciousness is the key to transmutation. Thoughts are living energy, and it is the proper directing of those thoughts by the will that affects transmutation or precipitation."
"Activating this third eye energy is going to allow you to activate your psychic gifts."
"Focusing on all of the high priestess energy that we pulled on, let's manifest something here in this next minute or so."
"Just go within, shine a light in your heart, raise your vibration, raise your frequency."
"What we start doing is we start working with the energies more appropriately and we start building the fifth-dimensional reality because the energy is already here."
"As you are learning to get up into those higher energies and learning to create with these higher energies, all of your issues will come up for you to address."
"Lots of crown chakra third eye chakra activation or exchange."
"You have this ability to reach in and pull out all the dark energy."
"Dropping into the heart, seeking healing and clarity from the angels, and dropping further into your soul because once you're in that healing vibration, your frequency rises."
"Step into the light and work with energy to benefit yourself and to serve others. The light is within you and all around you."
"Especially because I'm telling you you're gonna have Kundalini activations like you haven't had before if you haven't had one yet."
"When you raise your vibration, you manifest things faster than ever before."
"Imagine any energy inside of your body that is stale or stagnant leaving."
"Feel the light vibration in your heart center."
"Imagine the ball of energy spinning faster and faster."
"Feel the ultraviolet ray transmuting any energy that no longer serves you."
"It's the ancient technique of unlocking chi or chakra energy from within, it also releases tension."
"As you change your energy field, you'll change your life."
"It's one of the most significant shifting years that I've seen in a long time and I've just I've so enjoyed working with the energy of 2023 so much more than I've enjoyed I think any of the years that I've worked with so far as an astrologer."
"Crystals are a great way to manifest those energies and make those changes occur in our daily lives."
"Now is the time to do the work of raising the vibration."
"The nurturing and care of the energy body is very important to those who wish to use the gateway to intelligent infinity."
"It's very important to raise your vibration."
"Saying 'Om' every single day can be a very powerful vibrational hack."
"We're putting energies towards helping Gaia shift."
"The more you align your energy from within, the more magnetic ability you will have."
"Our bodies are being used as nodes and physical vessels to get galactic energy and anchor it into the Gaia grid."
"Alignment of energetic bodies is crucial for manifestation."
"We coax the energy and ask it sweetly to come to us, just like how snake charmers use a flute to raise the cobra upwards so it dances."
"Jeffrey's mission is to make energy work and higher awareness available to everyone. What a fantastic mission! I'm so on board."
"What we really need to be doing to constructively Channel this lunar eclipse in Scorpio energy is starting to primarily release some of the unnecessary or tangential ways that we're generating or creating quote-unquote abundance in our lives."
"Once you understand how the energy flows, you can start channeling."
"We are bringing in new energy into our fields that will support our soul's progression."
"Cleansing this space definitely helps to bring a much more relaxed energy into it."
"Endless possibilities happen when we open up our energetic field."
"Let's take back our power, let's rewrite freaking our story, and let's change this whole paradigm working with this dragon energy."
"All it takes is a spiritual bath, all it takes is a sage cleansing, all it takes is an energy alignment for the miracle to come through."
"Raise your vibrations to benefit from energetic shifts. Heal ancestral wounds to manifest a bright future."
"It's a tool just like magic, just like energy, just like literally anything else, it's a tool."
"The physical always follows the energy, so trust in your inner transformations."
"The new energy of 5D is about getting up, connecting to source, and listening to what your body and your intuition is asking you to do today."
"Kundalini energy is the last gate to our freedom."
"Pump breathing: channeling energy to the third eye."
"Solar plexus energy: confidence rising. Get ready to embrace it!"
"Activating energies and powers that are already within us."
"Meditation allows us to bring our finger pads to the pulse of the energy."
"Activate your crystals, do the experiments, make the orgone."
"Moving that energy into the heart, moving it into a place that just helps you feel into your intuition, your emotions, what is resonating with you."
"When we listen to the messages of the stars and when we implement and work with those energies, we can make even from the most difficult influences something beneficial and useful."
"They definitely work really hard to release toxic energy."
"By far the best tool for integrating these higher vibration energies and sustaining them on a daily basis is by meditating with subliminals."
"Nine of Cups twice I'm telling you right now nine of cups is very easy energy to work with."
"Diving to new depths, going deeper with the whale energy here, I feel like you're raising your vibrations."
"We are powerful co-creators when we have a say in how these energies are unfolding."
"Every moment is a sacred moment, everyone has been designated as an anchor of energy or vibration in a particular place at that time that is necessary for the continuous awakening, transformation, and ascension of Earth."
"Accept what is, surrender to the present energies, and work with them."
"Healing isn't something that just happens to you... Healing is an energy transmutation process that requires conscious focus and effort."
"Trust the process, embrace the responsibility of nurturing your own vibrational energy, and marvel as your deepest desires manifest before your very eyes."
"Every bit of energy work you do today plays a drastic role in carving out your energetic pathway moving forward."
