
Social Power Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Facial beauty can be thought of as the key to all human interaction and so it is no surprise how tightly hinged beauty is to social power and success in all areas of life."
"Food is one of the very few things in this world that has the power to bring everybody together."
"The people when they're united are a force to be reckoned with, and I think it's important for us to remember that."
"The ability to rely on mockery as opposed to making arguments is a way of securing social power. It implies that the arguments are beneath you, that the people you're arguing against are like beneath your consideration."
"What happens often in history is that you have a group of people, whether large or small, who don't realize the power they have."
"There's power in [bringing people together]."
"Clout trumps anything, it runs everything, bro."
"All it takes is a basic hello. I know that power that I have."
"This is what a great theorist years ago called the beginnings of dual power when the working class looks for its own power institutions because the existing ones have become irrelevant."
"The power of the people is more powerful than people in power."
"If somebody respects your opinion because they like you, that's a kind of power."
"You want to delegitimize somebody, call them racist because the power lies in the accusation and then you can disregard them."
"The cross is God taking the side of the victim, it's a symbol of that. Now if the powerful in our society, the white people, if they want to become Christians, they have to give up that power."
"Just be glad they're talking about you because the more your name is on their lips, the more powerful you become."
"The wealthier you are, the harder it is to oppress you because people are fearful of attacking people with wealth and power."
"Having freedom in a society requires real power, and the everyday person just doesn't have that."
"Memes are in themselves a representation of the power of the people."
"The conversation that we have is part of the power that we have."
"That shows you the power that the people actually have."
"We're more united than divided, and it's within our power to choose unity."
"I think working-class people should have power."
"The only people that have the power and ability to cancel a Vicky Dillard are black people. That's your power base."
"We are starting to see the emergence of real collective power for groups who until now have never been able to have this kind of media presence."
"The power of the people is stronger than the people in power. Always remember that, folks."
"Socially legitimate domination is power under color of right, one that victims internalize as legitimate because society tells them so."
"Free speech means the people decide and everything else, everything else means the powerful decide."
"The system falsely convinces us that we have no power beyond choosing between evils."
"Striking is good. It really just shows that the power's in the people."
"The power is in the people, and love will change everything."
"Everybody came together, man. Yeah, everybody came together and it shows the power of the messaging."
"Understanding this world, this is the 2022 vibes you have power of some sort and just use it, you know, for the better and hopefully we can all in our own way do something to alleviate that power structure."
"The real check on power comes from the people themselves."
"When we think critically about these people, their power evaporates."
"Don't underestimate the power that's in your hands... every one of you has people in your life who trust you who respect you who care about what you think and how you feel."
"Power belongs to the people, you are what matters, all you needed was a spark to unite together."
"They're telling people that you have many options in love, that puts you in a place of power."
"Racism is about power and systems, and just because someone greets you or smiles in your face doesn't mean they are not still violating your rights."
"It's power dynamics. It's not about logic. It's about power."
"We are gifted with this natural empathy, this ability to enter the thoughts and moods of other people."
"Mastering this language will give you incredible social power."
"We are flexing our social power, we are flexing our economic power, and we are flexing our creative power."
"Influencers have all the power right now."
"The challenge for new power is that it's got this incredible ability to harness the power of the crowd."
"I can't believe... like, it's like this shows you the power of just having a conversation with people, right?"
"There are three principles that form the basis of social power: the control of violence, the control of information, and individual charisma."
"The power to connect is your key to wealth."
"We are born into positions of immense power and influence just by how we behave, how we live our lives."
"...there's power in community, for good or bad."
"Once you have the ability to alert a lot of people on something, no matter what that is, you become an influencer."
"Power is one of the most valuable commodities you can have."
"Why can't we use the power of cancel culture for good instead of bad?"
"Prejudice plus power is the best definition of racism I've come across over the years."
"You have power over people that you don't even know that you have this power over."
"Social power sanctified by the grace of Christ must be improved in winning souls to the Savior."
"Economic power gives you power socially as well."