
Intense Experience Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"I literally felt like what it feels like to win the lottery because it literally felt like that. It was like the most insane high I've ever felt in my life."
"I've lived about a decade in the last 12 months."
"Imagine how much it felt like a horror movie."
"It was horrifying, it was unnerving, it was foul, and quite literally, it was against the laws of nature."
"They have never felt that kind of fear like that in their lives."
"It becomes almost a physical, I will say almost a spiritual experience."
"It's oppressive and claustrophobic, like sitting in a temple."
"Their screams were haunting, coupled with the gunfighting, the screeching of the creature, it made this situation all the more horrible."
"This guy felt days of and suffering within a moment and collapsed. Oh that's terrifying you've never seen anything like that anywhere."
"I was 27 when I met him; it was intense, and I was dealing with an anxiety disorder at the time."
"It grabbed me by the neck and punched me right in the [ __ ] face Loki season 2 has absolutely no business being as insanely good as it is."
"I am like shaking oh god that was unbelievable"
"This has been the 10 years struggle with Lyme disease boom compacted into three months."
"It's been a wild last 3 days, everybody. I love you."
"I've never felt anything like this before. What terrifying power!"
"PT: Might be the scariest interactive horror experience I've ever had."
"Buckle up, it's going to be a floody, disturbing ride."
"It was a ghost that attacked him that night, tossing him into the wall."
"I was terrified, I was disgusted, I was amazed. Oh, that's the origin story of Bam Bam."
"His concerts truly are amongst the most intense musical experiences available."
"I stopped breathing for a moment when I caught my breath."
"Every moment of the three minutes is panic, like every moment of three minutes is like whoa, you know?"
"That [ __ ] was literally what I imagined doom would be like."
"That 15 minutes is a rough time to be alive. It's one of the most traumatic things I think I've ever actually sat in a theater and watched."
"It's like lightning, like you feel like you're on fire when it's happening to you."
"After a very gnarly bong rip that sends our dragons into the astral realm for about 30 seconds, they land back, eyes glowing, ready to have a chat about what happened."
"I always consider 'REC' and 'The Descent' up there as some of the scariest movies I've ever watched."
"The haunting of this makeup studio was so much more real and went so much deeper than I possibly could have imagined."
"I think I've never learned so much about myself than I did in those three weeks like when I look back it was only three weeks and yet it was so dense in terms of new experiences new friendships going out of my comfort zone constantly."
"Come on, have you ever looked a goddamn Hawk in the eyes? It's like the grim reaper staring into your soul."
"You're so caught up in it, the adrenaline is just flying through you like jet fuel."
"That [ __ ] is crazy wow like wow man, in a chemical sandwich."
"Dear Jesus Christ I'm trying so hard to focus on the story here but they brought the gun shucks back and holy fuck that was awe-inspiring."
"Six girls came down to this cave, one came out covered in her friend's blood."
"It's lit! Remember Giga Bowser from Melee? Yeah, that boss was intense. Well, guess what? Now you can play as him with Bowser's final smash."
"This game was crazy poppy playtime 3 guys I'm not even kidding this is probably the scariest game I've ever played in my entire life."
"Holy cow, that seemed like a long time, man, laying there in that grass, your senses are on fire."
"So that is the story about the time that I got raised on by the FBI and it was honestly like the scariest like it was like something out of a movie like they did genuinely [] up your [] like that like ages right?"
"When you distill the concept of 'video game' into an essence and shoot it straight into your veins, this is what it feels like."
"That experience, I mean, is insane. Not just physically but also emotionally, it's incredible."
"I remember falling to my knees and being unable to look away."
"Those purple power things, man, they really get to you."
"My brain power has never been used this much in my life."
"With a sudden flare, the flames turned burning hot. 'I cry out as what feels like a thousand knives stab into my skin.'"
"I want to go [ __ ] crazy when I'm in a mosh pit. I want to break a table. I want someone to chug alcohol. Like, I wanted to go nuts, dude."
"Bullets flying everywhere, whipping by your head, blowing your enemies into seeing the fear in their eyes. That's the life."
"That was the most intense moment of my life!"
"It literally was like years and years of therapy condensed into eight hellish hours."
"This movie is a non-stop chain of idiotic nonsense. So you might want to fasten your seat belts. It's gonna be a real bumpy ride."
"I was gone 15 minutes, a thousand years of experience in 15 minutes."
"One hell of a game, man, one hell of a game."
"Absolutely epic, relentless from start to finish, the forces on there, 5.2 Gs on that beast!"
"I can still see that face staring into my soul."
"I think it's the most single terrifying noise that I've ever experienced."
