
Geopolitical Analysis Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"American realism has rapidly caught up with pre-existing long-standing Chinese realism."
"The Ukrainian obsession with Robotino... speaks, in my opinion, of an increasing inability on the part of Ukraine to adjust its strategy in the face of the battlefield realities."
"Scott Ritter has been one of the clearest and most critical voices of the US and NATO Imperial policy in Ukraine, and his analysis of the corruption, the failed Western military strategy, and propaganda is rooted in decades of experience not only as a U.S Marine but as a former United Nations weapons inspector."
"This shows the ramifications of what's happening in Ukraine; it's not just isolated to Eastern Europe or Europe. This is Africa and the Middle East that's being affected."
"His bet is that [Ukraine] won't survive another winter...his assumptions are absolutely wrong."
"This war is costing us a horrific amount in casualties and in finance, and what benefits is it bringing us? We're under sanctions from the West, we are gaining very, very little; we're actually gaining nothing from this war."
"Russia is not in a position to win the war as Putin would have liked."
"Pacific Air Force Commander Kenneth Wilsbach says China has some tough lessons to learn from Russia's war in Ukraine."
"This is a moment of global redistribution back from the West to the other side of the world, including Russia and China."
"Nations rise and fall; they seem invincible and immortal when they are riding high, yet they may hide a rotting core. No country is eternal, and no economy is invincible."
"What Ukraine seems to be doing here is neither of those two things...they're not allowing those two elements of Russia's military force to link up."
"In many ways, the intervention in Ukraine by Russia was in reflection of the observation that the West was perceived as weaker."
"Winston Churchill once described Russia as a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, and this really is true."
"The Russians cannot sustain this kind of warfare and these kinds of harsh economic sanctions for much longer."
"Russian artillery superiority enables so many of Russia's other tactics in Ukraine."
"I think Putin's gonna benefit from the rising conflict between the U.S and China."
"If Russia invades Ukraine, does my right-hand friend see the potential as I do?"
"The war in Ukraine has proven one thing: the United States military would wipe the floor with Russia."
"Putin underestimates the West very much at his own peril."
"All options may indeed be open in Cairo including a military first strike..."
"Unless they can achieve something similar to their old Soviet perimeter, their country is indefensible."
"If the war comes down to how big is your army then Ukraine will lose."
"The sanctions haven't worked seems to have made things worse."
"A crisis in Ukraine is developing, and I don't think people in the West yet understand how grave the situation in Ukraine is becoming."
"Putin saw how the withdrawal from Afghanistan was managed and made note of that. It showed him an America that was weak."
"Putin is highly threatened by a successful democratic regime that's on his borders because it threatens his own rule."
"Since I started my YouTube channel some two years ago... what I've seen in this new conflict with Russia is that we are already in a new Cold War mentality."
"A failed War increasingly one in which Ukraine is indeed being ground down."
"The cycles of history... the American empire is right on track." - Dr. Ross Stewart
"Regime Security: Nearly unanimous consensus among Russia experts that the war is primarily about regime security."
"China's economic growth will eventually displace the U.S. and they're on track for 2028."
"I'm gonna do everything I can to prevent a war with Iran... My guess is the war in Iran would be worse."
"I would say from an international perspective, Ukraine is putting up more of a fight than Russia expected them to."
"America is a race car that has been winning races for 70 years since World War II... China is in a car right behind us." - Steven Kwast
"Black Panther: pivotal character both in his own solo series and as part of the Avengers."
"I have to commend you gentlemen...really giving Clarity to what is happening in geopolitics in this world here."
"China builds Bridges while America builds bases."
"Surely what Austin is talking about is a massive failure in Western policy."
"China knows exactly what they're doing and they're incredibly good strategists. They select their industries for the future and they've got a plan."
"The Russians can absorb these losses, the Ukrainians can't."
"Africa is not underdeveloped; it's overexploited."
"Do you think China’s nuclear demands are reasonable, or are they a smokescreen to distract U.S. and global attention from its own militaristic maneuvering?"
"Putin knows he could never win a conventional war against NATO."
"There couldn’t really be a winner in a full-scale nuclear war, but some countries would fare better than others."
"China is becoming a very significant player in the region." - Avi Malamed
"If we have one without the other, then we do not get war."
"We have more to fear from a weak China than a strong China because it's under the control of the Chinese Communist Party."
"From geopolitical tensions to global conflict: the world on the brink."
"Bachmut and Soledar have become the epicenter of the wars fighting."
