
Academic Writing Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"A literature review is not the place where you introduce your own original thoughts and ideas. It simply sets the stage so you can do that later on."
"Your conclusion is the last chance you have to make a good impression. Don't make mistakes in the conclusion because that's the last thing that will stick in their grader's mind."
"You'll have to write - very good essays but that's okay I'm gonna teach you how to write a damn good essay."
"Make sure that every word and every sentence is exactly where it needs to be in order to argue a coherent thesis because honestly a video essay is just the same thing as an essay that you would write for school."
"Methodology is really a philosophical stance on research."
"The methodology chapter is, in my experience, usually one of the most enjoyable chapters to write."
"Students that just focus on writing a clear essay write a clear essay and answer the question."
"They finish off their task 2 essay with a clear position, summary of main ideas, and proofreading."
"Academic writing in the humanities is often complex because the use of new and initially obscure terminology that most people wouldn't be familiar with is necessary to express new things about the world around us."
"Oh [ __ ] a dragon" – Abruptly broke off in the middle of a not particularly good essay.
"I suppose the extended phenotype, which is the title of my second book, it's the only book that I wrote with a professional audience in mind."
"Investing the time to actually write a thesis in LaTeX is totally worth it."
"This is what is so nice about LaTeX: everything you just kept track of right as you change the number of citations throughout your document, all of that enumeration will be completely automatic."
"The Jaypee is a much more condensed version of the senior thesis in which you're writing 10 to 20 pages compared to 40 to 50 pages next year."
"The first time I really noticed that I got good in English was when I had to write my first thesis."
"Use relevant literature and evidence in your critically written work."
"What you'll start to see is the more essays that you plan, you can use the same topic and tweak the AO1 focus."
"Literature reviews must contain analysis as well as description."
"We tend to think that academic writing is about facts but really it's about making an arguments that is conceptualized around a problem."
"Your introduction has to be very concise why are you writing the thesis what is the purpose of your research and more importantly what is the aim and your objectives for researching that particular area."
"Writing a peer review paper, remember you're not expected to know this. It's not particularly intuitive, it's technical dense, it's not the best way science could be reported these days, I believe. So do go seek help and you will get better as you produce more and more."
"Every paper he's ever written that I've read honestly it is a work of art."
"...it is my hope that this short paper has provided an example of how to approach a difficult text in this way..."
"Your title should contain the topic, population, overall context, and methodology. Incorporate all four elements to create a strong, informative title."
"Your introduction section should focus on key concepts, terminology, and provide an overview of the broad topic. State your research problem, research gap, significance, aims, and objectives clearly."
"Make sure you have a solid title, defined research problem, clear methodology, and a comprehensive list of references. Your literature review should provide context, while your methodology outlines how you will conduct your research."
"You're looking for these kinds of terms: future research, further research is needed, research opportunities, or research directions."
"A history book is expository writing because it's more academic, so it gives us some context and some information about a subject like history."
"...then you will have a really great personal statement."
"...the skeleton of the essay should look like an introduction that's three to four sentences long and paraphrases the argument and states why it's flawed and concludes X and Y and then body paragraph one which should be the biggest flaw in the argument..."
"...establishing the form of the essay that's roughly still in use today though it's a lot more rigorous and structured now and there's a tight thesis."
"Use theory to develop linkages; this will strengthen your literature review."
"Your background should point out problem areas within the overall subject area and narrow down the particular area that you're going to be investigating."
"Discussion section is a really important section... leave yourself plenty of time for your discussion."
"The problem statement is the cornerstone of your dissertation."
"This is a very important step in doing a literature review."
"The title is the most visible part of the manuscript to researchers."
"Once we've got that, we can then go on to analyzing our data and then writing it up."
"Your project, whether it is a thesis, dissertation, or any other kind of culminating assignment, it needs to all go together, it needs to be the same story."
"It's a really super article to help you develop your question and proceed through the systematic review process."
"The hardest bit is done, I would say, and at that point, it's just like editing it, giving it to teachers, giving it to people to read."
"Paraphrasing is very important to writing."
"Qualify your articles; make sure the information is going to help your research."
"Give your thesis statement, we call it a thesis statement in college and academic settings; in business, you might call it your main point or your central idea."
"This book influenced the world as to how calculus books are written."
"Make certain your thesis is debatable, make sure you can support it with evidence from the text."
"If you want to apply for a grant, one of the most important parts of the proposal is what is the research gap, what is your contribution."
"So why not writing a literature review paper when we have this chance?"
"This is why this paper is very important."
"You develop your writing, you develop your thinking about your project, and then the paper writes itself."