"This thing reminded me of something right out of a Jurassic World movie."
"I literally want to get assaulted when I eat the food like I want like ninjas of flavor coming at me and like hitting me in the face that's what I want Thai food."
"Something elemental and wild is going on here."
"That felt like being hit by a lightning bolt. There's no going back."
"Game contains flashing lights and jump scares, contain disturbing and intense gameplay."
"We hardly started rushing away and we hear the most demonic horrifying multiple pitched screech."
"It's like getting hit with a school bus a thousand times a second."
"My eyes turn to saucers, like a deer in headlights, my life flashed before my eyes!"
"I am like toast like I am like and I wake up the next day store I'm like that was incredible 15 minutes of my life."
"The amount of tears I let out reading this book was absolutely unreal."
"Holy [ __ ], that was disgusting, that was putrid dude."
"Wii Rainbow Road - the entire experience is an absolute whirlwind."
"Strap in, friends, because this one's a doozy."
"The only sound penetrating my fugue state was the sound of my thumping heart pulsating the blood around my trembling body."
"I was straight blasted into hallucinatory states which quickly transitioned into basically crossing over into DMT world with supreme intensity."
"It felt like I was being exercised, like there was an exorcism going on."
"I've been there I read the whole Bible shame a [ __ ] yeah yeah was it was it BAE was it multiple tiers or was it just like a little small on cell blocks it was multiple tiers like it was like a sale block with multiple tiers to shame you."
"I've never seen this much activity in one night before."
"X2: an intense and out-of-control coaster experience."
"Wow, that was super intense. Mikey, great work."
"Kissing you is like the first season of Chainsaw Man. Short, violent, and at the end we were both crying."
"Onward in VR offers insane immersion - the most terror and adrenaline I've experienced in a game."
"It scared me more than anything else that ever scared me before in my life."
"The impossibly badass moments that made us feel like mighty mighty gods."
"Fatal Frame 2 is absolutely petrifying... you're going to wish that you brought the toilet with you."
"It felt visceral... it certainly had me on my toes."
"One of the scariest gaming experiences of my life is playing Resident Evil 7 in VR."
"I thought I was gonna die, it lasted an hour, but we landed."
"The last 30 hours of this account's life have been so stressful—stressful to degrees I didn't think I could experience on this game."
"Wow just crazy I'll tell you when the first tank shot goes off."
"We lost all control of bodily function. We were only about 20 yards away from this thing."
"It's extra-terrestrial, man, like it's by the end of this year, it's gonna be intense."
"I was like let's do sex, let's just go all in... you just want to feel the animal in each of these human characters."
"Oh, why did you have to kill, man? Dude, that was so fun. That was so much fun! Oh my god, dude, to see everyone—oh, dude, that is insane. It was the MUR man. Anyone have the name of the person so I can block them?"
"My body would become paralyzed, it felt as if every atom of my body were vibrating in a high frequency."
"It's both a visually and existentially harrowing watch."
"Live life to the fullest. You know, Camus talked about living to the point of tears."
"I felt it like a current right down into my little toe - like a current."
"Those girls were messed up more than any scary horror movie."
"That was insane, the bull bar just came straight on with the bank."
"That was intense, but that's what you want to see."
"Step one of the journey done, and holy sh**, what a way to escape."
"You're moving on and the speed and the acceleration of your exit is something to absolutely freaking behold here."
"Here's hoping I see all you guys in the next one."
"If you can handle the intensity, City of God will leave you spellbound."
"That legitimately scared the [ __ ] out of me."
"Revenge of the Sunfish is an absolutely unequivocally insane game."
"This is probably the most cracked hundred days I've ever recorded."
"yes we made it oh god that was tense that was super tense oh I haven't felt that tense in a very long time that was crazy holy man this is really good"
"I could feel my heart beating, my teeth, my entire body was tingling."
"That's wild. That's crazy. That's insane. I'd be freaking out. That was so cool."
"I feel like the movie hits the gas pedal and never takes its foot off the gas."
"Tonight is a night of breaking, a night of crushing."
"The pressure that they're going to feel is going to be intense."
"It gets on the holy shit list because holy shit I didn't know I could feel that way."
"Wow, this has been the most crazy few weeks of my journalism life. Day in and day out, it's just been immense."
"This whole show has officially become ultimate butt clench material."
"It's a game about maximum chaos... maximum Carnage... every time you're playing this game, you're going to have an experience."
"It's either a situation where I can stop an alligator with my thumb or the alligator breaks my thumb and then grabs my arm and death rolls and it's awesome all around."
"Belly is a crazy [__] movie, not a question."