"Russia is going to end up much weaker when this war stops than it was before it started."
"The United States was a dangerous enemy and had to be defeated."
"The Russians have the capabilities right now and the upper hand."
"I don't think that the Iranian regime would be acting in good faith. I'm looking at like China, like the Nazi Party."
"If you think that Ukraine by itself is stronger than Russia, then I don't know what to say." - Anonymous speaker
"Russia is failing in Ukraine, Ukraine is succeeding." - David Ignatius
"China's economy is the size of New York State. China, and this is not the Chinese people, this is this kind of radical cadre of the Chinese Communist Party."
"This gets back to that whole idea gambling for resurrection. Yes, this has not gone well for Russia." - Crystal
"The lack of readiness and capability of the Russian Black Sea Fleet... they are almost a non-factor."
"Putin only invaded in 2022 because he understood that the world order is crumbling."
"If you think that the Ukrainians are going to lose and Russia is going to be controlling the nation, it limits the way in which you even contemplate what your next step should be."
"The New World Order can sense this, the teeth of the Beast."
"China saw that money turned the US into a global superpower and how micromanaging everything destroyed the Soviet Union."
"If Russia is saying that they're all intercepted and nothing happened here nothing to see gov then what against this storm of social media saying yeah they definitely got hit."
"The fear is not so much that China can't handle it it's more so what is going to be the broader impact of it all especially in the United States."
"The CCP problem is not an isolated problem. It has a lot to do with how America views the world and how America defines good and bad."
"A strong, stable America is good for America and the world."
"A strong, stable China is good for China and the world."
"Is Russia really our biggest threat? No, I don't think it is."
"I believe in the principle of treating people equally under the law... fighting for equality among all people."
"History tells us that any shift in the balance of power between big countries brings instability, uncertainty, and the risk of conflict."
"Understanding the Russian position is actually really helpful for the pro-Ukraine side."
"I don't believe we're looking at the barrel of World War 3, but we've got a problem."
"The U.S. is equipped to weather this much better than Europe is."
"It's very difficult to be concise when we are dealing with such a game-changing event. This is geopolitics 101."
"I think the United States will continue to rise. I think China, which is the dipole, is a paper dragon."
"I don't see the potential ceasefire as a realistic possibility at all."
"It's a line that Japan can easily control and monitor, and it also builds a wall of missiles. Any calculus that China is making on whether or not to invade Taiwan will have to now factor in this wall of missiles ready to roll."
"Over the long run, given that it's unsustainable from Beijing's strategic point of view, and given Taiwan's own perspective, it's more likely than not that an incursion happens."
"It all speaks to this enormous challenge of how do you bring an orderly end to a 20-year civil war that has led to an entire state and its armed forces collapsing like the house of cards in a matter of days."
"The overall sense I got from this meeting is of Russian confidence."
"The reason if this is really the case that this might be happening is that there's concerns about the progress of the war."
"Putin smells weakness. He's smelled weakness in the West now for years."
"Should we, in fact, be preparing for some kind of collapse or disintegration even of the Russian Federation?"
"The balance of power is actually in favor of Russia."
"The United States- currently the world's sole superpower- fits this description."
"The outcome is not going to be a victory... Ukraine is likely broken into pieces."
"To understand something so profound, we must start before the beginning with what Winston Churchill called the Gathering Storm."
"It's very clear that China, North Korea, and Iran are all supporting Russia."
"He badly miscalculated. He thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over."
"The conflict might bankrupt Russia by 2024, and Putin should stop dreaming."
"If you want to know what Russia's planning, look at what they're accusing us of."
"The Chinese are not bluffing, and I think the Americans probably are bluffing."
"China's military superiority over the United States close to Taiwan island is overwhelming."
"China is weak, oil is an important commodity."
"Would the Russians have won anyway? I believe that they probably would have, probably taken another year, but they would have ended up on the Atlantic shores and the shores of the Mediterranean."
"What Vad is implying is not a stalemate but a defeat by the Russian army of Ukraine and its allies."
"Russia Today is more attractive to most people in the global South than the West."
"It's the United States and some of the western powers... which are the ones that need paying attention to because it is they who are talking recklessly about nuclear war rather than the Russians."
"Russia is losing in the military field, in the energy field and may also end up losing in the economic field as well."
"For me, what is now happening in Ukraine, shocking and terrible though it is, does amount to the final and conclusive end of the unipolar moment."
"Educate the children. Read books still, y'all!"
