
Mainstream Quotes

There are 476 quotes

"Aiden is the one who made streaming mainstream."
"There's been a lot of scientific advancement from people who have been outside of the mainstream on whatever was the hegemonic view in the scientific community."
"It explains everything. I hope it becomes mainstream for public health."
"I think VR is gonna get mainstream eventually, and that we're going to use it in a lot of ways, not just for entertainment purposes but also for educational purposes."
"Pride is an American celebration and it's been in the mainstream for a while now."
"In the end, all that's really been accomplished is taking an iconic, unique premise with an arguably just as important message about enjoying being you but still being nice and decent to other people who are different, and instead made it exactly like a hundred other mainstream family movies."
"The ideas that I introduced four years ago... today they're kind of mainstream ideas."
"But as Drag Race became part of the mainstream pop culture, so did its stars and their culture."
"If we want the capabilities of having our stories told on the mainstream just as well as it has been on the independent, if we want to normalize our lives outside of the norms that society has deemed acceptable, we can't let up."
"It's cultural victory, the counterculture displacing the mainstream culture."
"The success of Fresh Prince in the mainstream is further proof that hip-hop has become the rock and roll of our era."
"It's always weird when your subculture goes mainstream."
"Everyone starts from underground until they go mainstream. When they go mainstream, you don't hear people saying, 'Oh, you're too mainstream anymore.' It's just how the world is, it's all about perception and patience."
"We're at a point in human history where NFTs are being brought to the mainstream audiences."
"Her career after that wasn't totally dismantled... faded out of the mainstream."
"Games has become a little bit more mainstream, I've been subjected to like the party game."
"Ethereum becoming much more culturally mainstream."
"The claim that this is representative of mainstream... is a problem because this is the mainstream position of every single Islamic scholar in history."
"Conventional critics and mainstream analysts don't get the crypto economy."
"I know people kind of think Your Name went so mainstream it's almost cringe to love it as much as I do."
"Kendrick is the last of a dying breed of conscious rap, where he's bringing conscious rap to the mainstream in a way that is not there now."
"I'm not the type of person who's like I liked it when it was an indie band and then it became a mainstream band and now it sucks."
"Electoral politics brought socialism back into the mainstream."
"We want to bring this to the mainstream for everybody to take advantage of."
"With the success of 'The Dark Knight Returns,' Batman had once again hit the mainstream."
"Not only is my position not so far off the edge of the right, my position was the mainstream position two years ago."
"Mainstream adoption is coming to crypto... the writing is on the wall."
"NFTs have crossed the chasm into mainstream culture."
"We seem to be getting closer, at least in the mainstream context, to really taking serious some of these considerations and starting to try and understand them."
"He's one of our own, that boy, while she's gone a bit more mainstream but he's still one of our own."
"Virtual reality has hit the mainstream, it's happy days!"
"Bringing jrpgs into the mainstream for the first time in western territories"
"It's just nice to see like a mainstream wide-release horror film that feels like a horror film."
"The burden of proof is on the person challenging the mainstream."
"We can get outside of that mainstream frame and explore some of those areas."
"Crypto is going to become even more mainstream and even more widely adopted."
"Investing went completely mainstream with normal people taking up investment like never before."
"People are getting States or encounters With God all over the place and sharing it in a mainstream way."
"Black artists go mainstream, and when those songs aren't mainstream no more, mainstream don't support them anymore."
"The idea of cat girls is so mainstream that out of touch billionaires can use it to make it seem like they still have a soul."
"NFTs are the true mainstream entree to cryptocurrency."
"Insidious: effectively helping indie horror become mainstream."
"Nintendo's switch platform has brought in a mainstream audience."
"I mean, look, it's incredibly out of step with the progressive base, as you mentioned. Honestly, it is out of step with what is mainstream in American politics at this point."
"There's never been a white rapper that has blown up mainstream with street content in the music." - Millie's
"Anime feels like it's on its way to the big boy leagues."
"It is kind of going mainstream right and you have bipartisan Congressional members meeting in these classified skips and discussing it and getting read into it more than ever."
"Psychedelics for therapy. It's becoming more mainstream."
"Parasite actually somewhat got through to the mainstream."
"Gaming is not a kind of edgy subversive thing to do anymore; it's like one of the most popular hobbies."
"What should be mainstream in America is just normal traditional Family Values."