"It's literally a trip into the bowels of hell."
"This movie felt like a war, like a fucking war, scary, terrible war."
"I wanted to go into a quiet room by myself and cry in the corner after watching that."
"The atmosphere has been intense but amazing."
"When Twin Flames first look at each other, they have a more powerful experience than even an empath would have."
"I'm having like an out-of-body experience."
"That had to have been the craziest episode."
"There was something in this cry that was so otherworldly."
"It was like somebody had plunged an electric voltage regulator of some sort directly into my brain."
"Bro, this a facegasm, man, it's like, dude, I don't even know how to tell you what I feel right now, I'm feeling all types of tingling, bro."
"I'm only just now kind of starting to come down from the adrenaline that I experienced watching this because it was a lot."
"The ending was so crazy and hectic and I felt like I was literally on a roller coaster."
"Edge of Tomorrow will shake your damn house."
"I was completely zoned out. That was insane."
"the most inconceivably intense trip in my life was not caused by any psychedelics but because they simply stayed up for 60 or so hours straight."
"Well, hang the budget, Hazel! This was the craziest day I ever had in my life!"
"He immediately felt, you know, that surge in that adrenaline, you know, like a ton of bricks on his chest."
"Holy shit, it was indeed a religious experience."
"It's one of the most agonizing things I have ever experienced in my life."
"I felt my entire soul leave my body."
"I felt like my entire soul leave my body."
"I never had been so terrified in my life."
"My brain went up in a shower of fireworks."
"The whole thing was absolutely terrifying."
"As I burst out of the tunnel and into the freezing night, an earth-shattering series of explosives shook the ground beneath me."
"The few brief seconds that transpired between my coworker and myself felt like an eternity."
"It was just absolutely insane and I loved every second of it."
"...I got to give an honorable mention to Tatsu's gigantic pretzel Loop, one of if not the most intense feeling I've ever had on a ride."
"Our trip from Sweden back to Panama was intense, and that's putting it pretty lightly."
"It's like Vulcan in there, in the most wonderful way."
"It was the most hair-raising thing of my life."
"The final round we played cannot be touched. I've never had such a close game in World of Tanks." - Reflecting on an intense gaming experience.
"I mean the hair on my neck was standing up."
"The last book I read was kind of intense. I couldn't put it down."
"It was quite the crazy experience."
"The pain was sharp, instant, and undeniable."
"The ejector airtime riders in the back experience is unexplainable; you are yanked so hard."
"It's loud, it's visceral, it's tiring."
"I'm so exhausted, 16 rides on this thing was pretty freaking epic to say the least."
"I'd almost think about using the word 'exciting' if it hadn't been so bloody terrifying."
"It was the craziest two weeks, it was the best experience of my life even though we didn't get it done."
"That was legitimately one of the craziest, most intense experiences of my life."
"This subwoofer is more than capable of rattling everything in your room and providing enough tactile bass to immerse yourself when watching action-packed movies."
"That's probably the most intense thing I've ever done in my life. It was actually like amazing, it was really cool."
"I literally felt the fingertips go into my arm, and I just lost it because it was at that point I knew it was real."
"Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second."
"The whole experience was absolutely crazy."
"This has been by far one of the most intense, dramatic, incredible trips that I've ever been a part of. My mind is absolutely blown."
"Iron Gwazi is intense and it's relentless."
"Thank God I certainly not at love; that's when everything stops. You feel like an outer body experience, your heart is pumping so hard you think everybody can hear it."
"It is bound to deliver an unforgettably intense experience like no other."
"Black Mamba is fantastic. It is so intense. The pacing is relentless."
"It's such a hardcore feeling car."
"Even before they see the eye, witnesses describe just an overwhelming feeling of fight-or-flight mode."
"The experience was intense while flying forward could feel exhilarating; backwards had a whole different level of terror."
"It was the most violent, scariest experience I've ever had behind the wheel in a road car."
"That was the most intense fight-or-flight moment of my life."
"That white-hot heat can kind of grind you into really defining who you are."
"I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life; my veins were on fire and my heart felt like it would have stopped at any minute."
"It's like being inside the engine room of a Titanic."
"That was the most hectic thing I've ever seen in my entire life."
"That was so intense, oh my God, it was insane."
"Felt kind of like I was in the movie Twister when they're in the eye of the storm."
"I can't recall a movie where I kind of breathed heavily during it."
"He hears this grunt, this deep guttural grunt that he said it shook his guts."
"We've had such an intense few days, it's been the absolute best."
"Well that was pretty intense, lots of twists and turns and loads of fun."
"It's a very intense kind of possession movie."