"A major battlefield defeat for Ukraine could signal to them a fundamental weakness, when in reality, this is simply the nature of a conventional war when waged by powers who closely match each other."
"The Ukrainian Army would be destroyed and then you'd see the collapse of the Ukrainian government."
"The Russians will simply win and at that point dictate terms."
"We failed to deter, now you're inviting conflict."
"The West no longer has technological superiority."
"Like a frog unable to perceive the slowly but steady rising temperatures of the water it found itself immersed in, Putin's strategy to wait and see foundered during those dual debacles in sore need of new conscripts."
"Putin has to be shown that the military position in Ukraine is untenable and hopefully at some point if that can be done then things will move in Moscow and we may find a way out of this war."
"The United States is collapsing internally and this is this of course replicates the dying days of any Empire the tragedy is that as we go down we're bringing so many people with us"
"Whatever Moscow does, in almost all scenarios, the most likely winner will be the United States."
"A war over territorial integrity should be ended by sacrificing it, so Russia just wins. There is no 'W' in the situation; Ukrainian lives."
"There can be no doubt now that Ukraine has... significant territorial loss."
"Russia has more than three times the population of Ukraine so victory for Ukraine is unlikely in a total war. If you care about the people of Ukraine, seek peace."
"Putin's anti-westernism has hit a wall. Yes, it works for a certain base of the population and the regime, but it's not a winning strategy. It's a losing strategy."
"I'm absolutely convinced that Putin will fail and Russia will suffer a strategic defeat."
"NATO would win... immensely stronger than Russia."
"I think that in fact Ukraine is likely to win this conflict." - John Herbst, former US Ambassador to Ukraine
"This war was completely avoidable; the party that sought diplomacy was Russia."
"I disagree with them because it seems increasingly clear to me that this unipolar moment that we lived over the last 30 years was unique."
"Intel Community knew from the beginning that the Afghan government was likely to collapse if the United States pulled out and the Taliban was likely to take over."
"I think Putin, you have to take his threat seriously...this is not a bluff."
"He's weak when the Taliban took Afghanistan; he's showing weakness as Russia looks to take Ukraine."
"The 21st century, however, is what most analysts... is the Asian century with India and China at its main players."
"It creates a better balance of power, checking the worst impulses of any individual nation."
"Let me now back up a little bit and talk about this Chinese regime in a larger East Asian context."
"China is an expanding power, an imperialist power."
"If Russia acts, it'll show weakness in NATO."
"So many extraordinary things have happened over the past month or so, but one of them is we are sharing our intel information, and now Vladimir Putin has to wake up in the West and read how ignorant he is about what's going on in his own war."
"It's clear he's misjudged the resistance of the Ukrainian people, he underestimated the strength of the coalition his actions would galvanize."
"China understands the root of the problem: corporate financier interests in the West."
"Far from a terrifying alliance of Russia and China, each of them is struggling to find their balance against the United States."
"So it's not equal around the world it's disproportionately harming North America First the United States first then Western Europe in order of political importance so you can put these a piece of evidence together however you think."
"If Ukraine had been part of NATO before the war, there would have been no war."
"China is Pinky in the Brain, even though if you wanted to really turn that into an analogy, China is the brain."
"Putin's massive military expenditure in the conflict."
"He set the conditions for this war between Russia and Ukraine."
"Nightmare Berlin: Here is the form of the new Ukraine... After the Russian operation, the map is based on wiretapping and intelligence provided by the CIA and other U.S intelligence services."
"As much as Africa needs the West, the West needs Africa."
"Why and how India has become the global epicenter."
"The Iranians just proved that it's not infallible; it can be defeated."
"The U.S. feels like it's back at the top of the heap, but this is a fiction."
"As President Biden predicted last night, when the history of this error is written, Russia's war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger."
"The East just has zero troops protecting their capital, that's like whoa."
"Peter Zion combines a deep understanding of geography, demography, energy, and trade to help his clients make sense of a complicated World."
"Could it happen? Is it really possible for the Ukrainians to cause the Russian defenses to collapse?"
"Putin's war is a total failure, his paranoia still allows him to feel that."
"Putin may run out of money at the end of the day."
"The fact that India has other equities and other activities does not detract from what will be at the end of the day a sort of a central aspect of its foreign policy direction."
"Before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, US intelligence had predicted a likely blistering crush by Moscow."
"World War III has already started, it's just that nothing has been declared formally."