"That's the food looking like I need to see you naked in a photo."
"The key to energy work, the key to trauma healing."
"Astrology is about working with the energy, not feeling doomed."
"So you're bringing that meridian from the back of your head and you're shining a white light down."
"Energy follows thought, and if you're sending your thoughts to a greater family of light, that's where they'll go."
"You got to work with the energy of the universe instead of swimming against it."
"So when I do theta healing, I always go to the seventh plane and the term that I use is Creator of all that is. You can call it source, you can call it whatever name you want to call it."
"We are meant to work through US energetically to change us, to transform us."
"Intentions into the flame and I feel like that really is like a laser beam of positive energy when you send focus to a flame."
"When you know how to work with the energy of the planets, you can make them work for you, not against you."
"Visualize yourself with golden light all around you, see your angel twirling a fiery sword cutting through the golden light."
"Clear those vibrations and energies through transmuting it finding appreciation in it learning your lessons throughout them."
"I charge this grid to hold my space. I ask the only energies that are for the highest and best good of everyone here in the space be allowed to remain."
"Raising our own energy vibration and releasing any negativity."
"Transform your inner energies to reach your ultimate nature."
"They're a magical way to clear your physical and energetic spaces."
"10 is the vibration of instant manifestation, so this means you can manifest ideas, thoughts, goals, and emotions easily and often instantly."
"Call on archangel siddiqui for assistance with activating and using the violet flame."
"Acceptance, understanding, release - bring in the universal flow of energy."
"Please remember to anchor that solar eclipse energy, take care of yourself, your inner child, your family, your friends, and by extension your human species."
"Clearing out all these old stuck negative energies that we no longer need, we can Ascend."
"Energy healing work, thank you for sending healing energy."
"My energy told me to leave so I left. That's what I did, and that's how it works. It works with energy."
"The more you keep that energy moving in your field, the more you're going to be able to keep the flow moving through your body."
"Breathe beautiful souls, there's something about breathing and breathing techniques coming in here for me, you know really harnessing energy again centering yourself breathing aligning."
"Release into the quantum field, opening up the energy."
"Use the full moon energy on the 19th to access healing."
"Manifestation - it's a beautiful energy for you."
"We want to f focus on clearing and empowering the connections in this sort of triangular formation to really jump start or serve as a catalyst to your manifestations."
"...you're actually able to almost like you can create miracles. You're a very powerful energy worker is what it's saying."
"The biggest piece of advice I can give anyone who is just starting out is for the most successful manifestation and the most successful spells, rituals, anything like that, energy work is so, so useful."
"Grounding is the ability to connect our energy to the energy of the earth. The Earth's energy is neutral, allowing us to draw on neutral energy that we can then adapt for whatever working we're putting our intention towards."
"Centering and grounding help combat some of the most common problems that beginner practitioners have when they start doing energy work and spell-casting."
"Centering is the gathering together of our energy. It assists us in energy work and in releasing our energy during spell work and ritual. So, it is exceptionally useful."
"The importance is your energy work, your focus, your intentions—the work that you put into it is more important than the items that you have or the way that it looks."
"If all I can do or if all you can do is work your energy and your intention then that is definitely worth doing."
"If you can get a client to receive snake energy, you can do epic things for them."
"Your ability to work with energy is profound; you navigate it with ease and can manifest with incredible power."
"Working with the energies that are abundant around you is only going to help to enhance what you are working with."
"...shaking is such a great way to shift up the energy... drumming is so powerful for both of these things... tuning in with [Mother Earth] is for me my absolute favorite way to cleanse my energy and to just feel more alive and more connected..."
"Imagine the healed, vibrant version of yourself as you take a deep slow breath into the core of your DNA and on the exhale, see, know, and feel the energy radiating out into the field that surrounds you."
"Tarot is actually a very traditional, long throughout history way of working with energy."
"When a spell is cast, it's similar in energy to a prayer, except you're delivering your power."
"How can I work with this on a personal level? How can I work with these energies, go with the grain instead of against it, for my own wisdom-inducing experiences towards my goal of raising my consciousness?"
"What is actually being broken down are remnant patterns of fear or restriction or limitation within your energy body that are actually being highlighted, being amplified, so that you can release them and expand more fully into this next level."
"Set a little intention, feel the energy you've cultivated."
"Feel your heels, your toes right against the earth, right against the mat, really connecting to that energy, that Apana energy, feeling your belly under your hands and just sending love to your belly, to that beautiful energy of light that is being created within you."
"Directing your energy... is the funnest part of energy manipulation."
"Magic is all about energy, creating energy, emitting energy, sending energy out into the universe."
"I am healing with the Violet flame, I call upon the Violet Flame, my energy is healing."
"We are certainly learning how to work with these higher, more rapidly moving energies."
"The pain body is nothing but the energy body which is not yet healed and strong."
"I love moving and dancing with the earth and just visualizing my body receiving light codes and energy and cleansing from the earth from the bottom of my feet."
"Love yourself enough to not allow yourself to stay in the lower energies."