"Some records are meant to be mainstream and pop. Yes, okay. There's nothing wrong with that."
"I think that preparedness is becoming more mainstream and that the average person is doing something about it."
"Teleportation is now available to the mainstream public."
"ECW popularized and brought hardcore wrestling to the Forefront of the mainstream wrestling scene."
"It's amazing how you've been in all these stores. I mean, truly. And I love all YouTubers. I support when they go mainstream but to like get recurring shows I mean, that's very hard."
"...straight up one of the most beautiful looking things mainstream Comics have published this Century."
"Somehow quality does win out and rise some mainstream promise for everybody to share, and that's good for culture everywhere."
"The early 2000s would finally make the zombie more popular than ever and George A Romero would find himself suddenly back in the mainstream consciousness."
"Many things that are unusual today will be mainstream in 10 or 20 or 30 years because of the revolutionaries of the world, the people who are Uranian."
"The fear of being labeled gullible or irrational can be a powerful motivator to deny experiences that don't fit into mainstream beliefs."
"Institutional ownership of Bitcoin is now mainstream."
"We wanted to muck up the mainstream."
"It's becoming more mainstream, I'm seeing people that are coming into the industry with a more business-minded idea."
"What began as a subculture is now omnipresent."
"What was an alternative culture became Mass Market"
"I think if you're in the cartoons and the movies and the video games and if I can buy your shirt at Hot Topic you're not really new anymore."
"Indie animation has never seemed so close to being mainstream."
"Don't just stick with the same type of people that's in your bubble, be brave enough to go listen to, I'm talking about who have massive followings in mainstream."
"The more people that are involved in Fitness and in the fitness industry I think the better."
"People need to stop buying into the ignorant mainstream perception."
"Geek culture became mainstream culture."
"Once you mix that pop element in and you can get ballads that can be on the radio like 'Come as You Are,' you suddenly have an album that's really a juggernaut."
"The rise of new and alternative media has finally broken through and has the numbers and market penetration to overcome the dishonest mainstream media."
"Metal music was now a part of the mainstream."
"I think metal should be mainstream. I want it to be mainstream so we can make a living. Get the [ __ ] out of here with that 'it has to stay underground' nonsense."
"Emo went fully mainstream in 2004. The emo band Dashboard Confessional."
"We're moving now from being everybody's favorite second team into the mainstream."
"In just a decade, his ideas had become part of the mainstream."
"Paranoid is one of the heaviest records of its time, bringing heavy metal to the mainstream."
"Mainstream economists nowadays might not be particularly good at predicting financial crashes, facilitating general prosperity, or coming up with models for preventing climate change."
"Dimash is a great example of bringing an operatic sound into the mainstream."
"I think people are underestimating the normie reach of a live-action adaptation and how many more people the live-action is going to reach than the anime is because as mainstream as anime has become, it is still not as mainstream as live-action television."
"This vibe seemed to be the antidote to our fast-paced technological, globalized world, and 2020 provided the perfect conditions for cottagecore to explode into the mainstream."
"Indie brands are kind of better than any mainstream Brands you can find at Sephora. I'm just gonna say it, they just Indie does it better they really really do."
"Gladis Knight and the Pips embarked on even bigger things in the mainstream with numerous chart-topping smashes."
"I don't actually mind that witchcraft has become mainstream. I neither think it's exceptionally good or exceptionally bad."
"The vast majority of people make the mistake to go to the big names."
"The mainstream has become bigger than ever because we've given up on competing for it."
"Marvel is very much a mainstream brand having produced many blockbuster hits"
"My Hero Academia served as the face of mainstream Shonen."
"Cool is subjective, but with musical theater and with everything... there are no denying that these sort of niche interests like musical theater... have continued to claim more and more mainstream media culture."
"In that time capsule, I hope that this generation will learn and know and bring astrology mainstream to everything."
"If we continue to concede the mainstream to the right, we remain outside."
"The unfortunate truth is your show has to be popular or palpable to white people or have white people in it or they're not going to look."
"We've really helped make the sexy black man mainstream."
"The moment crypto became mainstream was when they hit $1 trillion. That's when people started taking it really seriously."
"Black women are mainstream, and we used to understand that going mainstream was problematic because it was the loss of value system."
"Next, we mentioned mainstream. Something that is mainstream has become accepted by most people as normal."
"I think you got a good balance again, some good mainstream stuff, some beginning to go into some niche as well."