"A PhD will give you some specific skills like the ability to learn, the ability to write well-presented documents."
"The methodology chapter is not just there to say what you did, but it is so that other people could repeat it."
"Coming up with a thorough future work section of your paper is a very big contribution of your systematic review article."
"I hope that you found these tips and suggestions useful because I definitely think this will help you immensely improve your academic writing."
"Many researchers find referencing difficult... the best practice is to recognize the source you got that idea from, and this is called referencing."
"The process of referencing and writing is also made easier."
"You will find [software] notes particularly helpful when writing your literature review."
"This is by far the nicest way to do citations because you can stop thinking about having to waste time formatting citations and actually focus on the document that you're writing."
"Make sure to write a plan for the essays and have a clear structure."
"I hope you're feeling confident, motivated, excited to go out there and write your academic papers."
"Make sure the structure of your PhD is enabling your argument to be presented well."
"A good thesis statement tells us what the paper is going to be about and generally is pretty specific."
"Good grammar is required for academic assignments, essays, and research papers."
"Good college paper writing is not about being a good writer; it's about knowing how to effectively answer your writing prompt in a logical order that flows."
"Think like a mountain, write like a scholar, and make sure to get eight hours of sleep tonight."
"Long papers... move beyond just outlining an existing debate to providing a novel solution, argument, or objection."
"The paper is very well organized; it takes you through it and sort of builds a story."
"In conclusion, there are uncountable reasons to..."
"While it may be the case that, I feel that..."
"Research, analysis, and essay writing will help you be better at visual research for your design projects."
"If you finish early, improve the depth of that conclusion in one or both of your 25 markers."
"This is a very interesting way to systematically collect data from each paper and use that for writing your literature review."
"Writing the introduction and discussion from related literature will not be repetitive."
"They establish the ground for existing knowledge to be extended and they're supposed to lead the reader through a kind of narrative of what's passed."
"Citation is basically a reference to the source of information used in your research."
"The title should describe what the paper is about."
"You must also know your target audience, which is the readership of the journal you plan to submit your manuscript to."
"If you want to do good research, if you want to write a paper, you have to write a very clear paper."
"If your findings strengthen existing ideas or theories, mention that."
"Keeping a journal or a research diary is really important when you're writing your dissertation or maybe you're writing a paper."
"I've written a lot of papers and books in the math field and stats over the last 20 years, and every single one has either used LaTeX or Sweave."
"The whole point of the literature review is you are saying here is what the literature says here is what it does not say and this is how my study is going to address those gaps."
"Any textual references you make should be cited appropriately in the footnotes."
"APA style involves being very precise with how you format things."
"Once you remember those two little things... you'll be good for every other paper that you do with APA style."
"The APA 7th edition came out in October of 2019, and there are a number of changes between the sixth and seventh editions."
"Paraphrasing is effectively when you put something you've read into your own words."
"The four elements of a reference list citation are: who, which is the author; when, which is the year; what, which is the title; and where, which is the source information."
"Writing accurate references is important for giving credit to other people's contributions to your own work."
"Impress your professors with a flurry of words."
"One thing you must do is refer to your tables in the text."
"Doing all of this planning beforehand is going to make it so much easier when you're writing your IA because you're basically just following instructions and steps from your past self."
"Make sure that you've really finessed your draft to the best of your ability before you give it to your teacher for feedback."
"Everything you write should help answer your research question."
"Make sure you have a clear thesis statement."
"It's the most important sentence in your paper; it's going to answer the question of what you're trying to prove and why."
"Welcome to the Smart Student channel where today we're going to talk about APA formatted section headings."
"Section headings are the number one way to show your professor that you've written about exactly what you're supposed to do."
"You have five different levels under APA seventh edition."
"What you label your section headings is completely up to you."
"You will always use words to describe that section."
"There is flexibility on how you include your section headings in your paper."
"Look at the last section in your paper; if it's complex, meaning there's quite a few sub-sections in it, go ahead and include the conclusion as its own level one main section heading."
"The key to identifying this type of question is the fact that you're required to discuss both views."
"In-text citation is how you avoid plagiarism because again, that's how you credit the author."
"Knowing how to create a mixed-methods title, knowing how to put together a mixed-methods question."
"They just want you to show that you get it by how you use it within your paper."
"All citations should host some type of written attribution in your voice, allowing you to control the narrative of your academic paper."
"This is the meat of the matter; this is the main course."
"If your essay is going to be clear, it needs to be logical and organized."
"The main aim of that chapter is to situate your research findings in terms of your research questions and to relate that back to the available existing literature."
"Once you have collected data, the second half of your academic paper should become your focus."