"This is energy alchemy, this is a practice that I have used to manifest more than one thing in my life."
"What a joy it was to work on your energy today."
"I make it a point to do some kind of pranic circulation via different methods."
"Inhale up, draw the sun in, exhale close it into your body, draw the energy within."
"The best way to work with this energy center is to develop strength at the navel."
"We are here to anchor the energy of the 5D in the 3D and use our talents, use our spiritual direction in order to help others."
"Energy healing, holistic well-being, thriving, and brilliant."
"I help you forgive past wrongs to help clear energetic blocks and transmute any negativity."
"I work with energy and frequencies."
"Our healing energies are not limited to the physical body but extend to the emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of existence."
"It's our time to come out and to take the fear away, teach people how to become empowered with their energetics."
"It's all about a certain level of belief and the power within yourself to be able to bring this energy forward and manipulate energies that exist in everything."
"The most valuable and important thing you can do for yourself is to participate in some form of daily energy clearing ritual."
"I personally feel that somatic release that moves energy through the body is so much more effective than just talk therapy."
"You are a high vibrational grid worker, sent into areas on this planet to heal, to help raise the vibration surrounding those areas or those people."
"Pushing all that energy out, turning it back over to the Earth."
"Let's get started with a quick warm-up called knocking on the door of life."
"By working on the energy, we work on the mind, we work on our emotions, and we work on our bodies."
"We're going to be utilizing processes and methods that I developed through my energetic architecture methods and systems."
"Your hands are very healing, able to use universal energy to help people alleviate suffering and clear energetic blockages."
"Inhale a lot of prana, life force, into the body."
"When you do Qigong, you activate your internal love engine, that's the healing engine."
"Activating your etheric wings and activating your energy body."
"Our intentions and goals are amplified and activated when our energies combine with the crystals' energy."
"Going to the water or to the crossroads to give honor and to pay homage to ancestors or call on a certain energy."
"The vibration of their voice and the spirit that rides on it is able to work on the luminous web that surrounds the patient."
"He's actually a really talented healer himself because I share some of the things with him, so I've taught him how to read energy."
"Grounding is basically releasing energetic residue out of your aura or out of your energy system that you don't need, releasing it into the ground."
"There's a break in our suffering if you tap into that particular energy."
"Just let the sound and the energy penetrate to every cell in your body to release any old anger, resentment, negative energy, let it just be flushed out of your system."
"You never cast a circle without having reason; it's about showing respect to the energies that you're working with."
"When you practice more and more, then you will be able to really get deep into your body to activate the intelligence of the energy."
"The so-called Star Exercise... is to fill the whole body and especially the solar plexus with Universal Life Energy."
"The whole journey involves activation of the energy channels which have these gas stations, if you will, where they will have to activate these chakras or get a refueling station if you will, in the process of elevating to the sahasrara or the crown chakra."
"If you're prepared for this, if you've done the groundwork, if you've prepared your body to hold this high charge of energy, this high voltage Kundalini energy, then it can be a very powerful, very incredible, amazing, elevated, and transformative experience."
"The vibration is more than just visually tuning into them; it's the energy vortex that helps us to receive information and communication with them."
"Take a deep cleansing breath, and use your will, your intention, your visualization to draw in this Divine cosmic energy."
"Make sure you take care of your aura, make sure you take care of your energy, it means everything."
"This is a very significant astrological Transit, and what you'll find is if you really go in and do this detail work, it's going to allow this energetic portal to open up for you."
"You are protected; this is a strong ancestral energy."
"Clear your energy bodies, releasing any and all energy imprints from all of your bodies, and begin to feel awesome again."
"You should be really proud of working on your own energy."
"Transmuting the darker energies and letting them light you up."
"By working with turmaline, practitioners aim to create a harmonious balance within the energetic system, aligning with higher vibrations and promoting holistic well-being."
"Believe that things will work out, raise your energy levels."
"Compressing your chakra into a sphere and then making it spin like crazy at blinding speed, that's a changing form if ever there was."
"It would open up your chakras and all your passages."
"As this fragrant smoke spirals upward, it is said to carry away stagnant energies and negative influences."
"We are working with energy, guys."
"Raise your vibration, raise your frequency; the higher the vibration, the harder it is for this type of energy to affect you."
"A consistent, rigorous, Saturnian mystical or spiritual practice is probably the most powerful way to work with these energies."
"You're purifying and cleansing people's energy."
"If you know how to work with this energy and you prepare yourself accordingly, this could be a really beneficial time for you."
"It's about the energy that you're working with, the transition of personal growth."
"Remember, intentions are power; you co-create with source energies."
"The energy work that you're doing on yourself is working."
"It's another very interesting thing to learn is how to direct energy because that's where the lighter touch is going to actually give you more movement than the heavy touch."
"Welcome this energy and let it surface so that way you can clear it out once and for all."
"Clear yourself, ask Source to release any toxic energies that you may have absorbed."
"Once we have an understanding of that, we can build our own energy centers and have the confidence within ourselves."