"We believe that truth was there apparent for the people, right? But the people who were trying to spread misguidance instead, they made that more mainstream."
"The Lord of the Rings turning mainstream had turned a lot of people off of it, least of which was its actual author."
"We weren't mainstream. We were pretty radical."
"Being basic is the new alternative."
"So, did this persona actually die or has the hipster become what it always hated: mainstream?"
"It's becoming more and more mainstream as the years go on."
"It's the most pristine clean, homogenized, pasteurized, boring big-budget production ever."
"Mainstream does not mean they had a TikTok song. Mainstream does not mean they sold out this 2000-seat venue in your town."
"Being on the cover of Us Weekly with Britney Spears... getting mobbed on TRL... that is what being truly mainstream famous is."
"Gaming is pretty mainstream now like everyone's playing some form of gaming."
"There are many hurdles for the electric car to still overcome before it can really be accepted as transport for the masses."
"Top Gun Maverick emerged as a throwback to when an action drama for grown-ups could penetrate the mainstream."
"I want to see more of that, you know, metal reaching more of that mainstream audience. I'm like, 'Yo, what better way than through like Eurovision to showcase it in such a fun unique way?'"
"Black Culture was permeating mainstream American culture like never before."
"Your self-published book, if it does well, mainstream publishers are watching the sales of these books."
"Are we hot with the mainstream? I don't know."
"The only way to be in that mainstream thing you gotta be fake but I can't be fake, I've got to be real."
"The better economists among the mainstream... frequently act as if economic propositions are not testable."
"This is the best mainstream large SUV we've yet seen from the Stuttgart star."
"These ideas have contaminated the campuses, but they're getting off the campus and into the mainstream."
"Diabetes was typically seen as a chronic disease... now it's becoming more mainstream this idea that perhaps it is possible to turn back the clock indeed indeed."
"It's like a commercialized version of the underground culture."
"Computing wasn't just turning mainstream, it was completely normalized."
"'Don't Run Away' has no right being this good, it's mainstream ready."
"Electric cars are becoming mainstream."
"I'm kind of excited to start getting into like the more maybe not as mainstream films and Little Indie gems hopefully like this."
"...in my cabin noise testing, I measured 70 decibels at 50 miles an hour, making this one of the quieter mainstream vehicles."
"I think the closer and closer that we get to like 2030 I think the less and less you're going to have to worry about that cuz I think that wrestling is about to enter a mainstream boom that we never really seen before."
"It's gonna be mainstream very, very soon before we even know it."
"I know that season 2 some of the animation was a bit wonky but I think the fan base is the fan base will still watch the fan base will still love because Jutsu kaisen just has that mainstream power energy and people like it you know."
"She's totally gone mainstream in the best way. It kind of sounds like a read, like 'Oh, she's a sellout.' But not that."
"She's gone mainstream in the best way. She just has like, I don't know, whatever it is, it's magic."
"Surfing had always been popular, but the counterculture movement took it into the mainstream."
"So in that sense, it's really no different from most pop music."
"Hip-hop artists are part of pop culture now, see what I'm saying?"
"Just because something is mainstream and people are doing it doesn't mean you gotta do it. You know, if you wouldn't want everyone you know to see it, don't do it."
"Trippy Red has segmented himself as a certified mainstream hitmaker."
"MetaZoo's getting kinda mainstream."
"Why does the government regularly go to such lengths to keep them out of our mainstream paradigm?"
"It's all the more intriguing because it's the work of a large group of impressively credentialed mainstream scientists."
"Wait, hold on, though, yeah? I'm glad you said that because... I understand where that energy comes from because when you've been lied to so many times... you start to have a distrust for the mainstream, which is very reasonable."
"People are shifting to plant-based diets for many, many reasons."
"Plant-based diets are becoming mainstream."
"Mainstream economics, through a whole series of accidental failures, has resulted in a theory of economics which is the exact opposite of what they think they're trying to prove."
"The big danger here, of course, is the final boss. Crypto and web 3 have not gone mainstream yet."
"...yeah no question this is huge yeah this is probably making more famous than anything because we have massive numbers now i'm going mainstream after this yeah there's no question yeah."
"Hip hop is now popular culture. It's not this little subcategory."
"There definitely is a collective perception of success in society, and it's more mainstream that it's down to money."
"Ninja brought pro gaming mainstream."
"Monoculture is the large mainstream culture that most people participate in."