"The Chinese threat once it materializes is going to be something like we've never seen."
"If Xi Jinping is losing control over the central government, the regime is in danger."
"If an invasion force can just walk across your borders and be like 'ours now,' then what do you have?"
"The war in Ukraine was always and is still to this day a proxy war."
"He doubts that the Russians will achieve their political objectives."
"It crosses the line from a non-state actor targeted by the U.S. to a state actor."
"In the case of Qatar and its maybe one border, it's really an interesting reflection on the future."
"This is nothing new, this is just classic state big state politics. This is how the world really works."
"Germany is not legally responsible for The Inferno that has engulfed Gaza or rather it is only responsible through its own breaches of its own International obligations linked to this horrific situation."
"Over the course of the next six to 12 months, it is very likely that we will see Cuba getting closer to these countries and the East-West divide is likely to strengthen."
"The longer this goes on for, the less of Ukraine there will be."
"Putin has essentially driven himself into a hole."
"We're already in Cold War 2.0. Escalating tensions justify a trillion-dollar defense budget." - Carl Za
"An in-depth report maps out the structures and methods of the Chinese regime's global foreign interference machine."
"My friends, we are probably looking at World War III because any kind of conflict between the U.S and Russia would likely trigger... well, actually no, it literally would trigger Article 5 of NATO, pulling basically all of Europe into a conflict."
"The war in Ukraine is not going as predicted and is indeed going seriously wrong."
"Geopolitics is this wonderful game of fractal information."
"Name me one world leader who changed places with Xi Jinping."
"Let's Jump Right In. Why do I think that the war in Ukraine is historic? Well, it's less because of the war itself than because of what that war is revealing about the world we live in."
"When the history of this war is written, Putin's war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger."
"War between the United States and China is not just possible, it's more likely than most people are prepared to estimate."
"Russia's security policy for 400 years: 'As long as your external borders are flat and open, you're not safe.'"
"There's no reason that we need to have a nuclear war with Russia or China, and yet that's the track that our leaders have taken us."
"Russia was built by its geography and its autocracy...take away one card and the whole house collapses."
"The United States vs Iran, how do the two sides stack up to each other and how would a war between the two play out?"
"The Russian Federation is by no means as coherent and stable as it looks."
"When your starting point is that China is run by a Marxist-Leninist regime that’s committing crimes against humanity and is actively trying to destroy America, everything falls into place."
"Sanctions are a means through which core capitalist states are able to externalize costs of production through a denial of sovereignty."
"In most scenarios, the United States, Taiwan and Japan would succeed in defeating China's conventional amphibious invasion and maintain Taiwan's autonomy."
"If adka does indeed first become encircled and then fall then it'll be very interesting to see how the British defense Ministry and others in the west explain that."
"Ukraine may be able to terminate the conflict within a few days according to military analysts."
"If the question is, 'Will Ukraine have enough troops to defeat Russia,' the answer is an overwhelming 'Yes.'"
"This could be the beginning of the end for Putin."
"The most shocking thing is how vulnerable perhaps we have now opened ourselves up to be."
"The elites are saying it's time to consider the possibility that Israel no longer exists."
"The reality is they're increasingly understanding the western financial system the western empire the unipolar world is dying."
"Increasingly it's impossible to come to any conclusion other than Ukraine is winning."
"What actually happened... is much more nuanced than the Western media would have you believe."
"The U.S. is looking to form a defense alliance on the India-Pacific region similar to NATO. If formed, it would aim to counter China," - Miguel Moreno, NTD News.
"China has taken notes from the war in Ukraine and it probably came up with many conclusions."
"The world won't come to an end, Russia is not the enemy that the West is painting it to be."
"He's made a massive miscalculation, one in terms of how quickly he would take on Ukrainian land."
"The CCP doesn't want the West to perceive a China-Russia relationship going downhill." - Analysis of geopolitical dynamics
"Putin has already lost this war...Putin has suffered a strategic defeat."
"No, there will probably be no war over Finland and Sweden joining NATO."
"Desperation is the easy answer. The worst things have gotten on the ground for the Ukrainians, and the worse case scenario becomes obvious." - Colonel McGregor
"If Putin is so concerned about NATO expansion, isn't his invasion just bringing his border closer to NATO?"
"The tension between the United States and China... is stupid. We need each other."
"If you think it's going to slow down China's ability to defend itself, we have another thing coming."
"If China were to dissolve tomorrow, it wouldn't appreciably change what the Russians would do."