"I get asked to do these mainstream movies or these projects, and it doesn't matter how gung-ho or the producer or the director or even the investors are sometimes."
"Far better to aspire to be a mainstream family comedian."
"It's time for long natural hair to be mainstream."
"They were unquestionably the creative force that defined 1960s mainstream comic books."
"People are looking for any alternative, but the mainstream itself has alternatives that are of much higher quality and are much less money."
"Well, there is no representation finally shows had got a mainstream 7:30 at night show had got a gay character and he was this outrageous you know Unapologetic Camp kind of Whirlwind so I think"
"Give this five to 10 years and awakening will be reasonably mainstream."
"Why do you guys think so many normies are using it?"
"Sci-fi and fantasy became mainstream genres step-by-step."
"I love listening to new music, K-pop is very mainstream now compared to what it was like back in high school."
"What about the other 20 plus artists who are once signed to Young Money too besides King Von who else has really made any noise from Lil Durk's OTF or again nobody on Chief Keef's Glo Gang has even come close to breaking into the mainstream."
"The Last of Us show was mainstream and well-liked, one of the most successful shows on HBO."
"I love Hollywood movies... mainstream Hollywood movies that do something."
"By the time a new it term gains mainstream adoption, it's guaranteed to already have lost its meaning."
"His music broke down barriers and established Latin music in the American mainstream."
"He helped bring mainstream young America into our sport."
"As feminism has become more indisputably mainstream, it’s been increasingly commodified and watered down, to the point where one can brand themselves as a feminist without really thinking about what that means, or meaning anything by it."
"The Spice Girls were explicitly girl power all the time, bluntly preaching empowerment and strength in sisterhood in very mainstream spaces."
"It's crazy that people don't take it seriously. It's still considered not mainstream, it's like underground, sort of like, you know, it could be classed as conspiracy."
"Skateboarding exposes itself to the mainstream world."
"The money started flowing and it became way more mainstream."
"...large sections of the mainstream church are keen to hear the Spirit speaking today."
"Imagine if this one thing were brought into mainstream medicine."
"You cannot have a successful political movement without normies. They're just most of the country."
"Songs like 'Let's Get It On,' 'I'm Too Sexy,' 'We Are the Champions'... songs that you can't even use in movies because they're too on the nose... like there will never ever be a song about not worrying and be happy like 'Don't worry, be happy.'"
"It's not that hard; wrestling deserves to be a mainstream part of the culture."
"That album is really the closest they came to being more of a mainstream, you know, grunge alternative rock band."
"Unlike something like the After series, it just doesn’t seem quite mainstream enough for it to have reached them."
"2021 was a bad year for the mainstream, but good for a few underground niches."
"It's like the worst thing that ever happened to geek culture is that it went mainstream and it became cool."
"...the second boom period The Attitude Era would take wrestling mainstream once more..."
"Electric vehicles are now firmly targeted at mainstream buyers."
"...oh yeah it just felt like one of those type of movies that you just get whoever's mildly hot semi-relevant"
"It's part of the problem is that garfishing really isn't mainstream so nobody makes stuff just for it."
"This might just be the best mainstream hybrid sedan that you can buy."
"Gaming went mainstream and now everyone plays them 18 hours a day."
"This felt like it sparked boxing to the mainstream again."
"There is so much that hasn't been told to us, and it's our responsibility to stay curious and question the mainstream narrative."
"Some of the mixtape beats end up being on some of the biggest singles."
"When you can fire up a Python interpreter and type 'from math import tau', it's safe to say that τ is no longer a fringe phenomenon."
"One of the reasons why it was so easy to skip through the whole heart and soul, the whole [RUSSIAN] and [RUSSIAN] business, is that it is completely mainstream."
"...computers weren't truly mainstream until around the mid '90s onwards."
"Superman 1977 brought superheroes to the mainstream."
"Even if it goes mainstream, it's never watered down."
"Disc golf is now a mainstream activity."
"I think it's going to become more mainstream this year honestly because we built it into iOS 10."
"So there it is becoming quite mainstream and, um, every now and again you can actually see on just popular television programs where, um, these near-death experiences are portrayed."
"Nerd culture started to become cool... Everyone wanted to start streaming and making YouTube videos, anime became mainstream."
"Take what you like to do, what your niche is... marry it with what is popular or mainstream, and put in the work."
"I'm done with that Top 40 whole [ __ ]."